Why isn't localStorage saving my variables? - javascript

My game is an idle one where you click protons, neutrons, and electrons and when you have enough of some, you can build hydrogen and so forth. I kind of got my local variables to work but now I am having issues with the buying stage.
Basically hydrogen costs 1 proton and one electron, when you click on the button, it runs the function SetHydrogen(), when it does that, it is supposed to run based off of the variable HydrogenCost. I am not sure if any of this is feasible.
var protons = Number(localStorage.setItem("ProtonS", Pcount));
var neutrons = Number(localStorage.NeutronS);
var electrons = Number(localStorage.ElectronS);
var hydrogens = Number(localStorage.HydrogenS);
function SaveVariables(){
if (localStorage.getItem("ProtonS")){
localStorage.setItem("ProtonS", Pcount);
protons = Number(localStorage.ProtonS);
} else {
localStorage.ProtonS = Number(localStorage.ProtonS);
if (localStorage.NeutronS){
localStorage.NeutronS = neutrons;
neutrons = Number(localStorage.NeutronS);
} else {
neutrons = Number(localStorage.NeutronS);
if (localStorage.ElectronS){
localStorage.ElectronS = electrons;
electrons = Number(localStorage.ElectronS);
} else {
electrons = Number(localStorage.ElectronS);
if (localStorage.HydrogenS){
localStorage.HydrogenS = document.getElementByID("HydrogenTotal").innerHTML;
hydrogens = Number(localStorage.HydrogenS);
} else {
hydrogens = 0;
function LoadVariables(){
buying = 0;
CanUBuy = false;
protons = Number(localStorage.ProtonS);
neutrons = Number(localStorage.NeutronS);
electrons = Number(localStorage.ElectronS);
hydrogens = Number(localStorage.HydrogenS);
function update(){
protonTap.onmousedown = function() {protons = protons + 1};
neutronTap.onmousedown = function() {neutrons = neutrons + 1};
electronTap.onmousedown = function() {electrons = electrons + 1};
function draw(){
ProtonsTotal.value = protons.toFixed(0);
NeutronsTotal.value = neutrons.toFixed(0);
ElectronsTotal.value = electrons.toFixed(0);
var mainloop = function() {update(), draw(), SaveVariables()};
var buying = 0;
function SetHydrogen(){
buying = 1;
if (CanUBuy = true){
HydrogenTotal.value ++;
buying = 0;
CanUBuy = false;
} else {
buying = 0;
function reset(){
CanUBuy = false;
protons = 0;
neutrons = 0;
electrons = 0;
hydrogens = 0;
buying = 0;
setInterval(mainloop, 16);
var CanUBuy = false;
var HydrogenCost = new buy(1,0,1);
function buy(ProtonCost, NeutronCost, ElectronCost){
if (buying = 1){
this.pCost = ProtonCost;
this.nCost = NeutronCost;
this.eCost = ElectronCost;
if (protons >= ProtonCost && neutrons >= NeutronCost && electrons >= ElectronCost) {
CanUBuy = true;
protons = protons - this.pCost;
neutrons = neutrons - this.nCost;
electrons = electrons - this.eCost;
} else{
CanUBuy = false;
alert("You don't have enough money");
} else if (buying = 0) {
buying = 0;
localStorage.setItem('start', Date.now());
var start = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('start'));
ffs.value = ~~((Date.now() - start)/1e3);
}, 1e3);

At first, i think you should rethink your overall structure. You could shorten your code and make it reusable through OOP:
function stored(name,startvalue){
this.value=+localStorage.getItem(name) || startvalue || 0;
valueOf:function(){ return this.value;},
So you can do:
var neutrons=new stored("neutrons");
alert(+neutrons);//0, 5 on reload
Note the + to convert the stored object to its value.
A hydrogen function could look like this:
var protons=new stored("protons",10);
var electrons=new stored("electrons",10);
var hydrogens=new stored("hydrogens");
if(+protons && +neutrons){
alert("impossible. Sorry :(");


