Concept: Discern between Array, Pseudo-Array, and Object in JavaScript - javascript

Often while using JavaScript you run into silly problems. One such problems is discerning between Object types.
Is there a way to create a function with this functionality? See Below:
_discern = function () { [ function code ] };
_discern({}); // Logs: Object
_discern([]); // Logs: Array
_discern(document); // Logs: Pseudo-Object
_discern(document.querySelectorAll("*")); // Logs: Pseudo-Array
I've already tried creating a function that checks for array-likeness, but that didn't work as good as I had hoped:
isArrLike = function (_) {
_[0] = 0; return [] >= Object.values(_).length;
And I've tried using that behavior into another function. All failures. Is there a way?

Looks like you want to know if something behaves like an array, instead of looking for the actual type/constructor.
If that's the case, it should be enough to check if something is iterable:
function isIterable(obj) {
// checks for null and undefined
if (obj == null) {
return false;
return typeof obj[Symbol.iterator] === 'function';

All of these are objects:
is array → return x instanceof Array or Array.isArray(x)
is function → return typeof x === 'function'
is HTML element → return x instanceof HTMLElement
is plain object → return typeof x === 'object' && /* ... is not array, not function, not HTML element */

Thanks to Logain's answer, I can solve the problem. Here's my approach:
kind = function (a) {
let u =, -1);
if (a == null || u == "String" || u == "Number" || u == "Boolean") {
return u;
else if (typeof a[Symbol.iterator] == "function") {
return u != "Array" ? "Array-Like" : u;
else {
return u;


Is there something similar to nullish coalescing operator but for if statements? [duplicate]

How do I determine if variable is undefined or null?
My code is as follows:
var EmpName = $("div#esd-names div#name").attr('class');
if(EmpName == 'undefined'){
<div id="esd-names">
<div id="name"></div>
But if I do this, the JavaScript interpreter halts execution.
You can use the qualities of the abstract equality operator to do this:
if (variable == null){
// your code here.
Because null == undefined is true, the above code will catch both null and undefined.
The standard way to catch null and undefined simultaneously is this:
if (variable == null) {
// do something
--which is 100% equivalent to the more explicit but less concise:
if (variable === undefined || variable === null) {
// do something
When writing professional JS, it's taken for granted that type equality and the behavior of == vs === is understood. Therefore we use == and only compare to null.
Edit again
The comments suggesting the use of typeof are simply wrong. Yes, my solution above will cause a ReferenceError if the variable doesn't exist. This is a good thing. This ReferenceError is desirable: it will help you find your mistakes and fix them before you ship your code, just like compiler errors would in other languages. Use try/catch if you are working with input you don't have control over.
You should not have any references to undeclared variables in your code.
Combining the above answers, it seems the most complete answer would be:
if( typeof variable === 'undefined' || variable === null ){
// Do stuff
This should work for any variable that is either undeclared or declared and explicitly set to null or undefined. The boolean expression should evaluate to false for any declared variable that has an actual non-null value.
if (variable == null) {
// Do stuff, will only match null or undefined, this won't match false
if (typeof EmpName != 'undefined' && EmpName) {
will evaluate to true if value is not:
empty string ("")
Probably the shortest way to do this is:
if(EmpName == null) { /* DO SOMETHING */ };
Here is proof:
function check(EmpName) {
if(EmpName == null) { return true; };
return false;
var log = (t,a) => console.log(`${t} -> ${check(a)}`);
log('null', null);
log('undefined', undefined);
log('NaN', NaN);
log('""', "");
log('{}', {});
log('[]', []);
log('[1]', [1]);
log('[0]', [0]);
log('[[]]', [[]]);
log('true', true);
log('false', false);
log('"true"', "true");
log('"false"', "false");
log('Infinity', Infinity);
log('-Infinity', -Infinity);
log('1', 1);
log('0', 0);
log('-1', -1);
log('"1"', "1");
log('"0"', "0");
log('"-1"', "-1");
// "void 0" case
console.log('---\n"true" is:', true);
console.log('"void 0" is:', void 0);
log(void 0,void 0); // "void 0" is "undefined"
And here are more details about == (source here)
BONUS: reason why === is more clear than == (look on agc answer)
jQuery attr() function returns either a blank string or the actual value (and never null or undefined). The only time it returns undefined is when your selector didn't return any element.
