Why is Node.js an environment and not a platform? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I watch this presentation on Node where it clearly says its not a platform but an environment.
I looked up the terms environment and platforms and came across this
According to this link, Node can be considered a platform - node is neither the only way to write async apps (Python's Twisted framework) nor the only javascript environment to run server side code (meteor.js).
What is Node actually other than being a 'Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment' which I totally understand.

That presentation, without hearing Le Zhang actually speak, says:
Node isn't a platform or service.
Nose is a JS environment
Both statements provide extra context than just 'environment' or 'platform' by themselves.
For example, I would consider Heroku to be a platform or a service that allows you to run a Python, Node.JS, Ruby or Java environment as well as number of other things.
In any case, they are both contextual terms that can be used by individuals to mean different things. Contact the author and ask him what he means.


Can I say Nodejs is like JVM but for JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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JAVA runs in JVM.
JavaScript runs in NodeJS.
So, can I say that NodeJS is like JVM but for JavaScript ?
It isn't, NodeJS is a utility wrapper (and really a necessary one) over the Google's V8 engine, Googles JavaScript runtime.
There are also other issues with this statement as Java is compiled to its own byte code (although you could argue that this would be WASM or V8 byte code) and JavaScript is interpreted.
Despite these differences, NodeJS is like JRE for JS in a practical sense

Where to start for NodeJS? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been working with standalone applications for past 2 years, and have lost touch with all sorts of web applications/services. I heard this NodeJS,AngularJS being popular amongst my peers, where to begin from? I have an interview for NodeJS 4 days later? Tell me all that I should read and please suggest a small project too that I can do on it to learn well? Thanks..
For my personal experience I think that you should start to learn about the core of Node.JS both C++ and JavaScript, how it integrates with the V8 Engine (Javascript interpreter) and what new language features were implemented and why they are what makes Node.JS an amazing environment and Javascript an Server Side Language.
Then learn why they call itself asynchronous and event-driven framework. This is essential to learn how the framework works.
Go deep into module.export and require function
Have fun understanding how NPM packages work together
But as long as you only have 4 days I would recommend you to buy a proper course in Udemy or something like, grab some bags of your favorite Doritos flavor, some beverages and get in love with Node.JS

Node.js Server Side applications written in Typescript vs JS (ES5) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Note: By regular js I refer to the ES5 version of js.
I am currently setting up the foundation to a project. The tech stack that I currently have choosen to go with is Node.js for the back-end w/ Angular2 for the front-end/client-side and I am using Gulp as my build tool. In addition I have chosen to use Typescript for Angular.
I have already set up the gulpfile to do everything necessary for an optimal Typescript build. In fact the way I set everything up gulp can handle all the Typescript in the application, which led me to the realization it might be useful to write the whole application in Typescript vs regular (Node.js - Server) js. Although, when looking for pros and cons of doing so I have been unable to find any real references and instances where people recommend doing so or if it is better to just write the server side of the application without utilizing TS.
In short my question: Is it optimal to write the back and front end utilizing the Javascript superset Typescript? Are there any real Pros or Cons? I would appreciate any 'real' experiences. For example if there where any hurdles/workarounds that occurred or what made TS in server and client optimal in your case?
Thank you in advance, have a great day!
Is it optimal to write the back and front end utilizing the Javascript superset Typescript?
I would say yes : https://medium.com/#basarat/typescript-won-a4e0dfde4b08
But of course it is my opinion. The key choice is if you want statically analyzable code. It does help with tooling at the very least. More on why typescript https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/content/docs/why-typescript.html.

Is WebdriverJS a full featured alternative to the original selenium webdriver [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was looking for a java script based web automation framework and came across WebdriverJS
In the home page it says the following
✔ Provides over 50 useful actions to operate with your application
✔ Supports selenium tests in the cloud
✔ Compatible to all NodeJS test frameworks
It doesnt really say how does it stand when compared to the full features of the original selenium webdriver , questions like -
are all the selenium apis mapped yet
what am I going to miss if I decide to use it instead of selenium webdriver ?
any other comparison with selenium or any other web automation frameworks
Note : I am not looking from a cloud testing point of view, just need a tool that I can use in my desktop to automate some test cases for HTML based websites
Currently not all but most of the JSONWire protocol commands are implemented (~90%). Missing ones like local_storage, application_cache will be implemented within v2.0.0 which will get released within the next 2 or 3 weeks (hopefully)
Depends on what do expect.
see https://github.com/camme/webdriverjs/issues/138#issuecomment-32051980

Why are there scripting languages running on web servers? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can't help myself, but why are there scripting languages such as PHP running on webservers? Why not compiler languages like C? What's the advantage of using a script language on a webserver? Just heard that the biggest part of Facebook was written in PHP. Afterwards the developers introduced HipHop as a Compiler for translating into C.
Why didn't they start to program in C?
Same for client based scripting. What's the reason for using interpreted languages?
Economics. Computer time is cheap. Programmer time is not.
In big conclusion - its more convenient.
Here your can find short and nic article with advantages:

