Run Function on Variable Change - javascript

Let's assume I have a variable:
var x = 0;
Each time this variable gets modified I want to run a function:
console.log('x has been changed');
Would RxJs be appropiate for this task? If not, what other approach would work better?

You set value to property of an object, use set, get.
const x = {};
let value = 0;
function fn(oldValue, newValue) {
console.log(`${oldValue} has been changed to ${newValue}`);
Object.defineProperty(x, "prop", {
get() {
return value
set(val) {
fn(value, val);
value = val;
x.prop = 1;
x.prop = 10;

Douglas Tyler finished his answer before I had the chance to but yes, proxy is definitely something that you might use and here's an example :
const obj = {
_id: null,
set id(str) {
console.log('setting the value !');
this._id = str;
get id() {
return this._id;

I think a good bet would be to use Proxy, although this only works for objects, arrays and functions. Another option would be checking the value of on an interval and comparing it to the old value of x which you've stored in another variable, though this may not work for your purposes. I think your best option would be to always set x with a function that does whatever other functionality you want it to.

You can use interval. Although I use Angular to $watch, you can see its implementation. There is also functionality but last i checked was not working in other browsers. So below is code using intervals (not a fun of intervals though)
var x=0, xWatcher = 0;
setInterval(function() {
if ( x !== xWatcher ) {
xWatcher = x;
//Your code here
}, 50); // any delay you want
function xChanged(){
console.log('x has been changed');


How to write code to check if the value of a variable has changed in real time (JavaScript) [duplicate]