So you may want to test against a blank string. Alternatively, since blank strings, null and undefined are false-y, you can just do this:
if (!EmpName) { //do something }
Edited answer: In my opinion, you shouldn't use the function from my below old answer. Instead, you should probably know the type of your variable and use the according to check directly (for example, wondering if an array is empty? just do if(arr.length===0){} etc.). This answer doesn't even answer OP's question.
I've come to write my own function for this. JavaScript is weird.
It is usable on literally anything. (Note that this also checks if the variable contains any usable values. But since this information is usually also needed, I think it's worth posting). Please consider leaving a note.
function empty(v) {
let type = typeof v;
if (type === 'undefined') {
return true;
if (type === 'boolean') {
return !v;
if (v === null) {
return true;
if (v === undefined) {
return true;
if (v instanceof Array) {
if (v.length < 1) {
return true;
} else if (type === 'string') {
if (v.length < 1) {
return true;
if (v === '0') {
return true;
} else if (type === 'object') {
if (Object.keys(v).length < 1) {
return true;
} else if (type === 'number') {
if (v === 0) {
return true;
return false;
This function should do exactly the same thing like PHP's empty() function (see RETURN VALUES)
Considers undefined, null, false, 0, 0.0, "0" {}, [] as empty.
"0.0", NaN, " ", true are considered non-empty.
The shortest and easiest:
if(!EmpName ){
this will evaluate true if EmpName is:
string ("")
If the variable you want to check is a global, do
if (window.yourVarName) {
// Your code here
This way to check will not throw an error even if the yourVarName variable doesn't exist.
Example: I want to know if my browser supports History API
if (window.history) {
How this works:
window is an object which holds all global variables as its properties, and in JavaScript it is legal to try to access a non-existing object property. If history doesn't exist then window.history returns undefined. undefined is falsey, so code in an if(undefined){} block won't run.
In JavaScript, as per my knowledge, we can check an undefined, null or empty variable like below.
if (variable === undefined){
if (variable === null){
if (variable === ''){
Check all conditions:
if(variable === undefined || variable === null || variable === ''){
Since you are using jQuery, you can determine whether a variable is undefined or its value is null by using a single function.
var s; // undefined
jQuery.isEmptyObject(s); // will return true;
s = null; // defined as null
jQuery.isEmptyObject(s); // will return true;
// usage
alert('Either variable: s is undefined or its value is null');
alert('variable: s has value ' + s);
s = 'something'; // defined with some value
jQuery.isEmptyObject(s); // will return false;
I've just had this problem i.e. checking if an object is null.
I simply use this:
if (object) {
// Your code
For example:
if (document.getElementById("enterJob")) {
document.getElementById("enterJob").className += ' current';
You can simply use the following (I know there are shorter ways to do this, but this may make it easier to visually observe, at least for others looking at the code).
if (x === null || x === undefined) {
// Add your response code here, etc.
jQuery check element not null:
var dvElement = $('#dvElement');
if (dvElement.length > 0) {
// Do something
// Else do something else
With the newest javascript changes, you can use the new logical operator ??= to check if the left operand is null or undefined and if so assign the value of right operand.
if(EmpName == null){ // if Variable EmpName null or undefined
EmpName = 'some value';
Is equivalent to:
EmpName ??= 'some value';
The easiest way to check is:
if(!variable) {
// If the variable is null or undefined then execution of code will enter here.
I run this test in the Chrome console. Using (void 0) you can check undefined:
var c;
if (c === void 0) alert();
// output = undefined
var c = 1;
// output = undefined
if (c === void 0) alert();
// output = undefined
// check c value c
// output = 1
if (c === void 0) alert();
// output = undefined
c = undefined;
// output = undefined
if (c === void 0) alert();
// output = undefined
With the solution below:
const getType = (val) => typeof val === 'undefined' || !val ? null : typeof val;
const isDeepEqual = (a, b) => getType(a) === getType(b);
console.log(isDeepEqual(1, 1)); // true
console.log(isDeepEqual(null, null)); // true
console.log(isDeepEqual([], [])); // true
console.log(isDeepEqual(1, "1")); // false
I'm able to check for the following:
string ("")
To test if a variable is null or undefined I use the below code.
if(typeof sVal === 'undefined' || sVal === null || sVal === ''){
console.log('variable is undefined or null');
if you create a function to check it:
export function isEmpty (v) {
if (typeof v === "undefined") {
return true;
if (v === null) {
return true;
if (typeof v === "object" && Object.keys(v).length === 0) {
return true;
if (Array.isArray(v) && v.length === 0) {
return true;
if (typeof v === "string" && v.trim().length === 0) {
return true;
return false;
(null == undefined) // true
(null === undefined) // false
Because === checks for both the type and value. Type of both are different but value is the same.
