Where to start for NodeJS? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working with standalone applications for past 2 years, and have lost touch with all sorts of web applications/services. I heard this NodeJS,AngularJS being popular amongst my peers, where to begin from? I have an interview for NodeJS 4 days later? Tell me all that I should read and please suggest a small project too that I can do on it to learn well? Thanks..

For my personal experience I think that you should start to learn about the core of Node.JS both C++ and JavaScript, how it integrates with the V8 Engine (Javascript interpreter) and what new language features were implemented and why they are what makes Node.JS an amazing environment and Javascript an Server Side Language.
Then learn why they call itself asynchronous and event-driven framework. This is essential to learn how the framework works.
Go deep into module.export and require function
Have fun understanding how NPM packages work together
But as long as you only have 4 days I would recommend you to buy a proper course in Udemy or something like, grab some bags of your favorite Doritos flavor, some beverages and get in love with Node.JS


Why Nest.js claims to be "progressive"? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Just on the first page of Nest, they proudly claim :
A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
The only word I can't grasp is progressive and what that can means in the programming world.
Can anyone explain the concept to me?
According to a Dictionary on the web progressive means happening or developing gradually or in stages.
What I infer from their website about them is "NestJs Takes advantage of latest JavaScript features, bringing design patterns and mature solutions to Node.js world."
and indeed they are doing so by making it more extensible and versatile.
Well, this has nothing to do with PWA(Progressive Web App) Hope this answers your question.

Are there good reasons to use Meteor in 2017? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Meteor was supposed to revolutionize web development on node a few years back, making it easy to write compelling reactive applications. I'm not very familiar with the history of the platform, but I know that since last year most of the development effort has withdrawn and gone to work on other projects. I'm trying to decide on a framework for my next application, so I wonder if Meteor is still a viable choice for the purpose, as opposed to just using plain node+react/angular/etc. These are the pros and cons I've experienced so far:
Easy to prototype
Javascript everywhere
Publication/Subscription model is kind of neat
Performance is hard to get right using pub/sub
Framework updates don't come as often as they used to
Locks you in with no escape
Less people write Meteor packages recently
Adds a lot of overhead
Your question is likely to get closed, so I'll chime in here super quickly:
I've been using Meteor for the past three years or so, and I've finally decided to stop using it in favor of the following stack:
AWS Cognito (for user auth)
GraphQL (Apollo implementation)
I'm moving for some of the reasons you list, mostly overhead and adding too much weight to apps that could be a lot more lightweight and simple. I'm even thinking of going serverless and just having my GraphQL endpoint powered by Lambda.

What to learn after JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've recently finished watching some beginner JavaScript tutorials; it's quite easy to understand. I'm trying to look for intermediate ones now, but I can't find any. So I've decided to not waste time while looking for some continuation on my JavaScript journey. What should I learn next? I prefer that which is important, and perhaps, closely related to JavaScript.
It depends on what your goal is, and what you have already learned.
If you want to become a web developer, you should learn some server-side web languages like PHP or ASP.NET.
If you want to become a general developer, it would be useful to know systems languages like Java or C++.
If you want to be a computer scientist, studying algorithms might be a good start.

Why is Node.js an environment and not a platform? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I watch this presentation on Node where it clearly says its not a platform but an environment.
I looked up the terms environment and platforms and came across this
According to this link, Node can be considered a platform - node is neither the only way to write async apps (Python's Twisted framework) nor the only javascript environment to run server side code (meteor.js).
What is Node actually other than being a 'Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment' which I totally understand.
That presentation, without hearing Le Zhang actually speak, says:
Node isn't a platform or service.
Nose is a JS environment
Both statements provide extra context than just 'environment' or 'platform' by themselves.
For example, I would consider Heroku to be a platform or a service that allows you to run a Python, Node.JS, Ruby or Java environment as well as number of other things.
In any case, they are both contextual terms that can be used by individuals to mean different things. Contact the author and ask him what he means.

Is a "Front-end Architect" role relavent when developing a modern webapp? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Should/does this role get recognized by the software development community?
In my mind, someone with this position would make high-level decisions on coding standards, design choices, tools and frameworks for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Maybe there's a better name for it? I'm trying to better state my career goals, and I need some perspective. Thanks in advance!
Yes. sufficiently complex RIAs are almost completely independent applications, and thus they need their own experts/teams.
If you have developers who are familiar with both server and client side development, then they might be able to participate in the development of both tiers of the application. However, a complex RIA can easily be as or more complex than the server, so if the app is big enough you probably need dedicated resources for both the server and the RIA, as well as possibly the DB.
Yes, the role of a software architect includes design choices, coding standards, etc. so a front-end architect would naturally make decisions regarding front-end web technologies like HTML/CSS/JavaScript, etc.

