Extract data from API Object in React - javascript

I'm trying to retrieve data from an API with the following JSON output and I have a function in react that I call.
I can see the api output in console.log(users) so the data is being passed into the function.
I am trying to output the array contained in "data" but can't seem to access the data.
"dataCount": 2,
"data": [
"name": "Test review header",
"text": "This is adescription for a test review",
"img": "http://pngimg.com/upload/pigeon_PNG3423.png"
"name": "Test review header2",
"text": "This is adescription for a test review2",
"img": "http://pngimg.com/upload/pigeon_PNG3422.png"
renderUsers() {
const { users } = this.props;
Object.keys(users).map(name => users[name])

The data you need to iterate over is present in the data field of users.
When you are using lists you have to specify the key property, to make react keep track of each item in list.
renderUsers() {
const { users } = this.props;
return (
users.data.map(name => {
<li key={name}>users[name]</li>

First of all, I don't use react but what you want should be the same in other javascript frameworks.
Are you sure that it is JSON you receive?
We need to be sure that you receive a JSON object and not normal text. Lets say you have a function parseResponse(data). We can call JSON.parse(data) to parse the data param to a json object. It is also possible that you store the result in a variable.
Using the JSON object
When we are sure you have the param parsed to a JSON object, we get it's data. For example, if you want to get the name of the first object in data, you can call:
where parsedJson is the result of JSON.parse(data),
data is an array of objects in the JSON,
0 is the first object in the array
It is possible that you have this kind of function then:
function parseResponse(data) {
var parsedJson = JSON.parse(data);
for(var i = 0; i < parsedJson.data.length; i++) {
see jsfiddle


Modify an array of objects inside an array of objects in js

Hello developers I'm trying to modify an array of objects inside an array of objects before deploying its result to Redux reducer.
The array is obtained through a request to an endpoint, reason why i must to create an instance of writable copy of it , and then proceed on the process
Lest say i have this array:
allProducts= [
"product_type": "Bikes",
"product_imgs": [
"id": 5,
"url": "Mountain Bike/Screenshot (200)"
"id": 6,
"url": "Mountain Bike/Screenshot (200)"
"product_name": "product test 1"
"product_type": "Bikes",
"product_imgs": [
"id": 7,
"url": "City Bike/banderaa"
"id": 8,
"url": "City Bike/banderaa"
"product_name": "product test 2"
I would like to modify the items inside the array product_imgs of each object , but for that , having in mind this array comes from a request , i do create a readable copy an over that i set the logic.
let instance=[...allProducts];
then using a double for each (though i also tried using a doule for loop) i reach till every image inside the array of objects product_imgs of each object :
instance.forEach(array=>array.product_imgs.map(element => {
.then((url) => {
//then in this space once the url of some firebase endpoint is reached and else
//i would like to modify that object inside the array product_imgs which is at the same time
//part of the instance array.
//For that i expose that this new url gotten would be asigned as the new
//value thus
element = { ...element };
console.log(instance);//Printing the general array in order to check if changes committed
I want to specify that i use first a foreach and then a map in order to modify the inner array of objects result , but using a double for each doesn't precisely inmprove this situation:
instance.forEach(array=>array.product_imgs.forEach(element => {........
Then checking the logs , the element (item url) inside the array of objects product_imgs of the array of obejcts instance , is modified , but the external array containing the inner modified not
How could i improve this?
If your goal is to extract all product_img values from your array, you could try something like the following :
// This line will convert your array of object into an array of array of urls, using a destructuring process
const urls = allProducts.map(({ product_img }) => product_img);
// This line will merge the previous result into a single-level array of urls that you can iterate onto.
const result = [].concat([], ...res);
Edit : I forgot to mention that this process will in fact return an array of objects including your id and url.