Let's look at this,
let apple; // Only declare the variable as apple
alert(apple); // undefined
In the above, the variable is only declared as apple. In this case, if we call method alert it will display undefined.
let apple = null; /* Declare the variable as apple and initialized but the value is null */
alert(apple); // null
In the second one it displays null, because variable of apple value is null.
So you can check whether a value is undefined or null.
if(apple !== undefined || apple !== null) {
// Can use variable without any error
The foo == null check should do the trick and resolve the "undefined OR null" case in the shortest manner. (Not considering "foo is not declared" case.) But people who are used to have 3 equals (as the best practice) might not accept it. Just look at eqeqeq or triple-equals rules in eslint and tslint...
The explicit approach, when we are checking if a variable is undefined or null separately, should be applied in this case, and my contribution to the topic (27 non-negative answers for now!) is to use void 0 as both short and safe way to perform check for undefined.
Using foo === undefined is not safe because undefined is not a reserved word and can be shadowed (MDN). Using typeof === 'undefined' check is safe, but if we are not going to care about foo-is-undeclared case the following approach can be used:
if (foo === void 0 || foo === null) { ... }
You can do something like this, I think its more efficient for multiple value check on the same variable in one condition
const x = undefined;
const y = null;
const z = 'test';
if ([undefined, null].includes(x)) {
// Will return true
if ([undefined, null].includes(y)) {
// Will return true
if ([undefined, null].includes(z)) {
// Will return false
No one seems to have to posted this yet, so here we go:
a?.valueOf() === undefined works reliably for either null or undefined.
The following works pretty much like a == null or a == undefined, but it could be more attractive for purists who don't like == 😎
function check(a) {
const value = a?.valueOf();
if (value === undefined) {
console.log("a is null or undefined");
else {
On a side note, a?.constructor works too:
function check(a) {
if (a?.constructor === undefined) {
console.log("a is null or undefined");
Calling typeof null returns a value of “object”, as the special value null is considered to be an empty object reference. Safari through version 5 and Chrome through version 7 have a quirk where calling typeof on a regular expression returns “function” while all other browsers return “object”.
var x;
if (x === undefined) {
alert ("only declared, but not defined.")
if (typeof y === "undefined") {
alert ("not even declared.")
You can only use second one: as it will check for both definition and declaration
var i;
if (i === null || typeof i === 'undefined') {
console.log(i, 'i is undefined or null')
else {
console.log(i, 'i has some value')
I still think the best/safe way to test these two conditions is to cast the value to a string:
var EmpName = $("div#esd-names div#name").attr('class');
// Undefined check
if ( === '[object Undefined]'){
// Do something with your code
// Nullcheck
if ( === '[object Null]'){
// Do something with your code

JS: And if every function return "this" as a default value?

I have a code design question. Consider the following code:
To allow chaining, I'm often writing return this;, and sometimes, here or there I forget to do it, then I got an error.
In many cases, I'm not asking for a particular result (e.g. thatObj.getName() or thatObj.getChildren()), but instead wanting to do some updates or calling setters (e.g. thatObj.setName("foo") or thatObj.addChild(child) or thatObj.update()), I was wondering if it would be more convenient to return this; for any call of methods, I mean as a javascript default behaviour, and if not, what could be the reasons not to do so.
JS returns undefined if you don't return something explicitely,
JS constructors return this unless your constructor returns an Object.
CoffeeScript returns the last expression by default,
You want this to be returned by default by all methods on an object
everybody has it's own opinion what's the "right" way to do it.
could it be a good idea to say from now JS will always return this from any methods ?
And from one moment to the other, at least 2/3 of the web will be broken. So, tell me, is it a good idea?
