Python/Javascript - Self Updating Webpage - javascript

I am hoping that I can be pointed in the right direction as I am completely unsure of how to approach the task I have at hand. I have created a python program that is able to execute some tests and gather information pertinent to the test. My task at hand is to make it so that the information I get is put on a webpage.
The way I am handling the directory is as follows
Every time I complete a testcase I update the appropriate testline + build by creating a directory with the date and putting relevant information in that directory. Every test case I run creates it's own html page that I would like to be accessible to the user.
Is there a way for me to update the outermost index.html automatically to reflect these changes? I am imagining that the html page will have a sidebar that lets the user pick testline + build + date. Is there a way to update this menu when test cases are completed?

so let me understand this correctly:
you have that does some magic, and creates testline N directory + associated files. you then want Project/index.html to list all N testlines.
is that correct?
if so, the SIMPLEST way to achieve this is to code the html in a python string, and then programmatically add the new testline link to that string, and then finally write that string to a index.html file.
another way to do this is to create a javascript (jquery) in a "mylinks.js" file and have that mylinks.js loaded in index.html
<script src="mylinks.js" type="text/javascript">
your my links would look something like this:
$window.onload(function() {
var $input = $('<input type="button" value="TESTLINE - N" />');
now all you need to do is programatically (in python), write the for loop in mylinks.js
string = ''
for [python get number of dirs matching testlineN]:
string += '$window.onload(function() {
var $input = $('<input type="button" value="TESTLINE - N" />');
python write to file
some what pseudo code ish, but you should get the gist of it,


set file attribute filesystemobject javascript

I have created a file as part of a script on a network drive and i am trying to make it hidden so that if the script is run again it should be able to see the file and act on the information contained within it but i am having trouble doing this. what i have so far is:
function doesRegisterExist(oFs, Date, newFolder) {
dbEcho("doesRegisterExist() triggered");
sExpectedRegisterFile = newFolder+"\\Register.txt"
newFile = oFs.OpenTextFile(sExpectedRegisterFile,8,true)
newReg = oFs.GetFile(sExpectedRegisterFile)
newReg.Attributes = newReg.Attributes+2
Windows Script Host does not actually produce an error here and the script runs throgh to competion. the only guides i have found online i have been attempting to translate from VBscript with limited success.
variables passed to this function are roughly declared as such
var oFs = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
var Date = "29-12-2017"
var newFolder = "\\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder"
I know ActiveX is a dirty word to a lot of people and i should be shot for even thinking about using it but it really is a perfect fit for what i am trying to do.
Please help.
sExpectedRegisterFolder resolves to \\\\File-Server\\path\\to\\folder\\Register which is a folder and not a file.
I get an Error: file not found when I wrap the code into a try/catch block.
I tested the code on a text file as well, and there it works.
So you're either using the wrong method if you want to set the folder to hidden.
Or you forgot to include the path to the text if you want to change a file to hidden.
( Edit: Or if Register is the name of the file, add the filetype .txt ? )
If you change GetFile to GetFolder as described in
the folder will get hidden correctly.

What's the best method to EXTRACT product names given a list of SKU numbers from a website?

