Angular js write files - javascript

I'm getting a couple of files from AWS S3 bucket using its SDK (the files are not public)
Now I need to provide the user an option to choose a directory and store them there.
I know how to store a single file (using BLOB), but these will be multiple files (maybe even hundreds), I cannot show the file save dialog box every time.
Please don't suggest I use aws-cli sync for this.


How to get all files from a directory using ReactJs

I have a create-react-app application that has a page where it allows the user to select a .csv file to upload, this file has many columns, one of these columns is a path to a folder with a bunch of pictures.
I want to be able to access this folder and upload all this pictures using js on the client side, apparently all solutions involving the fs library do not work anymore as it's been removed from webpack.
Since the files are hosted in the client side, I need to be able to grab those files programmatically using the js running on the cliente browser, it needs to happen without the user interaction because that CSV file has thousands of lines (there will be thousands of paths to grabs the images from), so the user can't be manually opening the file browser and selecting a directory for each line of that csv file.
To be clear, the only user interaction allowed is the csv file upload, the rest needs to be handled automatically.
How can this be done? And if it can't be done, what would be a work around this issue?
Thank you.

How to get list of shared links of files of a folder in Dropbox

I have a folder (Photos/Sample Album) in Dropbox. What I want to do is display all the images in that folder on my website.
Solution I have been able to come up with is following:
Use Metadata API to get all the files of the folder. Then I can use Media API or ShareLink.
But to do get sharelinks for n files, I will need to make (n+1) calls, call for each file. Is there a faster way to do this ? Can I just make one call get all the links for specified folder.
I am trying to make these calls in JavaScript.
No, unfortunately the Dropbox API doesn't currently provide a way to get these links in bulk. We'll consider it a feature request.

File upload with AWS and javascript

Is there a file select library, similar to drop zone, that just manages the file selection process and lets me control how the files are uploaded? It seems to me, unless I have missed something - most of these libraries require you to identify a server side file that will handle the upload. Currently, my set up is such that files are sent to my server and then to S3 - which is far less efficient than sending them directly to AWS via the javascript API.
I like how dropzone lets me select files from multiple directories - adding to the list of files to upload on the fly.

How can I upload files, given their paths, using Javascript?

So I want to be able to upload a file, parse the file, and then upload some more files that are listed in the first file. Is this possible?
Say I upload 'animals.csv' which contains a list of animals and some information about them, including the paths to their images. Can I parse this file and get the images listed?
I know how to upload a file using an but is it possible to automatically upload some more files given their paths?
I'm afraid not. Here's a similar question:
upload file from client to server without openFile dialog
The main issue is security. The browsers don't want to be a vector for viruses that would steal files from people's machines.
Your choices are limited to having users drag and drop files or select them from a dialog. Chrome also has a feature which will let users drag and drop folders not just files (upload file from client to server without openFile dialog), but i think still only Chrome supports that and the user still has to at least choose or drag the folder.

Download entire folder with Dropbox Chooser?

Is it possible to download an entire folder using the Dropbox Chooser? It seems like you can only select files. I've read that you can get the metadata and download files individually, but I'd like to use this interface for the user to be able to select a folder.
No, the Chooser only supports choosing individual files.
As a possible workaround, you can allow multiple selections, and then the user can select all the files within a folder.