Is it possible to have an event in JS that fires when the value of a certain variable changes? JQuery is accepted.
This question was originally posted in 2009 and most of the existing answers are either outdated, ineffective, or require the inclusion of large bloated libraries: and Object.observe are both deprecated and should not be used.
onPropertyChange is a DOM element event handler that only works in some versions of IE.
Object.defineProperty allows you to make an object property immutable, which would allow you to detect attempted changes, but it would also block any changes.
Defining setters and getters works, but it requires a lot of setup code and it does not work well when you need to delete or create new properties.
As of 2018, you can now use the Proxy object to monitor (and intercept) changes made to an object. It is purpose built for what the OP is trying to do. Here's a basic example:
var targetObj = {};
var targetProxy = new Proxy(targetObj, {
set: function (target, key, value) {
console.log(`${key} set to ${value}`);
target[key] = value;
return true;
targetProxy.hello_world = "test"; // console: 'hello_world set to test'
The only drawbacks of the Proxy object are:
The Proxy object is not available in older browsers (such as IE11) and the polyfill cannot fully replicate Proxy functionality.
Proxy objects do not always behave as expected with special objects (e.g., Date) -- the Proxy object is best paired with plain Objects or Arrays.
If you need to observe changes made to a nested object, then you need to use a specialized library such as Observable Slim (which I have published). It works like this:
var test = {testing:{}};
var p = ObservableSlim.create(test, true, function(changes) {
p.testing.blah = 42; // console: [{"type":"add","target":{"blah":42},"property":"blah","newValue":42,"currentPath":"testing.blah",jsonPointer:"/testing/blah","proxy":{"blah":42}}]
Yes, this is now completely possible!
I know this is an old thread but now this effect is possible using accessors (getters and setters):
You can define an object like this, in which aInternal represents the field a:
x = {
aInternal: 10,
aListener: function(val) {},
set a(val) {
this.aInternal = val;
get a() {
return this.aInternal;
registerListener: function(listener) {
this.aListener = listener;
Then you can register a listener using the following:
x.registerListener(function(val) {
alert("Someone changed the value of x.a to " + val);
So whenever anything changes the value of x.a, the listener function will be fired. Running the following line will bring the alert popup:
x.a = 42;
See an example here:
You can also user an array of listeners instead of a single listener slot, but I wanted to give you the simplest possible example.
Using Prototype:
// Console
function print(t) {
var c = document.getElementById('console');
c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML + '<br />' + t;
// Demo
var myVar = 123;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'varWatch', {
get: function () { return myVar; },
set: function (v) {
myVar = v;
print('Value changed! New value: ' + v);
varWatch = 456;
<pre id="console">
Other example
// Console
function print(t) {
var c = document.getElementById('console');
c.innerHTML = c.innerHTML + '<br />' + t;
// Demo
var varw = (function (context) {
* Declare a new variable.
* #param {string} Variable name.
* #param {any | undefined} varValue Default/Initial value.
* You can use an object reference for example.
return function (varName, varValue) {
var value = varValue;
Object.defineProperty(context, varName, {
get: function () { return value; },
set: function (v) {
value = v;
print('Value changed! New value: ' + value);
varw('varWatch'); // Declare without initial value
varWatch = 456;
varw('otherVarWatch', 123); // Declare with initial value
otherVarWatch = 789;
<pre id="console">
But, if it's really that important, you have 2 options (first is tested, second isn't):
First, use setters and getters, like so:
var myobj = {a : 1};
function create_gets_sets(obj) { // make this a framework/global function
var proxy = {}
for ( var i in obj ) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var k = i;
proxy["set_"+i] = function (val) { this[k] = val; };
proxy["get_"+i] = function () { return this[k]; };
for (var i in proxy) {
if (proxy.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
obj[i] = proxy[i];
then you can do something like:
function listen_to(obj, prop, handler) {
var current_setter = obj["set_" + prop];
var old_val = obj["get_" + prop]();
obj["set_" + prop] = function(val) { current_setter.apply(obj, [old_val, val]); handler(val));
then set the listener like:
listen_to(myobj, "a", function(oldval, newval) {
alert("old : " + oldval + " new : " + newval);
Second, you could put a watch on the value:
Given myobj above, with 'a' on it:
function watch(obj, prop, handler) { // make this a framework/global function
var currval = obj[prop];
function callback() {
if (obj[prop] != currval) {
var temp = currval;
currval = obj[prop];
handler(temp, currval);
return callback;
var myhandler = function (oldval, newval) {
//do something
var intervalH = setInterval(watch(myobj, "a", myhandler), 100);
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but here is a little manual for those who (like me!) don't see how Eli Grey's example works:
var test = new Object();"elem", function(prop,oldval,newval){
//Your code
return newval;
Hope this can help someone
As Luke Schafer's answer (note: this refers to his original post; but the whole point here remains valid after the edit), I would also suggest a pair of Get/Set methods to access your value.
However I would suggest some modifications (and that's why I'm posting...).
A problem with that code is that the field a of the object myobj is directly accessible, so it's possible to access it / change its value without triggering the listeners:
var myobj = { a : 5, get_a : function() { return this.a;}, set_a : function(val) { this.a = val; }}
/* add listeners ... */
myobj.a = 10; // no listeners called!
So, to guarantee that the listeners are actually called, we would have to prohibit that direct access to the field a. How to do so? Use a closure!
var myobj = (function() { // Anonymous function to create scope.
var a = 5; // 'a' is local to this function
// and cannot be directly accessed from outside
// this anonymous function's scope
return {
get_a : function() { return a; }, // These functions are closures:
set_a : function(val) { a = val; } // they keep reference to
// something ('a') that was on scope
// where they were defined
