JavaScript custom prompt boxes without using jQuery [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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First poster here, but I wanted to know if there was anyway that it was possible to customize the JavaScript prompt boxes without using jQuery? I'm wanting to keep my site vanilla as possible. Thanks.

You can create your own modal dialog boxes. However you cannot customize how, for example, window.alert("Hello!") would look. That is completely up to the browser manufacturer.

create a 'div' and show that using an event.


How to make a transition effect up the input on change [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to place this particular effect on a dropdown
I need to place this particular effect on a dropdown where the placeholder goes up and the new vale takes the field, just by using JS, Jquery, CSS and HTML
Before transition
After transition
This kind of input that you wanted, called material design input, where the google announced it a few years ago. Chris on code describe how to implement this in a good way that you can use or customize it by yourself.
you can follow the link below for more information:
Material Design Input

Is it possible to implement a scrollspy with only javascript? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to implement a scroll-spy to change the active state of buttons in the navigation bar. There are examples that use jQuery but I want to implement it with pure javascript. Is it possible? If it is possible, can you provide me an example code?
Edit: What I mean with pure js is not using any external libraries. Sorry for misrepresenting.
You can just define an handler for the scroll event with
document.getElementById("mydiv").onscroll = function(event){

How do I create clickable areas on an image within a webpage with javascript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a webpage displaying an image that has areas on it that can be clicked to do various things like playing sound, displaying text, linking to other pages. The only problem is I have no idea what I need to use within javascript to do so. The area need not be complicated, just a simple geometric shape.
What sort of tools should I be looking at in Javascript to do achieve this?
Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look at <map></map> tag in HTML:
It should accomplish what you want to do.

Little box where I could write in [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would need to use a little textbox in order to write in and to get the value but without creating a window. (In which I would have created a textbox element)
I would need something like the alert box but I would like to write in.
Do you know what I could use ?
To get an dialog box with input using javascript you can use window.prompt, look for more info here.
If you want something prettier go for a modal window. There are plenty plugins for jQuery (and there should be enough scripts available in vanilla JS as well) to achieve this.

confirm box customized? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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i need a green color confirm box along with yes no button instead of ok/cancel . Can u please suggest how i can achieve this.. if there is an alternative please give me the code for it including the css and jquery, javascript files needed to run it. I am a novice in web field so your help will be highly appreciated..thanks.
Here is a jQuery Plugin Confirm Box: jDialog. You can basically skin it the way you like with CSS. Or, you can use jQuery UI's modal box
You can check out here
it's really easy to be done!

