Conditionally importing npm modules? - javascript

My project structure is as follows:
- workspace
- customPackage
- customIndex.js
- myProject
- index.js
- myProject2
- index.js
In dev, I want to import the package from my local workspace like following:
import something from '../customePackage/customIndex.js'
where as in production I need the import to work from npm modules like the following:
import something from 'customPackage';
The purpose being to be able to use the local changes in the package(without going through the commit cycle). Finally after testing the package can be pushed and used normally via npm package.
How to do this in an efficient way without having to make code changes every time?

You can use Resolve#alias with Webpack:
resolve: {
alias: {
"customPackage": process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ?
"customPackage" :
path.resolve(__dirname, "../customePackage/customIndex.js")
Then in your source, you only need to do:
import something from 'customPackage';
And it will point to the correct package. Obviously you need to set the NODE_ENV environment variable, or change that depending on your build environment.

if you are already using webpack you can make two different entry points:
entry: {
bundle: './Scripts/index.tsx',
bundle2: './Scripts/index2.tsx'
output: {
publicPath: "/js/",
path: path.join(__dirname, '/wwwroot/js/'),
filename: '[name].js'
then in index you import main module and in index2 import your test module. So you will have different bundle files bundle.js and bundle2.js.


Webpack is erroring when I attempt to import a directory containing modules

I'm trying to create a small npm library to make interfacing with an API a little neater. My folder structure is as follows...
Within my src/index.js file I have..
import {endpoint1} from './endpoints'
module.exports = class lib {
When I npm run build (which runs webpack --display-error-details --mode production) webpack throws a big error saying "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './endpoints' in 'my\project\dir\src'.
My webpack.config.js file currently looks like...
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
entry: path.join(__dirname, '/src/index.js'),
output: {
path: path.resolve('dist'),
filename: 'index.js',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
module: {
rules: [
test: /.js?$/,
exclude: /(node_modules)/,
use: 'babel-loader'
resolve: {
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/endpoints')
extensions: ['.js']
I can see similar questions have been asked before and the resolutions listed don't seem to work for me so I thought I'd post it incase im making a rookie error. If any more info is required just say! Sorry if it's fairly wall of texty. Thanks.
The correct import would be:
import endpoint1 from 'endpoint1';
By using resolve.modules you tell Webpack to look up non relative paths in that folder. The module name is "enpoint1".
But actually you should only do this with libraries that you use across your project, for an endpoint a relative import will be appropriate:
import endpoint1 from "./endpoints/endpoint1";
import {endpoint1} from './endpoints' means this:
import from file ./endpoints/index.js something that is exported under the name enpoint1 in that file. If you import directory then it refers to index.js under that directory, not to all other files. It doesn't exist in your setup.
Names inside {} refer to named imports. This goes only for es6 modules-style imports like import {...} from. If you ommit {} then you import the default. CommonJs-style imports like const {...} = require('') work differently. CommonJs does not have named imports and exports. It just will import default from that file and then fetch a field via object destructuring.
What you export is something unnamed(i.e. default) from file ./endpoints/enpoint1.js
Something is unnamed because you use module.exports = which is CommonJS-style export. CommonJS does not support named exports. This is equevalent to export default class lib ... in es6 modules-style exports.
IF you want to import many files under directory you can consider these solutions:
1) Often single import points are created. You make a index.js file. In it you import manually every file under the directoy that you want to export. Then you export it under names. Like this:
import a from './a.js';
import b from './b.js';
import c from './c.js';
export { a, b, c };
Then it will work
2) In some rare cases in might make sence to use fs.readdir or fs.readdirSync to scan the entire directory and dynamicly require files in a loop. Use it only if you must. E.g. db migrations.

Set context dir for import when include some file in entry.js?

