Angular 2 calling multiple async methods - javascript

I have a mobile app I'm building and right now I'm working on authentication. Before I hit my home page I need to hit a variety of endpoints on an API I've built before I can display data to the user.
All the endpoints are returning the correct data when tested in Postman, however I'm getting a null value in my second async call when I utilize it in my app.
I'm sure it has something to do with the order in which these calls are made, so I was just looking for some help as to how I can properly wait for one call to finish before starting another one.
public login() {
this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
res => {
localStorage.setItem("UserId", res.toString());
err => {
this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(localStorage.getItem("UserId")) // THIS RETURNS NULL
res => {
localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", res.toString());
err => {
data => {
console.log('User logged in successfully! ', data);
localStorage.setItem("Username", this.registerCredentials.username);
localStorage.setItem("isLoggedIn", "true");
error => {
this.showAlert("Uh oh!", "Something went wrong. Please re-enter your login credentials or check your connection.");

Your original code has a bug that leads to this error. You have three calls in your code which I will call A), B), and C):
A) this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
B) this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(localStorage.getItem("UserId")) // THIS RETURNS NULL
C) this.authService.login(this.registerCredentials)
What you need to understand about RXJS is the difference between a cold Observable (which represents all information required to start an async operation) and a hot Observable (which is an Observable with the async operation already started).
The three calls A), B) and C) merely build cold observables which are started the moment you call .subscribe() on them. So by the time B) is built, A) is already started but has not completed yet. So the call to localStorage.getItem("UserId") will return null, because A) has not yet invoked its subscriber's next callback.
So what you want to do is for B) to wait on A). Also instead of stuffing something into global state (localStorage) it's probably better to flow the result from A) through to B). Enter the .mergeMap() operator:
this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(userId => localStorage.setItem("UserId", userId)) // cleanly separate side-effects into .do() calls
.mergeMap(userId => this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(userId))
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(employeeId => localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", employeeId))
employeeId => {
err => {
The nice thing about rxjs is that error handling just works all the way through your Observable chain.
If you can execute C) in parallel, have a look at .forkJoin().
Finally, if you need a hands on explanation of .mergeMap() have a look at this answer: SwitchMap vs MergeMap in the #ngrx example

This should work.Don't forget import 'rxjs/Rx'
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(userId => {
localStorage.setItem("UserId", userId);
.flatMap(userId => {
return this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(userId);
.do(res => {
localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", res.toString());


Angular 9 can't make a post request

I'm currentry just a begginner in Angular,
I'm trying make a post request using this function:
signIn(user: User) {
return this.http
.post<any>(`${this.endpoint}/login`, user)
.subscribe((res: any) => {
localStorage.setItem("access_token", res.token);
this.getUserProfile(res._id).subscribe(res => {
this.currentUser = res;
this.router.navigate(["user-profile/" + res.msg._id]);
I tried to monitor the network (using the network tab in firefox), and I've found out that no data is sent.
When opening the console it displays "1" but not "2".
Thank you
You need to return the observable and subscribe to it there. Now you are returning a subscription so you might not know when actually the call is triggered. Also try to avoid nested subscriptions. You could use RxJS higher order operators (like switchMap) to pipe multiple observables. Try the following
some service
signIn(user: User) : Observable<any> {
return<any>(`${this.endpoint}/login`, user).pipe(
switchMap((user) => {
localStorage.setItem("access_token", user.token);
return this.getUserProfile(user._id);
ngOnInit() {
res => {
this.currentUser = res;
this.router.navigate(["user-profile/" + res.msg._id]);
(error) => {
// always good practice to handle HTTP observable errors

