I want to convert this nested loops in recursion. How do I achieve this?
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for(let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
Here another example of this recursion:
function loop(i,j,limitI,limitJ){
if(i>=limitI) return;
if(j>=limitJ) loop(i+1,0,limitI,limitJ);
Generic function product calculates the Cartesian product of its inputs - You can polyfill Array.prototype.flatMap if it's not already in your environment
Array.prototype.flatMap = function (f, context)
return this.reduce ((acc, x) => acc.concat (f (x)), [])
const product = (first = [], ...rest) =>
const loop = (comb, first, ...rest) =>
rest.length === 0
? first.map (x => [ ...comb, x ])
: first.flatMap (x => loop ([ ...comb, x ], ...rest))
return loop ([], first, ...rest)
const suits =
['♤', '♡', '♧', '♢']
const ranks =
['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K']
for (const card of product (ranks, suits))
console.log (card)
// [ 'A', '♤' ]
// [ 'A', '♡' ]
// [ 'A', '♧' ]
// [ 'A', '♢' ]
// [ '2', '♤' ]
// ...
// [ 'Q', '♧' ]
// [ 'K', '♤' ]
// [ 'K', '♡' ]
// [ 'K', '♧' ]
// [ 'K', '♢' ]
product is a variadic function (by use of a rest parameter) which accepts 1 or more inputs
const range = (min = 0, max = 0) =>
max < min
? []
: [ min, ...range (min + 1, max) ]
const r =
range (0, 2)
for (const comb of product (r, r, r))
console.log (comb)
// [ 0, 0, 0 ]
// [ 0, 0, 1 ]
// [ 0, 0, 2 ]
// [ 0, 1, 0 ]
// ...
// [ 2, 1, 2 ]
// [ 2, 2, 0 ]
// [ 2, 2, 1 ]
// [ 2, 2, 2 ]
Using destructuring assignment, you can effectively create nested loops
for (const [ i, j ] of product (range (0, 5), range (0, 5)))
console.log ("i %d, j %d", i, j)
// i 0, j 0
// i 0, j 1
// i 0, j 2
// i 0, j 3
// i 0, j 4
// i 0, j 5
// i 1, j 0
// ...
// i 4, j 5
// i 5, j 0
// i 5, j 1
// i 5, j 2
// i 5, j 3
// i 5, j 4
// i 5, j 5
product can also be written using generators - below, we find all perfect Pythagorean triples under 20
const product = function* (first, ...rest)
const loop = function* (comb, first, ...rest)
if (rest.length === 0)
for (const x of first)
yield [ ...comb, x ]
for (const x of first)
yield* loop ([ ...comb, x ], ...rest)
yield* loop ([], first, ...rest)
const range = (min = 0, max = 0) =>
max < min
? []
: [ min, ...range (min + 1, max) ]
const pythagTriple = (x, y, z) =>
(x * x) + (y * y) === (z * z)
const solver = function* (max = 20)
const N = range (1, max)
for (const [ x, y, z ] of product (N, N, N))
if (pythagTriple (x, y, z))
yield [ x, y, z ]
console.log ('solutions:', Array.from (solver (20)))
// solutions:
// [ [ 3, 4, 5 ]
// , [ 4, 3, 5 ]
// , [ 5, 12, 13 ]
// , [ 6, 8, 10 ]
// , [ 8, 6, 10 ]
// , [ 8, 15, 17 ]
// , [ 9, 12, 15 ]
// , [ 12, 5, 13 ]
// , [ 12, 9, 15 ]
// , [ 12, 16, 20 ]
// , [ 15, 8, 17 ]
// , [ 16, 12, 20 ]
// ]
I think using map (and reduce), while it allows for more complex recursive structures as you demonstrate, is actually an implicit for loop, which does not really answer the question on how to convert one into a recurrence. However, if you also defined a recursive map and reduce, then it would be OK :) - גלעד ברקן
Your wish is my command :D
const Empty =
Symbol ()
const concat = (xs, ys) =>
xs.concat (ys)
const append = (xs, x) =>
concat (xs, [ x ])
const reduce = (f, acc = null, [ x = Empty, ...xs ]) =>
x === Empty
? acc
: reduce (f, f (acc, x), xs)
const mapReduce = (m, r) =>
(acc, x) => r (acc, m (x))
const map = (f, xs = []) =>
reduce (mapReduce (f, append), [], xs)
const flatMap = (f, xs = []) =>
reduce (mapReduce (f, concat), [], xs)
const product = (first = [], ...rest) =>
const loop = (comb, first, ...rest) =>
rest.length === 0
? map (x => append (comb, x), first)
: flatMap (x => loop (append (comb, x), ...rest), first)
return loop ([], first, ...rest)
const suits =
['♤', '♡', '♧', '♢']
const ranks =
['A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K']
for (const card of product (ranks, suits))
console.log (card)
// same output as above
I don't recommend this but you can do following(as it is difficult to read, for readability and understandability your code is best).
function forLoop(i,j){
Here's my rendition:
function nested(i, j, maxI, maxJ) {
if (i == maxI) return
console.log(i, j)
if (i < maxI) {
++j < maxJ ? nested(i, j, maxI, maxJ) : nested(++i, 0, maxI, maxJ)
nested(0, 0, 5, 5)
This is an alternative.
This approach uses param initialization with comma operator (just to make the code shorter).
Additionally, an operator param (callback) to execute any logic for each iteration.
function loop(n, operator, i = 0, j = 0) { // Param initialization.
if (j === n) (j = 0, i++); // Comma operator.
if (i === n) return;
operator(i, j);
loop(n, operator, i, ++j);
loop(5, (i, j) => console.log(i, j));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
You could use an array for limit and values. The order is reversed, because of the incrementing of the lowest index first.