JS has set its rules a long time ago, and something that basic is not going to change (as Pointy already mentioned). So why don't you take care of that behaviour:
//extracted that from the function to avoid memory leakage
function wrapFunction(fn) {
return function() {
let result = fn.apply(this, arguments);
return result === undefined ? this : result;
//filter === false => only own methods
//filter === true => own methods and inherited methods
//filter is Array => only the passed keys (if they are methods)
//filter is RegExp => use the RegExp to filter the keys
//filter is function => regular filterFunction
function returnThisAsDefault(objectOrConstructor, filter = false) {
if (objectOrConstructor !== Object(objectOrConstructor))
throw new TypeError("Passed argument must be an object or a constructor. Got ", typeof objectOrConstructor);
const validKey = key => typeof proto[key] === "function" && key !== "constructor" && key !== "prototype";
let proto = typeof objectOrConstructor === "function" ?
objectOrConstructor.prototype :
let filterFn = Array.isArray(filter) ? filter.includes.bind(filter) :
filter === false || filter === true ? () => true :
filter instanceof RegExp ? filter.test.bind(filter) :
typeof filter === "function" ? filter :
() => false;
let wrapped = {};
for (let p = proto, done = new Set(["constructor", "prototype"]); p != null && p !== Object.prototype;) {
for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p)) {
if (typeof proto[key] !== "function" || done.has(key) || !, key)) continue;
let d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, key);
//typeof d.value !== "function" means that proto[key] contains a getter returning a function
if (!d.writable && !d.configurable || typeof d.value !== "function") {
console.log(`function ${JSON.stringify(key)} not fit to be wrapped`, d);
d.value = wrapFunction(d.value);
wrapped[key] = d;
if (filter === false) break;
else p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
Object.defineProperties(proto, wrapped);
return objectOrConstructor;
let thatObject = returnThisAsDefault({
doThis() {
setThat() {
add() {
update() {
return "success";
let result = thatObject.doThis().setThat().add().update();
console.log("result: ", result);
.as-console-wrapper {
top: 0;
max-height: 100%!important

How can I check if a JSON is empty in NodeJS?

I have a function that checks to see whether or not a request has any queries, and does different actions based off that. Currently, I have if(query) do this else something else. However, it seems that when there is no query data, I end up with a {} JSON object. As such, I need to replace if(query) with if(query.isEmpty()) or something of that sort. Can anybody explain how I could go about doing this in NodeJS? Does the V8 JSON object have any functionality of this sort?
You can use either of these functions:
// This should work in node.js and other ES5 compliant implementations.
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
return !Object.keys(obj).length;
// This should work both there and elsewhere.
function isEmptyObject(obj) {
for (var key in obj) {
if (, key)) {
return false;
return true;
Example usage:
if (isEmptyObject(query)) {
// There are no queries.
} else {
// There is at least one query,
// or at least the query object is not empty.
You can use this:
var isEmpty = function(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
or this:
function isEmpty(obj) {
return !Object.keys(obj).length > 0;
You can also use this:
function isEmpty(obj) {
for(var prop in obj) {
return false;
return true;
If using underscore or jQuery, you can use their isEmpty or isEmptyObject calls.
Object.keys(myObj).length === 0;
As there is need to just check if Object is empty it will be better to directly call a native method Object.keys(myObj).length which returns the array of keys by internally iterating with loop.As Object.hasOwnProperty returns a boolean result based on the property present in an object which itself iterates with loop and will have time complexity O(N2).
On the other hand calling a UDF which itself has above two implementations or other will work fine for small object but will block the code which will have severe impact on overall perormance if Object size is large unless nothing else is waiting in the event loop.
If you have compatibility with Object.keys, and node does have compatibility, you should use that for sure.
However, if you do not have compatibility, and for any reason using a loop function is out of the question - like me, I used the following solution:
JSON.stringify(obj) === '{}'
Consider this solution a 'last resort' use only if must.
See in the comments "there are many ways in which this solution is not ideal".
I had a last resort scenario, and it worked perfectly.
My solution:
let isEmpty = (val) => {
let typeOfVal = typeof val;
case 'object':
return (val.length == 0) || !Object.keys(val).length;
case 'string':
let str = val.trim();
return str == '' || str == undefined;
case 'number':
return val == '';
return val == '' || val == undefined;
console.log(isEmpty([1,2,4,5])); // false
console.log(isEmpty({id: 1, name: "Trung",age: 29})); // false
console.log(isEmpty('TrunvNV')); // false
console.log(isEmpty(8)); // false
console.log(isEmpty('')); // true
console.log(isEmpty(' ')); // true
console.log(isEmpty([])); // true
console.log(isEmpty({})); // true
const isEmpty = (value) => (
value === undefined ||
value === null ||
(typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length === 0) ||
(typeof value === 'string' && value.trim().length === 0)
module.exports = isEmpty;

I am looking for a smart way to check the object parameter passed to a function

I am in the following situation:
I have to check if the object parameter passed to a function is valid:
function (opt) {
if (opt && opt.key && opt.key2) {
// make something
Is there a better way to make this kind of check?