Now you can use the same method to create and add the listeners as Luke proposed, but you can rest assured that there's no possible way to read from or write to a going unnoticed!
Adding encapsulated fields programmatically
Still on Luke's track, I propose now a simple way to add encapsulated fields and the respective getters/setters to objects by the means of a simple function call.
Note that this will only work properly with value types. For this to work with reference types, some kind of deep copy would have to be implemented (see this one, for instance).
function addProperty(obj, name, initial) {
var field = initial;
obj["get_" + name] = function() { return field; }
obj["set_" + name] = function(val) { field = val; }
This works the same as before: we create a local variable on a function, and then we create a closure.
How to use it? Simple:
var myobj = {};
addProperty(myobj, "total", 0);
window.alert(myobj.get_total() == 0);
window.alert(myobj.get_total() == 10);
Recently found myself with the same issue. Wanted to listen for on change of a variable and do some stuff when the variable changed.
Someone suggested a simple solution of setting the value using a setter.
Declaring a simple object that keeps the value of my variable here:
var variableObject = {
value: false,
set: function (value) {
this.value = value;
The object contains a set method via which I can change the value. But it also calls a getOnChange() method in there. Will define it now.
variableObject.getOnChange = function() {
if(this.value) {
// do some stuff
Now whenever I do variableObject.set(true), the getOnChange method fires, and if the value was set as desired (in my case: true), the if block also executes.
This is the simplest way I found to do this stuff.
If you're using jQuery {UI} (which everyone should be using :-) ), you can use .change() with a hidden <input/> element.
AngularJS (I know this is not JQuery, but that might help. [Pure JS is good in theory only]):
$scope.$watch('data', function(newValue) { ..
where "data" is name of your variable in the scope.
There is a link to doc.
For those tuning in a couple years later:
A solution for most browsers (and IE6+) is available that uses the onpropertychange event and the newer spec defineProperty. The slight catch is that you'll need to make your variable a dom object.
Full details:
Easiest way I have found, starting from this answer:
// variable holding your data
const state = {
count: null,
update() {
console.log(`this gets called and your value is ${this.pageNumber}`);
get pageNumber() {
return this.count;
set pageNumber(pageNumber) {
this.count = pageNumber;
// here you call the code you need
And then:
state.pageNumber = 0;
// watch the console
state.pageNumber = 15;
// watch the console
The functionality you're looking for can be achieved through the use of the "defineProperty()" method--which is only available to modern browsers:
I've written a jQuery extension that has some similar functionality if you need more cross browser support:
A small jQuery extension that handles queuing callbacks to the
existence of a variable, object, or key. You can assign any number of
callbacks to any number of data points that might be affected by
processes running in the background. jQueue listens and waits for
these data you specify to come into existence and then fires off the
correct callback with its arguments.
Not directly: you need a pair getter/setter with an "addListener/removeListener" interface of some sort... or an NPAPI plugin (but that's another story altogether).
A rather simple and simplistic solution is to just use a function call to set the value of the global variable, and never set its value directly. This way you have total control:
var globalVar;
function setGlobalVar(value) {
globalVar = value;
console.log("Value of globalVar set to: " + globalVar);
//Whatever else
There is no way to enforce this, it just requires programming discipline... though you can use grep (or something similar) to check that nowhere does your code directly set the value of globalVar.
Or you could encapsulate it in an object and user getter and setter methods... just a thought.
With the help of getter and setter, you can define a JavaScript class that does such a thing.
First, we define our class called MonitoredVariable:
class MonitoredVariable {
constructor(initialValue) {
this._innerValue = initialValue;
this.beforeSet = (newValue, oldValue) => {};
this.beforeChange = (newValue, oldValue) => {};
this.afterChange = (newValue, oldValue) => {};
this.afterSet = (newValue, oldValue) => {};
set val(newValue) {
const oldValue = this._innerValue;
// newValue, oldValue may be the same
this.beforeSet(newValue, oldValue);
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
this.beforeChange(newValue, oldValue);
this._innerValue = newValue;
this.afterChange(newValue, oldValue);
// newValue, oldValue may be the same
this.afterSet(newValue, oldValue);
get val() {
return this._innerValue;
Assume that we want to listen for money changes, let's create an instance of MonitoredVariable with initial money 0:
const money = new MonitoredVariable(0);
Then we could get or set its value using money.val:
console.log(money.val); // Get its value
money.val = 2; // Set its value
Since we have not defined any listeners for it, nothing special happens after money.val changes to 2.
Now let's define some listeners. We have four listeners available: beforeSet, beforeChange, afterChange, afterSet.
The following will happen sequentially when you use money.val = newValue to change variable's value:
money.beforeSet(newValue, oldValue);
money.beforeChange(newValue, oldValue); (Will be skipped if its value not changed)
money.val = newValue;
money.afterChange(newValue, oldValue); (Will be skipped if its value not changed)
money.afterSet(newValue, oldValue);
Now we define afterChange listener which be triggered only after money.val has changed (while afterSet will be triggered even if the new value is the same as the old one):
money.afterChange = (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`Money has been changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);
Now set a new value 3 and see what happens:
money.val = 3;
You will see the following in the console:
Money has been changed from 2 to 3
For full code, see
In my case, I was trying to find out if any library I was including in my project was redefining my window.player. So, at the begining of my code, I just did:
Object.defineProperty(window, 'player', {
get: () => this._player,
set: v => {
console.log('window.player has been redefined!');
this._player = v;
Based On akira's answer I added that you can manipulate the dom through the listerner.
x = {
