LassoJS and Marko-WIdgets - javascript

So guys, I'm in a bit little nightmare here. Starting using makoJs and Marko-widgets loving so far. But...
This is the thing I follow the organization of some samples and integrate with the lassoJS. So in the lasso way of doing things I do not get to implement the define component methods.
So what I need to accomplish:
module.exports = require('marko-widgets').defineComponent({
template: require('./template.marko'),
getInitialState: function(input) {
return {
selected: input.selected || false;
getTemplateData: function(state, input) {
var style = ;
return {
color: state.selected ? 'yellow' : 'transparent'
handleClick: function() {
this.setState('selected', true);
isSelected: function() {
return this.state.selected;
My Marko file is being writing as this:
import './style.css'
static function getClassNameForValue(value) {
if (value < 0) {
return 'negative';
} else if (value > 0) {
return 'positive';
class {
onInput(input) {
var value = input.value || 0;
this.state = {
value: value
handleIncrementClick(delta) {
this.state.value += delta;
var value = this.state.value;
var send = {
$.post( "/tryPost", send,function( data ) {
handleInputKeyUp(event, el) {
var newValue = el.value;
if (/^-?[0-9]+$/.test(newValue)) {
this.state.value = parseInt(newValue, 10);
$ var value=state.value;
<div class=['number-spinner', getClassNameForValue(value)]>
<button type="button" onClick("handleIncrementClick", -1)>
<input type="text" value=state.value size="4"
<button type="button" onClick("handleIncrementClick", 1)>
So I was thinking, know what version of those modules I'm using could help.
"lasso": "^2.11.3",
"lasso-less": "^2.4.3",
"lasso-marko": "^2.2.2",
"lodash": "^4.17.4",
"markdown-js": "0.0.3",
"marked": "^0.3.6",
"marko": "^4.0.0-rc.18",
"marko-widgets": "^6.6.0"
So how, to implement the listener for events of the lifecycle?

A small detail, but it has to do with events, so maybe:
<button type="button" onClick("handleIncrementClick", -1)>
I think the event is named on-click

I'm not quite sure what the question is, but with marko v4, marko-widgets should no longer be installed (only marko should be installed). You'll want to do the following:
npm uninstall marko-widgets --save
We are still in the process of finalizing the v4 documentation, but maybe the following v4 docs on component lifecycle methods would help:
If things are still unclear, please join in the Gitter chat room:


TipTap Vue component - how to toggle wrap on node from component button

The awesome tiptap wrapper for prosemirror comes with nice documentation but it lacks some clarification how to approach some (i think) basic scenarios when developing custom extensions.
My question is how to invoke toggleWrap on the node when in vue component's context.
I found example that uses transactions and allows for delete - but what i want is to clear the node leaving the text of node intact.
get view() {
return {
directives: {
"click-outside": clickOutside
props: ['node', 'updateAttrs', 'view', 'selected', 'getPos'],
data() {
return {
showMenu: false
computed: {
href: {
get() {
return this.node.attrs.href
set(href) {
methods: {
// deleteNode() {
// let transaction = // tr - transaction
// let pos = this.getPos()
// transaction.delete(pos, pos + this.node.nodeSize)
// this.view.dispatch(transaction)
// },
return null;
this.showMenu = false
template: `<div #click="showMenu = true" v-click-outside="hideMenu">
<a class="email-button" #click.prevent="stopLinkPropagation" :href="href" v-text="node.textContent"></a>
<input class="iframe__input" type="text" v-model="href" v-if="showMenu" />
<button #click="clearNode">clear button wrap</button>
Any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Vuejs: Passing SAVE function into CRUD component