This works for an arbitrary count of nested loops and it allowes to use an arbitrary limit of the max values.
function iter(limit, values = limit.map(_ => 0)) {
console.log(values.join(' '));
values = values.reduce((r, v, i) => {
r[i] = (r[i] || 0) + v;
if (r[i] >= limit[i]) {
r[i] = 0;
r[i + 1] = (r[i + 1] || 0) + 1;
return r;
}, [1]);
if (values.length > limit.length) {
iter(limit, values);
iter([2, 3]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Here's an outline of a "recurrence relation," where "each further term of the sequence ... is defined as a function of the preceding terms."
As you are probably aware, recursive functions usually have at least one base case, terminating the recursion, and at least one recursive call. To find a pattern, let's examine the sequence:
Our base case, where the call to a preceding parameter terminates, seems to be 0,0. But this is also where the console logs begin, which means we first have to call all the way back to the base case. For convenience, let's assume the function expects positive parameters:
function f(i, j){
if (i == 0 && j == 0){
We can also notice that the outer loop, the i, stays constant for each cycle of js:
function f(i, j){
if (i == 0 && j == 0){
if (j == 0)
// ... what happens here?
but here we get stuck. When j is greater than zero, we can determine that the current term came from f(i, j - 1), but if j is zero in the current term, we have no way of formulating what it was in the preceding term. We need one more parameter:
function f(i, j, jj){
if (i == 0 && j == 0){
if (j == 0)
f(i - 1, jj, jj);
f(i, j - 1, jj);
You could recurse by taking a depth and the values to iterate:
function loop(start, end, depth, exit, ...args){
for(let i = start; i < end; i++)
depth ? loop(start, end, depth - 1, exit, ...args, i) : exit(...args, i);
Usable as:
loop(0, 5, 1, (i, j) => console.log(i, j))
The only real usecase would be deeper loops, e.g. this one
If you want it completely without for:
const range = (start, end, cb) =>
(cb(start), start + 1 >= end || range (start + 1, end, cb));
function loop(start, end, depth, exit, ...args){
range(start, end, i =>
depth ? loop(start, end, depth - 1, exit, ...args, i) : exit(...args, i));
Try it
Transforming a nested for loop into its recursive counterpart is surprisingly hard. Good question!
You can transform every loop (without a stack) into a tail recursive algorithm. So this rule should hold for a nested loop too.
I think we need two distinct functions to get something equivalent to your two nested loops:
const loop = ([i, j], [k, l]) => {
const loop_ = (k_, l_) => {
if (k_ >= l_) return;
else {
console.log(i, k_);
loop_(k_ + 1, l_);
if (i >= j) return;
else {
loop_(k, l);
loop([i + 1, j], [k, l]);
loop([0, 5], [0, 5]);
You have to pass ranges for both the out and the inner loop.
As you can see both recursive calls are in tail position. I think this is the closest equivalent we can get.
suggested solution
function recurse(arg1=0, arg2=0, cb) {
if ( arg2 <= 5 ) {
let _l = arg2++;
if ( arg1 === 5 )
return ;
if ( ++_l === 6 ) {
arg2 = 0;
cb(arg1++, arg2);
recurse(arg1, arg2, cb);
} else {
cb(arg1, arg2 - 1);
recurse(arg1, arg2, cb);
recurse( 0 , 0 , (i,j) => console.log(i,j));
I have a multidimensional array. The primary array is an array of
What I am trying to do is sort the array by owner_name and then by publication_name. I know in JavaScript you have Array.sort(), into which you can put a custom function, in my case i have:
function mysortfunction(a, b) {
var x = a[3].toLowerCase();
var y = b[3].toLowerCase();
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
This is fine for just sorting on the one column, namely owner_name, but how do I modify it to sort on owner_name, then publication_name?
If owner names differ, sort by them. Otherwise, use publication name for tiebreaker.
function mysortfunction(a, b) {
var o1 = a[3].toLowerCase();
var o2 = b[3].toLowerCase();
var p1 = a[1].toLowerCase();
var p2 = b[1].toLowerCase();
if (o1 < o2) return -1;
if (o1 > o2) return 1;
if (p1 < p2) return -1;
if (p1 > p2) return 1;
return 0;
I think what you're looking for is thenBy.js: https://github.com/Teun/thenBy.js
It allows you to use the standard Array.sort, but with firstBy().thenBy().thenBy() style.
An example can be seen here.
A good way to sort on many fields that are strings is to use toLocaleCompare and the boolean operator ||.
Something like:
// Sorting record releases by name and then by title.
releases.sort((oldRelease, newRelease) => {
const compareName = oldRelease.name.localeCompare(newRelease.name);
const compareTitle = oldRelease.title.localeCompare(newRelease.title);
return compareName || compareTitle;
If you wanted to sort on more fields, you could simply chain them off the return statement with more boolean operators.
Came across a need to do SQL-style mixed asc and desc object array sorts by keys.
kennebec's solution above helped me get to this:
Array.prototype.keySort = function(keys) {
keys = keys || {};
// via
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5223/length-of-javascript-object-ie-associative-array
var obLen = function(obj) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
return size;
// avoiding using Object.keys because I guess did it have IE8 issues?