aInternal: 10,
aListener: function(val) {},
set a(val) {
this.aInternal = val;
get a() {
return this.aInternal;
registerListener: function(listener) {
this.aListener = listener;
x.registerListener(function(val) {
document.getElementById('showNumber').innerHTML = val;
x.a = 50;
function onClick(){
x.a = x.a + 1;
<div id="showNumber">
<button onclick="onClick()">
click me to rerender
The registerListener method is fired when the variable x.a changes.
var x1 = {currentStatus:undefined};
your need is x1.currentStatus value is change trigger event ?
below the code is use try it.
function statusChange(){
var x1 = {
get currentStatus(){
return this.eventCurrentStatus;
set currentStatus(val){
//your function();
/* var x1 = {
currentStatus : {
get : function(){
return Events.eventCurrentStatus
set : function(status){
console.log("eventCurrentStatus = "+ x1.eventCurrentStatus);
console.log("eventCurrentStatus = "+ x1.eventCurrentStatus);
console.log("eventCurrentStatus = "+ x1.eventCurrentStatus);
console.log("currentStatus = "+ x1.currentStatus);
/* global variable ku*/
var jsVarEvents={};
Object.defineProperty(window, "globalvar1", {//no i18n
get: function() { return window.jsVarEvents.globalvarTemp},
set: function(value) { window.window.jsVarEvents.globalvarTemp = value; }
Please guys remember the initial question was for VARIABLES, not for OBJECTS ;)
in addition to all answers above, I created a tiny lib called forTheWatch.js,
that use the same way to catch and callback for changes in normal global variables in javascript.
Compatible with JQUERY variables, no need to use OBJECTS, and you can pass directly an ARRAY of several variables if needed.
If it can be helpful... : Basically you just have to call the function :
watchIt("theVariableToWatch", "varChangedFunctionCallback");
And sorry by advance if not relevant.
The question is about variables, not object properties! So my approach is to take advantage of the window object, with its custom getters/setters, and then use/change the variable like a "normal" variable (not like an object property).
The simplest way is that of #José Antonio Postigo in his answer (i voted that answer). What I'd like to do here, is to reduce that to an even simpler "creator" function (so even someone that does not understand object getters/setters can easily use it).
A live example is here:
This is the general "creator" function you must have as is:
let createWatchedVariable = (variableName,initialValue,callbackFunction) => {
// set default callback=console.log if missing
callbackFunction ??= function(){console.log(variableName+" changed to " + window[variableName])};
// the actual useful code:
Object.defineProperty(window, variableName, {
set: function(value) {window["_"+variableName] = value; callbackFunction()},
get: function() {return window["_"+variableName]}
Then, instead of declaring the variable using var or let, use this:
// 1st approach - default callback//
createWatchedVariable ('myFirstVariable',12);
// instead of: let myFirstVariable = 12;
Or, in order to use your custom callback (instead of the default console.log) use:
// 2nd approach - set a custom callback//
var myCallback = ()=>{/*your custom code...*/}
// now use callback function as the third optional argument
That's it! Now, you can change it like a "normal" variable:
myFirstVariable = 15; // logs to console
myFirstVariable++; // logs to console
mySecondVariable = 1001; // executes your custom code
mySecondVariable++; // executes your custom code
The solution of #akira and #mo-d-genesis can be further simplified because the DOM manipulation does not depend on state in this example:
const render = (val) => {
document.getElementById("numberDiv").innerHTML = val;
state = {
_value_internal: undefined,
set value(val) {
// 1. set state value
this._value_internal = val;
// 2. render user interface
get value() {
return this._value_internal;
const onClick = () => {
state.value = state.value + 1; // state change leads to re-render!
// set default value
state.value = 0;
The corresponding html:
<div id="numberDiv"></div>
<button onclick="onClick()">
Click to rerender
I renamed variables and functions to better reflect their semantics.
FYI: Svelte offers a very similar reactive behavior by changing variables
It's not directly possible.
However, this can be done using CustomEvent:
The below method accepts an array of variable names as an input and adds event listener for each variable and triggers the event for any changes to the value of the variables.
The Method uses polling to detect the change in the value. You can increase the value for timeout in milliseconds.
function watchVariable(varsToWatch) {
let timeout = 1000;
let localCopyForVars = {};
let pollForChange = function () {
for (let varToWatch of varsToWatch) {
if (localCopyForVars[varToWatch] !== window[varToWatch]) {
let event = new CustomEvent('onVar_' + varToWatch + 'Change', {
detail: {
name: varToWatch,
oldValue: localCopyForVars[varToWatch],
newValue: window[varToWatch]
localCopyForVars[varToWatch] = window[varToWatch];
setTimeout(pollForChange, timeout);
let respondToNewValue = function (varData) {
console.log("The value of the variable " + + " has been Changed from " + varData.oldValue + " to " + varData.newValue + "!!!");
for (let varToWatch of varsToWatch) {
localCopyForVars[varToWatch] = window[varToWatch];
document.addEventListener('onVar_' + varToWatch + 'Change', function (e) {
setTimeout(pollForChange, timeout);
By calling the Method:
watchVariables(['username', 'userid']);
It will detect the changes to variables username and userid.
This is what I did: Call JSON.stringify twice and compare the two strings...
You can only know whether the whole object changes
You have to detect changes manually
You better have only primitive fields in the object(no properties, no functions...)
This is NOT a production ideal answer, but what it is doing is setting an interval in JavaScript for every 100 milliseconds and checking to see if the variable is changed and when it is, it does something (anything intended by the OP) and then clears the interval, so it sort of simulates what the OP is asking.
let myvar = "myvar";
const checkChange = setInterval(() => {
if (myvar !== "myvar") {
console.log("My precious var has been changed!");
}, 100);
Now if myvar gets changed to something else then this program will say "My precious var has been changed!" :)
This is an old great question, has more than 12 years. Also, there are many ways to solve it. However, most of then are complicated or using old JS concepts we are in 2022 and we can use ES6 to improve our code.
I will implemented two main solutions that I constantly use.
