requirejs dependencies load order doesn't work - javascript

I have such a code:
urlArgs: "bust=" + (new Date()).getTime(),
paths: {
mods: 'default',
myFriend: 'myFriend',
myCoworker: 'myCoworker'
shim: {
mods: ['myFriend', 'myCoworker']
require(['mods'], function (mods) {
// something to do
and modules which are the dependencies:
var mess = `<a really huge text, almost 200 Kbytes>`
console.log('This code is ran in the myFriend module...', {mess:mess});
console.log('This code is ran in the myCoworker module...');
var wrk = {
name: 'John'
So I hope, that accordingly to shim is should always load myFriend.js (that is checked by console.output) before myCoworker.js. But it doesn't. The console output shows:
This code is run in the myCoworker module...
and then
This code is run in the myFriend module...
Probably I have missed something, but what?
The entire code is here:

Your dealing with a fundamental misconception in how RequireJS works. We use shim for files that do not call define. Using shim makes it so that RequireJS will, so to speak, add a kind of "virtual define" to those files. The shim you show is equivalent to:
define(['myFriend', 'myCoworker'], function (...) {...});
The dependency list passed to a define or require call does not, in and of itself, specifies a loading order among the modules listed in the dependency list. The only thing the dependency list does is specify that the modules in the list must be loaded before calling the callback. That's all.
If you want myFriend to load first, you need to make myCoworker dependent on it:
shim: {
mods: ['myFriend', 'myCoworker'],
myCoworker: ['myFriend'],
By the way, shim is really meant to be used for code you do not control. For your own code you should be using define in your code instead of setting a shim in the configuration.


requirejs dependencies grouping

I am trying to integrate requirejs framework to my app.
Is possible to create a virtual module (which doesn't exists as a physically file), where i could group all the jquery-validation plugins together?
For example, i need to load 4 dependencies everytime i want to use jquery-validate.
Instead of requesting them, each time, i create a jquery-val "virtual module", which should request all the dependencies automatically.
However, trying to load "jquery-val" actually tries to load the file from disk (which i don't have).
What should be the best practice in solving this issue?
// config
baseUrl: '/Content',
paths: {
'jquery': 'frameworks/jquery-3.1.1.min',
"jquery-validate": "frameworks/jquery.validate.min",
"jquery-validate-unobtrusive": "frameworks/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min",
"jquery-unobtrusive-ajax": "frameworks/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min"
shim: {
"jquery-val": ["jquery", "jquery-validate", "jquery-validate-unobtrusive", "jquery-unobtrusive-ajax"]
// Solution 1: working, but ugly
define(["jquery", "jquery-validate-unobtrusive", "jquery-unobtrusive-ajax"], function ($) {
// My Module
// Solution 2: not working
define(["jquery-val"], function () {
// My Module
// Solution 3: create jquery-val.js file, which loads the dependencies automatically
// jquery-val.js
(function (global) {
define(["jquery", "jquery-validate-unobtrusive", "jquery-unobtrusive-ajax"], function ($) {
take some time and read:
One module per file.: Only one module should be defined per JavaScript file, given the nature of the module name-to-file-path lookup algorithm. You shoud only use the optimization tool to group multiple modules into optimized files.
Optimization Tool
To answer your question:
It is good practice to define one module per file, so you don't need to define explicit a name for the module AND do the need for inserting it somewhere to be available before the other modules are loaded.
So you could require just the file: require("../services/myGroupModule") and this file would hold your module and requireJS would take care of the loading dependencies (and later the optimizations for concatenating into one file!). Here the module name is the file name.
You could nevertheless do the following and loading it as a file module or like you tried to define it beforehand and give the module a name:
//Explicitly defines the "foo/title" module:
["dependency1", "dependency2"],
function(dependency1, dependency2) {
return function myGroupModule {
return {
doSomething: function () { console.log("hey"); }
Maybe you should also give a look at some new module loaders:
WebPack 2:

Require module defined in another script

Script A
define('hotness', [], function() {
function f() {;
return f;
define('otherModule', [], function() {});
Script B
], function() {
var hotness = require('hotness')
Error: Module name "hotness" has not been loaded yet for context: _
What is the recommended way to require in a definition from ScriptA in ScriptB?
I've also tried:
Script B Alt
], function(require) {
var hotness = require('hotness')
Which gives me
Error loading resource ... /hotness.js: No such file or directory
Error: Script error for: hotness
It's important to note that ScriptA stands as is and will not be modified. The question is how can I get at the named module in ScriptA from ScriptB.
I have no control over the HTML or any other aspect of the page. I must do everything within ScriptB.
I have an example of something that works but it looks like a horrible antipattern work-around so I didn't even want to mention it:
define(['require'], function(require) {
// why use window? IDK.
// this is just verbatim what is "working" for someone else
window.require(['scriptA'], function(sA) {
//sA never actually used
], function(oM) {
var hotness = require('hotness'),
You should use a bundles configuration. Given what you've described works, you should use:
bundles: {
'scriptA': ['hotness', 'otherModule']
This essentially tells RequireJS "when you want to find hotness or otherModule then load scriptA because they are defined there". I use this every now and then to load modules from bundles that have been generated with r.js.
Other than this Joseph the Dreamer is correct that you should not in the same module mix the AMD and CommonJS methods of getting dependencies.
Your ScriptA uses named modules. They must be loaded after RequireJS but prior to any of the dependents. RequireJS does not recommend named modules unless you know what you're doing (like load a library like a regular script, and register it as a module at the same time).
Error: Module name "hotness" has not been loaded yet for context: _
This is a generic RequireJS error, when the module is loaded from the server, but somehow RequireJS can't provide it to the dependent. Usually happens when the module has syntax errors or when there's a circular dependency, among others.
ScriptB also has problems. It's trying to use both AMD style (array dependencies) and CommonJS style (explicit require). Just use one of the two syntaxes. Note that in the CommonJS format, it needs the module to have a first argument named require to trigger CommonJS format of writing.
define(['hotness'], function(hotness) {
// use hotness
// or
var hotness = require('hotness');
// use hotness
Error loading resource ... /hotness.js: No such file or directory
Be sure to set a base url. It can be implicit (based on the data-main location) or explicit (using require.config). Module names are usually paths + filenames relative to the base url.
It is advised that you use one file per module, containing a module definition that has no name (the file name becomes the name of the module) and resides somewhere under the set baseUrl.

RequireJS - config; paths and shims not working

I have a common.js that defines the config for RequireJS:
(function(requirejs) {
"use strict";
baseUrl: "/js",
paths: {
"jsRoutes": "http://localhost:8080/app/jsroutes"
shim: {
"jsRoutes": {
exports: "jsRoutes"
requirejs.onError = function(err) {
I then have a main.js file that I try to use the jsRoutes path that I created:
require(["./common", "jsRoutes"], function (common, routes) {
// do something interesting
but I do not load the resource at http://localhost:8080/app/jsroutes instead it tries to load http://localhost:8080/js/jsRoutes.js when the main.js is executed. But this resouce doesn't exist and I get a 404.
How do I get the jsRoutes path to work correctly? Also do I need the shim (I'm not 100% sure)?
I can debug into the common.js file, so the paths should be being set, right?
Update 1
I believe that the paths should work as I have them defined shouldn't they?
Excerpt from
There may be times when you do want to reference a script directly and not conform to the "baseUrl + paths" rules for finding it. If a module ID has one of the following characteristics, the ID will not be passed through the "baseUrl + paths" configuration, and just be treated like a regular URL that is relative to the document:
Ends in ".js".
Starts with a "/".
Contains an URL protocol, like "http:" or "https:".
Update 2
I may have misread the docs, I can solve the issue by defining the main.js like so:
require(["./common", "http://localhost:8080/app/jsroutes"], function (common, routes) {
// do something interesting
I was rather hoping not to have to pass round this rather unwieldy URL though.
Update 3
Further investigation of the docs revealed the following snippet:
enforceDefine: true,
paths: {
jquery: ''
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
//Do something with $ here
}, function (err) {
//The errback, error callback
//The error has a list of modules that failed
var failedId = err.requireModules && err.requireModules[0];
if (failedId === 'jquery') {
//undef is function only on the global requirejs object.
//Use it to clear internal knowledge of jQuery. Any modules
//that were dependent on jQuery and in the middle of loading
//will not be loaded yet, they will wait until a valid jQuery
//does load.
//Set the path to jQuery to local path
paths: {
jquery: 'local/jquery'
//Try again. Note that the above require callback
//with the "Do something with $ here" comment will
//be called if this new attempt to load jQuery succeeds.
require(['jquery'], function () {});
} else {
//Some other error. Maybe show message to the user.
It would seem here that the jquery path is working with a full URL
I'm fairly certain your path should be relative to your baseUrl. So giving it the domain & port is screwing it up.
EDIT: My standard require js config... it might help?
baseUrl : "./",
paths: {
// Bower Components
respond: 'assets/bower_components/respond/dest/respond.min',
// Libraries & Polyfills
polyfillGCS: 'assets/js/lib/polyfill-getComputedStyle',
polyfillRAF: 'assets/js/lib/polyfill-requestAnimationFrame',
polyfillPro: 'assets/js/lib/polyfill-promise',
easing: 'assets/js/lib/easing',
signalsui: 'assets/js/lib/Signals.ui',
signalsjs: 'assets/js/lib/Signals',
domReady: 'assets/js/lib/domReady', // TODO: Still needed?
// Modules
app: 'assets/js/es5/app'
shim: {
app: {
deps: ['signalsjs']
signalsjs: {
deps: ['easing', 'polyfillGCS', 'polyfillRAF']
signalsui: {
deps: ['signalsjs']
// Load the app
Ok I realised what I was doing wrong. It was simple really.
I had dependencies for ./common and jsRoutes being passed to the same module so jsRoutes was being required before it had been defined by the config.
I moved the dependency from the main.js file to where it was actually needed and things worked as I expected.
I had the same problem but I fixed it by changing my code like your original code:
require(["./common", "jsRoutes"], function (common, routes) {
// do something interesting
to this:
require(["./common"], function (common) {
require(["jsRoutes"], function (routes) {
// do something interesting
I'm guessing that, in the original code, RequireJS attempts to load the "jsRoutes" dependency before the configuration changes made in "common" are applied. Nesting the require calls effectively ensures that the second dependency is loaded only after the first is evaluated.