I have a problem.
I have a list of SKU numbers (hundreds) that I'm trying to match with the title of the product that it belongs to. I have thought of a few ways to accomplish this, but I feel like I'm missing something... I'm hoping someone here has a quick and efficient idea to help me get this done.
The products come from Aidan Gray.
Attempt #1 (Batch Program Method) - FAIL:
After searching for a SKU in Aidan Gray, the website returns a URL that looks like below:
... with "SKUNUMBER" obviously being a SKU.
The first result of the webpage is almost always the product.
To click the first result (through the address bar) the following can be entered (if Javascript is enabled through the address bar):
I wanted to create a .bat file through Command Prompt and execute the following command:
firefox javascript:{document.getElementsByClassName("product-image")[0].click;}
... but Firefox doesn't seem to allow these two commands to execute in the same tab.
If that worked, I was going to go to, paste the resulting links to get the titles of the pages, and export the data to CSV format, and copy over the data I wanted.
Unfortunately, I am unable to open both the webpage and the Javascript in the same tab through a batch program.
Attempt #2 (I'm Feeling Lucky Method):
I was going to use Google's &btnI URL suffix to automatically redirect to the first result.
After opening all the links in tabs, I was going to use a Firefox add-on called "Send Tab URLs" to copy the names of the tabs (which contain the product names) to the clipboard.
The problem is that most of the results were simply not lucky enough...
If anybody has an idea or tip to get this accomplished, I'd be very grateful.
I recommend using JScript for this. It's easy to include as hybrid code in a batch script, its structure and syntax is familiar to anyone comfortable with JavaScript, and you can use it to fetch web pages via XMLHTTPRequest (a.k.a. Ajax by the less-informed) and build a DOM object from the .responseText using an htmlfile COM object.
Anyway, challenge: accepted. Save this with a .bat extension. It'll look for a text file containing SKUs, one per line, and fetch and scrape the search page for each, writing info from the first anchor element with a .className of "product-image" to a CSV file.
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
set "skufile=sku.txt"
set "outfile=output.csv"
set "URL="
rem // invoke JScript portion
cscript /nologo /e:jscript "%~f0" "%skufile%" "%outfile%" "%URL%"
echo Done.
rem // end main runtime
goto :EOF
#end // end batch / begin JScript chimera
var fso = WSH.CreateObject('scripting.filesystemobject'),
skufile = fso.OpenTextFile(WSH.Arguments(0), 1),
skus = skufile.ReadAll().split(/\r?\n/),
outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(WSH.Arguments(1), true),
URL = WSH.Arguments(2);
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); }
// returns a DOM root object
function fetch(url) {
var XHR = WSH.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"),
DOM = WSH.CreateObject('htmlfile');
WSH.StdErr.Write('fetching ' + url);"GET",url,true);
while (XHR.readyState!=4) {WSH.Sleep(25)};
return DOM;
function out(what) {
WSH.StdErr.Write(new Array(79).join(String.fromCharCode(8)));
WSH.Echo('Writing to ' + WSH.Arguments(1) + '...')
for (var i=0; i<skus.length; i++) {
if (!skus[i]) continue;
var DOM = fetch(URL + skus[i]),
anchors = DOM.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var j=0; j<anchors.length; j++) {
if (/\bproduct-image\b/i.test(anchors[j].className)) {
out(skus[i]+',"' + anchors[j].title.trim() + '","' + anchors[j].href + '"');
Too bad the htmlfile COM object doesn't support getElementsByClassName. :/ But this seems to work well enough in my testing.