// else var obIx = function(obj, ix){ return Object.keys(obj)[ix]; } or
// whatever
var obIx = function(obj, ix) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (size == ix)
return key;
return false;
var keySort = function(a, b, d) {
d = d !== null ? d : 1;
// a = a.toLowerCase(); // this breaks numbers
// b = b.toLowerCase();
if (a == b)
return 0;
return a > b ? 1 * d : -1 * d;
var KL = obLen(keys);
if (!KL)
return this.sort(keySort);
for ( var k in keys) {
// asc unless desc or skip
keys[k] =
keys[k] == 'desc' || keys[k] == -1 ? -1
: (keys[k] == 'skip' || keys[k] === 0 ? 0
: 1);
this.sort(function(a, b) {
var sorted = 0, ix = 0;
while (sorted === 0 && ix < KL) {
var k = obIx(keys, ix);
if (k) {
var dir = keys[k];
sorted = keySort(a[k], b[k], dir);
return sorted;
return this;
sample usage:
var obja = [
{USER:"bob", SCORE:2000, TIME:32, AGE:16, COUNTRY:"US"},
{USER:"jane", SCORE:4000, TIME:35, AGE:16, COUNTRY:"DE"},
{USER:"tim", SCORE:1000, TIME:30, AGE:17, COUNTRY:"UK"},
{USER:"mary", SCORE:1500, TIME:31, AGE:19, COUNTRY:"PL"},
{USER:"joe", SCORE:2500, TIME:33, AGE:18, COUNTRY:"US"},
{USER:"sally", SCORE:2000, TIME:30, AGE:16, COUNTRY:"CA"},
{USER:"yuri", SCORE:3000, TIME:34, AGE:19, COUNTRY:"RU"},
{USER:"anita", SCORE:2500, TIME:32, AGE:17, COUNTRY:"LV"},
{USER:"mark", SCORE:2000, TIME:30, AGE:18, COUNTRY:"DE"},
{USER:"amy", SCORE:1500, TIME:29, AGE:19, COUNTRY:"UK"}
var sorto = {
SCORE:"desc",TIME:"asc", AGE:"asc"
yields the following:
0: { USER: jane; SCORE: 4000; TIME: 35; AGE: 16; COUNTRY: DE; }
1: { USER: yuri; SCORE: 3000; TIME: 34; AGE: 19; COUNTRY: RU; }
2: { USER: anita; SCORE: 2500; TIME: 32; AGE: 17; COUNTRY: LV; }
3: { USER: joe; SCORE: 2500; TIME: 33; AGE: 18; COUNTRY: US; }
4: { USER: sally; SCORE: 2000; TIME: 30; AGE: 16; COUNTRY: CA; }
5: { USER: mark; SCORE: 2000; TIME: 30; AGE: 18; COUNTRY: DE; }
6: { USER: bob; SCORE: 2000; TIME: 32; AGE: 16; COUNTRY: US; }
7: { USER: amy; SCORE: 1500; TIME: 29; AGE: 19; COUNTRY: UK; }
8: { USER: mary; SCORE: 1500; TIME: 31; AGE: 19; COUNTRY: PL; }
9: { USER: tim; SCORE: 1000; TIME: 30; AGE: 17; COUNTRY: UK; }
keySort: { }
(using a print function from here)
here is a jsbin example.
edit: cleaned up and posted as mksort.js on github.
This is handy for alpha sorts of all sizes.
Pass it the indexes you want to sort by, in order, as arguments.
Array.prototype.deepSortAlpha= function(){
var itm, L=arguments.length, order=arguments;
var alphaSort= function(a, b){
a= a.toLowerCase();
b= b.toLowerCase();
if(a== b) return 0;
return a> b? 1:-1;
if(!L) return this.sort(alphaSort);
this.sort(function(a, b){
var tem= 0, indx=0;
while(tem==0 && indx<L){
tem= alphaSort(a[itm], b[itm]);
return tem;
return this;
var arr= [[ "Nilesh","Karmshil"], ["Pranjal","Deka"], ["Susants","Ghosh"],
["Shiv","Shankar"], ["Javid","Ghosh"], ["Shaher","Banu"], ["Javid","Rashid"]];
I suggest to use a built in comparer and chain the wanted sort order with logical or ||.
function customSort(a, b) {
return a[3].localeCompare(b[3]) || a[1].localeCompare(b[1]);
Working example:
var array = [
[0, 'Aluminium', 0, 'Francis'],
[1, 'Argon', 1, 'Ada'],
[2, 'Brom', 2, 'John'],
[3, 'Cadmium', 3, 'Marie'],
[4, 'Fluor', 3, 'Marie'],
[5, 'Gold', 1, 'Ada'],
[6, 'Kupfer', 4, 'Ines'],
[7, 'Krypton', 4, 'Joe'],
[8, 'Sauerstoff', 3, 'Marie'],
[9, 'Zink', 5, 'Max']
array.sort(function (a, b) {
return a[3].localeCompare(b[3]) || a[1].localeCompare(b[1]);
array.forEach(function (a) {
document.write(JSON.stringify(a) + '<br>');
You could concat the 2 variables together into a sortkey and use that for your comparison.
var aCat = a.var1 + a.var2;
var bCat = b.var1 + b.var2;
return (aCat > bCat ? 1 : aCat < bCat ? -1 : 0);
I found multisotr. This is simple, powerfull and small library for multiple sorting. I was need to sort an array of objects with dynamics sorting criteria:
const criteria = ['name', 'speciality']
const data = [
{ name: 'Mike', speciality: 'JS', age: 22 },
{ name: 'Tom', speciality: 'Java', age: 30 },
{ name: 'Mike', speciality: 'PHP', age: 40 },
{ name: 'Abby', speciality: 'Design', age: 20 },
const sorted = multisort(data, criteria)
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/peterkhayes/multisort/master/multisort.js"></script>
This library more mutch powerful, that was my case. Try it.
String Appending Method
You can sort by multiple values simply by appending the values into a string and comparing the strings. It is helpful to add a split key character to prevent runoff from one key to the next.
const arr = [
{ a: 1, b: 'a', c: 3 },
{ a: 2, b: 'a', c: 5 },
{ a: 1, b: 'b', c: 4 },
{ a: 2, b: 'a', c: 4 }
function sortBy (arr, keys, splitKeyChar='~') {
return arr.sort((i1,i2) => {
const sortStr1 = keys.reduce((str, key) => str + splitKeyChar+i1[key], '')
const sortStr2 = keys.reduce((str, key) => str + splitKeyChar+i2[key], '')
return sortStr1.localeCompare(sortStr2)
console.log(sortBy(arr, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
Recursion Method
You can also use Recursion to do this. It is a bit more complex than the String Appending Method but it allows you to do ASC and DESC on the key level. I'm commenting on each section as it is a bit more complex.
