Access object path in plain text or array with props - javascript

Consider the bellow object and a path to a value stored inside object:
var obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 }
var path = ["b", "a", "x"];
What is the best way (best performance) to get the content in object path?
Using eval()
path = ["obj"].concat(path);
var value = eval(path.join("."));
var _obj = obj;
for(key in path) {
_obj = _obj[path[key]];
var value = _obj;
Is there any other better way to store and query a object complex?

You could take the path and use Array#reduce for the object.
function getValue(object, path) {
return path.reduce(function (o, k) {
return (o || {})[k];
}, object);
var obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 }
path = ["b", "a", "x"];
console.log(getValue(obj, path));

Recursive version:
function getPath(obj, [head, ...tail]) {
return !obj ? null : !head ? obj : getPath(obj[head], tail);
var obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 };
var path = ["b", "a", "x"];
console.log(getPath(obj, path));

eval is slow. Looping is fast, so I would suggest that you use the...
Boring Version:
var obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 }
var path = ["b", "a", "x"];
function getDeep(object, path) {
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (object == null) return
object = object[path[i]]
return object
console.log(getDeep(obj, path)) //=> 2

If you know for shure that object you are pasing have that properties you should use this:
const createAccesor = path => {
let func = 'return obj'
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++){
func += `['${path[i]}']`
return Function('obj', func)
const obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 }
const acces = createAccesor(['b', 'a', 'x'])
Here is speed test.
Problem with this solution is that it will throw while object does not contain prop you specify in path.
Or use less efficient accesor like this:
const createAccesor = path => {
let func = 'let temp=obj;'
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++){
func += `if(temp=temp['${path[i]}'])`
func += ';return temp'
return Function('obj', func)
const obj = { a: 1, b: { a: { x: 2 }, b: 3 }, c: 4 }
const acces = createAccesor(['b', 'n', 'x', 'n'])
const acces2 = createAccesor(['b', 'a', 'x'])
Note that this speeds up only when you have multiple objects to 'query' or use this many times, else you won't gain any speed.
Problem with eval is that if it apears inside function it can't be optimizeb by js engine.
You can also create 'syntax' for yourself for example instead of pasing array you can pass 'acces string' like so 'b->a->x' or 'b.a.x' and then just call split in function with /->/g or '.' it won't affect your acces spead and it's just nicer looking :D and you dont have to write ,' all the time


Function to iterate through an array of maps to return the lowest value associated with a specific key [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Accessing an object property with a dynamically-computed name
(19 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am trying to write a function that accepts an array of maps and a key and returns the minimum value associated with the given key. For example,
minKeyVal([{ a: 1, b: 4 }, { a: 2, b: 6 }, { a: 3, b: 1 }], 'b'); //should return 1.
I can get this to work outside of a function as follows:
//sample array of maps
const originalArray = [
{ a: 1, b: 4 },
{ a: 2, b: 6 },
{ a: 3, b: 1 },
//select values by a specific key
const newArray = => object.b);
//in the new array of B values, iterate through to find the min
var res = newArray[0];
for(let i = 1; i < newArray.length; i++) {
if(newArray[i] < res){
res = newArray[i]
//print result
// 1 is returned
When I have attempted to create a function based on this logic, I have not been successful. This is my latest attempt, which returns undefined:
function minKeyVal (originalArray, id) {
const newArray = =>;
var res = newArray[0];
for(let i = 1; i < newArray.length; i++) {
if(newArray[i] < res){
res = newArray[i]
return res;
{ a: 1, b: 4 },
{ a: 2, b: 6 },
{ a: 3, b: 1 },
], 'b'));
Help, hints and suggestions all welcome! I'd actually prefer suggestions of what to try or resources that might guide me so I can continue to work through it :)
You could map an array with the wanted key and get the minimum of it.
minKeyVal = (array, key) => Math.min( => o[key]));
console.log(minKeyVal([{ a: 1, b: 4 }, { a: 2, b: 6 }, { a: 3, b: 1 }], 'b'));
Use Array.reduce() to convert an array to a single value:
const minKeyVal = (originalArray, id) =>
originalArray.reduce((acc, item) => acc < item[id] ? acc : item[id], Infinity)
const result = minKeyVal([{"a":1,"b":4},{"a":2,"b":6},{"a":3,"b":1}], 'b')
It's because you always look up the 'id' property (literally) because of the . accessor syntax, and not the property named the value of the id variable.
Change it into a dynamic key lookup ([] accessor syntax):
function minKeyVal (originalArray, id) {
const newArray = => object[id]);
var res = newArray[0];
for(let i = 1; i < newArray.length; i++) {
if(newArray[i] < res){
res = newArray[i]
return res;