Simple variable
If we have a simple variable and we don't care about reutilization then we can declare our variable as an object. We define a set and get methods and a listener attribute to handle the "change" event.
const $countBtn = document.getElementById('counter')
const $output = document.getElementById('output')
const counter = {
v: 0,
listener: undefined,
set value(v) {
this.v = v
if (this.listener) this.listener(v)
get value() { return this.v },
count() { this.value++ },
registerListener(callback) {
this.listener = callback
const countOnClick = () => { counter.count() }
$countBtn.onclick = countOnClick
counter.registerListener(v => {
$output.textContent = v
counter.value = 50
#output {
display: block;
font-size: 2em;
margin-top: 0.67em;
margin-bottom: 0.67em;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
font-weight: bold;
<button id="counter">Count</button>
<div id="output"></div>
Advanced Class for reusability
If we will have multiple variables and we need to monitor them, we can create a class and then apply it to our variables. I recommend to add two listeners one beforeChange and afterChange this will give you flexibility to use the variable in different process.
class ObservableObject {
constructor(v) {
this.v = v ?? 0
this.on = {
beforeChange(newValue, oldValue) {},
afterChange(newValue, oldValue) {},
set value(newValue) {
const oldValue = this.v
// newValue, oldValue are the same
if (oldValue === newValue) return
this.on.beforeChange(newValue, oldValue)
this.v = newValue
this.on.afterChange(newValue, oldValue)
get value() { return this.v }
const $countABtn = document.getElementById('counter-a')
const $countBBtn = document.getElementById('counter-b')
const $outputA = document.getElementById('output-a')
const $outputB = document.getElementById('output-b')
const counterA = new ObservableObject()
const counterB = new ObservableObject()
const countOnClick = counter => { counter.value++ }
const onChange = (v, output) => { output.textContent = v }
$countABtn.onclick = () => { countOnClick(counterA) }
$countBBtn.onclick = () => { countOnClick(counterB) }
counterA.on.afterChange = v => { onChange(v, $outputA) }
counterB.on.afterChange = v => { onChange(v, $outputB) }
counterA.value = 50
counterB.value = 20
.wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100vw
.item {
width: 50%
.output {
display: block;
font-size: 2em;
margin-top: 0.67em;
margin-bottom: 0.67em;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
font-weight: bold;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="item">
<button id="counter-a">Count A</button>
<div id="output-a" class="output"></div>
<div class="item">
<button id="counter-b">Count B</button>
<div id="output-b" class="output"></div>
This is an old thread but I stumbled onto second highest answer (custom listeners) while looking for a solution using Angular. While the solution works, angular has a better built in way to resolve this using #Output and event emitters. Going off of the example in custom listener answer:
<button (click)="increment(1)">Increment</button>
import {EventEmitter, Output } from '#angular/core';
#Output() myEmitter: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter<number>();
private myValue: number = 0;
public increment(n: number){
this.myValue += n;
// Send a change event to the emitter
<child-component (myEmitter)="monitorChanges($event)"></child-component>
public n: number = 0;
public monitorChanges(n: number){
this.n = n;
This will now update non parent each time the child button is clicked. Working stackblitz
I came here looking for same answer for node js. So here it is
const events = require('events');
const eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();
// Createing state to watch and trigger on change
let x = 10 // x is being watched for changes in do while loops below
do {
eventEmitter.emit('back to normal');
while (x !== 10);
do {
eventEmitter.emit('something changed');
while (x === 10);
What I am doing is setting some event emitters when values are changed and using do while loops to detect it.
I searched for JavaScript two-way data binding library and came across this one.
I did not succeed to make it work in DOM to variable direction, but in variable to DOM direction it works and that is what we need here.
I have rewritten it slightly, as the original code is very hard to read (for me). It uses
Object.defineProperty, so the second most upvoted answer by Eliot B. at least partially wrong.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TODO supply a title</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
const dataBind = (function () {
const getElementValue = function (selector) {
let element = document.querySelectorAll(selector)[0];
return 'value' in element ? element.value : element.innerHTML;
const setElementValue = function (selector, newValue) {
let elementArray = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let i = 0; i < elementArray.length; i++) {
let element = elementArray[i];
if ('value' in element) {
element.value = newValue;
if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select'){
let options = element.querySelectorAll('option');
for (let option in options){
if (option.value === newValue){
option.selected = true;
} else {
element.innerHTML = newValue;
const bindModelToView = function (selector, object, property, enumerable) {
Object.defineProperty(object, property, {
get: function () {
return getElementValue(selector);
set: function (newValue) {
setElementValue(selector, newValue);
configurable: true,
enumerable: (enumerable)
return {
<div style="padding: 20%;">
<input type="text" id="text" style="width: 40px;"/>
let x = {a: 1, b: 2};
dataBind.bindModelToView('#text', x, 'a'); //data to dom
setInterval(function () {
}, 1000);
JSFiddle with original code.
In the provided example a property of object x updated by the setInterval and value of text input automatically updated as well. If it is not enough and event is what you looking for, you can add onchange listener to the above input. Input also can be made hidden if needed.
Utils = {
eventRegister_globalVariable : function(variableName,handlers){
eventRegister_jsonVariable : function(jsonObj,variableName,handlers){
if(jsonObj.eventRegisteredVariable === undefined) {
jsonObj.eventRegisteredVariable={};//this Object is used for trigger event in javascript variable value changes ku
Object.defineProperty(jsonObj, variableName , {
get: function() {
return jsonObj.eventRegisteredVariable[variableName] },
set: function(value) {
jsonObj.eventRegisteredVariable[variableName] = value; handlers(jsonObj.eventRegisteredVariable[variableName]);}