There are a few commented out tests to show and verify the sorting works with a mixture of order and default order.
const arr = [
{ a: 1, b: 'a', c: 3 },
{ a: 2, b: 'a', c: 5 },
{ a: 1, b: 'b', c: 4 },
{ a: 2, b: 'a', c: 4 }
function sortBy (arr, keys) {
return arr.sort(function sort (i1,i2, sKeys=keys) {
// Get order and key based on structure
const compareKey = (sKeys[0].key) ? sKeys[0].key : sKeys[0];
const order = sKeys[0].order || 'ASC'; // ASC || DESC
// Calculate compare value and modify based on order
let compareValue = i1[compareKey].toString().localeCompare(i2[compareKey].toString())
compareValue = (order.toUpperCase() === 'DESC') ? compareValue * -1 : compareValue
// See if the next key needs to be considered
const checkNextKey = compareValue === 0 && sKeys.length !== 1
// Return compare value
return (checkNextKey) ? sort(i1, i2, sKeys.slice(1)): compareValue;
// console.log(sortBy(arr, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
console.log(sortBy(arr, [{key:'a',order:'desc'}, 'b', 'c']))
// console.log(sortBy(arr, ['a', 'b', {key:'c',order:'desc'}]))
// console.log(sortBy(arr, ['a', {key:'b',order:'desc'}, 'c']))
// console.log(sortBy(arr, [{key:'a',order:'asc'}, {key:'b',order:'desc'}, {key:'c',order:'desc'}]))
Try this:
t.sort( (a,b)=> a[3].localeCompare(b[3]) || a[1].localeCompare(b[1]) );
let t = [
//[publicationID, publication_name, ownderID, owner_name ]
[1, 'ZBC', 3, 'John Smith'],
[2, 'FBC', 5, 'Mike Tyson'],
[3, 'ABC', 7, 'Donald Duck'],
[4, 'DBC', 1, 'Michael Jackson'],
[5, 'XYZ', 2, 'Michael Jackson'],
[6, 'BBC', 4, 'Michael Jackson'],
// owner_name subarrray index = 3
// publication_name subarrray index = 1
t.sort( (a,b)=> a[3].localeCompare(b[3]) || a[1].localeCompare(b[1]) );
I assume that your data in array let t = [ [publicationID, publication_name, ownderID, owner_name ], ... ] where index of owner_name = 3 and publication_name =1.
I was working with ng-grid and needed to to multiple column sorting on an array of records returned from an API, so I came up with this nifty, dynamic multi-sort function.
First of all, ng-grid fires an "event" for "ngGridSorted" and passes this structure back, describing the sort:
sortData = {
columns: DOM Element,
directions: [], //Array of string values desc or asc. Each index relating to the same index of fields
fields: [], //Array of string values
So I built a function that will dynamically generate a sort function based on the sortData as shown above (Don't be scared by the scroll bar! It's only about 50 lines long! Also, I'm sorry about the slop. It prevented a horizontal scrollbar!):
function SortingFunction(sortData)
this.sortData = sortData;
this.sort = function(a, b)
var retval = 0;
var i = 0;
Determine if there is a column that both entities (a and b)
have that are not exactly equal. The first one that we find
will be the column we sort on. If a valid column is not
located, then we will return 0 (equal).
while( ( !a.hasOwnProperty(this.sortData.fields[i])
|| !b.hasOwnProperty(this.sortData.fields[i])
|| (a.hasOwnProperty(this.sortData.fields[i])
&& b.hasOwnProperty(this.sortData.fields[i])
&& a[this.sortData.fields[i]] === b[this.sortData.fields[i]])
) && i < this.sortData.fields.length){
if(i < this.sortData.fields.length)
A valid column was located for both entities
in the SortData. Now perform the sort.
&& i < this.sortData.directions.length
&& this.sortData.directions[i] === 'desc')
if(a[this.sortData.fields[i]] > b[this.sortData.fields[i]])
retval = -1;
else if(a[this.sortData.fields[i]] < b[this.sortData.fields[i]])
retval = 1;
if(a[this.sortData.fields[i]] < b[this.sortData.fields[i]])
retval = -1;
else if(a[this.sortData.fields[i]] > b[this.sortData.fields[i]])
retval = 1;
return retval;
I then sort the results of my API (results) like so:
results.sort(new SortingFunction(sortData).sort);
I hope somebody else enjoys this solution as much as I do! Thanks!
I had a similar problem while displaying memory pool blocks from the output of some virtual DOM h-functions composition. Basically I faced to the same problem as sorting multi-criteria data like scoring results from players around the world.
I have noticed that multi-criteria sorting is:
- sort by the first column
- if equal, sort by the second
- if equal, sort by the third
- etc... nesting and nesting if-else
And if you don't care, you could fail quickly in a if-else nesting hell... like callback hell of promises...
What about if we write a "predicate" function to decide if which part of alternative using ? The predicate is simply :
// useful for chaining test
const decide = (test, other) => test === 0 ? other : test
Now after having written your classifying tests (byCountrySize, byAge, byGameType, byScore, byLevel...) whatever who need, you can weight your tests (1 = asc, -1 = desc, 0 = disable), put them in an array, and apply a reducing 'decide' function like this:
const multisort = (s1, s2) => {
const bcs = -1 * byCountrySize(s1, s2) // -1 = desc
const ba = 1 *byAge(s1, s2)
const bgt = 0 * byGameType(s1, s2) // 0 = doesn't matter
const bs = 1 * byScore(s1, s2)
const bl = -1 * byLevel(s1, s2) // -1 = desc
// ... other weights and criterias
// array order matters !
return [bcs, ba, bgt, bs, bl].reduce((acc, val) => decide(val, acc), 0)
// invoke [].sort with custom sort...