Break a .finally() chain

I have the following chain.
return axios
.get(actionUrl, {
params: {
action: 'action3'
.finally(() => axios.get(actionUrl, {
params: {
action: 'action3'
.finally(() => axios.get(actionUrl, {
params: {
action: 'action6'
.finally(() => axios.get(actionUrl, {
params: {
action: 'action1'
I have to sequentially call different endpoints in order even if the previous one fails. However in case an endpoint timeouts I want to break the chain. Is it achievable without using .then and .catch and repeating the same code in them?
The finally function is there precisely to make sure that the function inside runs even if there is an exception. You can get the behaviour you want by using just one finally like this:
.then(() => doStuffOnSuccess())
.finally(() => {
axios.get().then(() => doFinallyStuff1())
.then(() => doFinallyStuff2())
.then(() => doFinallyStuff3())
.catch(e => console.error("Finally had trouble",e));
This way if anything within the finally function times out or fails it will break the chain. By having the final catch you will avoid it throwing back further up the chain.
This assumes that you are using finally correctly and everything in that should always get executed after the previous calls finish even if there are errors.
This is achievable with then and catch. You should not use finally if you don't want the callback to run in case of an error.
I have to sequentially call different endpoints in order even if the previous one fails. However in case an endpoint timeouts I want to break the chain
So you want to not call them when the previous one fails (with a timeout), all you want to do is to ignore non-timeout errors. That's what catch should be used for:
function callEndpoint(action) {
return axios.get(actionUrl, { params: { action } }).catch(err => {
if (isTimeout(err))
throw err
; // ignore the error, return undefined
Then just chain them:
callEndpoint('action3').then(() => callEndpoint('action6')).then(() => callEndpoint('action3'))
Are you familiar with async/await? Generally you shouldn't chain finally like this, it's always better to create recurent function for example:
const fetchSomething = async () => {
try {
const result = await axios.get();
if (...when fetching should stop...) {
return result;
return fetchSomething();
} catch(error) {
return fetchSomething();
But with reccurent function is extremely important to create some kill switch to prevent executing it forever - for example set some kind of timeout, 1 minute or so and if this limit is exceeded then stop executing.
It will be probably even more easier with generators and yield but I never used this solution

Chained fetches dependent on each other

Take the following scenario:
I need to show in a table a list with all countries and the population of each country. All data can be queried from here:
Thare are 2 api calls that can help me achieve what i want: - returns a list of all existing countries{$country}/today-and-tomorrow/ - returns the population of a particular country
As you can see i need to make 2 api calls since the second call is dependant of the name of the country made by the first call. I managed to make it work with the initial api call using fetch by using this code:
.then(results => {
return results.json();
}).then(data => {
This just returns me a list with all the countries.
Now i need to loop through data.countries and make a new api call for each country without breaking the whole process. I tried throwing another fetch call where data.countries is available while looping over data.countries but as you can imagine this breaks up the whole process, what i think happens is that the loop doesn't wait for the fetch call to complete thus messing up the query process.
I'm pretty new to this and i've tried googling it but i'm not sure what i can use to achieve what i need. Any help would be truly appreciated. I've been dealing with this problem the whole day
You could fire all the separate population requests at once and use the result when all of them have finished, with the help of Promise.all:
.then(results => {
return results.json();
.then(data => {
const populationPromises = => {
return fetch(
).then(results => results.json());
return Promise.all(populationPromises);
.then(populations => {
.catch(error => {
The approach with async/await makes the code more coherent and readable:
function getCountries() {
return fetch('').then(s => s.json())
function getPopulation(country) {
return fetch(encodeURI(`${country}/today-and-tomorrow/?format=json`)).then(s => s.json())
(async () => {
try {
const { countries } = await getCountries();
const populations = await Promise.all(;
} catch(err) {