Not really.
Unless you can use opt.pleaseReadMyMind() ;-)
You could create a method that will check if all fields have values different to null, though.
That's the most compact way of doing it.
The most correct way would be:
if( typeof opt !== "undefined" && typeof opt.key !== "undefined" && typeof opt.key2 !== "undefined") {
But as you can see that's quite a mouthful and not really necessary.
Just write a simple test routine to verify the object given a list of property names:
// usage: testProps(object to test, [list, of, property, names])
// returns true if object contains all properties
function testProps(obj, props)
if (obj === null)
return false;
var i;
for (i=0; i<props.length; ++i)
if (!(props[i] in obj))
return false;
return true;
And then in your function:
if (!testProps(obj, ['key', 'key2'])
What you are doing is valid, but it does have flaws.
if (opt && opt.key && opt.key2) {
This check would fail if opt.key has falsely values [0,null,false,and so on]
In that case you would have to do a typeof check to make sure it is not undefined.
if (opt && typeof opt.key !== "undefined" && opt.key2) {
Yeah, but it's only "better" if you have a lot of keys to check, not just three. Something like this:
function opt(opt) {
for(var i = 0; i<3; i++) {
if(typeof opt["key"+((i > 0) ? "" : i + 1))] === "undefined") {
// create object
If opt is undefined all its keys will be too, so there's an implicit check for that as well.
You could also define the variable names you want to check in array, something like this:
var propsToCheck = ["key", "key1", "key2"];
function(opt) {
for(var i = 0, ii = propsToCheck.length; i<ii; i++) {
if(typeof opt[propsToCheck[i]] === "undefined") {
// create object
Not really much of a better solution, but it does allow for less typing if you're planning on checking more than three or four properties.
You could always do it like this:
function validate(o, args) {
if (typeof(o) == 'object' && args instanceof Array) {
for (var i = args.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (typeof(o[args[i]]) === 'undefined') return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
function myFunction(obj) {
if (validate(obj, ['foo', 'bar'])) {
// Your code goes here.
} else {
// Object passed to the function did not validate.
Here's a fiddle for you:

How do you check if a JavaScript Object is a DOM Object?

I'm trying to get:
document.createElement('div') //=> true
{tagName: 'foobar something'} //=> false
In my own scripts, I used to just use this since I never needed tagName as a property:
if (!object.tagName) throw ...;
So for the second object, I came up with the following as a quick solution -- which mostly works. ;)
The problem is, it depends on browsers enforcing read-only properties, which not all do.
function isDOM(obj) {
var tag = obj.tagName;
try {
obj.tagName = ''; // Read-only for DOM, should throw exception
obj.tagName = tag; // Restore for normal objects
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
Is there a good substitute?
This might be of interest:
function isElement(obj) {
try {
//Using W3 DOM2 (works for FF, Opera and Chrome)
return obj instanceof HTMLElement;
//Browsers not supporting W3 DOM2 don't have HTMLElement and
//an exception is thrown and we end up here. Testing some
//properties that all elements have (works on IE7)
return (typeof obj==="object") &&
(obj.nodeType===1) && (typeof === "object") &&
(typeof obj.ownerDocument ==="object");
It's part of the DOM, Level2.
Update 2: This is how I implemented it in my own library:
(the previous code didn't work in Chrome, because Node and HTMLElement are functions instead of the expected object. This code is tested in FF3, IE7, Chrome 1 and Opera 9).
//Returns true if it is a DOM node
function isNode(o){
return (
typeof Node === "object" ? o instanceof Node :
o && typeof o === "object" && typeof o.nodeType === "number" && typeof o.nodeName==="string"
//Returns true if it is a DOM element
function isElement(o){
return (
typeof HTMLElement === "object" ? o instanceof HTMLElement : //DOM2
o && typeof o === "object" && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName==="string"
The accepted answer is a bit complicated, and does not detect all types of HTML elements. For example, SVG elements are not supported. In contrast, this answer works for HTML as well as SVG, etc.
See it in action here:
function isElement(element) {
return element instanceof Element || element instanceof HTMLDocument;
Cherry on top: the above code is IE8 compatible.
No need for hacks, you can just ask if an element is an instance of the DOM Element:
const isDOM = el => el instanceof Element
All solutions above and below (my solution including) suffer from possibility of being incorrect, especially on IE — it is quite possible to (re)define some objects/methods/properties to mimic a DOM node rendering the test invalid.