And voila ! It's up to you to define your own criterias / weights / orders... but you get the idea. Hope this helps !
* ensure that there is a total sorting order on each column
* be aware of not having dependencies between columns orders, and no circular dependencies
if, not, sorting can be unstable !
function multiSort() {
var args =$.makeArray( arguments ),
sortOrder=1, prop='', aa='', b='';
return function (a, b) {
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++){
else{sortOrder=1; prop=args[i]}
aa = a[prop].toLowerCase()
bb = b[prop].toLowerCase()
if (aa < bb) return -1 * sortOrder;
if (aa > bb) return 1 * sortOrder;
return 0
empArray.sort(multiSort( 'lastname','firstname')) Reverse with '-lastname'
My own library for working with ES6 iterables (blinq) allows (among other things) easy multi-level sorting
const blinq = window.blinq.blinq
// or import { blinq } from 'blinq'
// or const { blinq } = require('blinq')
const dates = [{
day: 1, month: 10, year: 2000
day: 1, month: 1, year: 2000
day: 2, month: 1, year: 2000
day: 1, month: 1, year: 1999
day: 1, month: 1, year: 2000
const sortedDates = blinq(dates)
.orderBy(x => x.year)
.thenBy(x => x.month)
.thenBy(x => x.day);
// or console.log([...sortedDates])
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/blinq#2.0.2"></script>
I have just published to npm a micro-library called sort-helper (source on github). The idea is to import the helper by to create the comparison function for sort array method through the syntax items.sort(by(column, ...otherColumns)), with several way to express the columns to sort by:
By key: persons.sort(by('lastName', 'firstName')),
By selector: dates.sort(by(x => x.toISOString())),
In descending order: [3, 2, 4, 1].sort(by(desc(n => n))) → [3, 2, 1, 0],
Ignoring case: ['B', 'D', 'c', 'a'].sort(by(ignoreCase(x => x))).join('') → 'aBcD'.
It's similar to the nice thenBy mentioned in this answer but with the following differences that may be more to the taste of some:
An approach more functional than object-oriented (see thenBy fluent API),
A syntax a bit terser and still as much readable, natural almost like SQL.
Fully implemented in TypeScript, to benefit from type safety and type expressivity.
Sourced from GitHub
function sortMethodAsc(a, b) {
return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1;
function sortMethodWithDirection(direction) {
if (direction === undefined || direction == "asc") {
return sortMethodAsc;
} else {
return function(a, b) {
return -sortMethodAsc(a, b);
function sortMethodWithDirectionByColumn(columnName, direction){
const sortMethod = sortMethodWithDirection(direction)
return function(a, b){
return sortMethod(a[columnName], b[columnName]);
function sortMethodWithDirectionMultiColumn(sortArray) {
//sample of sortArray
// sortArray = [
// { column: "column5", direction: "asc" },
// { column: "column3", direction: "desc" }
// ]
const sortMethodsForColumn = (sortArray || []).map( item => sortMethodWithDirectionByColumn(item.column, item.direction) );
return function(a,b) {
let sorted = 0;
let index = 0;
while (sorted === 0 && index < sortMethodsForColumn.length) {
sorted = sortMethodsForColumn[index++](a,b);
return sorted;
var data = [
{"CountryName":"Arab World","CountryCode":"ARB","GNI":280},{"CountryName":"United Arab Emirates","CountryCode":"ARE","GNI":39130},
{"CountryName":"Argentina","CountryCode":"ARG","GNI":13030},{"CountryName":"Armenia","CountryCode":"ARM","GNI":3990},{"CountryName":"American Samoa","CountryCode":"ASM","GNI":280},
{"CountryName":"Antigua and Barbuda","CountryCode":"ATG","GNI":13810},{"CountryName":"Australia","CountryCode":"AUS","GNI":51360},
{"CountryName":"Belgium","CountryCode":"BEL","GNI":41790},{"CountryName":"Benin","CountryCode":"BEN","GNI":800},{"CountryName":"Burkina Faso","CountryCode":"BFA","GNI":590},
{"CountryName":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","CountryCode":"BIH","GNI":4910},{"CountryName":"Belarus","CountryCode":"BLR","GNI":5280},
{"CountryName":"Barbados","CountryCode":"BRB","GNI":15270},{"CountryName":"Brunei Darussalam","CountryCode":"BRN","GNI":29600},
{"CountryName":"Central African Republic","CountryCode":"CAF","GNI":390},{"CountryName":"Canada","CountryCode":"CAN","GNI":42870},
{"CountryName":"Central Europe and the Baltics","CountryCode":"CEB","GNI":13009},{"CountryName":"Switzerland","CountryCode":"CHE","GNI":80560},
{"CountryName":"Chile","CountryCode":"CHL","GNI":13610},{"CountryName":"China","CountryCode":"CHN","GNI":8690},{"CountryName":"Cote d'Ivoire","CountryCode":"CIV","GNI":1580},
{"CountryName":"Cabo Verde","CountryCode":"CPV","GNI":3030},{"CountryName":"Costa Rica","CountryCode":"CRI","GNI":11120},
{"CountryName":"Caribbean small states","CountryCode":"CSS","GNI":8909},{"CountryName":"Cyprus","CountryCode":"CYP","GNI":23720},