read value from txt file in javascript

I have a simple html file in which there's javascript code referring to google charts.
The code I use is this (I'll show the important part):
function drawChart(){
var data = google.visualization
.arrayToDataTable([ ['Label', 'Value'],['Temp', 22.75],]);
// etc...
I use a bash command (sed) to replace that 22.75 value with a new one from the last line of a .txt file. However, this throws some errors which I haven't been able to neither correct nor ever identify.
So is there any javascript code that takes that file, extracts the last value and simply displays it on the right place of the code?
Sorry for the lack of info in this question, I really appreciate all the people that took the time on reading my question. I'll try to fill with more information in the next minutes.
I am able to extract the last line of the .txt file, extract the value on the right part of the '-' symbol and store it in a variable. Then that value is taken to update the html file with a sed command. The error comes when the value is updated but with no value. I guess that happends due to a failed record of temperature in the txt file, then the extracted value is a null. Finally is the html fiel with javascrit code happens to be like this:
(...)['Temp', ],]);
Then the updater can't update the value since due to the way that sed command is written I guess there's no way that it can detect a no-number-value in there. So the html remains without a value all the time.
TXT File structure:
Bash script:
# (...code...)
lastRecord=`cat /home/pi/scripts/temp_control/logs/"$today".log | awk 'END{print}'`
function rightNow {
lastTemp=`echo $lastRecord | cut -d'-' -f2`
timeOfTemp=`echo $lastRecord | cut -d'-' -f1` # Not used yet
#Command used to update
sed -i "s/['Temp', [0-9]\{1,2\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}]/$lastTemp]/" /var/www/rightnow.html
You cud get your file just like any other ajax request.
Using javascript
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'public_path_to_file.txt', false);
var textFileContent = request.responseText
Using jQuery
var textFileContent;
$.get('public_path_to_file.txt', function(data) {
textFileContent = data;
Whats left is to get the right part from textFileContent. Dependent of the structure of the file we can do this in different ways. Without an example file you are on your own but here is some examples.
If you need the last line
var lines = textFileContent.split("\n");
var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
If you need to use regex
var regex = //* some regex to get your content*//gm;
var result = regex.exec(textFileContent);
// result should now the content who matches your regex
First I'll assume that you ultimately want to read a local file with your browser and your current workflow is something like a local 'bash-script' that
first updates/modifies an inline piece of javascript (inside a locally stored html
file) with the last occurring value retrieved from a local txt-file (using sed)
opens the (just modified html-) file (via commandline) inside a common browser.
Then I assume the sed-route once worked but now doesn't work anymore (probably because the html file has changed?) and now you'd like the inline javascript (in the html file) to fetch that value from the textfile itself and subsequently use it (thus without the need for the 'bash-script'/sed solution.
Thus, the answer (based on above assumptions) to your final question: 'is there any javascript code that takes that file, extracts the last value and simply displays it on the right place of the code?', depends on your final requirement:
are you ok with a file-input where you select the text-file every time you view the html-file?
If your answer is YES, then, (depending on the browser you use) you can read a local file (and work your magic on it's contents).
In modern browsers, using the File API (which was added to the DOM in HTML5) it's now possible for web content to ask the user to select local files, then read the contents of those files.
For example, using FireFox's 'FileReader' you could do:
<input type="file" id="fileinput" multiple />
function readAllFiles(evt){
var files =, i = 0, r, f;
for(; f = files[i++]; ){
r = new FileReader();
r.onload = (function(f){
return function(e){
} else {
alert("Error loading files");
.addEventListener('change', readAllFiles, false);
Note that for accessing local files in Chrome you must start Chrome with this switch: chrome --disable-web-security
if the answer is NO (so you want to specify the file, and more importantly it's path, inside the 'code', so you don't have to select the text-file every time your local app runs) then you (usually) can't (because you can't get/set the path, thank the great maker)...
Unless you choose a specific older/unpatched browser (specifically for this task) where you know of a (hack) way to do this anyway (like the IE xml vulnerability or the XMLHTTP vulnerability or etc... you get the picture..).
