Recombine capture groups in single regexp? - javascript

I am trying to handle input groups similar to:
'...A.B.' and want to output '.....AB'.
Another example:
'.C..Z..B.' ==> '......CZB'
I have been working with the following:
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1")
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$2")
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1$2")
Is there a way to return
with a single regexp?
I have only been able to accomplish this with:
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1") + '...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$2")
==> ".....AB"

If the goal is to move all of the . to the beginning and all of the A-Z to the end, then I believe the answer to
with a single regexp?
is "no."
Separately, I don't think there's a simpler, more efficient way than two replace calls — but not the two you've shown. Instead:
var str = "...A..B...C.";
var result = str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, "") + str.replace(/\./g, "");
(I don't know what you want to do with non-., non-A-Z characters, so I've ignored them.)
If you really want to do it with a single call to replace (e.g., a single pass through the string matters), you can, but I'm fairly sure you'd have to use the function callback and state variables:
var str = "...A..B...C.";
var dots = "";
var nondots = "";
var result = str.replace(/\.|[A-Z]|$/g, function(m) {
if (!m) {
// Matched the end of input; return the
// strings we've been building up
return dots + nondots;
// Matched a dot or letter, add to relevant
// string and return nothing
if (m === ".") {
dots += m;
} else {
nondots += m;
return "";
That is, of course, incredibly ugly. :-)


How do I structure this new logic to fit into pre-existing code?

I have written a code that removes all consonants before a vowel from a string and replaces it with an 'r' and in the case, the string starts with a vowel it should return the word without doing anything to it. Now, I want to add two things I came up with to it but unfortunately, I have not been able to:
1. When the string input is all consonants then it should do nothing and just return the string.
2. If user types in space like so ' ' then it should be trimmed.
How do I place this logic in the code below without affecting what is already working?
const scoobyDoo = str => {
if(typeof str !== 'string'){
return 'This function accepts strings only';
let newStr = str.toLowerCase().split('');
let arrWord = newStr.length;
let regex = /[aeiou]/gi;
if (newStr[0].match(regex)){
let nothing = newStr.join('');
return nothing;
else {
for (let i = 0; i < arrWord; i++){
let vowelIndex = newStr.indexOf(str.match(regex)[i].toLowerCase());
newStr.splice(0, vowelIndex, 'r');
return newStr.join('');
console.log(scoobyDoo('scooby'));//works as expected returns 'rooby'
console.log(scoobyDoo('ethane'));//works as expected returns 'ethane'
console.log(scoobyDoo('why'));// should return 'why'
console.log(scoobyDoo(' '));// should return trimmed space and a
text telling the user only spaces were entered.
I realise this doesn't really answer your question, but your existing logic is very complicated and you could achieve the same result with String.trim, .toLowerCase and .replace:
console.log('scooby'.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/^(?=.*?[aeiou])[^aeiou]+/, 'r'))
console.log('ethane'.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/^(?=.*?[aeiou])[^aeiou]+/, 'r'))
console.log('why'.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/^(?=.*?[aeiou])[^aeiou]+/, 'r'))
console.log('*' + ' '.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/^(?=.*?[aeiou])[^aeiou]+/, 'r') + '*')
The regexp uses a positive lookahead to ensure that there is a vowel in the string, and if so replaces all leading consonants with an r.
To do something more in line with your existing function, you could try this. It still makes extensive use of regex functions though.
const scoobyDoo = str => {
if(typeof str !== 'string'){
return 'This function accepts strings only';
// is it a blank string?
if (str.match(/^\s+$/)) {
return '';
// does it start with a vowel? if so, nothing to do
if (str.match(/^[aeiou]/i)) {
return str;
// does it only contain consonants?
if (!str.match(/[aeiou]/i)) {
return str;
// must not start with a vowel but still include one
return str.replace(/^[^aeiou]+/i, 'r');

