Allow skype calls from Angular App (using meanjs) - javascript

I can not get rid of a small issue affecting my app functionality to enable to call a phone number using skype, what I have so far is this:
<a ng-href="skype:{{}}?call" class="btn btn-sm btn-success" type="button">{{}}</a>
(function() {
coreConfig.$inject = ['$compileProvider'];
function coreConfig($compileProvider) {
The result is always the same, when I hover the element to start a call the browser show this: unsafe:skype:012345678?call and do not allow me to call the number...
I added the config part browsing other questions related to similar issues but it doesn't solve my issue.
I'm using
Please do not copy/paste my question code as your answer... I know that it work on a normal Angular application. The problem is that I can not let it work using app. Thanks.
I just found that: if I use the skype link in the main root / or in a child root like: /list it work fine without adding the unsafe prefix. In a dynamic root like: /list/1234 it doesn't work anymore. I don't know if it could help.

The "bug" was caused by an old version of ngFileUpload that overwrite my configuration as reported here.
Upgrading the version of ngFileUpload solved my issue.
Thanks for your help.

You need to explicitly add URL protocols to Angular's whitelist using a regular expression. Only http, https, ftp and mailto are enabled by default. Angular will prefix a non-whitelisted URL with unsafe: when using a protocol such as chrome-extension:.
A good place to whitelist the chrome-extension: protocol would be in your module's config block:
var app = angular.module( 'myApp', [] )
.config( [
function( $compileProvider )
// Angular before v1.2 uses $compileProvider.urlSanitizationWhitelist(...)
The same procedure also applies when you need to use protocols such as file: and tel:.
Please see the AngularJS $compileProvider API documentation for more info.

I've made it work in following plunker
angular.module('plunker', [])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.href = 'skype:123456?call';


My Angular app only works with a certain syntax

I'm following a thinkster tutorial on angular and rails. The tutorials says to make the app like this...
angular.module('flapperNews', [])
with the controllers and factories like this...
and so on. However it only works when I do this...
var flapperNews = angular.module('flapperNews', [])
with the controllers and factories like this...
Is there a short answer for this? Is the tut wrong or am I doing something wrong.
Here is the tut link
I haven't started the rails part yet, just wanted to know why it breaks.
Here are the two codepens...
This one works as described above.
This one fails and gives errors, although it's how i'm being directed to write the code...
I would suggest looking at John Papa's style guide:
You create your module as you said:
angular.module('flapperNews', [])
And you add a controller/factory/config/whatever like:
function config() { ... }
Your problem is that you are using ; before doing the next .config this terminate the statement. You need to chain the components.
here is the codepen with the working code
But you should definettly follow John Papa's style guide

Using $routeProvider with <form action> and <input name> [duplicate]

