rxjs check if stream is empty before handling data - javascript

We have the following stream.
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
const recorders = names
.map(entry => entry.name)
.filter(entry => !_.contains(
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
empty => {
if(empty) {
logger.warn('No recorders found.');
() => {}
.finally(() => process.exit(0))
() => {},
e => logger.error('Error while updating: %s', e, {}),
() => logger.info('Finished syncing all recorders')
If the stream is empty then we don't want to createRecorderIntervals. The above piece of code is working. However, checking if the stream is empty, is causing the console.log to be executed twice. Why is this happening? Can I fix it somehow?
EDIT: So, I went the following way, after rethinking it thanks to #Martin's answer
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
const recorders = names
.map(entry => entry.name)
.filter(entry => !_.contains(
if(!recorders.length) {
logger.warn('No recorders found.');
return Rx.Observable.empty();
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
.finally(() => scheduleNextRun())
() => {},
e => logger.error('Error while updating: %s', e, {}),
() => logger.info('Finished syncing all recorders')

When you call subscribe() method on an Observable it causes the entire chain of operators to be created which it turn calls imongo.listCollections('recorders') twice in your case.
You can insert an operator before calling flatMapConcat(createRecorderIntervals) that checks whether the result is empty. I have one of them in mind particularly but there might be other that suit your needs even better:
takeWhile() - takes predicate as an argument and emits onComplete when it return false.
Then your code would be like the following:
const recorders = imongo.listCollections('recorders')
.flatMapConcat(names => {
return Rx.Observable.fromArray(recorders);
.takeWhile(function(result) {
// condition
.finally(() => process.exit(0))
I don't know what exactly your code does but I hope you get the idea.
Edit: If you want to be notified when the entire Observable is empty than there're a multiple of ways:
do() operator and a custom Observer object. You'll write a custom Observer and put it using do() operator before .flatMapConcat(createRecorderIntervals) . This object will count how many times its next callback was called and when the preceding Observable completes you can tell whether there was at least one or there were no results at all.
create a ConnectableObservable. This one is maybe the most similar to what you we're doing at the beginning. You'll turn your recorders into ConnectableObservable using publish() operator. Then you can subscribe multiple Observers without triggering the operator chain. When you have all your Observers subscribed you call connect() and it'll sequentially emit values to all Observers:
var published = recorders.publish();
// Connect the source
var connection = published.connect();
In your case, you'd create two Subjects (because they act as Observable and Observer at the same time) and chain one of them with isEmpty() and the second one with flatMapConcat(). See the doc for more info: http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators/connect.html
I think the first option is actually easier for you.


Handling multiple API calls of a single API call

With my team we are trying to implement a command for a really common operation for the business logic but I'm having issues handling its implementation.
We have to retrieve an array of objects (GET).
For each of that objects we have to retrieve (GET) another object inside its father.
For each of that sub-objects (childs) we have to check a condition and if it is the wanted condition we retrieve the child, otherwise we pass null.
Q: How do I handle multiple API calls that depends from a single API call without getting outside the CY chain?
This is my current implementation (doesn't works but kinda explains the wanted logic)
Cypress.Commands.add('myCommand', (sumCriteria: Function, anotherCriteria: Function) => {
// I only retrieve fathers with certain criteria
return cy.request('GET', fathersUrl).its('body').then(fatherObjects => {
return fatherObjects.filter(father => father.childs.length && father.childs.find(sumCriteria))
}).then(filteredFathers => {
filteredFathers.forEach(father => {
// For each father I retrieve a single child
const targetChildId = father.childs.find(sumCriteria).id;
// For each single child I retrieve its data and evaluate if it has the needed criteria
cy.request('GET', `${childsUrl}/${targetChildId}`)
.then(property => anotherCriteria(property))
Thanks in advance!
You almost have the correct pattern, but instead of returning results, put them on the queue.
Cypress does two things to make this work
in a custom command, it waits for any asynchronous commands to resolve
it returns whatever is on the queue at the last evaluation
Cypress.Commands.add('myCommand', (sumCriteria, anotherCriteria) => {
cy.request('GET', fathersUrl)
.then(fatherObjects => {
const filteredFathers = fatherObjects.filter(father => {
return father.childs.find(sumCriteria)
const results = []
filteredFathers.forEach(father => {
cy.request('GET', father) // waits for all these to resove
.then(property => anotherCriteria(property))
cy.then(() => results) // returns this last queued command
A reproducible example:
Cypress.Commands.add('myCommand', (sumCriteria, anotherCriteria) => {
const fathersUrl = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1'
cy.request('GET', fathersUrl)
.then(() => {
// simulated url extraction
const filteredFathers = [
const results = []
filteredFathers.forEach(father => {
cy.request('GET', father)
.then(res => {
cy.then(() => results)
.should('deep.eq', [2,3]) // ✅ passes