Flatten nested object/array in javascript

I'm new to Javascript and I have nested objects and arrays that I would like to flatten.
I have...
[{ a: 2, b: [{ c: 3, d: [{e: 4, f: 5}, {e: 5,f: 6}]},
{ c: 4, d: [{e: 7, f: 8}]}
and would like...
[{a:2,c:3,e:4,f:5}, {a:2,c:3,e:5,f:6}, {a:2,c:4,e:7,f:8}]
I've tried to adapt the following function written for an object for my array but i only get the final object within the array [{a:2,c:4,e:7,f:8}] I think my issue is knowing how to iterate through arrays and objects?
original script:
function flatten(obj) {
var flattenedObj = {};
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
$.extend(flattenedObj, flatten(obj[key]));
} else {
flattenedObj[key] = obj[key];
return flattenedObj;
my scripts (same result for both):
function superflat(array){
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var obj = array[i]
var flattenedObj = {};
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
$.extend(flattenedObj, flatten(obj[key]));
} else {
flattenedObj[key] = obj[key];
function megaflatten(obj) {
var flattenedObj = {};
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
$.extend(flattenedObj, flatten(obj[key]));
} else {
flattenedObj[key] = obj[key];
Thanks for your help
I would suggest starting with simpler data objects to test your function with, then progressively add more complex objects until your function performs as expected. forEach
Here you can see how I started with a simple test1 object, then test2 and so on so that the logic gets broken down into smaller increments.
To remove the duplicates we previously had, I had to throw and catch an error to break out of the recursive forEach loops, which added the unnecessary duplicate "rows" - perhaps it is better to use a normal for loop out of which you can simply break; and then use error handling for real errors.
The basic idea of the recursive function is to check the type of object (either array or object) and then loop through them to add values, but another check is needed on those to see if they are not Arrays and not Objects, if they are, call the function again. When a duplicate key is found i.e { c: 3}, remove the current key and add the new one before continuing the loop.
You can add some more tests if you have some more sample data, but there are better libraries to help you with TDD (test-driven development).
const isArray = (arr) => {
return Array.isArray(arr);
const isObject = (obj) => {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null;
const flatten = (tree, row, result) => {
try {
if (isArray(tree)) {
tree.forEach((branch, index) => {
flatten(branch, row, result);
} else if (isObject(tree)) {
Object.keys(tree).forEach((key) => {
//we don't want to add objects or arrays to the row -
if (!isArray(tree[key]) && !isObject(tree[key])) {
if (key in row) {
// new row detected, get existing keys to work with
let keysArray = Object.keys(row);
// we are going to loop backwards and delete duplicate keys
let end = Object.keys(row).length;
let stopAt = Object.keys(row).indexOf(key);
//delete object keys from back of object to the newly found one
for (let z = end; z > stopAt; z--) {
delete row[keysArray[z - 1]];
row[key] = tree[key];
} else {
row[key] = tree[key];
} else {
flatten(tree[key], row, result);
throw "skip";
//all other rows in results will be overridden if we don't stringify
} catch (e) {
} finally {
return => JSON.parse(row));
const test1 = [
a: 2,
b: 3,
const expected1 = [{ a: 2, b: 3 }];
const test2 = [
a: 2,
b: [
c: 3,
const expected2 = [{ a: 2, c: 3 }];
const test3 = [
a: 2,
b: [
c: 3,
{ c: 4 },
{ c: 5 },
const expected3 = [
{ a: 2, c: 3 },
{ a: 2, c: 4 },
{ a: 2, c: 5 },
let test4 = [
a: 2,
b: [
c: 3,
d: [
{ e: 4, f: 5 },
{ e: 5, f: 6 },
{ c: 4, d: [{ e: 7, f: 8 }] },
const expected4 = [
{ a: 2, c: 3, e: 4, f: 5 },
{ a: 2, c: 3, e: 5, f: 6 },
{ a: 2, c: 4, e: 7, f: 8 },
const test = (name, res, expected) => {
`${name} passed ${JSON.stringify(res) === JSON.stringify(expected)}`
//console.log(res, expected);
//test("test1", flatten(test1, {}, []), expected1);
//test("test2", flatten(test2, {}, []), expected2);
//test("test3", flatten(test3, {}, []), expected3);
test("test4", flatten(test4, {}, []), expected4);
It's a bit of a behemoth, and it doesn't preserve the keys' order, but it does work with no duplicates.
It is recursive, so watch out for the call stack.
First, loop through the items in the array,
If an item is an array, make a recursive call.
On returning from that call, if the number of objects returned is more than there currently are in the final result, then update the returned objects with the properties from the objects in the final result, being careful to avoid overwriting pre-existing properties.
Otherwise update the final results with the properties in the returned result, again being careful not to overwrite existing properties.
If the item is not an array
If this is the first item put it into the final result
Otherwise add the item's properties to all the items in the final result, without overwriting any.
function makeFlat(arr) //assume you're always passing in an array
let objects = [];
arr.forEach(item =>
let currentObject = {};
const keys = Object.keys(item);
keys.forEach(key =>
const obj = item[key];
let parts = makeFlat(obj);
if(objects.length > 0)
if(parts.length > objects.length)
parts.forEach(part =>
objects.forEach(ob =>
Object.keys(ob).forEach(k =>
if(Object.keys(part).indexOf(k) == -1)
part[k] = ob[k];
objects = parts;
objects.forEach(ob =>
parts.forEach(part =>
Object.keys(part).forEach(k =>
if(Object.keys(ob).indexOf(k) == -1)
ob[k] = part[k];
objects = parts;
if(Object.keys(currentObject).length == 0)
currentObject[key] = item[key];
objects.forEach(ob =>
if(Object.keys(ob).indexOf(key) == -1)
ob[key] = currentObject[key]
return objects;
const inp = [{ a: 2, b: [{ c: 3, d: [{e: 4, f: 5}, {e: 5,f: 6}]},
{ c: 4, d: [{e: 7, f: 8}]}
], g:9
let flattened = makeFlat(inp);
flattened.forEach(item => console.log(JSON.stringify(item)));