How to detect joy-con input/motion controls in HTML5 JavaScript

I am trying to create an HTML5 JavaScript game that uses Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons and motion controls. The problem is, I don't know how to detect motion controls from Joy-Cons when they are connected to my PC.
I've managed to achieve button inputs with Xbox controllers, PS4, and Joy Con using Gamepad API, but is it possible to do so with Joy-Con motion controls?
Here is the code for Gamepad API if you want to see it(Again, I'm aiming for Joy-Con motion controls):
var haveEvents = 'ongamepadconnected' in window;
var controllers = {};
function connecthandler(e) {
function addgamepad(gamepad) {
controllers[gamepad.index] = gamepad;
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.setAttribute("id", "controller" + gamepad.index);
var t = document.createElement("h1");
t.appendChild(document.createTextNode("gamepad: " + gamepad.id));
var b = document.createElement("div");
b.className = "buttons";
for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.buttons.length; i++) {
var e = document.createElement("span");
e.className = "button";
//e.id = "b" + i;
e.innerHTML = i;
var a = document.createElement("div");
a.className = "axes";
for (var i = 0; i < gamepad.axes.length; i++) {
var p = document.createElement("progress");
p.className = "axis";
//p.id = "a" + i;
p.setAttribute("max", "2");
p.setAttribute("value", "1");
p.innerHTML = i;
var start = document.getElementById("start");
if (start) {
start.style.display = "none";
function disconnecthandler(e) {
function removegamepad(gamepad) {
var d = document.getElementById("controller" + gamepad.index);
delete controllers[gamepad.index];
function updateStatus() {
if (!haveEvents) {
var i = 0;
var j;
for (j in controllers) {
var controller = controllers[j];
var d = document.getElementById("controller" + j);
var buttons = d.getElementsByClassName("button");
for (i = 0; i < controller.buttons.length; i++) {
var b = buttons[i];
var val = controller.buttons[i];
var pressed = val == 1.0;
if (typeof(val) == "object") {
pressed = val.pressed;
val = val.value;
var pct = Math.round(val * 100) + "%";
b.style.backgroundSize = pct + " " + pct;
if (pressed) {
b.className = "button pressed";
//Pressed down code here
} else {
b.className = "button";
//Release button code here
var axes = d.getElementsByClassName("axis");
for (i = 0; i < controller.axes.length; i++) {
var a = axes[i];
a.innerHTML = i + ": " + controller.axes[i].toFixed(4);
a.setAttribute("value", controller.axes[i] + 1);
function scangamepads() {
var gamepads = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : (navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : []);
for (var i = 0; i < gamepads.length; i++) {
if (gamepads[i]) {
if (gamepads[i].index in controllers) {
controllers[gamepads[i].index] = gamepads[i];
} else {
window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", connecthandler);
window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", disconnecthandler);
if (!haveEvents) {
setInterval(scangamepads, 500);
Using this link for reference
Wei Gao explained this in a React Knowledgeable meetup last week.
You can learn how she did it through her presentation or her slides.
You can visit the talk page for more information.