So usually I use the duck-typing-style testing: I test specifically for things I use. For example, if I want to clone a node I test it like this:
if(typeof node == "object" && "nodeType" in node &&
node.nodeType === 1 && node.cloneNode){
// most probably this is a DOM node, we can clone it safely
clonedNode = node.cloneNode(false);
Basically it is a little sanity check + the direct test for a method (or a property) I am planning to use.
Incidentally the test above is a good test for DOM nodes on all browsers. But if you want to be on the safe side always check the presence of methods and properties and verify their types.
EDIT: IE uses ActiveX objects to represent nodes, so their properties do not behave as true JavaScript object, for example:
console.log(typeof node.cloneNode); // object
console.log(node.cloneNode instanceof Function); // false
while it should return "function" and true respectively. The only way to test methods is to see if the are defined.
A simple way to test if a variable is a DOM element (verbose, but more traditional syntax :-)
function isDomEntity(entity) {
if(typeof entity === 'object' && entity.nodeType !== undefined){
return true;
return false;
Or as HTMLGuy suggested (short and clean syntax):
const isDomEntity = entity =>
typeof entity === 'object' && entity.nodeType !== undefined
You could try appending it to a real DOM node...
function isDom(obj)
var elm = document.createElement('div');
catch (e)
return false;
return true;
How about Lo-Dash's _.isElement?
$ npm install lodash.iselement
And in the code:
var isElement = require("lodash.iselement");
This is from the lovely JavaScript library MooTools:
if (obj.nodeName){
switch (obj.nodeType){
case 1: return 'element';
case 3: return (/\S/).test(obj.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace';
The using the root detection found here, we can determine whether e.g. alert is a member of the object's root, which is then likely to be a window:
function isInAnyDOM(o) {
return (o !== null) && !!(o.ownerDocument && (o.ownerDocument.defaultView || o.ownerDocument.parentWindow).alert); // true|false
To determine whether the object is the current window is even simpler:
function isInCurrentDOM(o) {
return (o !== null) && !!o.ownerDocument && (window === (o.ownerDocument.defaultView || o.ownerDocument.parentWindow)); // true|false
This seems to be less expensive than the try/catch solution in the opening thread.
Don P
old thread, but here's an updated possibility for ie8 and ff3.5 users:
function isHTMLElement(o) {
return (o.constructor.toString().search(/\object HTML.+Element/) > -1);
var IsPlainObject = function ( obj ) { return obj instanceof Object && ! ( obj instanceof Function || obj.toString( ) !== '[object Object]' || !== 'Object' ); },
IsDOMObject = function ( obj ) { return obj instanceof EventTarget; },
IsDOMElement = function ( obj ) { return obj instanceof Node; },
IsListObject = function ( obj ) { return obj instanceof Array || obj instanceof NodeList; },
// In fact I am more likely t use these inline, but sometimes it is good to have these shortcuts for setup code
I think prototyping is not a very good solution but maybe this is the fastest one:
Define this code block;
Element.prototype.isDomElement = true;
HTMLElement.prototype.isDomElement = true;
than check your objects isDomElement property:
I hope this helps.
This could be helpful: isDOM
// Determines if the #obj parameter is a DOM element
function isDOM (obj) {
// DOM, Level2
if ("HTMLElement" in window) {
return (obj && obj instanceof HTMLElement);
// Older browsers
return !!(obj && typeof obj === "object" && obj.nodeType === 1 && obj.nodeName);
In the code above, we use the double negation operator to get the boolean value of the object passed as argument, this way we ensure that each expression evaluated in the conditional statement be boolean, taking advantage of the Short-Circuit Evaluation, thus the function returns true or false
According to mdn
Element is the most general base class from which all objects in a Document inherit. It only has methods and properties common to all kinds of elements.
We can implement isElement by prototype. Here is my advice:
* #description detect if obj is an element
* #param {*} obj
* #returns {Boolean}
* #example
* see below
function isElement(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return false
let prototypeStr, prototype
do {
prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)
// to work in iframe
prototypeStr =
// '[object Document]' is used to detect document
if (
prototypeStr === '[object Element]' ||
prototypeStr === '[object Document]'
) {
return true
obj = prototype
// null is the terminal of object
} while (prototype !== null)
return false
console.log(isElement(document)) // true
console.log(isElement(document.documentElement)) // true
console.log(isElement(document.body)) // true
console.log(isElement(document.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0])) // true or false, decided by whether there is svg element
console.log(isElement(document.getElementsByTagName('svg'))) // false
console.log(isElement(document.createDocumentFragment())) // false
I think that what you have to do is make a thorough check of some properties that will always be in a dom element, but their combination won't most likely be in another object, like so:
var isDom = function (inp) {
return inp && inp.tagName && inp.nodeName && inp.ownerDocument && inp.removeAttribute;
In Firefox, you can use the instanceof Node. That Node is defined in DOM1.