{"CountryName":"Czech Republic","CountryCode":"CZE","GNI":18160},{"CountryName":"Germany","CountryCode":"DEU","GNI":43490},
{"CountryName":"Dominican Republic","CountryCode":"DOM","GNI":6630},{"CountryName":"Algeria","CountryCode":"DZA","GNI":3940},
{"CountryName":"East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)","CountryCode":"EAP","GNI":6987},{"CountryName":"Early-demographic dividend","CountryCode":"EAR","GNI":3352},
{"CountryName":"East Asia & Pacific","CountryCode":"EAS","GNI":10171},{"CountryName":"Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income)","CountryCode":"ECA","GNI":7375},
{"CountryName":"Europe & Central Asia","CountryCode":"ECS","GNI":22656},{"CountryName":"Ecuador","CountryCode":"ECU","GNI":5920},
{"CountryName":"Euro area","CountryCode":"EMU","GNI":35645},{"CountryName":"Spain","CountryCode":"ESP","GNI":27180},{"CountryName":"Estonia","CountryCode":"EST","GNI":18190},
{"CountryName":"Ethiopia","CountryCode":"ETH","GNI":740},{"CountryName":"European Union","CountryCode":"EUU","GNI":32784},
{"CountryName":"Fragile and conflict affected situations","CountryCode":"FCS","GNI":1510},{"CountryName":"Finland","CountryCode":"FIN","GNI":44580},
{"CountryName":"United Kingdom","CountryCode":"GBR","GNI":40530},{"CountryName":"Georgia","CountryCode":"GEO","GNI":3780},{"CountryName":"Ghana","CountryCode":"GHA","GNI":1880},
{"CountryName":"Equatorial Guinea","CountryCode":"GNQ","GNI":7050},{"CountryName":"Greece","CountryCode":"GRC","GNI":18090},
{"CountryName":"High income","CountryCode":"HIC","GNI":40142},{"CountryName":"Honduras","CountryCode":"HND","GNI":2250},{"CountryName":"Heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC)","CountryCode":"HPC","GNI":904},{"CountryName":"Croatia","CountryCode":"HRV","GNI":12570},{"CountryName":"Haiti","CountryCode":"HTI","GNI":760},{"CountryName":"Hungary","CountryCode":"HUN","GNI":12870},{"CountryName":"IBRD only","CountryCode":"IBD","GNI":5745},{"CountryName":"IDA & IBRD total","CountryCode":"IBT","GNI":4620},{"CountryName":"IDA total","CountryCode":"IDA","GNI":1313},{"CountryName":"IDA blend","CountryCode":"IDB","GNI":1791},
{"CountryName":"Indonesia","CountryCode":"IDN","GNI":3540},{"CountryName":"IDA only","CountryCode":"IDX","GNI":1074},{"CountryName":"India","CountryCode":"IND","GNI":1800},{"CountryName":"Ireland","CountryCode":"IRL","GNI":55290},{"CountryName":"Iraq","CountryCode":"IRQ","GNI":4630},{"CountryName":"Iceland","CountryCode":"ISL","GNI":60830},{"CountryName":"Israel","CountryCode":"ISR","GNI":37270},{"CountryName":"Italy","CountryCode":"ITA","GNI":31020},{"CountryName":"Jamaica","CountryCode":"JAM","GNI":4760},{"CountryName":"Jordan","CountryCode":"JOR","GNI":3980},{"CountryName":"Japan","CountryCode":"JPN","GNI":38550},{"CountryName":"Kazakhstan","CountryCode":"KAZ","GNI":7970},{"CountryName":"Kenya","CountryCode":"KEN","GNI":1460},{"CountryName":"Kyrgyz Republic","CountryCode":"KGZ","GNI":1130},
{"CountryName":"Cambodia","CountryCode":"KHM","GNI":1230},{"CountryName":"Kiribati","CountryCode":"KIR","GNI":3010},{"CountryName":"St. Kitts and Nevis","CountryCode":"KNA","GNI":16240},{"CountryName":"Kuwait","CountryCode":"KWT","GNI":31430},{"CountryName":"Latin America & Caribbean (excluding high income)","CountryCode":"LAC","GNI":7470},{"CountryName":"Lao PDR","CountryCode":"LAO","GNI":2270},{"CountryName":"Lebanon","CountryCode":"LBN","GNI":8400},{"CountryName":"Liberia","CountryCode":"LBR","GNI":620},{"CountryName":"Libya","CountryCode":"LBY","GNI":5500},{"CountryName":"St. Lucia","CountryCode":"LCA","GNI":8830},{"CountryName":"Latin America & Caribbean","CountryCode":"LCN","GNI":8251},{"CountryName":"Least developed countries: UN classification","CountryCode":"LDC","GNI":1011},{"CountryName":"Low income","CountryCode":"LIC","GNI":774},{"CountryName":"Sri Lanka","CountryCode":"LKA","GNI":3850},{"CountryName":"Lower middle income","CountryCode":"LMC","GNI":2118},{"CountryName":"Low & middle income","CountryCode":"LMY","GNI":4455},{"CountryName":"Lesotho","CountryCode":"LSO","GNI":1210},{"CountryName":"Late-demographic dividend","CountryCode":"LTE","GNI":8518},{"CountryName":"Lithuania","CountryCode":"LTU","GNI":15200},{"CountryName":"Luxembourg","CountryCode":"LUX","GNI":70260},{"CountryName":"Latvia","CountryCode":"LVA","GNI":14740},{"CountryName":"Morocco","CountryCode":"MAR","GNI":2860},{"CountryName":"Moldova","CountryCode":"MDA","GNI":2200},{"CountryName":"Madagascar","CountryCode":"MDG","GNI":400},{"CountryName":"Maldives","CountryCode":"MDV","GNI":9760},
{"CountryName":"Middle East & North Africa","CountryCode":"MEA","GNI":7236},{"CountryName":"Mexico","CountryCode":"MEX","GNI":8610},{"CountryName":"Marshall Islands","CountryCode":"MHL","GNI":4840},{"CountryName":"Middle income","CountryCode":"MIC","GNI":4942},{"CountryName":"Mali","CountryCode":"MLI","GNI":770},