JavaScript: multiple instances wrong reference to private property

In the fiddle is a "class" I have written to manage navigation over the data model and a test which shows that multiple instances (starting from second) of this "class" are referencing something wrong.
(outputs to console)
Expected output would be
But after setting Elements via setElements, in other methods Elements is empty, strangely only after creating the second instance. I could think that setElements overwrites the reference, but why other methods keep this old reference instead of getting a new one from the var.
Could somebody explain this behavior?
P.S. I probably can think on a solution, as packing vars in a property which is an object.
function Pagination() {
var props = {Elements:[], ...}
function Pagination() {
var that = this;
var Elements = [0,1];
var Frame = [];
var FrameNumber = 0;
var EntitiesPerFrame = 25;
var FrameChangedCB = [];
this.subscribeFrameChange = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw new Error("Not a function");
this.setEntitiesPerFrame = function(entities_per_frame) {
entities_per_frame = parseInt(entities_per_frame);
if (entities_per_frame > 0) {
EntitiesPerFrame = entities_per_frame;
while (!this.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber) && FrameNumber > 0) {
frameChanged = function() {
FrameChangedCB.forEach(function(cb) {
this.setElements = function(elements) {
if (Array.isArray(elements)) {
Elements = elements;
} else {
throw new Error("Can only work with arrays");
this.getStart = function() {
return FrameNumber * EntitiesPerFrame;
this.getEnd = function() {
var end = (FrameNumber + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
return end > Elements.length ? Elements.length : end;
this.getEntitiesPerFrame = function() {
return EntitiesPerFrame;
calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
this.canDisplayFrame = function(nr) {
nr = parseInt(nr);
var can = false;
var start = nr * EntitiesPerFrame
var end = (nr + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
if (start <= Elements.length && nr >= 0) {
can = true;
return can;
this.getFrame = function() {
return Frame;
this.next = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber + 1);
this.prev = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber - 1);
this.goto = function(frame_nr) {
var changed = false;
if (that.canDisplayFrame(frame_nr)) {
FrameNumber = parseInt(frame_nr);
changed = true;
return changed;
this.getLength = function() {
return Elements.length;
var b = new Pagination();
var a = new Pagination();
a.setElements([{name: 'xx'}]);
b.setElements([{name: 'yy'}]);
This is happening because you are abusing implicit globals.
Your Pagination function contains two places where a function is assigned to an identifier without using var:
calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
This will assign this function to a global variable named calculateFrame and any call to calculateFrame() will be calling whichever of those was assigned last (and therefore be using whatever scope it has access to).
To fix this, use var:
var calculateFrame = function() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
Or better yet, use a named function declaration:
function calculateFrame() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
After fixing the two places where you have this issue, the snippet outputs the expected result.
function Pagination() {
var that = this;
var Elements = [0, 1];
var Frame = [];
var FrameNumber = 0;
var EntitiesPerFrame = 25;
var FrameChangedCB = [];
this.subscribeFrameChange = function(cb) {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
} else {
throw new Error("Not a function");
this.setEntitiesPerFrame = function(entities_per_frame) {
entities_per_frame = parseInt(entities_per_frame);
if (entities_per_frame > 0) {
EntitiesPerFrame = entities_per_frame;
while (!this.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber) && FrameNumber > 0) {
function frameChanged() {
FrameChangedCB.forEach(function(cb) {
this.setElements = function(elements) {
if (Array.isArray(elements)) {
Elements = elements;
} else {
throw new Error("Can only work with arrays");
this.getStart = function() {
return FrameNumber * EntitiesPerFrame;
this.getEnd = function() {
var end = (FrameNumber + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
return end > Elements.length ? Elements.length : end;
this.getEntitiesPerFrame = function() {
return EntitiesPerFrame;
function calculateFrame() {
var start = that.getStart();
var end = that.getEnd();
if (that.canDisplayFrame(FrameNumber)) {
Frame = Elements.slice(
} else {
throw new Error("Boundaries");
this.canDisplayFrame = function(nr) {
nr = parseInt(nr);
var can = false;
var start = nr * EntitiesPerFrame
var end = (nr + 1) * EntitiesPerFrame;
if (start <= Elements.length && nr >= 0) {
can = true;
return can;
this.getFrame = function() {
return Frame;
this.next = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber + 1);
this.prev = function() {
return this.goto(FrameNumber - 1);
this.goto = function(frame_nr) {
var changed = false;
if (that.canDisplayFrame(frame_nr)) {
FrameNumber = parseInt(frame_nr);
changed = true;
return changed;
this.getLength = function() {
return Elements.length;
var b = new Pagination();
var a = new Pagination();
name: 'xx'
name: 'yy'