I am struggeling with a proper solution which requires an advanced parent-child communication in vuejs. There can be many different parent components which has a logic how to save data. From the other side there will be only one child component which has a list of elements and a form to create new elements but it doesn't know how to save the data.
The question is: Is there any other way (better approach) to have the same functionality but to get rid of this.$refs.child links. For example I am wondering if I can just pass a function (SaveParent1(...) or SaveParent2(...)) to the child component. But the problem is the function contains some parent's variables which won't be available in child context and those variables could be changed during the runtime.
Just few clarifications:
The methods SaveParent1 and SaveParent2 in real life return
Promise (axios).
The child-component is like a CRUD which is used
everywhere else.
At the moment the communication looks like that: CHILD -event-> PARENT -ref-> CHILD.
Bellow is the example:
<div id="app">
<h2>😀Advanced Parent-Child Communication:</h2>
<parent-component1 param1="ABC"></parent-component1>
<parent-component2 param2="XYZ"></parent-component2>
Vue.component('parent-component1', {
props: { param1: { type: String, required: true } },
methods: {
onChildSubmit(p) {
// Here will be some logic to save the param. Many different parents might have different logic and all of them use the same child component. So child-component contains list, form and validation message but does not know how to save the param to the database.
var error = SaveParent1({ form: { p: p, param1: this.param1 } });
if (error)
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent ONE:</p><child-component ref="child" #submit="onChildSubmit"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('parent-component2', {
props: { param2: { type: String, required: true } },
methods: {
onChildSubmit(p) {
// Here is a different logic to save the param. In prictice it is gonna be different requests to the server.
var error = SaveParent2({ form: { p: p, param2: this.param2 } });
if (error)
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent TWO:</p><child-component ref="child" #submit="onChildSubmit"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('child-component', {
data() {
return {
currentParam: "",
allParams: [],
errorMessage: ""
methods: {
submit() {
this.errorMessage = "";
this.$emit('submit', this.currentParam);
paramAdded(p) {
this.currentParam = "";
paramFailed(msg) {
this.errorMessage = msg;
template: `<div><ol><li v-for="p in allParams">{{p}}</li></ol><label>Add Param: <input v-model="currentParam"></label><button #click="submit" :disabled="!currentParam">Submit</button><p class="error">{{errorMessage}}</p></div>`
function SaveParent1(data) {
// Axios API to save data. Bellow is a simulation.
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent1: You are not lucky today';
function SaveParent2(data) {
// Axios API to save data. Bellow is a simulation.
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent2: You are not lucky today';
new Vue({
el: "#app"
There is also a live demo available:
Architecturally I recommend having a service that is completely abstract from the component hierarchy and that you can inject and use in each of the components. With this kind of component hierarchy and architecture it is easy to run into these issues. It is important to abstract as much functionality and business logic from the components as possible. I think of components in these modern frameworks just merely as HTML templates on steroids, which should at most act as controllers, keeping them as dumb and as thin as possible so that you don't run into these situations. I do not know vue.js so I cannot give you the technical solution but hope this indication helps
I think I have found a solution. So no two ways communication. I can just pass a method and the child will do everything without communicating with parent. I am happy with that I am marking it as an answer. Thanks everyone for your help.
Let me please know what do you think guys.
Bellow is my solution:
<div id="app">
<h2>😀Advanced Parent-Child Communication:</h2>
<parent-component1 param1="ABC"></parent-component1>
<parent-component2 param2="XYZ"></parent-component2>
Vue.component('parent-component1', {
props: { param1: { type: String, required: true } },
computed: {
saveFunc() {
return function(p) { SaveParent1({ form: { p: p, param1: this.param1 } }); }.bind(this);
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent ONE:</p><child-component :saveFunc="saveFunc"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('parent-component2', {
props: { param2: { type: String, required: true } },
computed: {
saveFunc() {
return function(p) { SaveParent2({ form: { p: p, param2: this.param2 } }); }.bind(this);
template: `<div class="parent"><p>Here is parent TWO:</p><child-component :saveFunc="saveFunc"></child-component></div>`
Vue.component('child-component', {
props: {
saveFunc: { type: Function, required: true }, // This is gonna be a Promise in real life.
data() {
return {
currentParam: "",
allParams: [],
errorMessage: ""
methods: {
submit() {
this.errorMessage = "";
var error = this.saveFunc(this.currentParam);
if (error)
paramAdded(p) {
this.currentParam = "";
paramFailed(msg) {
this.errorMessage = msg;
template: `<div><ol><li v-for="p in allParams">{{p}}</li></ol><label>Add Param: <input v-model="currentParam"></label><button #click="submit" :disabled="!currentParam">Submit</button><p class="error">{{errorMessage}}</p></div>`
function SaveParent1(data) {
// Axios API to save data
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent1: You are not lucky today';
function SaveParent2(data) {
// Axios API to save data
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
return null;
return 'Parent2: You are not lucky today';
new Vue({
el: "#app"
The demo link:

How do you dynamically load different page objects in nightwatch based on the test environment?