Getting values of json array in Mocha JS

I have following issue, this json is returned by api:
"products": {
"10432471": {
"id": 10432471
"10432481": {
"id": 10432481
and I need to get names of all variables under products array, how to get them?
That values are constantly changing everyday, so I can not refer to their names
Trying console.log(res.body.menu.categories[i].products.values()); but its not worked.
Any sugesstion how can I get 10432471 and 10432481 from products? Without referring to variable names.
You are able to get that via Object.keys(res.body.menu.categories[i].products)
To get the object properties, the shortest is using Object.keys()
var obj = {"products": {
"10432471": {
"id": 10432471
"10432481": {
"id": 10432481
var properties = Object.keys(obj.products)

React, Firebase: Access values of JSON and also get key value

I am beginner working with firebase, react. I am able to get the required data from firebase based on userEmail. But I am very confused in accessing the data.
firebase.database().ref('/users').orderByChild('email').equalTo(userEmail).on('value', data => {
console.log('data: ', data);
I get the following output:
data: Object {
"-Lhdfgkjd6fn3AA-": Object {
"email": "t5#gmail.com",
"favQuote": "this is it",
"firstName": "t5",
"lastName": "l5",
Please help me how to access all values ("-Lhdfgkjd6fn3AA-" , firstname, lastname, email and favQuote) into variables like: data.firstName, data.lastName, data.key, etc . Thank you.
let data = {
"-Lhdfgkjd6fn3AA-": {
"email": "t5#gmail.com",
"favQuote": "this is it",
"firstName": "t5",
"lastName": "l5",
console.log(Object.keys(data))//returning an array of keys, in this case ["-Lhdfgkjd6fn3AA-"]
console.log(Object.values(data))//returning an array of values of property
Do need to be careful that the above code with the hardcoded "0" as index because it assumed that your data object has only one key. If you have more key, you can't simply replace index either because property of object has no predictable sequence
It's really a JavaScript question. I had to figure this out too. ...this works.
var p;
var thisLine;
p = docu.data();
for (var k in p) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
if (isObject(p[k])) {
thisLine = p[k];
Object.keys(thisLine).forEach(function (key, index) {
console.log(key, index);
function isObject(obj) {
return obj === Object(obj);
When you execute a query against the Firebase Database, there will potentially be multiple results. So the snapshot contains a list of those results. Even if there is only a single result, the snapshot will contain a list of one result.
So your first step is that you need to loop over the snapshot in your on() callback.
The second step is that you need to call Snapshot.val() to get the JSON data from the snapshot. From there you can get the individual properties.
firebase.database().ref('/users').orderByChild('email').equalTo(userEmail).on('value', snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(userSnapshot => {
let data = userSnapshot.val();
console.log('data: ', data);
console.log(data.email, data.firstname);

How to write a postman test to compare the response json against another json?