In entry.js file I have :
import 'index.js';
And that index.js has many imports from another dir like :
import test from 'modulename'.
But I have moved all modules to another dir and want to keep just index.js in main dir. So that's why I must rewrite all imports with new dir location like this :
import test from ../anotherdir/modulename
How to get rid of this and force webpack to search modules in new dir?
Now I am using webpack allias and this help me if path is too long but it still require to change all imports.
You can use resolve alias in webpack
These options change how modules are resolved. webpack provides
reasonable defaults, but it is possible to change the resolving in
detail. Have a look at Module Resolution for more explanation of how
the resolver works.
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
Utilities: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utilities/'),
Templates: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/templates/')
Now, instead of using relative paths when importing like so:
import Utility from '../../utilities/utility';
you can use the alias:
import Utility from 'Utilities/utility';

Unable to bundle a Web Worker to be imported like an NPM package

My goal is to be able to publish a Web Worker NPM package which can be imported normally (import MyPkg from 'my-pkg') without requiring the user to import it with worker-loader (inline or otherwise)
To accomplish this, I've tried using a Babel build script as well as Webpack with worker-loader.
In the following examples there are two projects: the Web Worker package ("Package") which is npm linked to a test application ("App").
The Package is split into two files: entry.webpack.js and index.worker.js. The entry, when built and moved to /dist is designated as the main file in the package.json, and it currently looks like this:
var MyPkg = require('worker-loader!./index.worker.js')
module.exports = MyPkg
// This is just example code. It doesn't really matter
// what this code does so long as it ends up being run
// as a Web Worker.
var selfRef = self;
function ExampleWorker () {
console.log('Running Worker...');
setTimeout(function () {
// wait 10 seconds then post a message
selfRef.postMessage({foo: "bar"});
}, 10000)
module.exports = ExampleWorker
I then bundle the Package with Webpack:
"build": "rm -rf dist/*.* && webpack --progress"
module.exports = {
mode: 'production',
devtool: 'source-map',
entry: __dirname + '/src/entry.webpack.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: __dirname + '/dist'
optimization: {
minimize: false
This generates two files: bundle.js and a Web Worker file as a hash: [hash].worker.js with the code we want evaluated in it. They key part in this, though, is that because we used worker-loader inline to import, the webpack compiled output looks something like:
module.exports = function() {
return new Worker(__webpack_require__.p + "53dc9610ebc22e0dddef.worker.js");
Finally, the App should be able to import it and use it like this:
import MyPkg from 'my-pkg'
// logging MyPkg here produces `{}`
const worker = new MyPkg()
// That throws an Error:
// Uncaught TypeError: _my_pkg__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default.a is not a constructor
worker.onmessage = event => {
// this is where we'd receive our message from the web worker
However, you can get it to work if, in the App itself you import the worker build like this:
import MyPkg from 'my-pkg/dist/53dc9610ebc22e0dddef.worker.js'
But, it's a requirement of the package to:
A) NOT require applications using the package to have to explicitly install worker-loader and
B) not have to reference the my-pkg/dist/[hash].worker.js explicitly.
I've tried also designating the built [hash].worker.js' as themain` in package.json but that doesn't work either.
Edit 1: I forgot to mention that I'm basing all of this off of how react-pdf does it. If you take a look in /src/entry.webpack.js and follow how it works throughout the package you'll see a few similarities.
you could try worker-loader with option:
test: /\.worker\.js$/,
use: {
loader: 'worker-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[hash:8].js',
// notice here
inline: true,
fallback: false