I want to add a test for my app which involves taking payment. In my apps local environment it uses a stubbed payment page where you only need to click a button to fail or authorise the payment, in all other environments it shows a form where card details need to be filled in.
I currently have the test setup to check whether or not we need to use the real or stubbed payment in each command.
function isRealPayment(page) {
return !page.api.globals.stubbedPayment;
module.exports = {
commands: {
verifyLoaded: function() {
if (isRealPayment(this)) {
return this.waitForElementVisible('#orderSummaryContainer');
return this.waitForElementVisible('#stubbedAuthorisedForm');
fillInPaymentDetails: function() {
if (isRealPayment(this)) {
.setValue('#cardNumber', '4444333322221111')
.setValue('#name', 'John Doe')
.setValue('#expiryMonth', '12')
.setValue('#expiryYear', '25')
.setValue('#securityCode', '123');
submitPayment: function() {
if (isRealPayment(this)) {
elements: {
orderSummaryContainer: '#orderSummaryDetailsTop',
cardNumber: '#cardNumber',
name: '#cardholderName',
expiryMonth: '#expiryMonth',
expiryYear: '#expiryYear',
securityCode: '#securityCode',
submitButton: '#submitButton',
stubbedAuthorisedForm: '.frm-AUTHORISED',
stubbedSubmitButton: '.frm-AUTHORISED > input[type="submit"]'
I would prefer it if I were able to define two different page objects, and choose which one to export based on the stubbedPayment global.
let realPaymentPage = {
commands: {
verifyLoaded: function() {
return this.waitForElementVisible('#orderSummaryContainer');
fillInPaymentDetails: function() {
.setValue('#cardNumber', '4444333322221111')
.setValue('#name', 'John Doe')
.setValue('#expiryMonth', '12')
.setValue('#expiryYear', '25')
.setValue('#securityCode', '123');
submitPayment: function() {
elements: {
orderSummaryContainer: '#orderSummaryDetailsTop',
cardNumber: '#cardNumber',
name: '#cardholderName',
expiryMonth: '#expiryMonth',
expiryYear: '#expiryYear',
securityCode: '#securityCode',
submitButton: '#submitButton'
let stubbedPaymentPage = {
commands: {
verifyLoaded: function() {
return this.waitForElementVisible('#authorisedForm');
fillInPaymentDetails: function() {
// Do nothing
submitPayment: function() {
elements: {
authorisedForm: '.frm-AUTHORISED',
submitButton: '.frm-AUTHORISED > input[type="submit"]'
if (browser.globals.stubbedPayment) {
module.exports = stubbedPaymentPage;
} else {
module.exports = realPaymentPage;
But I can't find a way to access the global variables when not in a page command. Is this possible? Or is there another way to load a different page object based on the test environment?
Sure you are. example solution:
Firstly lets create Global.js file.
Add path to the file inside nightwatch.json:
"globals_path": "Global.js"
In Global.js define before method (it is executed once before any of test):
var self = module.exports = {
environment: undefined,
before: function (done) {
// parseArgumentsAndGetEnv is function you need to implement on your own to find your env param
self.environment = parseArgumentsAndGetEnv(process.argv);
console.log("Run against: " + self.environment);
Now in tests you can use this variable:
if (browser.globals.environment == 'Test') {
// do something
} else if (browser.globals.environment == 'Prod') {
// do something else