Some alternative solutions (that don't require you to select the correct textfile over and over again)
Setup a fullblown web (LAMP) server (to use the XMLHttpRequest way as used in aross answer, but this might feel like shooting at a mosquito with a cannon..)
Explore different script languages (but effectively still do the same as your now broken sed-solution)
Combine 1 and 2, choosing from php (the latest version has a small webserver included, you might start/stop it when needed (even in the bash-script workflow) OR using node.js (which is 'javascript' and where you can program/control a small task-specific server in just a couple of lines).
Hope this helps!
Based on your updated question, comments and request for recommendation, I'd like to suggest to use PHP to dynamically fetch the value from your log txt file and have it generate your html code with inline javascript on the fly (every time you visit the page).
The browser will never see the php code, only what php inserted to your page (in this example the last found value or 0).
You'd rename the rightnow.html file to rightnow.php and modify it (something like) this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- your header code -->
<script type="text/javascript">
//parts of your javascript
<?php // start php script
$logFile= '/pathToYour/logFile.log'; // <-Modify
if( $fp= #fopen($logFile, "r") ){ // if logfile succesfully opened,
fseek($fp, -30, SEEK_END); // set pointer 30 chars from EOF
$val= array_pop(explode("-", rtrim(fread($fp, 30)))); //get last value
fclose($fp); // close file
?> // end php script
function drawChart(){
var data=google.visualization
.arrayToDataTable([ ['Label', 'Value'],
['Temp', <?php echo $val? $val : "0"; ?>],
]); // ^php above inserts value or 0
// etc...
//parts of your javascript
<!-- your body code -->
Note that fopen in combination with setting the filepointer via fseek and sequentially fread-ing from the pointer to EOF does not load the complete logfile (60min * 24hour=1440 lines of 16 bytes=22.5kB at the end of the day) into memory (good for this purpose), but only the last 30 chars (as in this example).
The variable to your logfile and path must still be modified to your situation (I don't know the format of your $today variable).
Depending on your further needs you might want to perform some extra checks/logic on the array of values that explode returns (instead of popping the last value). Or what about modifying the html a little so you could also include the last temperature's time reading, etc. (But this tested piece of code should get you started and explains the procedure of going the php way).
Since you have chosen to place the last known value of your logfile as in textfile placed inside your public www-root (with a bash script I assume, every minute of the day?), you can now indeed go the 'ajax' way, as answered by aross!
However I want to hint that the code/solutions in all current answers here could be mixed (since you now also have ajax working): instead of ajax-ing (loading) a txt file, you could have php fetch and send this value to the browser on-the-fly/on-demand!
So, instead of requesting http://url_to_my_rpi/file_to_download.txt, you could request http://url_to_my_rpi/read_last_temperature.PHP which should fetch the last known value out of the log-file (set proper security/access) and send it to the browser (set proper headers), just like your text-file did. You wouldn't have to change anything in the html/javascript except the url you request.
The advantage would be (depending on how your current bash-scripts works) that your PI now only does this 'work' (of getting the last value of your logfile) when you are viewing your monitor-page. And that you are not writing that file in your www-root every minute of every day (as I suspect).
The solution achieved, finally, was like this:
I did it with a jQuery statement and reusing the javascript code of Google Charts.
First I added javascript and jQuery tags in the html file:
<script src="//"></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
Then I merged jquery code and javascript code that I had in one script:
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Needed this var so that I could use it in other places of the code
var t;
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['gauge']});
function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Label', 'Value'],
['Temp', t],]);
// (... more javascript with Google Charts options, display parameters..)
Finally, and even if it's not listed as the main question, be sure to enable *mod_headers* on your apache and add Header set to apache2.conf file (In my case: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf)
1) Enable the module:
a2enmod headers
2) Add the line on your configuration file
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
3) Restart apache 2
4) In case the 3 steps above didn't work, follow the instrcutions by entering in this website or reinstall apache2.