Path aliases for imports in WebStorm

I use webpack path aliases for ES6 module loading.
E.g. If I define an alias for utils instead of something like
import Foo from "../../../utils/foo", I can do
import Foo from "utils/foo"
The problem is that once I start using aliases, WebStorm looses track of the import and I'm left with warnings and no auto-completion.
Is there a way to instruct WebStorm to use such aliases?
Yes, there is.
In fact, Webstorm can't automatically parse and apply Webpack config, but you can set up aliases the same way.
You just have to mark the parent folder of "utils" (in your example) as a resource root (right-click, mark directory as / resource root).
We just managed to do with the following structure :
We have A B and C folders declared as alias in Webpack.
And in Webstorm we marked "src" as "Resource Root".
And now we can simply import :
import A/path/to/any/file.js
instead of
import ../../../../../A/path/to/any/file.js
while still having Webstorm correctly parsing and indexing all code, link to files, autocompleting and so on ...
I managed to set up aliases for WebStorm 2017.2 within webpack like this:
For the record: in PHPSTORM, working with laravel mix, I managed to solve this by creating a webpack.config.js file separately like:
const path = require('path')
const webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.json', '.vue'],
alias: {
'~': path.resolve(__dirname, './resources/assets/js')
And then importing it in the webpack.mix.js like:
const config = require('./webpack.config')
Make sure the webpack configuration file is pointed correctly in the configuration of the PhpStorm in: Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Webpack
You can define custom paths, so WebStorm/PhpStorm can understand your aliases. But make sure, they are identical with your aliases. Create file in your root directory and call it something like this: webStorm.config.js (any js file will be ok). Then configure your paths inside:
"paths": {
"components/*": "./src/components/*",
"core/*": "./src/core/*",
WebStorm/PhpStorm will recognize System as it's own module and will treat this file as configuration.
This is answered in a comment but to save people digging into comments and link only information, here it is:
As of WS2017.2 this will be done automatically. The information is here.
According to this, webstorm will automatically resolve aliases that are included within the webpack.config in the root of the project. If you have a custom structure and your webpack.config isn't in the root folder then go to Settings | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Webpack and set the option to the config you require.
Note: Most setups have a base config which then call a dev or prod version. In order for this to work properly, you need to tell webstorm to use the dev one.
Not right now, We were also using path aliases for the files in our react project. The import names were shorter but we lost a lot on static checking of webstorm as well as completion features.
We later came up with a decision to reduce the code to only 3 levels of depth, as well a single level for the common parts. The path completion feature of webstom (ctrl + space) even helps reduce the typing overhead. The production build does not use longer names, so hardly makes any difference in final code.
I will suggest please reconsider your decision about aliases. You loose semantic meaning of modules coming from node_modules and your own code, as well as referencing the alias files again and again to make sense of your code, is a much bigger overhead.
add jsconfig.js on your project root
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"~/*": ["./src/*"]
In PHPStorm (using 2017.2 currently), I have not been able to get webpack configs to work properly in regards to aliases.
My fix involves using the "Directories" section of the main settings. I just had to mark each folder referenced by an alias as a sources root, then click the properties dropdown for each and specify the alias as a "Package prefix". This made everything link up for me.
Not sure if the Directories section exists in WebStorm, but if it does, this seems to be a fool-proof method for getting import aliases working.
For anyone struggling: path.resolve() must be called with "__dirname" first argument for Idea (Websorm) to be able to resolve the path correctly.
Will work for Idea (Websorm):
alias: {
'#someAlias': pathLib.resolve(__dirname, 'path/to/directory')
Will not work for Idea (Websorm) (while still being valid webpack alias):
alias: {
'#someAlias': pathLib.resolve('path/to/directory')
Webstorm can't read webpack.config if module.exports return a function.
For example
module.exports = function (webpackEnv) {
return {
mode: isEnvProduction ? 'production' : isEnvDevelopment && 'development',
Check your config file, maybe this cause you are a problem.
There is a lot of discussion here about Laravel Mix, so I'll leave this here to help out future readers. I solved this by creating a separate (fake) webpack config file which is only used by my IDE (PHPStorm).
1. Create a separate alias.js file (e.g. /webpack/alias.js)
const path = require('path');
const assets = path.join(__dirname,'..','resources','assets');
module.exports = {
'#js' : path.resolve(assets, 'js'),
'#c' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'components'),
'#errors' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'errors'),
'#utils' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'utils'),
'#store' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'store'),
'#api' : path.resolve(assets, 'js', 'api'),
'#less' : path.resolve(assets, 'less')
2. Require the alias.js file into webpack.mix.js
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
// ... The rest of your mix, e.g.
3. Create the fake webpack config for your IDE (e.g. /webpack/ide.config.js)
Here, import the laravel-mix webpack config, plus your aliases, and any other config that the IDE might need help finding. Also include the prefixed ~ aliases for importing styles into your Vue components.
| A fake config file for PhpStorm to enable aliases
| File > Settings... > Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Webpack
| Select "Manually" and set the configuration file to this
const path = require('path');
const mixConfig = require('./../node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config')();
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'~#less' : path.resolve('#less'), // <--
4. Set your IDE to use webpack/ide.config.js as your webpack config file.
Had the same problem on a new Laravel project with Jetstream. The webpack.config.js was present and correct. But PHPStorm still didn't recognize the # symbol as a resource root.
After opening the webpack config, I got a notification:
After Clicking on Trust project and run, the # symbol became recognized.
I know that this isn't the solution or use-case for everyone. But I still found it worthy to note on this post, because it helped me in my situation.