I'd like to read the values of URL query parameters using AngularJS. I'm accessing the HTML with the following URL:
As expected, is "?target=bob".
For accessing the value of target, I've found various examples listed on the web, but none of them work in AngularJS 1.0.0rc10. In particular, the following are all undefined:
Anyone know what will work? (I'm using $location as a parameter to my controller)
I've posted a solution below, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it.
The documentation at Developer Guide: Angular Services: Using $location states the following about $location:
When should I use $location?
Any time your application needs to react to a change in the current
URL or if you want to change the current URL in the browser.
For my scenario, my page will be opened from an external webpage with a query parameter, so I'm not "reacting to a change in the current URL" per se. So maybe $location isn't the right tool for the job (for the ugly details, see my answer below). I've therefore changed the title of this question from "How to read query parameters in AngularJS using $location?" to "What's the most concise way to read query parameters in AngularJS?". Obviously I could just use javascript and regular expression to parse, but going that low-level for something so basic really offends my programmer sensibilities.
So: is there a better way to use $location than I do in my answer, or is there a concise alternate?
You can inject $routeParams (requires ngRoute) into your controller. Here's an example from the docs:
// Given:
// URL:
// Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
// Then
$routeParams ==> {chapterId:1, sectionId:2, search:'moby'}
EDIT: You can also get and set query parameters with the $location service (available in ng), particularly its search method: $
$routeParams are less useful after the controller's initial load; $ can be called anytime.
Good that you've managed to get it working with the html5 mode but it is also possible to make it work in the hashbang mode.
You could simply use:
to get access to the 'target' search param.
For the reference, here is the working jsFiddle:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
function MyCtrl($scope, $location) {
$scope.location = $location;
$scope.$watch('', function() {
$ = ($;
}, true);
$scope.changeTarget = function(name) {
$'target', name);
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
URL 'target' param getter: {{target}}<br>
Full url: {{location.absUrl()}}
<button ng-click="changeTarget('Pawel')">target=Pawel</button>
To give a partial answer my own question, here is a working sample for HTML5 browsers:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src=""></script>
angular.module('myApp', [], function($locationProvider) {
function QueryCntl($scope, $location) {
$ = $['target'];
<body ng-controller="QueryCntl">
Target: {{target}}<br/>
The key was to call $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); as done above. It now works when opening I'm not happy about the fact that it won't work in older browsers, but I might use this approach anyway.
An alternative that would work with older browsers would be to drop the html5mode(true) call and use the following address with hash+slash instead:
The relevant documentation is at Developer Guide: Angular Services: Using $location (strange that my google search didn't find this...).
It can be done by two ways:
Using $routeParams
Best and recommended solution is to use $routeParams into your controller.
It Requires the ngRoute module to be installed.
function MyController($scope, $routeParams) {
// URL:
// Route: /Chapter/:chapterId/Section/:sectionId
// $routeParams ==> {chapterId:'1', sectionId:'2', search:'moby'}
var search = $;
Using $
There is a caveat here. It will work only with HTML5 mode. By default, it does not work for the URL which does not have hash(#) in it http://localhost/test?param1=abc&param2=def
You can make it work by adding #/ in the URL. http://localhost/test#/?param1=abc&param2=def
$ to return an object like:
param1: 'abc',
param2: 'def'
$ will work only with HTML5 mode turned on and only on supporting browser.
This will work always:
Just to summerize .
If your app is being loaded from external links then angular wont detect this as a URL change so $ would give you an empty object . To solve this you need to set following in your app config(app.js)
.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider)
.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl'
redirectTo: '/'
Just a precision to Ellis Whitehead's answer. $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); won't work with new version of angularjs without specifying the base URL for the application with a <base href=""> tag or setting the parameter requireBase to false
From the doc :
If you configure $location to use html5Mode (history.pushState), you need to specify the base URL for the application with a tag or configure $locationProvider to not require a base tag by passing a definition object with requireBase:false to $locationProvider.html5Mode():
enabled: true,
requireBase: false
you could also use $location.$$search.yourparameter
I found that for an SPA HTML5Mode causes lots of 404 error problems, and it is not necessary to make $ work in this case. In my case I want to capture a URL query string parameter when a user comes to my site, regardless of which "page" they initially link to, AND be able to send them to that page once they log in. So I just capture all that stuff in
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (e, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
if ( === "") {
$rootScope.initialPage =;
$rootScope.initialParams = toParams;
if ($'role')) {
$rootScope.roleParameter = $['role'];
then later after login I can say
$state.go($rootScope.initialPage, $rootScope.initialParams)
It's a bit late, but I think your problem was your URL. If instead of
you had
I'm pretty sure it would have worked. Angular is really picky about its #/

How to inject an entire module dynamically in AngularJS?