Problem with successive async functions in Angular

getEnrolledPlayers should fetch an array of 'player' objects from the database and then pass it to the matchMaking function. However, it doesn't get passed correctly.
I tried adding observables, playing around with subscriptions
initializeEvent(eventId: string) {
const enrolledPlayers: PlayerStat[] = [];
.subscribe((playerIds: string[]) => {
for (const playerId of playerIds) {
.subscribe((playerStat: PlayerStat) => enrolledPlayers.push(playerStat));
When I call these series of asynchronous functions, enrolledPlayers[] is calculated correctly (array of 7 elements), but it doesn't get called to the matchMaking() function correctly. I assume it's because of asynchronous runtime.
Yes. It's definitely an issue caused because of the time difference in which the inner subscription resolves a value.
I'd suggest using a forkJoin and waiting on getting all the values resolved before calling matchMaking.
Give this a try:
initializeEvent(eventId: string) {
const enrolledPlayers: PlayerStat[] = [];
.subscribe((playerIds: string[]) => {
const playerInfos$ = playerIds.map(playerId => this.dataService.fetchSinglePlayer(playerId));
.subscribe(enrolledPlayers: PlayerStat[] => this.matchMaking(enrolledPlayers));
Or with one subscribe
initializeEvent(eventId: string) {
const enrolledPlayers: PlayerStat[] = [];
.switchMap((playerIds: string[]) => {
const playerInfos$ = playerIds.map(playerId => this.dataService.fetchSinglePlayer(playerId).take(1));
return forkJoin(...playerInfos$);
this is a nested subscribe anti pattern... you never nest subscribes, this is how it should look using higher order operators:
initializeEvent(eventId: string) {
switchMap(playerIds =>
forkJoin(playerIds.map(playerId => this.dataService.fetchSinglePlayer(playerId)))
).subscribe((enrolledPlayers) =>
use switchMap to switch into a new observable and then forkJoin to run many observables in parrallel

Is there a way to set state for each iteration of a foreach

I'm working with an API within a React Application and I'm trying to make the API calls come back as one promise.
I'm using the Promise.all() method which is working great.
I'm stuck trying to set the results of two API calls to state with their own name. The promise code is working correctly and I am trying to forEach() or map() over the two sets of data and save them to state with their own name.
I'm sure there is a simple solution but I've been scratching my head for far too long over this!
I've tried searching all the docs for .map and .forEach with no luck!
this.setState({loading: true})
const urls = ['https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/past', 'https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches']
let requests = urls.map(url => fetch(url));
.then(responses => {
return responses
.then(responses => Promise.all(responses.map(r => r.json())))
.then(launches => launches.forEach(obj => {
// I need to set both values to state here
.then(() => this.setState({loading: false}))
The API call returns two different arrays. I need to set both arrays to State individually with their own name. Is this possible?
If I understand your question correctly, a better approach might be to avoid iteration altogether (ie the use of forEach(), etc). Instead, consider an approach based on "destructuring syntax", seeing you have a known/fixed number of items in the array that is resolved from the prior promise.
You can make use of this syntax in the following way:
The destructing syntax here assigns the first and second element of
the input array to local variables 'responseFromFirstRequest'
and 'responseFromSecondRequest'
.then(([responseFromFirstRequest, responseFromSecondRequest]) => {
// Set different parts of state based on individual responses
// Not suggesting you do this via two calls to setState() but
// am doing so to explicitly illustrate the solution
this.setState({ stateForFirstRequest : responseFromFirstRequest });
this.setState({ stateForSecondRequest : responseFromSecondRequest });
return responses
So, integrated into your existing logic it would look like this:
fetchData() {
loading: true
const urls = ['https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches/past', 'https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/launches']
const requests = urls.map(url => fetch(url));
.then(responses => Promise.all(responses.map(r => r.json())))
.then(([responseFromFirstRequest, responseFromSecondRequest]) => {
this.setState({ stateForFirstRequest : responseFromFirstRequest });
this.setState({ stateForSecondRequest : responseFromSecondRequest });
return responses
.then(() => this.setState({
loading: false
If the two arrays won't interfere with each other in the state, is there a problem with just calling setState in each iteration?
.then(launches => launches.forEach(obj => {
this.setState({ [obj.name]: obj });
If you want to minimise the number of updates then you can create an Object from the two arrays and spread that into the state in one call:
.then(launches => this.setState({
...launches.reduce((obj, launch) => {
obj[launch.name] = launch
return obj
}, {})
forEach also provides the index as the second parameter. Wouldn't something like this work?
launches.forEach((obj, idx) => {
if (idx === 0) {
this.setState('first name', obj);
} else if (idx === 1) {
this.setState('second name', obj);
Also, this portion literally does nothing..
.then(responses => {
return responses
and the Promise.all() here also does nothing.
.then(responses => Promise.all(responses.map(r => r.json())))
should be
.then(responses => responses.map(r => r.json()))