But that is not that easy in IE.
"instanceof ActiveXObject" only can tell that it is a native object.
"typeof document.body.appendChild=='object'" tell that it may be DOM object, but also can be something else have same function.
You can only ensure it is DOM element by using DOM function and catch if any exception. However, it may have side effect (e.g. change object internal state/performance/memory leak)
Perhaps this is an alternative? Tested in Opera 11, FireFox 6, Internet Explorer 8, Safari 5 and Google Chrome 16.
function isDOMNode(v) {
if ( v===null ) return false;
if ( typeof v!=='object' ) return false;
if ( !('nodeName' in v) ) return false;
var nn = v.nodeName;
try {
// DOM node property nodeName is readonly.
// Most browsers throws an error...
v.nodeName = 'is readonly?';
} catch (e) {
// ... indicating v is a DOM node ...
return true;
// ...but others silently ignore the attempt to set the nodeName.
if ( v.nodeName===nn ) return true;
// Property nodeName set (and reset) - v is not a DOM node.
v.nodeName = nn;
return false;
Function won't be fooled by e.g. this
isDOMNode( {'nodeName':'fake'} ); // returns false
You can see if the object or node in question returns a string type.
typeof (array).innerHTML === "string" => false
typeof (object).innerHTML === "string" => false
typeof (number).innerHTML === "string" => false
typeof (text).innerHTML === "string" => false
//any DOM element will test as true
typeof (HTML object).innerHTML === "string" => true
typeof (document.createElement('anything')).innerHTML === "string" => true
This is what I figured out:
var isHTMLElement = (function () {
if ("HTMLElement" in window) {
// Voilà. Quick and easy. And reliable.
return function (el) {return el instanceof HTMLElement;};
} else if ((document.createElement("a")).constructor) {
// We can access an element's constructor. So, this is not IE7
var ElementConstructors = {}, nodeName;
return function (el) {
return el && typeof el.nodeName === "string" &&
(el instanceof ((nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) in ElementConstructors
? ElementConstructors[nodeName]
: (ElementConstructors[nodeName] = (document.createElement(nodeName)).constructor)))
} else {
// Not that reliable, but we don't seem to have another choice. Probably IE7
return function (el) {
return typeof el === "object" && el.nodeType === 1 && typeof el.nodeName === "string";
To improve performance I created a self-invoking function that tests the browser's capabilities only once and assigns the appropriate function accordingly.
The first test should work in most modern browsers and was already discussed here. It just tests if the element is an instance of HTMLElement. Very straightforward.
The second one is the most interesting one. This is its core-functionality:
return el instanceof (document.createElement(el.nodeName)).constructor
It tests whether el is an instance of the construcor it pretends to be. To do that, we need access to an element's contructor. That's why we're testing this in the if-Statement. IE7 for example fails this, because (document.createElement("a")).constructor is undefined in IE7.
The problem with this approach is that document.createElement is really not the fastest function and could easily slow down your application if you're testing a lot of elements with it. To solve this, I decided to cache the constructors. The object ElementConstructors has nodeNames as keys with its corresponding constructors as values. If a constructor is already cached, it uses it from the cache, otherwise it creates the Element, caches its constructor for future access and then tests against it.
The third test is the unpleasant fallback. It tests whether el is an object, has a nodeType property set to 1 and a string as nodeName. This is not very reliable of course, yet the vast majority of users shouldn't even fall back so far.
This is the most reliable approach I came up with while still keeping performance as high as possible.
Test if obj inherits from Node.
if (obj instanceof Node){
// obj is a DOM Object
Node is a basic Interface from which HTMLElement and Text inherit.
