Download entire folder with Dropbox Chooser? - javascript

Is it possible to download an entire folder using the Dropbox Chooser? It seems like you can only select files. I've read that you can get the metadata and download files individually, but I'd like to use this interface for the user to be able to select a folder.

No, the Chooser only supports choosing individual files.
As a possible workaround, you can allow multiple selections, and then the user can select all the files within a folder.


Angular js write files

I'm getting a couple of files from AWS S3 bucket using its SDK (the files are not public)
Now I need to provide the user an option to choose a directory and store them there.
I know how to store a single file (using BLOB), but these will be multiple files (maybe even hundreds), I cannot show the file save dialog box every time.
Please don't suggest I use aws-cli sync for this.

How do I allow files to be downloaded to a folder other than the Downloads folder?

I am able to use the HTML5 Download attribute to specify a file for download to the user's declared downloads folder, but what I would like to do is allow for users to create a "portal" that specifies a directory that future files can be downloaded to.
The wording is confusing so I'll use an example:
User will be using the site to exchange source code with a coworker. However, whenever the using downloads his coworker's source code, it always defaults to his Browser designated "downloads" folder. Is it possible to have the User be able to specify on the website that he wants it downloaded to a specific directory? Namely, his workspace for whatever project he is collaborating on.
Hopefully, this is descriptive enough. I really can't find any tools for this online.
Its not possible as the download location is controller by the browser.
If you want to know more give the page a read Download A File At Different Location Using HTML5

How can I upload files, given their paths, using Javascript?

So I want to be able to upload a file, parse the file, and then upload some more files that are listed in the first file. Is this possible?
Say I upload 'animals.csv' which contains a list of animals and some information about them, including the paths to their images. Can I parse this file and get the images listed?
I know how to upload a file using an but is it possible to automatically upload some more files given their paths?
I'm afraid not. Here's a similar question:
upload file from client to server without openFile dialog
The main issue is security. The browsers don't want to be a vector for viruses that would steal files from people's machines.
Your choices are limited to having users drag and drop files or select them from a dialog. Chrome also has a feature which will let users drag and drop folders not just files (upload file from client to server without openFile dialog), but i think still only Chrome supports that and the user still has to at least choose or drag the folder.

file manipulation with out serverside coding

Is it possible to manipulate a file only with client side programming? I am creating a text editor, which takes an uploaded file and need to save to another location after editing. Is it possible with client side coding?
Yes, everything you described is possible. Things you need are: the FileReader API for reading the files and download attribute of a for saving the with specific name. The solution won't be cross-browser but it'll work in the modern browsers.
Edit 1: You can't to the manipulation like in language which have full access to the file system (i.e. you can't open files by their path for example). The user needs to drag the text file in the page which is your editor or select the file with <input type="file" />.
Edit 2: The same is for saving the file. You can give the user a link with specified file name in the download attribute. When the user press this link the file will be saved in his download folder.

Javascript to save files in browser?

I generate html pages which are viewed locally. Is there a way i can use javascript to save files in a user designated folder? (like C:/dev/myapp/here)
I looked at HTML5 File API on MDN and see how to read files when a user selects them. No way to save files. I know how i can cache files by creating image tags but i like to generate a single button which will kick off a script to download a series of files (zip, gif, png, jpg). I dont suppose i can do that with javascript can i?
I dont suppose i can do that with javascript can i?
Nope, you cannot.