Passing Object's Instance in Javascript

Here is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to pass an instance of order to bill, where it would be indexed. The thing is that it's not working.
Am I stretching JS too thin here?
Any example on how to do this, or some reading material?
EDIT: Maybe I should add that this is supposed to be the user interface for a POS (Point of Sale) system. It should accept the order of products (each one with variable quantity), and process in the client's side the subtotal, total and number of items in the bill.
EDIT2: Not native english speaker. Maybe the names that I choose did not best suited the problem.
function Bill (prefix,maxForms,minForms) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.maxForms = maxForms;
this.minForms = minForms;
this.items = []; = 0;
this.addOrder = function(order) {
if (this.items.length == 0)
for (i=0;i<this.items.length;i++){
if (this.items[i].name === {
this.items[i].quantity = order.quantity;
this.items[i].price = order.price;
else {
} = + order.getSubTotal();
function Order (name,price,quantity) { = name;
this.price = price;
this.quantity = quantity;
this.getSubtotal = function () {
return this.price*this.quantity;
this.changeQuantity = function (newQuantity) {
this.quantity = newQuantity;
this.incrementQuantity = function () {
this.quantity = this.quantity + 1;
Here's an issue:
for (i = 0;/*...*/)
I would suggest you spend a little more time in JS.
It does look a lot like C / Java / C# / PHP, etc...
The problem, however, is that JS does not have any notion of block scope*.
* until ES6, that is
It only deals with function scope.
That is, a variable has the same reference through the whole function where it's defined (via var).
If a variable is not defined via var, the function goes up to its parent to find the value of the variable, and up from there, and up from there, until it hits window.<varname>.
You might actually be modifying window.i in your class' instance.
function Bill ( ) {
var bill = this,
i = 0;
for (i=0; /* ... */) { /*...*/ }
That said, you might do to spend time getting to know JS.
Most of what you've written looks absolutely fine, in English, as well.
I might break it down a little further:
function Bill () {
var bill = this;
extend(bill, {
total : 0,
items : [],
addOrder : function (order) {
var match = bill.findOrder(;
if (!match) { bill.items.push(order); }
else { bill.updateOrder(match, order); }
findOrder : function (name) {
var matches = bill.items.filter(function (order) {
return === name;
return matches[0];
updateOrder : function (current, updated) {
/* I don't know if you want to replace the old order, or add to it... */
/* so I'm "replacing" it, instead of increasing quantity, like you did */
current.quantity = updated.quantity;
current.price = updated.price;
updateTotal : function () { = bill.items
.map(function (order) { return order.getSubtotal(); })
.reduce(function (tally, price) { return tally + price; }, 0);
var bill = new Bill();
bill.addOrder(new Order(/*...*/));
I'm doing a few things differently, here.
First, extend isn't a "built-in" function; there are a lot of implementations, in all sorts of libraries, but basically, it just saves me from writing bill.x = x; bill.y = y; bill.z = z;..., and use an object, instead.
Next, I'm using var bill = this;
and bill.method = function () { = /*...*/; };
instead of this.method = function () { };, because once you go two levels down, in functions, this no longer means the object you think it does.
this.method = function () {
this.async(function (response) {
// unless you change it yourself, `this` probably means `window`
this.value = response; // oops
// instead, try
var thing = this;
thing.method = function () {
thing.async(function (response) {
thing.value = response;
Of course, you can always mix and match, as long as you know how far down you can go (one level)...
...but that means you really, really need to care about using this a whole lot.
var thing = this;
this.method = function () {
this.async(function (val) {
thing.value = val;
Much more confusing than just referring to the instance by a variable, rather than combining the two.
There are dozens of ways of doing this; some look very class-like, others might be 100% functional, and in ES6, you might just use classes altogether.
But there are some ideas, and some reasons behind doing them that way (especially if you don't know where the differences are in JS vs the other C-looking languages).
I don't think you're stretching JS too thin, at all.
Once all of the issues on line 80 are fixed. All you need to do is:
var order = new Order("My Order", 12, 2);
var bill = new Bill(blah, blah, blah);
A few issues right off the bat: = + order.subTotal();·
There is a garbage char at the end.
Order does not have a subtotal function. It should be getSubtotal.
The 2 assignments to this.items[i].quantity and this.items[i].price are superfluous, since you are assigning properties to themselves. Remember, this.items[i] === order. This is not a bug, but it is inefficient.
You should have something like = 0; at the top of Bill.
I think you want:
this.items[i].quantity += order.quantity;
this.items[i].price += order.price;
This will update quantity with whatever quantity order has. Secondly, I see you have an order function. Not an order object. Was that intentional? Are you planning to add instances of this bill/order object to each other? I don't think that's where you were going. Make sure they are separate objects that you are nesting.
Are you getting anything except undefined? I don't think you are because you're not returning anything.
return this;
at the end of your functions. Make sure you save them to a var when you make them:
bill = Bill(v,v,v);
order = Order(v,v,v);
then you can:
See if that helps.