I have the below json response after running a postMan test of a Rest API:
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
Now I would like to compare the above json against a predefined json. Say, its the same as above.
How can I compare two jsons via the Postman test?
I had a similar problem to solve except that my JSON also contained an array of objects. I used the following technique that can be modified to deal with the simple array of strings in your question.I created an array of global functions called "assert", which contained helper functions such as "areEqual" and "areArraysOfObjectsEqual" and saved these under the "Tests" tab at a top folder level of my tests.
assert = {
areEqual: (actual, expected, objectName) => {
pm.test(`Actual ${objectName} '` + actual + `' matches Expected ${objectName} '` + expected + `'`, () => {
pm.expect(_.isEqual(actual, expected)).to.be.true;
areArraysOfObjectsEqual: (actual, expected, objectName) => {
if (!_.isEqual(actual, expected)) {
// Arrays are not equal so report what the differences are
for (var indexItem = 0; indexItem < expected.length; indexItem++) {
assert.compareArrayObject(actual[indexItem], expected[indexItem], objectName);
// This fake test will always pass and is just here for displaying output to highlight that the array has been verified as part of the test run
pm.test(`actual '${objectName}' array matches expected '${objectName}' array`);
compareArrayObject: (actualObject, expectedObject, objectName) => {
for (var key in expectedObject) {
if (expectedObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
assert.areEqual(expectedObject[key], actualObject[key], objectName + " - " + key);
Your "Pre-request Script" for a test would set your expected object
const expectedResponse =
"id": "3726b0d7-b449-4088-8dd0-74ece139f2bf",
"array": [
"item": "ABC",
"value": 1
"item": "XYZ",
"value": 2
pm.globals.set("expectedResponse", expectedResponse);
Your Test would test each item individually or at the array level like so:
const actualResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
const expectedResponse = pm.globals.get("expectedResponse");
This technique will give nice "property name actual value matches expected value" output and works with arrays of objects being part of the JSON being compared.
To test your array of strings "GlossSeeAlso", simply call the supplied global helper method in any of your tests like so:
Primitive types in JSON key value pairs can be tested like so:
I got it after a while. Add test into your request and use Runner to run all your requests in the collection.
Postman info: Version 7.10.0 for Mac.
Test scripts:
pm.test("Your test name", function () {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
"key1": "value1",
"key2": 100
You can paste this code into your collection or single request tests tab.
What this code do is to save the request into a global variable with a key for that request. You can change your enviroment and hit the same request and if the response are different the test will fail.
const responseKey = [pm.info.requestName, 'response'].join('/');
let res = '';
try {
res = JSON.stringify(pm.response.json());
} catch(e) {
res = pm.response.text();
if (!pm.globals.has(responseKey)) {
pm.globals.set(responseKey, res);
} else {
pm.test(responseKey, function () {
const response = pm.globals.get(responseKey);
try {
const data = pm.response.json();
} catch(e) {
const data = pm.response.text();
Hope this help.
You can write javascript code inside Tests tab of Postman. Just write simple code to compare and check result in Tests.
var serverData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var JSONtoCompare = {}; //set your predefined JSON here.
tests["Body is correct"] = serverData === JSONtoCompare;
Looks like the same question asked at POSTMAN: Comparing object Environment variable with response's object which also lists a solution that works, which is to use JSON.stringify() to turn the objects into strings and then compare the strings.
Came across this issue when migrating from a legacy API to a new one and wanting to assert the new API is exactly the same as the old under different scenarios
For context this clones params of the original get request to the legacy endpoint and validates both match up
LEGACY_API_URL should be defined in the environment and the Request is going to the new API
const { Url } = require('postman-collection');
// Setup the URL for the Legacy API
const legacyRequestUrl = new Url({ host: pm.variables.replaceIn("http://{{LEGACY_API_HOST}}/blah")});
// Add All Parameters From the Source Query
// Log out the URL For Debugging Purposes
console.log("URL", legacyRequestUrl.toString());
pm.sendRequest(legacyRequestUrl.toString(), function (err, response) {
pm.test('New API Response Matches Legacy API Response', function () {
// Log Out Responses for Debugging Purposes
console.log("New API Response", pm.response.json())
console.log("Legacy API Response", response.json())
// Assert Both Responses are Equal
pm.expect(_.isEqual(pm.response.json(), response.json())).to.be.true
Link to an example collection
Write JavaScript code under 'Tests' section. Refer below link for more info.
Click Here

Push object to a JSON file subarray/object

Both JS or Node.js solution are welcome
I have a json file with following structure (I have remove some unnecessary part)
"post": {
"sample_post": {
"slug": "/sample"
And I want to push a new object array like "sample_post" and someone suggest to change this array to
"post": [{
"sample_post": {
"slug": "/sample"
to use push but I got error like data.push is not a function since I use jquery to get the external json I don't know if this cause error
based on your code :
var data = {
"post": {
"sample_post": {
"slug": "/sample"
you have to use a temporary variable to store the new array :
var _tmp = []
and overright your initial data
data.post = _tmp
I m not sure what you want is just :
var test = {
"post": {
"sample_post": {
"slug": "/sample"
test.post = [test.post];
If you prepare object like shown below,
var obj = {
"post": [{
"sample_post": {
"slug": "/sample"
then you should be adding the objects into "post" array, in either of the ways.
obj.post.push({"key": "value"})
obj["post"].push({"key": "value"})
To use push function, the object should be of type Array. But in your case its a json object. So you first need to make it Array either by initializing it by blank array. ie data.post = [] or directly with array with required elements. After this you can use push in post.push().
Hope this help!