flattening the nested object in javascript

I ran into this problem, I was able to write solution which can handle array of object (not posted here) or one level deep nested object but i couldn't solve when the given object has nested structure like below. I am curious to know how we can solve this.
const source = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: true,
d: {
e: 'foo'
f: false,
g: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
h: [{
i: 2,
j: 3
solution should be
const solution = {
'a': 1,
'b.c': true,
'b.d.e': 'foo',
'f': false,
'g.0': 'red',
'g.1': 'green',
'g.2': 'blue',
'h.0.i': 2,
'h.0.j': 3
attempt for one deep nested object
let returnObj = {}
let nestetdObject = (source, parentKey) => {
let keys = keyFunction(source);
keys.forEach((key) => {
let values = source[key];
if( typeof values === 'object' && values !== null ) {
parentKey = keys[0]+'.'+keyFunction(values)[0]
nestetdObject(values, parentKey);
let key = parentKey.length > 0 ? parentKey : keys[0];
returnObj[key] = values;
return returnObj
// Key Extractor
let keyFunction = (obj) =>{
return Object.keys(obj);
calling the function
nestetdObject(source, '')
But my attempt will fail if the object is like { foo: { boo : { doo : 1 } } }.
You should be able to do it fairly simply with recursion. The way it works, is you just recursively call a parser on object children that prepend the correct key along the way down. For example (not tested very hard though):
const source = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: true,
d: {
e: 'foo'
f: false,
g: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
h: [{
i: 2,
j: 3
const flatten = (obj, prefix = '', res = {}) =>
Object.entries(obj).reduce((r, [key, val]) => {
const k = `${prefix}${key}`
if(typeof val === 'object'){
flatten(val, `${k}.`, r)
} else {
res[k] = val
return r
}, res)
I am very late to the party but it can be easily achieved with a module like Flatify-obj.
const flattenObject = require('flatify-obj');
flattenObject({foo: {bar: {unicorn: '🦄'}}})
//=> { '': '🦄' }
flattenObject({foo: {unicorn: '🦄'}, bar: 'unicorn'}, {onlyLeaves: true});
//=> {unicorn: '🦄', bar: 'unicorn'}
// Licensed under CC0
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
// and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
// worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
const source = {
a: 1,
b: { c: true, d: { e: "foo" } },
f: false,
g: ["red", "green", "blue"],
h: [{ i: 2, j: 3 }],
function flatten(source, parentKey, result = {}) {
if (source?.constructor == Object || source?.constructor == Array) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(source)) {
parentKey != undefined ? parentKey + "." + key : key,
} else {
result[parentKey] = source;
return result;
one more simple example with Object.keys
const apple = { foo: { boo : { doo : 1 } } }
let newObj = {}
const format = (obj,str) => {
if(typeof obj[item] ==='object'){
const s = !!str? str+'.'+item:item
} else {
const m = !!str?`${str}.`:''
newObj[m+item]= obj[item]