Is there a way to AutoFormat (Javascript) code in TestComplete?

So similar to ALt-Shift-F in Netbeans, is there a to do this right in the ide in TestComplete? Not sure if this is possible or if anyone can think of a workaround to autoFormat without leaving the TestComplete window.
I'm trying to get the below solution to work with for javascript / Jscript code in TestComplete.
Great question!
There is no built-in function for that. So, we should not expect any solution to be 100% convenient - it is just not a simple task to modify the current script editor contents (if at all possible). So, whatever you do, it will still be some kind of compromise.
In general, the task is three-fold:
Get the current unit code.
Format the code.
Put the code back to the unit.
According to my understanding, items 1 and 3 can be accomplished only by creating a TestComplete plug-in - accessing editors for project nodes is not an easy thing.
UPDATE: silly me! There is a way to access the script editor code - I've updated the below part.
What will help us avoid switching to a different app, are the Script Extensions:
We create a custom Checkpoint in the form of a Script Extension, and install it to TestComplete. As a result, we get a button on the toolbar that we can click to invoke our code.
In the design time action, we call some code that reads the editor contents, then uses external code formatting functionality, and replaces the editor contents with the formatted code.
It would extremely interesting to see the implementations other TestComplete users can suggest! As a start, I am posting a solution that includes using an external web site to format VBScript code ( I know that the starter of the post is probably using JScript, but I have not found a JScript formatter yet.
My solution is a simple Script Extension. I can't post a file here, so I will post the code of the two Script Extension files:
Description file:
<!-- Description.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Category Name="Checkpoints">
<ScriptExtension Name="VBScript Code Indent" Author="SmartBear Software" Version="0.1" HomePage="">
<Script Name="VBIndent.js">
<DesignTimeAction Name="Indent Current VBScript Unit" Routine="DesignTimeExecute"/>
Indents VBScript code in the currently active unit.
Code file:
// VBIndent.js
function DesignTimeExecute()
if (CodeEditor.IsEditorActive)
var newCode = IndentVBSCode_Through_VBIndent(CodeEditor.Text);
if (null == newCode)
CodeEditor.Text = newCode;
function IndentVBSCode_Through_VBIndent(codeToIndent)
var URL_VBIndent = "";
var httpObj = Sys.OleObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");"POST", URL_VBIndent, false);
httpObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
httpObj.send("thecode=" + escape(codeToIndent));
var responseText = httpObj.responseText;
// Extract the indented code from the response
var rx = /<textarea name=\"thecode\".*?>((.*\n)*?)<\/textarea>/;
matches = rx.exec(responseText);
if (null == matches)
return null;
codeIndented = matches[1];
return codeIndented;
After you create these files, and put them to something like "\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\VBIndent", and click "File | Install Script Extensions | Reload", you will see a new "Indent Current VBScript Unit" item in the custom checkpoints drop-down button on the Tools toolbar. Clicking the element will format the VBScript code in the currently active editor.
So, this is to give a clear idea of what a solution can look like. Better suggestions are welcome! Share your thoughts!
I've done. Based on your posts.
To install the extension copy attached file JSFormat.tcx to C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 10\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions
To use view next image:

random images from a folder

I am trying to rewrite my code below to search a folder for all the images (they will be numbered but there maybe gaps, ie not 1.jpg,2.jpg,3.jpg but instead 1.jpg,15.jpg,60.jpg for this reason i would like to search the folder, put all the images into an array and then pick one randomly each time its looped.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Firstly i am currently specifying image total above the main script below:
imgWidth = 160,
imgHeight = 95,
imgTotal = 22,
total = 0,
//create the HTML for the tiles and append that to the bg element
function makeTiles(count){
var html = '', imgNum;
imgNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*imgTotal + 1);
html += "<div class='tile' style='background:url(public/images/portfolio/all/"+imgNum+".jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;' ><img style='opacity:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0);' src='public/images/portfolio/all/"+imgNum+"-c.jpg' alt='' /></div>\r";
You'll need to create a list of available images with something else than javascript, since it has no filesystem access, even though in the end, you are accessing the images via their url.
Workaround: enable some directory listing for the images, then access this page via javascript, parse the image files and construct an array out of them; but frankly, there are shorter and more robust ways to accomplish this ...
pseudocode ..
$ ls -1 *jpg > imagesfilelist.txt
$ cp imagefilelist.txt /some/publicly/accessible/folder
js/jquery ..
$.get("/some/publicly/accessible/folder/imagefilelist.txt", function(data){
alert("My image files: " + data);
javascript can not access local folders. point.
I repeat: there is no way you can "search folder" to get "array of images" in JS. You could do that part (server only!) in PHP or such server-side language and return results via AJAX.
To do what you want you need to know what the images are called. JavaScript cannot access folder directly as commented above. You would need to use a server side script to provide an array of the images for the JS to pick at random to do this.
Javascript will not be able to browse folders. What you need to do is to create an array of available images and then select a random one. You could do this using any server side technology (php, rails, java, .net ...).
The way you're trying to do it is a wrong one.But iwth a bit of tricks it could work though, but it's very wrong way to do this kind of things.
You can generate file list with php and feed it to your script. You can even create php script which will generate your script already populated with needed data but it's not the best to do this too.
So, the best ways are:
- create html with list of filenames/images(visible or invisible) by php, then manipulate it by javascript;
- create html and javascript wich will do AJAX query to php script which will return filename list(formated as JSON if you wish).
Why not upload your images to a free hosting site (like Flickr) grab the feed from your image group and select the random image from there?