using setTimeout in javascript to do simple animation

I am using setTimeout to create animation in Javascript, but it does not seem to work. Only the 1st move of the animation is executed, no subsequent moves.
I tried on two different laptops using Firefox, one doesn't throw any error, but the one says self.animateCallback is not a function. I also see other errors like saying my timeout function is useless or "compile-and-go" when I tried diff ways. Doesn't seem to get it working. I tried "function(self){self.animateCallback()}" and "self.animateCallback" (with and without quotes).
The code is below, it is part of a prototype method.
increment : function(incr, target, tick) {
var self = this;
self.animateCallback = function()
var done = Math.abs(self.currValue - target) < Math.abs(incr);
if(!self.animateCallback || done) {
if(done) {
self.stopAnimation(); //just setting animateCallback to null
setTimeout(self.animateCallback, tick);
I've got a feeling the problem has something to do with the line setTimeout(self.animateCallback..., which is accessing the function through a closure and a property. It should be neater, at least, to do it like this:
increment : function(incr, target, tick) {
var self = this;
var animateCallback = function()
var done = Math.abs(self.currValue - target) < Math.abs(incr);
if(done) {
self.animateTimeout = null;
self.animateTimeout = setTimeout(animateCallback, tick);
stopAnimation: function() {
if (this.animateTimeout) {
this.animateTimeout = null;
I think the error is that some other code is changing the value of self.animateCallback to something else. The first time through, setTimeout has the correct value for self.animateCallback, but after the first time, the value of self.animateCallback has changed to something else, which isn't a function, but is still a non-falsy value so that !self.animateCallback returns false.
You can try changing the if statement to this:
if((typeof self.animateCallback !== "function") || done) {
if(done) {
self.stopAnimation(); //just setting animateCallback to null
try to pass an anonymous function to setTimeout, like
setTimeout(function(){ self.animateCallback(); }, tick);
hope it'll help.

Was variable x ever true?