VueJS / JS DOM Watch / Observer in a multi phase render scenario

I’m developing a Vue scroll component that wraps around a dynamic number of HTML sections and then dynamically builds out vertical page navigation allowing the user to scroll or jump to page locations onScroll.
a. In my example my scroll component wraps 3 sections. All section id’s start with "js-page-section-{{index}}"
b. The objective is to get the list of section nodes (above) and then dynamically build out vertical page (nav) navigation based on the n number of nodes found in the query matching selector criteria. Therefore, three sections will result in three page section navigation items. All side navigation start with “js-side-nav-{{index}}>".
c. Once the side navigation is rendered I need to query all the navigation nodes in order to control classes, heights, display, opacity, etc. i.e document.querySelectorAll('*[id^="js-side-nav"]');
Based on some research here are the options for my problem. Again my problem being 3 phase DOM state management i.e. STEP 1. Read all nodes equal to x, then STEP 2. Build Side Nav scroll based on n number of nodes in document, and then STEP 3. Read all nav nodes to sync with scroll of document nodes:
Create some sort of event system is $emit() && $on. In my opinion this gets messy very quickly and feels like a poor solution. I found myself quickly jumping to $root
Vuex. but that feels like an overkill
sync. Works but really that is for parent child property state management but that again requires $emit() && $on.
Promise. based service class. This seems like the right solution, but frankly it became a bit of pain managing multiple promises.
I attempted to use Vue $ref but frankly it seems better for managing state rather than multi stage DOM manipulation where a observer event approach is better.
The solution that seems to work is Vues $nextTick(). which seems to be similar to AngularJS $digest. In essence it is a . setTimeout(). type approach just pausing for next digest cycle. That said there is the scenario where the tick doesn’t sync the time requires so I built a throttle method. Below is the code update for what is worth.
The refactored watch with nextTick()
watch: {
'page.sections': {
handler(nodeList, oldNodeList){
if (this.isNodeList(nodeList) && _.size(nodeList) && this.sideNavActive) {
return this.$nextTick(this.sideNavInit);
deep: true
The REFACTORED Vue component
<div v-scroll="handleScroll">
<nav class="nav__wrapper" id="navbar-example">
<ul class="nav">
<li role="presentation"
:id="sideNavPrefix + '-' + (index + 1)"
v-for="(item, key,index) in page.sections">
<a :href="'#' + getAttribute(item,'id')">
<p class="nav__counter" v-text="('0' + (index + 1))"></p>
<h3 class="nav__title" v-text="getAttribute(item,'data-title')"></h3>
<p class="nav__body" v-text="getAttribute(item,'data-body')"></p>
import ScrollPageService from '../services/ScrollPageService.js';
const _S = "section", _N = "sidenavs";
export default {
name: "ScrollSection",
props: {
nodeId: {
type: String,
required: true
sideNavActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
required: false
sideNavPrefix: {
type: String,
default: "js-side-nav",
required: false
sideNavClass: {
type: String,
default: "active",
required: false
sectionClass: {
type: String,
default: "inview",
required: false
directives: {
scroll: {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
let f = function(evt) {
if (binding.value(evt, el)) {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', f);
window.addEventListener('scroll', f);
data: function () {
return {
scrollService: {},
page: {
sections: {},
sidenavs: {}
methods: {
getAttribute: function(element, key) {
return element.getAttribute(key);
updateViewPort: function() {
if (this.scrollService.isInCurrent(window.scrollY)) return;
[,] = this.scrollService.updateNodeList(window.scrollY);
handleScroll: function(evt, el) {
if ( !(this.isScrollInstance()) ) {
return this.$nextTick(this.inViewportInit);
getNodeList: function(key) {[key] = this.scrollService.getNodeList(key);
isScrollInstance: function() {
return this.scrollService instanceof ScrollPageService;
sideNavInit: function() {
if (this.isScrollInstance() && this.scrollService.navInit(this.sideNavPrefix, this.sideNavClass)) this.getNodeList(_N);
inViewportInit: function() {
if (!(this.isScrollInstance()) && ((this.scrollService = new ScrollPageService(this.nodeId, this.sectionClass)) instanceof ScrollPageService)) this.getNodeList(_S);
isNodeList: function(nodes) {
return NodeList.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodes);
watch: {
'page.sections': {
handler(nodeList, oldNodeList){
if (this.isNodeList(nodeList) && _.size(nodeList) && this.sideNavActive) {
return this.$nextTick(this.sideNavInit);
deep: true
mounted() {
return this.$nextTick(this.inViewportInit);
Problem & Question:
The query of sections and render of navs work fine. However, querying the nav elements fails as the DOM has not completed the render. Therefore, I’m forced to use a setTimeout() function. Even if I use a watch I’m still forced to use timeout.