Splitting string to array while ignoring content between apostrophes

I need something that takes a string, and divides it into an array.
I want to split it after every space, so that this -
"Hello everybody!" turns into ---> ["Hello", "Everybody!"]
However, I want it to ignore spaces inbetween apostrophes. So for examples -
"How 'are you' today?" turns into ---> ["How", "'are you'", "today?"]
Now I wrote the following code (which works), but something tells me that what I did is pretty much horrible and that it can be done with probably 50% less code.
I'm also pretty new to JS so I guess I still don't adhere to all the idioms of the language.
function getFixedArray(text) {
var textArray = text.split(' '); //Create an array from the string, splitting by spaces.
var finalArray = [];
var bFoundLeadingApostrophe = false;
var bFoundTrailingApostrophe = false;
var leadingRegExp = /^'/;
var trailingRegExp = /'$/;
var concatenatedString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++) {
var text = textArray[i];
//Found a leading apostrophe
if(leadingRegExp.test(text) && !bFoundLeadingApostrophe && !trailingRegExp.test(text)) {
concatenatedString =concatenatedString + text;
bFoundLeadingApostrophe = true;
//Found the trailing apostrophe
else if(trailingRegExp.test(text ) && !bFoundTrailingApostrophe) {
concatenatedString = concatenatedString + ' ' + text;
concatenatedString = "";
bFoundLeadingApostrophe = false;
bFoundTrailingApostrophe = false;
//Found no trailing apostrophe even though the leading flag indicates true, so we want this string.
else if (bFoundLeadingApostrophe && !bFoundTrailingApostrophe) {
concatenatedString = concatenatedString + ' ' + text;
//Regular text
else {
return finalArray;
I would deeply appreciate it if somebody could go through this and teach me how this should be rewritten, in a more correct & efficient way (and perhaps a more "JS" way).
Edit -
Well I just found a few problems, some of which I fixed, and some I'm not sure how to handle without making this code too complex (for example the string "hello 'every body'!" doesn't split properly....)
You could try matching instead of splitting:
The above regex will match anything in between quotes (including the quotes), or anything that's not a space otherwise.
If you want to also match characters after the quotes, like ? and ! you can try:
For "hello 'every body'!" it will give you this array:
["hello", "'every body'!"]
Note that \W matches space as well, if you want to match punctuation you could be explicit by using a character class in place of \W
Or simply trim the strings after matching:
string.match(regex).map(function(x){return x.trim()})

JavaScript check if string contains any of the words from regex

I'm trying to check if a string contains any of these words:
My current code:
var acceptedwords = '/AB|AG|AS|Ltd|KB|University/g'
var str = 'Hello AB';
var matchAccepted = str.match(acceptedwords);
if (matchAccepted !== null) { // Contains the accepted word
console.log("Contains accepted word: " + str);
} else {
console.log("Does not contain accepted word: " + str);
But for some strange reason this does not match.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
That's not the right way to define a literal regular expression in Javascript.
var acceptedwords = '/AB|AG|AS|Ltd|KB|University/g'
var acceptedwords = /AB|AG|AS|Ltd|KB|University/;
You might notice I removed the g flag : it's useless as you only want to know if there's one match, you don't want to get them all. You don't even have to use match here, you could use test :
var str = 'Hello AB';
if (/AB|AG|AS|Ltd|KB|University/.test(str)) { // Contains the accepted word
console.log("Contains accepted word: " + str);
} else {
console.log("Does not contain accepted word: " + str);
If you want to build a regex with strings, assuming none of them contains any special character, you could do
var words = ['AB','AG', ...
var regex = new RegExp(words.join('|'));
If your names may contain special characters, you'll have to use a function to escape them.
If you want your words to not be parts of other words (meaning you don't want to match "ABC") then you should check for words boundaries :
regex = new RegExp({ return '\\b'+w+'\\b' }).join('|'),'g');