{"CountryName":"Malta","CountryCode":"MLT","GNI":24080},{"CountryName":"Myanmar","CountryCode":"MMR","GNI":1210},{"CountryName":"Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income)","CountryCode":"MNA","GNI":3832},{"CountryName":"Montenegro","CountryCode":"MNE","GNI":7400},{"CountryName":"Mongolia","CountryCode":"MNG","GNI":3270},{"CountryName":"Mozambique","CountryCode":"MOZ","GNI":420},{"CountryName":"Mauritania","CountryCode":"MRT","GNI":1100},{"CountryName":"Mauritius","CountryCode":"MUS","GNI":10130},{"CountryName":"Malawi","CountryCode":"MWI","GNI":320},{"CountryName":"Malaysia","CountryCode":"MYS","GNI":9650},{"CountryName":"North America","CountryCode":"NAC","GNI":56721},{"CountryName":"Namibia","CountryCode":"NAM","GNI":4570},{"CountryName":"Niger","CountryCode":"NER","GNI":360},{"CountryName":"Nigeria","CountryCode":"NGA","GNI":2100},
{"CountryName":"Nicaragua","CountryCode":"NIC","GNI":2130},{"CountryName":"Netherlands","CountryCode":"NLD","GNI":46180},{"CountryName":"Norway","CountryCode":"NOR","GNI":75990},{"CountryName":"Nepal","CountryCode":"NPL","GNI":800},{"CountryName":"Nauru","CountryCode":"NRU","GNI":10220},{"CountryName":"New Zealand","CountryCode":"NZL","GNI":38970},{"CountryName":"OECD members","CountryCode":"OED","GNI":37273},{"CountryName":"Oman","CountryCode":"OMN","GNI":14440},{"CountryName":"Other small states","CountryCode":"OSS","GNI":12199},{"CountryName":"Pakistan","CountryCode":"PAK","GNI":1580},{"CountryName":"Panama","CountryCode":"PAN","GNI":13280},{"CountryName":"Peru","CountryCode":"PER","GNI":5960},{"CountryName":"Philippines","CountryCode":"PHL","GNI":3660},{"CountryName":"Palau","CountryCode":"PLW","GNI":12700},{"CountryName":"Papua New Guinea","CountryCode":"PNG","GNI":2340},{"CountryName":"Poland","CountryCode":"POL","GNI":12730},{"CountryName":"Pre-demographic dividend","CountryCode":"PRE","GNI":1379},{"CountryName":"Portugal","CountryCode":"PRT","GNI":19820},{"CountryName":"Paraguay","CountryCode":"PRY","GNI":5470},{"CountryName":"West Bank and Gaza","CountryCode":"PSE","GNI":3180},{"CountryName":"Pacific island small states","CountryCode":"PSS","GNI":3793},{"CountryName":"Post-demographic dividend","CountryCode":"PST","GNI":41609},{"CountryName":"Qatar","CountryCode":"QAT","GNI":60510},{"CountryName":"Romania","CountryCode":"ROU","GNI":10000},{"CountryName":"Russian Federation","CountryCode":"RUS","GNI":9230},{"CountryName":"Rwanda","CountryCode":"RWA","GNI":720},{"CountryName":"South Asia","CountryCode":"SAS","GNI":1729},{"CountryName":"Saudi Arabia","CountryCode":"SAU","GNI":20090},{"CountryName":"Sudan","CountryCode":"SDN","GNI":2380},{"CountryName":"Senegal","CountryCode":"SEN","GNI":1240},{"CountryName":"Singapore","CountryCode":"SGP","GNI":54530},{"CountryName":"Solomon Islands","CountryCode":"SLB","GNI":1920},{"CountryName":"Sierra Leone","CountryCode":"SLE","GNI":510},{"CountryName":"El Salvador","CountryCode":"SLV","GNI":3560},{"CountryName":"Serbia","CountryCode":"SRB","GNI":5180},{"CountryName":"Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding high income)","CountryCode":"SSA","GNI":1485},{"CountryName":"Sub-Saharan Africa","CountryCode":"SSF","GNI":1486},{"CountryName":"Small states","CountryCode":"SST","GNI":11099},{"CountryName":"Sao Tome and Principe","CountryCode":"STP","GNI":1770},{"CountryName":"Suriname","CountryCode":"SUR","GNI":5150},{"CountryName":"Slovak Republic","CountryCode":"SVK","GNI":16610},{"CountryName":"Slovenia","CountryCode":"SVN","GNI":22000},{"CountryName":"Sweden","CountryCode":"SWE","GNI":52590},{"CountryName":"Eswatini","CountryCode":"SWZ","GNI":2950},{"CountryName":"Seychelles","CountryCode":"SYC","GNI":14170},{"CountryName":"Chad","CountryCode":"TCD","GNI":640},{"CountryName":"East Asia & Pacific (IDA & IBRD countries)","CountryCode":"TEA","GNI":7061},
{"CountryName":"Europe & Central Asia (IDA & IBRD countries)","CountryCode":"TEC","GNI":7866},{"CountryName":"Togo","CountryCode":"TGO","GNI":610},{"CountryName":"Thailand","CountryCode":"THA","GNI":5950},{"CountryName":"Tajikistan","CountryCode":"TJK","GNI":990},{"CountryName":"Turkmenistan","CountryCode":"TKM","GNI":6380},{"CountryName":"Latin America & the Caribbean (IDA & IBRD countries)","CountryCode":"TLA","GNI":8179},{"CountryName":"Timor-Leste","CountryCode":"TLS","GNI":1790},{"CountryName":"Middle East & North Africa (IDA & IBRD countries)","CountryCode":"TMN","GNI":3839},{"CountryName":"Tonga","CountryCode":"TON","GNI":4010},{"CountryName":"South Asia (IDA & IBRD)","CountryCode":"TSA","GNI":1729},