Javascript: scope effect despite order of execution

Please note: This is not a question about scope, per se. I understand that in order to make the code work, I should make a deep copy of the variable board rather than assigning var tboard = board. However, I am not clear why making a shallow copy has the effect I describe below.
I am experiencing something I find baffling. Basically, a global variable (board) gets altered and I have no clue how. board is initialized in the function NewGame() (which is called from select()) as an empty array. After it is initialized, nothing else is called until the user clicks a square on the board (assuming the user has selected Xs for simplicity). When that happens, the function playerMove() is called. The baffling thing is that console.log(board) at the top of playerMove() prints out an array that has an x is the clicked position and os everywhere else (ie not empty). This is bizarre because the board is empty at the end of select() (which called NewGame()) and nothing else should happen in between. To demonstrate this, I print out the function name at the top of each function and I print out the board variable in the select() function and playerMove() function to show that it changes despite nothing else being called. Please note that to get this behavior, refresh the page (otherwise the board variable starts out full of os). I think this must be somewhat an issue of scope (because I am not making a deep copy of board) but it's strange because I have no clue what is being called that is changing the variable before it gets printed out at the top of playerMove().
Here is the link to my pen and the code: http://codepen.io/joshlevy89/pen/MKjxop?editors=101
$(document).ready(function() {
var pSym; // player's symbol
var cSym; // computer's symbol
var board;
var whosMove; // can be "player" or "computer" or "neither"
var gameOver;
$("#newgame").on('click', '#X', select);
$("#newgame").on('click', '#O', select);
$("#restart").on('click', setup);
$("table").on('click', 'td', playerMove);
function playerMove()
if (whosMove === "player")
var val = $(this).data('value');
$('#g' + val).text(pSym);
var arr = PositionToCoords(val);
board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = pSym;
var tboard = board;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
if (gc>=0)
setTimeout(function(){setup();}, 1000);
whosMove = "computer";
function computerMove() {
//var p1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
//var p2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
var tboard = board;
var pos = chooseMove(tboard);
var arr = PositionToCoords(pos);
board[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
DrawPosition(arr[0], arr[1], cSym);
var tboard = board;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
if (gc>=0) {
setTimeout(function(){setup();}, 1000);
whosMove = "player";
function chooseMove(inboard) {
// get the possible moves
var moves=[];
var scores = [];
for (var i=1;i<10;i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (inboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
var tboard = inboard;
tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
return moves[0]; // TEMPORARY
function endGame(gc) {
var str;
if (gc===1) { // somebody won
if (whosMove==="player"){
str = "You Won!"
else {
str = "You Lost :(";
else if (gc === 0){//draw
str = "It's a draw."
html = '<div id="closer">' + str + '</div>';
function gameCheck(tboard) {
// get symbol to check for
var sym;
if (whosMove === "player") {
sym = pSym;
} else {
sym = cSym;
// check if in a row
var hrow;
var vrow;
// check for horizonal row
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
hrow = true;
vrow = true;
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (tboard[i][j] !== sym) {
hrow = false;
if (tboard[j][i] !== sym) {
vrow = false;
if ((hrow) || (vrow)) {
return 1;
var fdrow = true;
var bdrow = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (tboard[i][i] !== sym) {
fdrow = false;
if (tboard[i][2 - i] !== sym) {
bdrow = false;
if ((fdrow) || (bdrow)) {
return 1;
// otherwise, check if board is full
var full = true;
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
full = false;
if (full === true) {
return 0;
// if neither 0 (tie) or win (1), return -1 (game not over)
return -1;
function select() {
pSym = $(this).data('value');
function setup() {
html = '<div id="opener">Xs or Os? <div id="buttons">';
html += '<div id="X" data-value="X" class="btn btn-default">Xs</div>';
html += '<div id="O" data-value="O" class="btn btn-default">Os</div>';
html += '</div></div>';
function NewGame() {
board = new Array(3);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
board[i] = new Array(3)
if (pSym === "X") {
cSym = "O";
whosMove = "player";
} else {
cSym = "X";
whosMove = "computer";
function DrawPosition(p1, p2, sym) {
var pos = p1 * 3 + (p2 + 1);
$("#g" + pos).text(sym)
function PositionToCoords(pos) {
var p1 = Math.ceil(pos / 3) - 1;
var p2 = ((pos - 1) % 3);
var arr = [p1, p2];
return arr;
Thanks in advance.
Simply add the break in the for loop fixes the problem. Am I missing anything?
function chooseMove(inboard) {
// get the possible moves
var moves = [];
var scores = [];
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var arr = PositionToCoords(i);
if (inboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] === undefined) {
var tboard = inboard;
tboard[arr[0]][arr[1]] = cSym;
var gc = gameCheck(tboard);
break; // <<<<<<<<<<<< This break guarantees that the computer only makes one move
return moves[0]; // TEMPORARY