Remove all dots except the first one from a string

Given a string
I would like to get this output
(In case there are no dots in the string, the string should be returned unchanged.)
I wrote this
function process( input ) {
var index = input.indexOf( '.' );
if ( index > -1 ) {
input = input.substr( 0, index + 1 ) +
input.slice( index ).replace( /\./g, '' );
return input;
Live demo:
It works but I was hoping for a slightly more elegant solution...
There is a pretty short solution (assuming input is your string):
var output = input.split('.');
output = output.shift() + '.' + output.join('');
If input is "", then output will be equal to "1.234".
See this jsfiddle for a proof. Of course you can enclose it in a function, if you find it necessary.
Taking into account your additional requirement (to not modify the output if there is no dot found), the solution could look like this:
var output = input.split('.');
output = output.shift() + (output.length ? '.' + output.join('') : '');
which will leave eg. "1234" (no dot found) unchanged. See this jsfiddle for updated code.
It would be a lot easier with reg exp if browsers supported look behinds.
One way with a regular expression:
function process( str ) {
return str.replace( /^([^.]*\.)(.*)$/, function ( a, b, c ) {
return b + c.replace( /\./g, '' );
You can try something like this:
str = str.replace(/\./,"#").replace(/\./g,"").replace(/#/,".");
But you have to be sure that the character # is not used in the string; or replace it accordingly.
Or this, without the above limitation:
str = str.replace(/^(.*?\.)(.*)$/, function($0, $1, $2) {
return $1 + $2.replace(/\./g,"");
You could also do something like this, i also don't know if this is "simpler", but it uses just indexOf, replace and substr.
var str = "";
var strBak = str;
var firstDot = str.indexOf(".");
str = str.replace(/\./g,"");
str = str.substr(0,firstDot)+"."+str.substr(1,str.length-1);
Here is another approach:
function process(input) {
var n = 0;
return input.replace(/\./g, function() { return n++ > 0 ? '' : '.'; });
But one could say that this is based on side effects and therefore not really elegant.
This isn't necessarily more elegant, but it's another way to skin the cat:
var process = function (input) {
var output = input;
if (typeof input === 'string' && input !== '') {
input = input.split('.');
if (input.length > 1) {
output = [input.shift(), input.join('')].join('.');
return output;
Not sure what is supposed to happen if "." is the first character, I'd check for -1 in indexOf, also if you use substr once might as well use it twice.
if ( index != -1 ) {
input = input.substr( 0, index + 1 ) + input.substr(index + 1).replace( /\./g, '' );
var i = s.indexOf(".");
var result = s.substr(0, i+1) + s.substr(i+1).replace(/\./g, "");
Somewhat tricky. Works using the fact that indexOf returns -1 if the item is not found.
Trying to keep this as short and readable as possible, you can do the following:
var match = string.match(/^[^.]*\.|[^.]+/g);
string = match ? match.join('') : string;
Requires a second line of code, because if match() returns null, we'll get an exception trying to call join() on null. (Improvements welcome.)
Objective-J / Cappuccino (superset of JavaScript)
string = [string.match(/^[^.]*\.|[^.]+/g) componentsJoinedByString:''] || string;
Can do it in a single line, because its selectors (such as componentsJoinedByString:) simply return null when sent to a null value, rather than throwing an exception.
As for the regular expression, I'm matching all substrings consisting of either (a) the start of the string + any potential number of non-dot characters + a dot, or (b) any existing number of non-dot characters. When we join all matches back together, we have essentially removed any dot except the first.
var input = '14.1.2';
reversed = input.split("").reverse().join("");
reversed = reversed.replace(\.(?=.*\.), '' );
input = reversed.split("").reverse().join("");
Based on #Tadek's answer above. This function takes other locales into consideration.
For example, some locales will use a comma for the decimal separator and a period for the thousand separator (e.g. -451.161,432e-12).
First we convert anything other than 1) numbers; 2) negative sign; 3) exponent sign into a period ("-451.161.432e-12").
Next we split by period (["-451", "161", "432e-12"]) and pop out the right-most value ("432e-12"), then join with the rest ("-451161.432e-12")
(Note that I'm tossing out the thousand separators, but those could easily be added in the join step (.join(','))
var ensureDecimalSeparatorIsPeriod = function (value) {
var numericString = value.toString();
var splitByDecimal = numericString.replace(/[^\d.e-]/g, '.').split('.');
if (splitByDecimal.length < 2) {
return numericString;
var rightOfDecimalPlace = splitByDecimal.pop();
return splitByDecimal.join('') + '.' + rightOfDecimalPlace;
let str = "12.1223....1322311..";
let finStr = str.replace(/(\d*.)(.*)/, '$1') + str.replace(/(\d*.)(.*)/, '$2').replace(/\./g,'');
const [integer, ...decimals] = '233.423.'.split('.');
const result = [integer, decimals.join('')].join('.')
Same solution offered but using the spread operator.
It's a matter of opinion but I think it improves readability.

