I am using webpack for the first time and want to use some css with my react/redux application. I followed a guide, but still seem to be having problems. I am getting the above error as you can see.
folder structure looks like this:
This is the exact error:
Uncaught Error: Module parse failed: C:\Users\Amazo\projects\reduxApp\style\style.css Unexpected character '#' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| #row1 {
| margin-top: 15px;
| }
I will post my webpack config file below:
var path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
var HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
entry: './src/app.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public')
watch: true,
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
query: {
presets: ['react', 'es2015', 'stage-1']
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],
test: /\.css$/
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js','.jsx']
plugins: [
new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
template: 'public/index.html';
new ExtractTextPlugin('style.css')
Add .css to your resolve
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js','.jsx', '.css']
Otherwise, webpack won't be able to process it correctly
When I try to run npm run webpack, this shows "Error: 'output.filename' is required, either in config file or as --output-filename."
The config file is named correctly as webpack.config.js and is also in the root directory.
Below is the content in the config file:
var path = require('path');
var webpack = require('webpack');
module.exports - {
entry: './app.js',
output: { path: __dirname, filename: 'bundle.js' },
module: {
loaders: [
test: /.jsx?$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
exclude: /node-modules/,
query: {
presets: ['es2015', 'react']
Would really appreciate help
You have a syntax error.
module.exports -
should be:
module.exports =
And btw, you do not need to require webpack in the configuration file.
I have the following webpack config file:
var webpack = require('webpack');
var config = {
context: __dirname + '/src', // `__dirname` is root of project and `src` is source
entry: {
app: './app.js',
output: {
path: __dirname + '/dist', // `dist` is the destination
filename: '[name].bundle.js',
devServer: {
open: true, // to open the local server in browser
contentBase: __dirname + '/src'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/, //Check for all js files
use: [{
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: { presets: ['es2015'] }
module.exports = config;
when I run "webpack-dev-server" I get the following error:
ERROR in (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080
Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "es2015" relative to directory "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/index.js?http:/"
Faced the same problem following a tutorial on Udemy. Adding the .babelrc worked for me.
I am working on a project that integrates react, redux, and firebase. react-redux-firebase seems to be a convenient tool. However, the code is not being complied successfully. Below is the error, webpack.config.js, .babelrc, and index.js. Thanks for help in advance.
Error message:
ERROR in ./~/react-redux-firebase/src/connect.js
Module parse failed:
Unexpected token (43:24) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| }
| static contextTypes = {
| store: PropTypes.object.isRequired
| };
# ./~/react-redux-firebase/src/index.js 1:0-31 # ./src/index.js # multi ./src/index.js
/****And there are other similar errors, all "...appropriate loader..." ***/
var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var HTMLWebpackPluginConfig = new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: __dirname + '/src/index.html',
filename: 'index.html',
inject: 'body'
module.exports = {
entry: [
module: {
loaders: [
{test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
resolve: {
extensions: [".js", ".jsx", ".es6"]
output: {
filename: "index_bundle.js",
path: __dirname + '/dist'
plugins: [HTMLWebpackPluginConfig]
"presets": ["react", "es2015"]
/*Other Imports...*/
import { firebaseStateReducer } from 'react-redux-firebase'; //This is the line causing error
Duble check that you npm install-ed all your dependencies.
Then if that doesn't work, try this:
npm install babel-preset-es2015
and add the a query for es2015 after your exclude
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
query: {
presets: ['es2015']
If you need to include a specific node module, try including your source directory and that specific node module folder to be parsed by babel-loader.
So instead of the exclude: /node_modules/, try
include: [
path.resolve(__dirname, "src"),
path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/react-redux-firebase")
I am moving existing javascript vendor libraries into a webpack setup, where possible using npm to install an npm module and deleting the old script tag on the individual page as bundle.js and bundle.css include it
In index.js, I have the following
import 'materialize-css/dist/css/materialize.min.css';
However, when webpack is run, it errors with the following
Module parse failed: .......Unexpected character ''
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
So, for some reason, webpack is looking at the entire materialize folder, rather than just the single minified css file, and is then error when it comes across materialize/fonts directory.
I am unclear why this is happening, and what to do to stop it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My webpack config is below
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
var precss = require('precss');
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin");
var postcssImport = require('postcss-import');
module.exports = {
context: __dirname + '/frontend',
devtool: 'source-map',
entry: "./index.js",
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: path.join(__dirname, './static')
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel',
exclude: /node_modules/,
query: {
presets: ['es2015']
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract('style-loader', '!css-loader?sourceMap&importLoaders=1!postcss-loader')
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin("si-styles.css")
postcss: function(webpack) {
return [
postcssImport({ addDependencyTo: webpack }), // Must be first item in list
autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'] })
I'm trying to use an ES6 npm package (in this case one called gamesystem) in a project and build with webpack (and babel) it fails to build any ES6 code inside the external dependency, why is that? If I have the same code as a dependency with a relative path it works fine.
App code:
'use strict';
import World from 'gamesystem'; // Breaks
//import World from '../node_modules/gamesystem'; // Also breaks
//import World from '../gamesystem'; // Works (copied the same directory gamesystem outside the node_modules directory)
let world = new World();
ERROR in ./~/gamesystem/World.js
Module parse failed: /home/user/project/node_modules/gamesystem/World.js Line 3: Unexpected token
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| 'use strict';
| import System from './System';
| export default class World {
# ./src/app.js 3:18-39
Webpack config:
'use strict';
// Modules
let WebpackNotifierPlugin = require('webpack-notifier');
let HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
let config = {
entry: {
app: __dirname + '/../src/app.js'
devtool: 'source-map',
devServer: {
stats: {
modules: false,
cached: false,
colors: true,
chunk: false
proxy: require('./devProxy')
module: {
loaders: [{
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel',
exclude: /node_modules/,
query: {
presets: ['es2015', 'stage-0']
test: /\.css$/,
loader: 'style!css'
test: /\.html$/,
loader: 'raw'
plugins: [
new WebpackNotifierPlugin(),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: __dirname + '/../src/index.html',
inject: 'body',
minify: false
module.exports = config;
You're explicitly excluding node_modules from babel-loader:
exclude: /node_modules/,
You'll need to tweak that if you want to pass modules from node_modules through babel. You might consider explicit includes like this:
// be sure to req path
// var path = require('path')
include: [
// Include everything from your app path
path.resolve(__dirname, 'my-app-js-path'),
// Include gamesystem modules