How to access variables within another function

I'm writing code for a blackjack game and have run into some problems. I have written two functions: one for the initial deal and one for each consecutive hit. this is the deal function:
var deck = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"Jack","Queen","King","Ace"];
function deal() {
var card1_val = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);
var card2_val = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);
var card1 = deck[card1_val];
var card2 = deck[card2_val];
var hand = card1 + ", " + card2;
{//card1 Conditionals
if (card1 == "Jack") {
card1_val = 10;
else if (card1 == "Queen") {
card1_val = 10;
else if (card1 == "King") {
card1_val = 10;
else if (card1 == "Ace") {
card1_val = 11;
{//card2 Conditionals
if (card2 == "Jack") {
card2_val = 10;
else if (card2 == "Queen") {
card2_val = 10;
else if (card2 == "King") {
card2_val = 10;
else if (card2 == "Ace") {
card2_val = 11;
var res = card1_val + card2_val;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = hand;
//document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = card1_val + ", " + card2_val;
if (res > 21) {
This is the hit function:
function hit() {
var card_val = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);
var nhand = deck[card_val];
bucket = hand + nhand
If you look at hit() I am using the var hand from deal(). I can't make it global because I need the value to be a fresh random each time. How do I access this same variable without rewriting lines of code? Any help would be appreciated.
You can either
Declare hand outside of the function scope with just var hand; and use hand in the deal function without redeclaring it as a var;
Or use window.hand when declaring hand in the deal function
global variables are evil. i would take more object oriented approach, like this
var Hand = function(bjcallback) {
this.cards = [];
this.onblackjack = bjcallback;
this.deck = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,"Jack","Queen","King","Ace"];
this.values = {
"Jack": 10,
"Queen": 10,
"King": 10,
"Ace": 11
this.sum = function() {
var i, x, res = 0;
for (i in this.cards) {
x = this.cards[i];
if (typeof(x) != 'number') { x = this.values[x] };
res += x;
return res
this.pick = function() {
var pos = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.deck.length);
var card = this.deck[pos];
return card
this.deal = function(n) {
n = n || 2;
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) this.cards.push(this.pick())
this.hit = function() {
if (this.sum() > 21) this.onblackjack();
var hurray = function() { alert('Blackjack!') };
var hand = new Hand(hurray);
note that i'm not much into cards so i might have confused terminology or counting