For the ones using Angular:
This will work for almost any browser. (No distinction between elements and nodes here)
function dom_element_check(element){
if (typeof element.nodeType !== 'undefined'){
return true;
return false;
differentiate a raw js object from a HTMLElement
function isDOM (x){
return /HTML/.test( {} );
isDOM( {a:1} ) // false
isDOM( document.body ) // true
// OR
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "is",
value: function (x) {
return {} >= 0;
o={};"HTML") // false
o=document.body;"HTML") // true
here's a trick using jQuery
var obj = {};
var element = document.getElementById('myId'); // or simply $("#myId")
$(obj).html() == undefined // true
$(element).html() == undefined // false
so putting it in a function:
function isElement(obj){
return (typeOf obj === 'object' && !($(obj).html() == undefined));
Not to hammer on this or anything but for ES5-compliant browsers why not just:
function isDOM(e) {
return (/HTML(?:.*)Element/).test(, -1));
Won't work on TextNodes and not sure about Shadow DOM or DocumentFragments etc. but will work on almost all HTML tag elements.
A absolute right method, check target is a real html element
primary code:
(function (scope) {
if (!scope.window) {//May not run in window scope
var HTMLElement = window.HTMLElement || window.Element|| function() {};
var tempDiv = document.createElement("div");
var isChildOf = function(target, parent) {
if (!target) {
return false;
if (parent == null) {
parent = document.body;
if (target === parent) {
return true;
var newParent = target.parentNode || target.parentElement;
if (!newParent) {
return false;
return isChildOf(newParent, parent);
* The dom helper
var Dom = {
* Detect if target element is child element of parent
* #param {} target The target html node
* #param {} parent The the parent to check
* #returns {}
IsChildOf: function (target, parent) {
return isChildOf(target, parent);
* Detect target is html element
* #param {} target The target to check
* #returns {} True if target is html node
IsHtmlElement: function (target) {
if (!X.Dom.IsHtmlNode(target)) {
return false;
return target.nodeType === 1;
* Detect target is html node
* #param {} target The target to check
* #returns {} True if target is html node
IsHtmlNode:function(target) {
if (target instanceof HTMLElement) {
return true;
if (target != null) {
if (isChildOf(target, document.documentElement)) {
return true;
try {
if (tempDiv.childNodes.length > 0) {
tempDiv.innerHTML = "";
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
X.Dom = Dom;
Each DOMElement.constructor returns function HTML...Element() or [Object HTML...Element] so...
function isDOM(getElem){
if(getElem===null||typeof getElem==="undefined") return false;
var c = getElem.constructor.toString();
var html ="HTML")!==-1;
var element ="Element")!==-1;
return html&&element;
I have a special way to do this that has not yet been mentioned in the answers.
My solution is based on four tests. If the object passes all four, then it is an element:
The object is not null.
The object has a method called "appendChild".
The method "appendChild" was inherited from the Node class, and isn't just an imposter method (a user-created property with an identical name).
The object is of Node Type 1 (Element). Objects that inherit methods from the Node class are always Nodes, but not necessarily Elements.
Q: How do I check if a given property is inherited and isn't just an imposter?
A: A simple test to see if a method was truly inherited from Node is to first verify that the property has a type of "object" or "function". Next, convert the property to a string and check if the result contains the text "[Native Code]". If the result looks something like this:
function appendChild(){
[Native Code]
Then the method has been inherited from the Node object. See
And finally, bringing all the tests together, the solution is:
function ObjectIsElement(obj) {
var IsElem = true;
if (obj == null) {
IsElem = false;
} else if (typeof(obj.appendChild) != "object" && typeof(obj.appendChild) != "function") {
//IE8 and below returns "object" when getting the type of a function, IE9+ returns "function"
IsElem = false;
} else if ((obj.appendChild + '').replace(/[\r\n\t\b\f\v\xC2\xA0\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F ]/ig, '').search(/\{\[NativeCode]}$/i) == -1) {
IsElem = false;
} else if (obj.nodeType != 1) {
IsElem = false;
return IsElem;
(element instanceof $ && element.get(0) instanceof Element) || element instanceof Element
This will check for even if it is a jQuery or JavaScript DOM element
The only way to guarentee you're checking an actual HTMLEement, and not just an object with the same properties as an HTML Element, is to determine if it inherits from Node, since its impossible to make a new Node() in JavaScript. (unless the native Node function is overwritten, but then you're out of luck). So:
function isHTML(obj) {
return obj instanceof Node;
constructor: {
name: "HTML"
__proto__: {
__proto__: {
__proto__: {
__proto__: {
constructor: {
constructor: {
name: "Function"
name: "Node"
<div id=test></div>
<blockquote id="ok"></blockquote>
<p id=p></p>
<br id=o>
<!--think of anything else you want--!>