javascript merge array of objects, resulting object values in array

Would like to merge an array of objects resulting in an object of unique keys and array of values (duplication of values is ok). Solutions in vanilla JS or lodash preferred.
eg - from this:
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
to this:
a: [1, 1],
b: [2],
c: [3]
You can use _.mergeWith() with the spread syntax to combine the objects:
const data = [{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":1,"c":3}];
const result = _.mergeWith({},, (v1 = [], v2) => [...v1, v2]);
<script src=""></script>
ES6 variant:
const a = [{
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
const b = a.reduce((acc, cur) => Object.assign(acc,
...Object.keys(cur).map(key => ({ [key]: (acc[key] || []).concat(cur[key]) })))
, {})
without loadash:
var t = [{
a: 1,
b: 2
}, {
a: 1,
c: 3
var result = {};
for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++){
for(var j in t[i]){
result[j] = [t[i][j]];
A quick search here in stack reveals that #elclanrs already wrote code for that here However based on the comments, it needs a little tweaking to accept an array of objects, so I added a bit of change to the original code itself.
so basically it boils to the function call:
var merge = function() {
return [], function(acc, x) {
Object.keys(x[i]).forEach(function(k) {
acc[k] = (acc[k]||[]).concat([x[i][k]])
return acc
Here's a snippet using the function call (with a bit of small change I put) in that post:
var x = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1,c: 3}]
var merge = function() {
return [], function(acc, x) {
Object.keys(x[i]).forEach(function(k) {
acc[k] = (acc[k]||[]).concat([x[i][k]])
return acc
y = merge(x);
You can use lodash#mergeWith wrapped in a lodash#spread to make lodash#mergeWith treat an array as a list of arguments. We use lodash#concat as a supporting function to concatenate an empty object (to avoid mutating the objects in the collection), the collection, and the customizer function that merges the entire collection. The customizer is composed using lodash#flow, wherein its first argument is lodash#concat that only accepts an arity of 2 using lodash#ary and the second argument uses lodash#compact -- It removes all undefined values in an array.
var result = _.spread(_.mergeWith)(
_.concat({}, data, _.flow(_.ary(_.concat, 2), _.compact))
var data = [{
"a": 1,
"b": 2
}, {
"a": 1,
"c": 3
var result = _.spread(_.mergeWith)(
_.concat({}, data, _.flow(_.ary(_.concat, 2), _.compact))
<script src=""></script>