In Javascript, is there a good way to check if a variable was ever a true, (or any value), in the entire session? The best way I can think of right now is to perform a regular check like this, recording the truthiness in another variable:
if (variable){
variablewasevertrue = true;
Then when I want to know if the original variable was ever true, I check if the new variablewasevertrue is true or undefined. There's nothing more graceful like if (variable was ever true){ is there? That doesn't seem very Javascript-y.
No there is no if (variable was ever true) facility in the language. Variables store values, not history.
Intercepting values as they're assigned and checking is the only way to do it. If the variable is really a property (e.g. a global variable is a property of the global object) you can intercept changes easily using setters.
So to have a history keeping global variable you could do
var hasEverBeenTruthy = false;
(function () {
var value;
Object.defineProperty(window, "myGlobal", {
"get": function () { return value; },
"set": function (newval) {
if (newval) { hasEverBeenTruthy = true; }
value = newval;
This will work on modern browsers, and there are __defineSetter__ variants on many older browsers.
Variables store value, not a history of a memory location. If you want to do something like this, I would suggest you use an Object of some sort:
var x = {
value: false,
history: [],
set: function(val){
this.value = val;
wasEver: function(val){
return this.history.indexOf(val) >= 0;
Then you can use the object like so:
x.value; //returns false
x.value; //returns true
x.wasEver(true); // returns true
x.wasEver(false); //returns true
x.wasEver("hello"); //returns false
This gives each object it's own history (as in, it can check multiple values, not just one - as with the getter/setter stuff mentioned in other answers), and is guaranteed to work in any scope, as all functionality is contained within the defined object.
No, except that you could use a getter and setter like this, which delegates the setting of a variable so that you can check whether it is to set at one time:
var value,
wasevertrue = false;
window.__defineSetter__('test', function(v) {
value = v;
wasevertrue = wasevertrue || (v === true);
window.__defineGetter__('test', function() {
return value;
test = false; // wasevertrue === false
test = true; // wasevertrue === true
test = false; // wasevertrue === true
Better yet would be putting this in a closure because you can now just set value = true as a workaround to the setter.
no - there is no state tracking on variables. it is only whatever its current value is. beyond that its your own custom implementation using property-like methods for state tracking.
Have another variable called "wasevertrue = false." Anywhere you set "variable" immediately follow it with a check that sees if variable == true. If it is, set wasevertrue = true.
You can't use a single scalar variable to track history, but you could use an array. It's not ideal, but it's an alternative:
function setVar(arr, value) {
return arr;
function getVar(arr) {
return arr[0];
function checkHist(arr, histValue) {
var ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < arr.length; ii++) {
if (arr[ii] === histValue) {
return true;
return false;
var myVar = [];
myVar = setVar(myVar, true);
myVar = setVar(myVar, false);
alert(checkHist(myVar, true)); // alerts "true"

onchange javascript variable

Is there a way to call a JavaScript function if a javascript variable changes values using jQuery?
Something to the extend of -
var test = 1;
test = 2; // calls a javascript function
test = 3; // calls a javascript function
This way I wouldn't have to add an onchange event to so many different functions.
(Something seems a bit carelessly planned in your code if you need functionality like that)
The easiest way to add that feature is to create a function for updating your variable, that also calls whatever other function you want to.
Instead of:
var test = 1;
test = 2; // calls a javascript function
test = 3; // calls a javascript function
You do:
var test = 1;
function set_test(newval) {
test = newval;
my_callback(); // this is whatever you wanted to call onChange
try this, it's real variable change event:
var book = {
_year: 2004,
edition: 1
Object.defineProperty(book, "year", {
get: function(){
return this._year;
set: function(newValue){
// will alert 2017 and 13
No, there is not, just polling with setInterval or setTimeout or callbacks. Events only apply to DOM. I'd suggest that you try to go with callbacks and do things like this:
function foo(data, callback)
// do things with data
function bar(data)
console.log('callback can has', data);
foo('baz', bar);
It's a rough example, but should give you the idea.
One option is to wrap your data into a heavier object.
var Watching = function(){
var a;
return a;
a = value;
this.bind('watch', callback);
var obj = new Watching();
obj.watchA(function(){ alert('changed'); });
This doesn't answer your question exactly, but it may solve your problem:
make your variable as html content of an element, then use jQuery change() event
document.write("<div id='test'>"+test+"</div>";
$("#test").change(function(){//your script here});
You can create a class to be notified when your variable changed.
this is the class:
class ListeningVariable {
constructor(val, changeHandler) {
this.val = val;
this.changeHandler = changeHandler
set value(val) {
if (this.val !== val) {
this.val = val;
changeHandler(val) {}
Then you can create an instance of this class instead of your variable:
let myVar = new ListeningVariable(25/*initialize*/, function(val) {
console.log("variable Changed to:", val);
}/*handler function*/);
And when you want to change your variable, just use this code:
myVar.value = 20; // calls the changeHandler function
myVar.value = 20; // does't call the changeHandler function
myVar.value = 40; // calls the changeHandler function
You can do something like this with setting intervals to keep track of change:
var dataToChange = 1;
var key = dataToChange;
var int = setInterval(() => {
if (dataToChange != key) {
console.log('changed'); /// if data changes
} else {
console.log('nothing changed'); /// while nothing changes
}, 3000);
setTimeout(() => {
///// supposedly this is when the variable changes
dataToChange = 2;
}, 9000);
The below function will poll for changes in the test variable every 5 seconds:
// initialize test variable globally
var test = 1;
// global variable to store the previous value of test
// which is updated every 5 seconds
var tmp = test;
setInterval("pollForVariableChange()", 5000);
function pollForVariableChange() {
if (tmp != test) {
alert('Value of test has changed to ' + test);
tmp = test;