requirejs module alias/remap

I'm currently integrating foreign code into our application.
Part of the process, I must substitute one of their requirejs modules with ours.
Obviously I can't modify their code, otherwise I'd have to do the change at every update. What I can do is modify the main.js (data-main of requirejs).
Here is, roughly, what they have:
packages: [
So they have this beerpong package, with some modules in there. Among these modules, there is the beer.js file. It can be required with a require('beerpong/beer').
Aside from this, I have my files, in a separate folder, say vodkapong/beersubstitute. What I would like is that, whenever someone require('beerpong/beer'), that requirejs actually serves him my vodkapong/beersubstitute instead.
tl;dr: How can I remap an existing module to use my module instead?
PS: Sadly, we're not actually writing a beerpong game... One day maybe!
You could use the map option. It can remap an AMD module for a specific module or for all modules with the "*" name. An example would be:
map: {
"*": {
"beerpong/beer": "vodkapong/beersubstitute"
You can do something like this -
paths: {
jquery_ui_scrollbar: 'libs/jquery/jquery.custom-scrollbar'
require(['dependency1', 'dependency2'], function (dep1, dep2) {
// code goes here
And in your define call you can do this -
define(['jquery_ui_scrollbar'], function(scrollbar) {});

require.js loads dependencies incorrectly

So this is the setup, my base file is main.js which defines the scripts that are needed on all pages of the site I'm building. It looks like this:
], function () {
It loads jQuery, some plugins and the globals script file. On one page I'm trying to load a jQuery plugin, but the plugin tries to load before jQuery is loaded. It looks like this:
require(['/javascript/requirePlugins/require-order.js!/main','/javascript/requirePlugins/require-order.js!/javascript/3rdparty/lemon-slider-0.2.js'], function () {
$j('#carousel<%= ClientID %>').lemmonSlider({loop:false});
The function doesn't appear to be following the order requested. I'm not sure I can even nest ordered functions like this. I've also tried just applying jQuery as a dependency, but this also fails:
require(['/javascript/requirePlugins/require-order.js!/jquery','/javascript/requirePlugins/require-order.js!/javascript/3rdparty/lemon-slider-0.2.js'], function () {
$j('#carousel<%= ClientID %>').lemmonSlider({loop:false});
Any suggestions to where I'm doing this wrong is appreciated, thanks
order plugin is removed and you may try shim config to load plugins in order
paths: {
'jquery': '',
'bootstrap': '../bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min',
'select2': 'vendor/select2',
'jshashtable': 'vendor/jshashtable-2.1',
'jquery.numberformatter': 'vendor/jquery.numberformatter-1.2.3.min',
'jq-datepicker': 'vendor/bootstrap-datepicker',
'jq-datepicker.da': 'vendor/bootstrap-datepicker.da'
// Use shim for plugins that does not support ADM
shim: {
'bootstrap': ['jquery'],
'select2': ['jquery'],
'jq-datepicker': ['jquery'],
'jshashtable': ['jquery'],
'jquery.numberformatter': ['jquery', 'jshashtable']
enforceDefine: true
require-jquery is also no more maintaining.
The order plugin is useful if you just have a few top-level scripts you wanted loaded in order and those scripts do not use the module API supported by requirejs. It does not work out so well if you mix it/use it to load modules that do use the define() module API.
In particular, order just makes sure the script gets loaded first. However, the define() API specifies other scripts to load, and the order plugin does not know to wait for those scripts to load.
For this particular problem, I suggest using require-jquery.js as sinsedrix suggested. That, or wrap the scripts you use in define() calls. volo can help you do this with its amdify command:
volo.js amdify path/to/lemon-slider-0.2.js depends=jquery
Also, I would set the baseUrl and use "module naming" for the dependencies instead of full paths. This will allow the optimizer to work correctly. You can also map 'order' to the requirePlugins path, which helps cut down some of the line noise. I would also create a 'jquery' paths entry so that if you do wrap the other plugins in define calls, it will map back to the jquery loaded in your main.js file. So, in the top level script for your page:
baseUrl: '/javascript/',
paths: {
order: 'requirePlugins/require-order',
jquery: ''
Then your main.js can be written like so:
], function () {
Note that here, the order usage is fine, as long as those dependencies do not call define() themselves.
But if you are wrapping the scripts you use in define calls, then you can get rid of the order! usage above. Keep the jquery paths config though.
Maybe you should try tu use the require-jquery :
Then you won't have to worry about when jquery is loaded.