Alright, so I'm trying to set-up $httpBackend to use as a mock server for local development against an API. I have two services in separate modules: search and searchMock:
search returns a $resource object that exposes the API verbs when in staging or production environments, and works as expected
searchMock exposes $httpBackend which, in turn, responds with mock JSON objects, and works as expected by itself
I have another service, APIInjector, that determines what the current environment is based on a config file that's included dynamically by Grunt when the app is built and injects either search or searchMock accordingly.
My problem is, as far as I can tell from searching high and low, $httpBackend needs to be set-up within a module's run method. The problem with this is I can't inject the run method within my APIInjector's conditional logic.
How can I expose $httpBackend if the dev environment condition is met, and my $resource service otherwise? Note that I didn't include the calling controller's or the searchService's code, but I can if needed for clarification.
var searchMockService = angular.module('searchMockService', []);[
function($httpBackend) {
results = [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'Jane'}];
var APIInjectorService = angular.module('APIInjectorService', [
APIInjectorService.factory('APIInjector', [
function($injector, ENV_CONF) {
var isDevelopment = ENV_CONF.IS_DEVELOPMENT;
// Check to see if we're in dev and, if so, inject the local API services
if (isDevelopment) {
return {
Search: // Not sure what to do here to expose searchMock's run method???
} else {
return {
Search: $injector.get('Search') // This returns $resource from the search service, as expected
Just to put a final point on this question, I ultimately pulled this out to my build script (Grunt) and abandoned the above approach completely. Instead, I'm passing in the environment I want to build for (development, staging, production, etc) as a flag to Grunt and then loading the appropriate API service during the build.
Hope that helps someone else trying to implement backendless development!
As bad as it looks at first place, i'd use the document.write method,if you are not using requirejs(it shouldnt be a problem with requirejs).
1 - bootstrap your ENV_CONF variable in a script tag as first script in HEAD tag.
2 - load all the common scripts
3 - test the ENV_CONF.IS_DEVELOPMENT in another SCRIPT tag.
4 - if true document.write('<script src="angular-mocks.js"></script><script src="main-dev-module.js"></script>')
5 - if false document.write('<script src="main-prod-module.js"></script>')
6 - profit
That way you dont need to deal with ENV_CONF.IS_DEVELOPMENT inside your modules.
html5 boilerplate uses this technique to either fetch jquery from a cdn or locally
Edit: I'm sure there are cleaner ways to inject services dynamically in angularjs,but that's what i'd do.I'd like someone to propose a better alternative.

Using blur.js with angularjs

I'm trying to make a blurred background efect with angular on a div, something like the image above, for this i'm using blur.js and everything work fine with jquery but the real question is this posible with angularjs, and what is the best way?
I'm really newbie with angular
thanks in advance
here another example of using blurjs
SOLVED (with help of gtramontina):
you can download the code here demo-blurjs-angular
The result (with my images)
This demo contain a issue (that is really of blur.js) like Edd Turtle mention on his post
Important Note: This technique doesn’t work with local files and has to run through a server, likewise if the background is hosted on the Amazon S3 service you will need to enable cross-domain calls (CORS)..
I suggest you create a directive, restricted to attribute maybe, and have that applying your effect.
Something like this (not tested - and assuming you've included, in this order, jquery, blur.js, then angular;
angular.module('myApp', []).
directive('blurred', function () {
var directive = { restrict: 'A' };
directive.compile = function compile (tElement) {
// taken from blur.js homepage
source: 'body',
radius: 7,
overlay: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)'
return directive;
Then use it:
<p blurred>lorem ipsum</p>
The point with the order I mentioned above, is that if you include jquery before angular, then angular uses it to wrap its dom elements, otherwise it'll use jqlite.
You need to write a angularjs directive for blur.js. Here is an example of how to write a directive for a query plugin:

undefined angularJS control function error

I am discovering angularJS, but I get an error Argument 'LawContrl' is not a function, got undefined. In my form, I have in my rails app
%div{"ng-controller" => "LawContrl"}
=form-for ...
%li{"ng-repeat"=>"entry in entries"} {{}} //I am using haml file
in my file, I have
#LawContrl = ($scope) ->
$scope.entries = [
{ name: "hi"}
{name: "ho"}
Ok, I think I got it. I don't know what ide you're using, but rename (or refactor then rename if you're using Eclipse or Rubymine) your to application.js and everything must be working just fine. Btw, you should declare some LawContrl module in your angularJS so the controller can be passed to the view
Not sure what it could be, some things to check that might help with debugging this:
angular.js library script is included only once in the page
LawContrl script is included in the page after angular.js
ng-app attribute (it can be empty) is present in the HTML
If ng-app has a value, e.g. ng-app="foo", then LawContrl should be part of the foo module