Loop over typescript Array asynchronously

I have a typescript array this.products
I need to loop over the elements of the array and for each element send parameters to Angular service which makes an API call and gets an answer to the client as an Observable. However, due to asynchronous nature of Observable, my loop finishes before all of the answer are sent back from the server.
This is my code:
this.products.forEeach((ele, idx) => {
this.myService.getSomeDetails(ele.prop1, ele.prop2).subscribe(result => {
// do something with result
I need for the loop to advance only after the completion of each observable subscription. How can I implement it? Thanks.
What you are looking for is forkJoin:
Map your array of items to an array of api call observables, and pass them into forkJoin. This will emit an array of all your resolved api calls.
Quick and dirty example:
forkJoin(this.products.map(i => this.myService.getSomeDetails(ele.prop1, ele.prop2))).subscribe(arrayOfApiCallResults => {
// get results from arrayOfApiCallResults
You don't need async/await keywords to make your call in sequence.
import { concat } from 'rxjs';
concat(this.products.map(ele => this.myService.getSomeDetails(ele.prop1, ele.prop2)))
response => console.log(response),
error => console.log(error),
() => console.log('all calls done')
Try this:
let results = await Promise.all(this.products.map(ele =>
this.myService.getSomeDetails(ele.prop1, ele.prop2).toPromise()
// put code to process results here
Requests are sent parallel. Rememeber to add async keyword in function definition which use above code. More info here.
This is good way to code it.
ele => this.myService.getSomeDetails(ele.prop1, ele.prop2)
)).subscribe(result => {
() => console.log('.'),
e => console.error(e),
() => console.log('Complete')

Angular 2 calling multiple async methods

I have a mobile app I'm building and right now I'm working on authentication. Before I hit my home page I need to hit a variety of endpoints on an API I've built before I can display data to the user.
All the endpoints are returning the correct data when tested in Postman, however I'm getting a null value in my second async call when I utilize it in my app.
I'm sure it has something to do with the order in which these calls are made, so I was just looking for some help as to how I can properly wait for one call to finish before starting another one.
public login() {
this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
res => {
localStorage.setItem("UserId", res.toString());
err => {
this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(localStorage.getItem("UserId")) // THIS RETURNS NULL
res => {
localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", res.toString());
err => {
data => {
console.log('User logged in successfully! ', data);
localStorage.setItem("Username", this.registerCredentials.username);
localStorage.setItem("isLoggedIn", "true");
error => {
this.showAlert("Uh oh!", "Something went wrong. Please re-enter your login credentials or check your connection.");
Your original code has a bug that leads to this error. You have three calls in your code which I will call A), B), and C):
A) this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
B) this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(localStorage.getItem("UserId")) // THIS RETURNS NULL
C) this.authService.login(this.registerCredentials)
What you need to understand about RXJS is the difference between a cold Observable (which represents all information required to start an async operation) and a hot Observable (which is an Observable with the async operation already started).
The three calls A), B) and C) merely build cold observables which are started the moment you call .subscribe() on them. So by the time B) is built, A) is already started but has not completed yet. So the call to localStorage.getItem("UserId") will return null, because A) has not yet invoked its subscriber's next callback.
So what you want to do is for B) to wait on A). Also instead of stuffing something into global state (localStorage) it's probably better to flow the result from A) through to B). Enter the .mergeMap() operator:
this.userService.getUserIdFromUserName(this.registerCredentials.username) // WORKS
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(userId => localStorage.setItem("UserId", userId)) // cleanly separate side-effects into .do() calls
.mergeMap(userId => this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(userId))
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(employeeId => localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", employeeId))
employeeId => {
err => {
The nice thing about rxjs is that error handling just works all the way through your Observable chain.
If you can execute C) in parallel, have a look at .forkJoin().
Finally, if you need a hands on explanation of .mergeMap() have a look at this answer: SwitchMap vs MergeMap in the #ngrx example
This should work.Don't forget import 'rxjs/Rx'
.map(res => res.toString())
.do(userId => {
localStorage.setItem("UserId", userId);
.flatMap(userId => {
return this.userService.getEmployeeIdFromUserId(userId);
.do(res => {
localStorage.setItem("EmployeeId", res.toString());