Unfold a plain-object with array of plain-objects into a flat plain-object

update: I described the problem in a wrong way and have rewritten the description completely, along with the code that works but is ugly as hell as well as limited.
Let's pretend there's an object
const input = {
a: 1,
b: '2',
c: {
d: true,
e: '4'
f: [{
g: 5,
h: {
i: '6'
}, {
g: 7,
h: {
i: '8'
what I'm looking for is a collection of all possible arrangements of nested arrays, with object's keys flattened and joined with ".", like
a: 1,
b: '2',
'c.d': true,
'c.e': '4',
'f.g': 5,
'f.h.i': '6'
}, {
a: 1,
b: '2',
'c.d': true,
'c.e': '4',
'f.g': 7,
'f.h.i': '8'
Note that there are no keys that would have non-primitive values, for example, 'f.h' that would point at an object.
So, what I do first, is collect all the keys, and artificially add # sign to every key that points at an array item, so # kind of means "every index in that array":
function columns(data, prefix = '') {
if (_.isArray(data)) {
return columns(_.first(data), `${prefix}.#`);
} else if (_.isObject(data)) {
return _.filter(_.flatMap(_.keys(data), key => {
return _.concat(
!_.isObject(_.result(data, key)) ? `${prefix}.${key}` : null,
columns(data[key], `${prefix}.${key}`)
} else {
return null;
console.log(columns(input)); // -> [".a", ".b", ".c.d", ".c.e", ".f.#.g", ".f.#.h.i"]
Now, I wield lodash. The leading "." in keys isn't a problem for lodash, so I just leave it as is. With lodash, I squash the object into a one-level object with weird keys:
function flattenKeys(original, keys) {
return _.mapValues(_.groupBy(, key => ({
value: _.result(original, key)
})), 'key'), e => _.result(e, '0.value'));
console.log(flattenKeys(input, columns(input))) // -> {".a":1,".b":"2",".c.d":true,".c.e":"4"}
And now I run (in a very wrong way) through every array-like property of original object and produce an array of objects, setting keys like .f.#.h.i with the values of .f.0.h.i for first element, etc.:
function unfold(original, keys, iterables) {
if (!_.isArray(iterables)) {
return unfold(original, keys, _.uniq(, key => /#/i.test(key)), key => _.replace(key, /\.\#.*/, ''))));
} else if (_.isEmpty(iterables)) {
return [];
} else {
const first = _.first(iterables);
const rest = _.tail(iterables);
const values = _.result(original, first);
const flatKeys = _.mapKeys(_.filter(keys, key => _.includes(key, first)));
const updated =, (v, i) => ({
...flattenKeys(original, keys),
..._.mapValues(flatKeys, k => _.result(original, _.replace(k, /\#/, i)))
return _.concat(updated, unfold(original, keys, rest));
console.log(unfold(input, columns(input))) // -> [{".a":1,".b":"2",".c.d":true,".c.e":"4",".f.#.g":5,".f.#.h.i":"6"},{".a":1,".b":"2",".c.d":true,".c.e":"4",".f.#.g":7,".f.#.h.i":"8"}]
So in the end, I only need to clean keys, which, in fact, isn't necessary in my case.
The question is, aside of ugliness of the code, how can I make it work with possible multiple array-like properties in original objects?
Now, I understand, that this question is more suitable for CodeReview StackExchange, so if somebody transfers it there, I'm okay with that.
Based on your updated structure, the following recursive function does the trick:
function unfold(input) {
function flatten(obj) {
var result = {},
for(key in obj) {
if(obj[key] instanceof Array) {
obj[key].forEach(function(k) {
f = flatten(k);
for(keyf in f) {
result[key+'.'+keyf] = f[keyf];
output.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result))); //poor man's clone object
} else if(obj[key] instanceof Object) {
f = flatten(obj[key]);
for(keyf in f) {
result[key+'.'+keyf] = f[keyf];
} else {
result[key] = obj[key];
return result;
} //flatten
var output = [];
return output;
} //unfold
function unfold(input) {
function flatten(obj) {
var result = {},
for(key in obj) {
if(obj[key] instanceof Array) {
obj[key].forEach(function(k) {
f = flatten(k);
for(keyf in f) {
result[key+'.'+keyf] = f[keyf];
output.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result))); //poor man's clone object
} else if(obj[key] instanceof Object) {
f = flatten(obj[key]);
for(keyf in f) {
result[key+'.'+keyf] = f[keyf];
} else {
result[key] = obj[key];
return result;
} //flatten
var output = [];
return output;
} //unfold
const input = {
a: 1,
b: '2',
c: {
d: true,
e: '4'
f: [{
g: 5,
h: {
i: '6'
}, {
g: 7,
h: {
i: '8'
document.body.innerHTML+= '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(unfold(input), null, 2) + '</pre>';
I'll leave my original answer, which worked with your original structure:
var o = {a: [{b: 1, c: 2}], d: [{e: 4, f: 5}]},
keys = Object.keys(o),
result = [];
keys.forEach(function(i, idx1) {
keys.forEach(function(j, idx2) {
if(idx2 > idx1) { //avoid duplicates
for(var k in o[i][0]) {
for(var l in o[j][0]) {
[i + '.' + k]: o[i][0][k],
[j + '.' + l]: o[j][0][l]