rxjs check if stream is empty before handling data

We have the following stream.
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
const recorders = names
.map(entry =>
.filter(entry => !_.contains(
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
empty => {
if(empty) {
logger.warn('No recorders found.');
() => {}
.finally(() => process.exit(0))
() => {},
e => logger.error('Error while updating: %s', e, {}),
() =>'Finished syncing all recorders')
If the stream is empty then we don't want to createRecorderIntervals. The above piece of code is working. However, checking if the stream is empty, is causing the console.log to be executed twice. Why is this happening? Can I fix it somehow?
EDIT: So, I went the following way, after rethinking it thanks to #Martin's answer
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
const recorders = names
.map(entry =>
.filter(entry => !_.contains(
if(!recorders.length) {
logger.warn('No recorders found.');
return Rx.Observable.empty();
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
.finally(() => scheduleNextRun())
() => {},
e => logger.error('Error while updating: %s', e, {}),
() =>'Finished syncing all recorders')
When you call subscribe() method on an Observable it causes the entire chain of operators to be created which it turn calls imongo.listCollections('recorders') twice in your case.
You can insert an operator before calling flatMapConcat(createRecorderIntervals) that checks whether the result is empty. I have one of them in mind particularly but there might be other that suit your needs even better:
takeWhile() - takes predicate as an argument and emits onComplete when it return false.
Then your code would be like the following:
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
.takeWhile(function(result) {
// condition
.finally(() => process.exit(0))
I don't know what exactly your code does but I hope you get the idea.
Edit: If you want to be notified when the entire Observable is empty than there're a multiple of ways:
do() operator and a custom Observer object. You'll write a custom Observer and put it using do() operator before .flatMapConcat(createRecorderIntervals) . This object will count how many times its next callback was called and when the preceding Observable completes you can tell whether there was at least one or there were no results at all.
create a ConnectableObservable. This one is maybe the most similar to what you we're doing at the beginning. You'll turn your recorders into ConnectableObservable using publish() operator. Then you can subscribe multiple Observers without triggering the operator chain. When you have all your Observers subscribed you call connect() and it'll sequentially emit values to all Observers:
var published = recorders.publish();
// Connect the source
var connection = published.connect();
In your case, you'd create two Subjects (because they act as Observable and Observer at the same time) and chain one of them with isEmpty() and the second one with flatMapConcat(). See the doc for more info:
I think the first option is actually easier for you.

RxJS: Handing errors in cycle.js custom driver

I have implemented some error handling code in my main function as below. It uses the catch operator to filter and report on errors in one stream and ignore them in another. This allows me to know about and report on errors that occur with requests whilst not failing the entire stream so that subsequent requests can continue.
For reasons that might not be apparent in the code snippets below I am impementing a custom driver to request and handle data. I'm not using the cycle http driver.
Here's my code that successfully reports an error:
function main(sources) {
// Catch driver errors so they can be logged
const error$ = sources.CustomDriver
.map(x => x.catch(e => Rx.Observable.just(e)))
.flatMap(p => p)
// Filter out the errors to deal with requests that did not fail
const data$ = sources.CustomDriver
.map(x => x.catch(e => Rx.Observable.empty()))
.flatMap(p => p)
return {
CustomDriver: Rx.Observable.just('initial event'),
Log: data$,
Error: error$
}, {
CustomDriver: makeCustomDriver(),
Log: msg$ => { msg$.subscribe(
msg => console.log('LOG: ', msg),
err => console.log('problem with Log driver: ', err),
() => console.log('Log Completed')
) },
Error: msg$ => { msg$.subscribe(
e => console.log('ERR: ', e),
err => console.log('problem with Error driver:', err),
() => console.log('Error Completed')
) }
function makeCustomDriver() {
return function customDriver(requests$) {
return requests$
.map(request => Rx.Observable.fromPromise(makeFailedRequest()))
function makeFailedRequest() {
console.log('some API request')
return Promise.reject('error')
The output is as follows:
some API request
some API request
Log Completed
ERR: error
Error Completed
On the plus side the error is reported. However, the API request is actually made twice, which is not what I expected to happen initially.
After learning some more RxJS and getting a better understanding of Hot and Cold observables I realised that I was creating two subscriptions to the CustomDriver stream (one for error$ and one for data$) and because the CustomDriver Observable was cold it would repeat the Observable.just for each subscriber.
So I tried to make my CustomDriver Observavble hot with share:
function makeCustomDriver() {
return function customDriver(requests$) {
return requests$
.map(request => Rx.Observable.fromPromise(makeFailedRequest()))
With that change, the output is as follows:
some API request
Error Completed
Log Completed
So I managed to get rid of the duplicate request but the error was swallowed up in the process.
What is happening with share that causes the errors to be lost and how can I avoid duplicate requests without losing errors?
.shareReplay(1) appears to give the desired result.
There is a factory for making custom drivers of that kind that you want (from Promises) it includes, helpers for dealing with errors (success and failure).
You can created drivers just like that:
import {makeAsyncDriver} from 'cycle-async-driver'
customDriver = makeAsyncDriver(
(request) => requestHanderThatReturnsPromise(reques)