Get everything after the dash in a string in JavaScript

What would be the cleanest way of doing this that would work in both IE and Firefox?
My string looks like this sometext-20202
Now the sometext and the integer after the dash can be of varying length.
Should I just use substring and index of or are there other ways?
How I would do this:
// function you can use:
function getSecondPart(str) {
return str.split('-')[1];
// use the function:
A solution I prefer would be:
const str = 'sometext-20202';
const slug = str.split('-').pop();
Where slug would be your result
var testStr = "sometext-20202"
var splitStr = testStr.substring(testStr.indexOf('-') + 1);
var the_string = "sometext-20202";
var parts = the_string.split('-', 2);
// After calling split(), 'parts' is an array with two elements:
// parts[0] is 'sometext'
// parts[1] is '20202'
var the_text = parts[0];
var the_num = parts[1];
With built-in javascript replace() function and using of regex (/(.*)-/), you can replace the substring before the dash character with empty string (""):
"sometext-20202".replace(/(.*)-/,""); // result --> "20202"
AFAIK, both substring() and indexOf() are supported by both Mozilla and IE. However, note that substr() might not be supported on earlier versions of some browsers (esp. Netscape/Opera).
Your post indicates that you already know how to do it using substring() and indexOf(), so I'm not posting a code sample.
I came to this question because I needed what OP was asking but more than what other answers offered (they're technically correct, but too minimal for my purposes). I've made my own solution; maybe it'll help someone else.
Let's say your string is 'Version 12.34.56'. If you use '.' to split, the other answers will tend to give you '56', when maybe what you actually want is '.34.56' (i.e. everything from the first occurrence instead of the last, but OP's specific case just so happened to only have one occurrence). Perhaps you might even want 'Version 12'.
I've also written this to handle certain failures (like if null gets passed or an empty string, etc.). In those cases, the following function will return false.
splitAtSearch('Version 12.34.56', '.') // Returns ['Version 12', '.34.56']
* Splits string based on first result in search
* #param {string} string - String to split
* #param {string} search - Characters to split at
* #return {array|false} - Strings, split at search
* False on blank string or invalid type
function splitAtSearch( string, search ) {
let isValid = string !== '' // Disallow Empty
&& typeof string === 'string' // Allow strings
|| typeof string === 'number' // Allow numbers
if (!isValid) { return false } // Failed
else { string += '' } // Ensure string type
// Search
let searchIndex = string.indexOf(search)
let isBlank = (''+search) === ''
let isFound = searchIndex !== -1
let noSplit = searchIndex === 0
let parts = []
// Remains whole
if (!isFound || noSplit || isBlank) {
parts[0] = string
// Requires splitting
else {
parts[0] = string.substring(0, searchIndex)
parts[1] = string.substring(searchIndex)
return parts
splitAtSearch('') // false
splitAtSearch(true) // false
splitAtSearch(false) // false
splitAtSearch(null) // false
splitAtSearch(undefined) // false
splitAtSearch(NaN) // ['NaN']
splitAtSearch('foobar', 'ba') // ['foo', 'bar']
splitAtSearch('foobar', '') // ['foobar']
splitAtSearch('foobar', 'z') // ['foobar']
splitAtSearch('foobar', 'foo') // ['foobar'] not ['', 'foobar']
splitAtSearch('blah bleh bluh', 'bl') // ['blah bleh bluh']
splitAtSearch('blah bleh bluh', 'ble') // ['blah ', 'bleh bluh']
splitAtSearch('$10.99', '.') // ['$10', '.99']
splitAtSearch(3.14159, '.') // ['3', '.14159']
For those trying to get everything after the first occurrence:
Something like "Nic K Cage" to "K Cage".
You can use slice to get everything from a certain character. In this case from the first space:
const delim = " "
const name = "Nic K Cage"
const result = name.split(delim).slice(1).join(delim) // prints: "K Cage"
Or if OP's string had two hyphens:
const text = "sometext-20202-03"
// Option 1
const opt1 = text.slice(text.indexOf('-')).slice(1) // prints: 20202-03
// Option 2
const opt2 = text.split('-').slice(1).join("-") // prints: 20202-03
Efficient, compact and works in the general case:
Use a regular expression of the form: \w-\d+ where a \w represents a word and \d represents a digit. They won't work out of the box, so play around. Try this.
You can use split method for it. And if you should take string from specific pattern you can use split with req. exp.:
var string = "sometext-20202";
Everyone else has posted some perfectly reasonable answers. I took a different direction. Without using split, substring, or indexOf. Works great on i.e. and firefox. Probably works on Netscape too.
Just a loop and two ifs.
function getAfterDash(str) {
var dashed = false;
var result = "";
for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
if (dashed) {
result = result + str[i];
if (str[i] === '-') {
dashed = true;
return result;
My solution is performant and handles edge cases.
The point of the above code was to procrastinate work, please don't actually use it.
To use any delimiter and get first or second part
//To divide string using deimeter - here #
//str: full string that is to be splitted
//delimeter: like '-'
//part number: 0 - for string befor delimiter , 1 - string after delimiter
getPartString(str, delimter, partNumber) {
return str.split(delimter)[partNumber];