ES6 import from root

I'm currently playing around with React Native. I'm trying to structure my app, however it's starting to get messy with imports.
-- /components
-- Loading.js
-- index.ios.js
Now, within my index.ios.js i'm able to simply do:
import Loading from './components/Loading';
However, when I start to create more components, with a deeper directory struture, it starts to get messy:
import Loading from '.../../../../components/Loading';
I understand the preferred solution would be to make private npm modules for things, but that's overkill for a small project.
You could do a global.requireRoot type solution on the browser, but how do I implement this with import?
Had the same issue with React.
So i wrote some plugin for babel which make it possible to import the modules from the root perspective - the paths are not shorter - but it's clear what you import.
So instead of:
import 'foo' from '../../../components/foo.js';
You can use:
import 'foo' from '~/components/foo.js';
Here is the Plugin (tested and with a clear README)
The react documentation explain how to do that:
just add a jsconfig.json in your project root:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src"
"include": ["src"]
If you are using Webpack you can configure it via the resolve property to resolve a your import path.
Webpack 1
resolve: {
root: [
path.resolve(__dirname + '/src')
Webpack 2
resolve: {
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname + '/src'),
path.resolve(__dirname + '/node_modules')
After that you can use
import configureStore from "store/configureStore";
instead of the:
import configureStore from "../../store/configureStore";
Webpack will configure your import path from the passed resolve param.
The same stuff you can do with System.js loader but with it's own config param (it's can be map or path. Check it in the System.js documentation) (if you would like to use it. It's mostly for a Angular 2 case. But I suggest: don't use standard System.js even if you are working with ng2. Webpack is much better).
I just checked out a React project which is more than 6 months old and for some reasons my imports no longer worked. I tried the first answer:
import 'foo' from '~/components/foo.js';
Unfortunately this did not work.
I added an .env file in the root of my project at the same level as my package.json. I added the following line to that file and this fixed my imports in my project.
If you're using Create-React-App, you just need to change the environmental variable NODE_PATH to contain the root of your project.
In your config.json do the following change to set this variable before running the react-scripts commands:
"scripts": {
"start": "cross-env NODE_PATH=. react-scripts start",
"build": "cross-env NODE_PATH=. react-scripts build",
"test": "cross-env NODE_PATH=. react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
We're using the npm library cross-env because it works on unix and windows. The syntax is cross-env var=value command.
Now instead of import module from '../../my/module' we can do import module from 'src/my/module'
Extra details on implementation
Its important to note that cross-env's scope is limited to the command it executes, so cross-env var=val command1 && command2 will only have var set during command1. Fix this if needed by doing cross-env var=val command1 && cross-env var=val command2
create-react-app gives precedence to folders in node_modules/ over whats in NODE_PATH, which is why we're setting NODE_PATH to "." instead of "./src". Using "." requires all absolute imports to start with "src/" which means there should never be a name conflict, unless you're using some node_module called src.
(Note of caution: The solution described above replaces the variable NODE_PATH. Ideally we would append to it if it already exists. NODE_PATH is a ":" or ";" separated list of paths, depending on if its unix or windows. If anyone finds a cross-platform solution to do this, I can edit my answer.)
With webpack you can also make paths starting with for example ~ resolve to the root, so you can use import Loading from '~/components/Loading';:
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js'],
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname + '/app')
alias: {
['~']: path.resolve(__dirname + '/app')
The trick is using the javascript bracket syntax to assign the property.
In Webpack 3 the config is slightly diffrent:
import webpack from 'webpack';
import {resolve} from 'path';
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.js$/,
use: ["babel-loader"]
test: /\.scss$|\.css$/,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader", "sass-loader"]
resolve: {
extensions: [".js"],
alias: {
["~"]: resolve(__dirname, "src")
If you're using Create React App you can add paths.appSrc to resolve.modules in config/ and config/
resolve: {
modules: ['node_modules', paths.appNodeModules].concat(...
resolve: {
modules: [paths.appSrc, 'node_modules', paths.appNodeModules].concat(...
Your code would then work:
import Loading from 'components/Loading';