{"CountryName":"Sub-Saharan Africa (IDA & IBRD countries)","CountryCode":"TSS","GNI":1486},{"CountryName":"Trinidad and Tobago","CountryCode":"TTO","GNI":15340},{"CountryName":"Tunisia","CountryCode":"TUN","GNI":3490},{"CountryName":"Turkey","CountryCode":"TUR","GNI":10940},{"CountryName":"Tuvalu","CountryCode":"TUV","GNI":4970},{"CountryName":"Tanzania","CountryCode":"TZA","GNI":910},{"CountryName":"Uganda","CountryCode":"UGA","GNI":600},{"CountryName":"Ukraine","CountryCode":"UKR","GNI":2390},{"CountryName":"Upper middle income","CountryCode":"UMC","GNI":8197},{"CountryName":"Uruguay","CountryCode":"URY","GNI":15250},{"CountryName":"United States","CountryCode":"USA","GNI":58270},{"CountryName":"Uzbekistan","CountryCode":"UZB","GNI":2000},{"CountryName":"St. Vincent and the Grenadines","CountryCode":"VCT","GNI":7390},{"CountryName":"Vietnam","CountryCode":"VNM","GNI":2160},{"CountryName":"Vanuatu","CountryCode":"VUT","GNI":2920},{"CountryName":"World","CountryCode":"WLD","GNI":10371},{"CountryName":"Samoa","CountryCode":"WSM","GNI":4090},{"CountryName":"Kosovo","CountryCode":"XKX","GNI":3900},
{"CountryName":"South Africa","CountryCode":"ZAF","GNI":5430},{"CountryName":"Zambia","CountryCode":"ZMB","GNI":1290},{"CountryName":"Zimbabwe","CountryCode":"ZWE","GNI":1170},
const sortMethod = sortMethodWithDirectionMultiColumn(
{ column: "GNI", direction: "asc" },
{ column: "CountryCode", direction: "desc" }
let sortedData = data.sort(sortMethod);
console.log("sorted by: 1)column:GNI-asc, 2)column:CountryCode-desc")
I need this for a small project I'm working on, so performance is not a priority.
I have two arrays, main array I want to be sorted, and array of sorting rules. I loop that rules array inside sorting callback function, and try to exit that loop as soon as possible.
I use multiplier in order to convert -1 to 1 depending on weather I'm sorting a property in ascending or descending order.
let array = [
{fullName: 'Michael Schumacher', sport: 'Formula 1'},
{fullName: 'Michael Jordan', sport: 'Basketball'},
{fullName: 'Damon Hill', sport: 'Formula 1'},
{fullName: 'Kobe Bryant', sport: 'Basketball'},
{fullName: 'Lebron James', sport: 'Basketball'},
{fullName: 'Lewis Hamilton', sport: 'Formula 1'},
const sortArray = (array, options) => {
if (!Array.isArray(options)) {
options = [{ key: options, order: 'asc' }];
options.forEach(item => {
item.multiplier = item.order != 'desc' ? -1 : 1;
return array.sort((firstItem, secondItem) => {
for (item of options) {
const { key, multiplier } = item;
const firstValue = firstItem[key];
const secondValue = secondItem[key];
if (firstValue != secondValue) {
return multiplier * (firstValue < secondValue ? 1 : -1);
return 0;
console.log('Original array');
sortArray(array, 'sport');
console.log('Sorted by sport only (ascending, implicit, keeping the same order of athletes)');
sortArray(array, [{key: 'sport'}, {key: 'fullName', order: 'desc'}]);
console.log('Sorted by sport (ascending, implicit), and by fullName (descending)');
To simplify the understanding
The sort method compares numbers, if below 0, it sorts it to the let, if above zero it sorts it to the right.
So to add multi level sorting, check if the match === 0, then further sort it.
See example below
['a/b/c', 'a long piece of text/b', 'apple/b'].sort((a, b) => {
const asc = a.split('/').length - b.split('/').length
return asc
// outputs ['a long piece of text/b', 'apple/b', 'a/b/c']
['a/b/c', 'a long piece of text/b', 'apple/b'].sort((a, b) => {
const asc = a.split('/').length - b.split('/').length
return asc === 0 ? a.length - b.length : asc
// outputs: 'apple/b', 'a long piece of text/b', 'a/b/c'
I see a lot of complicated solutions, so I'll paste here what I'm using:
assignedIssues.sort((a, b) => {
let order = sortByText(a.assignee?.username, b.assignee?.username)
if (order === 0) order = sort(a.labels, b.labels, statusLabels)
if (order === 0) order = sort(a.labels, b.labels, priorityLabels)
if (order === 0) order = sortByText(a.web_url, b.web_url)
return order
I think that this is much more readable, let you implement any custom sorting function for each level, without calling all unnecessarily.
Assuming you want to sort by multiple indexes, and assuming that you don't know the type of each field (string, number, or null).
You can create a function to sort with as many indexes as you like.
const compareWithType = (a, b) => {
if (typeof a === 'string') return a.localeCompare(b);
if (typeof a === 'number') return a - b;
return (!!a) - (!!b); // to sort non-string non-number falsy or null values, modify as you like.
const compareWithIndexes = (...indexes) => {
return (a, b) => {
for (let i in indexes) {
let diff = 0;
while (!diff) {
compareWithType(a[i], b[i]);
return diff;
[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 2, 3, 4, 6]].sort(compareWithIndexes(2, 3, 4));
// compares (3 - 3) then (4 - 4) then (5 - 6)
Despite a lot of complicated answers here, I still like the basic way to do it
var arr = [
[3, 'pub2', 1, 'ownA'],
[1, 'pub1', 2, 'ownA'],
[2, 'pub1', 3, 'ownC']
// sorting priority is bottom to top, in this case owner name then publication name
// sort publication name
arr.sort((a,b) => a[1].localeCompare(b[1]));
// sort owner name
arr.sort((a,b) => a[3].localeCompare(b[3]));