javascript - Failed to load source for: http://localhost/js/m.js

Why oh why oh why... I can't figure out why I keep getting this error. I think I might cry.
/*** common functions */
function GE(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function changePage(newLoc) {
nextPage = newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value
if (nextPage != "")
document.location.href = nextPage
function isHorizO(){
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod')>-1)
return (window.orientation == 90 || window.orientation==-90)? 1 : 0;
else return 1;
function ShowHideE(el, act){
if (GE(el)) GE(el).style.display = act;
function KeepTop(){
window.scrollTo(0, 1);
/* end of common function */
var f = window.onload;
if (typeof f == 'function'){
window.onload = function() {
}else window.onload = init;
function init(){
if (GE('frontpage')) init_FP();
else {
if (GE('image')) init_Image();
setTimeout('window.scrollTo(0, 1)', 100);
function AddExtLink(){
var z = GE('extLink');
if (z){
z = z.getElementsByTagName('a');
if (z.length>0){
z = z[0];
var e_name = z.innerHTML;
var e_link = z.href;
var newOption, oSe;
if (GE('PSel')) oSe = new Array(GE('PSel'));
oSe = getObjectsByClassName('PSel', 'select')
for(i=0; i<oSe.length; i++){
newOption = new Option(e_name, e_link);
oSe[i].options[oSe[i].options.length] = newOption;
/* fp */
function FP_OrientChanged() {
function init_FP() {
// GE('orientMsg').style.visibility = (!isHorizO())? 'visible' : 'hidden';
/* gallery */
function GAL_OrientChanged(link){
if (!isHorizO()){
ShowHideE('vertCover', 'block');
setTimeout('window.scrollTo(0, 1)', 500);
function init_Portfolio() {
// if (!isHorizO())
// ShowHideE('vertCover', 'block');
function ShowPortfolios(){
if (isHorizO()) ShowHideE('vertCover', 'none');
var CurPos_G = 1
function MoveG(dir) {
MoveItem('G',CurPos_G, dir);
/* image */
function init_Image(){
// check for alone vertical images
function Img_OrtChanged(){
//setTimeout('window.scrollTo(0, 1)', 500);
var CurPos_I = 1
function MoveI(dir) {
MoveItem('I',CurPos_I, dir);
var arImgOrt = new Array(); // orientation: 1-horizontal, 0-vertical
var aModeName = new Array('Horizontal' , 'Vertical');
var arHs = new Array();
function getDims(obj, ind){
var arT = new Array(2);
arT[0] = obj.height;
arT[1] = obj.width;
//arWs[ind-1] = arT;
arHs[ind] = arT[0];
//**** (arT[0] > arT[1]) = (vertical image=0)
arImgOrt[ind] = (arT[0] > arT[1])? 0 : 1;
// todor debug
if(DebugMode) {
//alert("["+obj.width+","+obj.height+"] mode="+((arT[0] > arT[1])? 'verical' : 'hoziontal'))
writeLog("["+obj.width+","+obj.height+"] mode="+((arT[0] > arT[1])? 'verical' : 'hoziontal')+' src='+obj.src)
if (arImgOrt[ind]) {
GE('mi'+ind).className = 'mImageH';
function CompareOrientation(imgOrt){
var iPhoneOrt = aModeName[isHorizO()];
GE('omode').innerHTML = iPhoneOrt;
//alert(imgOrt == isHorizO())
var sSH = (imgOrt == isHorizO())? 'none' : 'block';
ShowHideE('vertCover', sSH);
var sL = imgOrt? 'H' : 'V';
if (GE('navig')) GE('navig').className = 'navig'+ sL ;
if (GE('mainimage')) GE('mainimage').className = 'mainimage'+sL;
var sPfL = imgOrt? 'Port-<br>folios' : 'Portfolios' ;
if (GE('PortLnk')) GE('PortLnk').innerHTML = sPfL;
function SetGetDim( iMInd){
var dv = GE('IImg'+iMInd);
if (dv) {
var arI = dv.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (arI.length>0){
var oImg = arI[0];
oImg.id = 'Img'+iMInd;
oImg.className = 'imageStyle';
YAHOO.util.Event.on('Img'+iMInd, 'load', function(){GetDims(oImg,iMInd);}, true, true);
var occ = new Array();
function PlaceAloneVertImages(){
var iBLim, iELim;
iBLim = 0;
iELim = arImgOrt.length;
occ[0] = true;
for (i=1; i<iELim; i++){
if ( arImgOrt[i]){//horizontal image
}else { // current is vertical
if (!occ[i-1]){//previous is free-alone. this happens only the first time width i=1
occ[i] = true;
}else {
if (i+1 == iELim){//this is the last image, it is alone and vertical
GE('mi'+i).className = 'mImageV_a'; //***** expand the image container
}else {
if ( arImgOrt[i+1] ){
GE('mi'+i).className = 'mImageV_a';//*****expland image container
occ[i] = true;
occ[i+1] = true;
}else { // second vertical image
occ[i] = true;
occ[i+1] = true;
if (arHs[i]>arHs[i+1]) GE('mi'+(i+1)).style.height = arHs[i]+'px';
function AdjustWebSiteTitle(){
//if (GE('wstitle')) if (GE('wstitle').offsetWidth > GE('wsholder').offsetWidth) {
if (GE('wstitle')) if (GE('wstitle').offsetWidth > 325) {
function getObjectsByClassName(className, eLTag, parent){
var oParent;
var arr = new Array();
if (parent) oParent = GE(parent); else oParent=document;
var elems = oParent.getElementsByTagName(eLTag);
for(var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
var elem = elems[i];
var cls = elem.className
if(cls == className){
arr[arr.length] = elem;
return arr;
// todor debug
var DebugMode = (getQueryVariable("debug")=="1")
function getQueryVariable(variable) {
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = query.split("&");
var sRet = ""
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable) {
sRet = pair[1];
return sRet
//alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found');
var oLogDiv=''
function writeLog(sMes){
if(!oLogDiv) oLogDiv=document.getElementById('oLogDiv')
if(!oLogDiv) {
oLogDiv = document.createElement("div");
oLogDiv.style.border="1px solid red"
var o = document.getElementsByTagName("body")
if(o.length>0) {
if(oLogDiv) {
oLogDiv.innerHTML = sMes+"<br>"+oLogDiv.innerHTML
First, Firebug is your friend, get used to it. Second, if you paste each function and some supporting lines, one by one, you will eventually get to the following.
var DebugMode = (getQueryVariable("debug")=="1")
function getQueryVariable(variable)
You can't execute getQueryVariable before it is defined, you can create a handle to a future reference though, there is a difference.
There are several other potential issues in your code, but putting the var DebugMode line after the close of the getQueryVariable method should work fine.
It would help if you gave more context. For example, is
Failed to load source for:
the literal text of an error message? Where and when do you see it?
Also, does that code represent the contents of http://localhost/js/m.js? It seems that way, but it's hard to tell.
In any case, the JavaScript that you've shown has quite a few statements that are missing their semicolons. There may be other syntax errors as well. If you can't find them on your own, you might find tools such as jslint to be helpful.
make sure the type attribute in tag is "text/javascript" not "script/javascript".
I know it is more than a year since this question was asked, but I faced this today. I had a
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/test-script.js"/>
and I was getting the 'Failed to load source for: http://localhost/test/test-script.js' error in Firebug. Even chrome was no loading this script. Then I modified the above line as
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/test-script.js"></script>
and it started working both in Firefox and chrome. Documenting this here hoping that this will help someone. Btw, I dont know why the later works where as the previous one didn't.