Is there a promise or observer in Vue or JS I can use to check to see when the DOM has finished rendering the nav elements so that I can then read them? Example in AngularJS we might use $observe
<div id="js-page-section-1"
data-body="One Body">
<div id="js-page-section-2"
data-body="Two Body">
<div id="js-page-section-3"
data-body="THree Body">
Vue Compenent
<div v-scroll="handleScroll">
<nav class="nav__wrapper" id="navbar-example">
<ul class="nav">
<li role="presentation"
v-for="(item, key,index) in page.sections.items">
<a :href="getId(item)">
<p class="nav__counter">{{key}}</p>
<h3 class="nav__title" v-text="item.getAttribute('data-title')"></h3>
<p class="nav__body" v-text="item.getAttribute('data-body')"></p>
export default {
name: "ScrollSection",
directives: {
scroll: {
inserted: function (el, binding, vnode) {
let f = function(evt) {
_.forEach(, function (elem,k) {
if (window.scrollY >= elem.offsetTop && window.scrollY <= (elem.offsetTop + elem.offsetHeight)) {
if (![k].classList.contains("in-viewport") ) {[k].classList.add("in-viewport");
if (![k].classList.contains("active") ) {[k].classList.add("active");
} else {
if (elem.classList.contains("in-viewport") ) {
if (binding.value(evt, el)) {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', f);
window.addEventListener('scroll', f);
data: function () {
return {
page: {
sections: {},
sidenavs: {}
methods: {
handleScroll: function(evt, el) {
// Remove for brevity
idOfSideNav: function(key) {
return "js-side-nav-" + (key+1);
classOfSideNav: function(key) {
if (key==="0") {return "active"}
elementsOfSideNav:function() { = document.querySelectorAll('*[id^="js-side-nav"]');
elementsOfSections:function() { = document.querySelectorAll('*[id^="page-section"]');
watch: {
'page.sections': function (val) {
if (_.has(val,'items') && _.size(val.items)) {
var self = this;
}, 300);
mounted() {
I hope I can help you with what I'm going to post here. A friend of mine developed a function that we use in several places, and reading your question reminded me of it.
"Is there a promise or observer in Vue or JS I can use to check to see when the DOM has finished rendering the nav elements so that I can then read them?"
I thought about this function (source), here below. It takes a function (observe) and tries to satisfy it a number of times.
I believe you can use it at some point in component creation or page initialization; I admit that I didn't understand your scenario very well. However, some points of your question immediately made me think about this functionality. "...wait for something to happen and then make something else happen."
<> Credits to #Markkop the creator of that snippet/func =)
* Waits for object existence using a function to retrieve its value.
* #param { function() : T } getValueFunction
* #param { number } [maxTries=10] - Number of tries before the error catch.
* #param { number } [timeInterval=200] - Time interval between the requests in milis.
* #returns { Promise.<T> } Promise of the checked value.
export function waitForExistence(getValueFunction, maxTries = 10, timeInterval = 200) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let tries = 0
const interval = setInterval(() => {
tries += 1
const value = getValueFunction()
if (value) {
return resolve(value)
if (tries >= maxTries) {
return reject(new Error(`Could not find any value using ${tries} tentatives`))
}, timeInterval)
function getPotatoElement () {
return window.document.querySelector('#potato-scroller')
function hasPotatoElement () {
return Boolean(getPotatoElement())
// when something load
window.document.addEventListener('load', async () => {
// we try sometimes to check if our element exists
const has = await waitForExistence(hasPotatoElement)
if (has) {
// and if it exists, we do this
// or you could use a promise chain
.then(returnFromWaitedFunction => { /* hasPotatoElement */
if (has) {

Ember component's template issue with jQuery sortable

I'm trying to create a simple Ember component that wraps jQuery UI Sortable plugin. Unfortunately I have an issue with component's template when sortable is cancelled and model is updated manually. It looks like the DOM does not reflect the state of the model. I'm not able to find why.
I've created JS Bin to present this issue. When you change item position, the first one in the group should be removed. Unfortunately it works randomly.
What's wrong with this code?
Here is your JS Bin sortable component:
App.MyListComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
didInsertElement() {
let opts = {};
opts.update = this.updateList.bind(this);
updateList() {
this.$().sortable('cancel'); => {
And then this is your JS Bin updated with code from the ember-ui-sortable repo to the following:
App.MyListComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
uiOptions: [
destroySortable: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
initSortable: Ember.on('didInsertElement', function () {
let opts = {};
['start', 'stop'].forEach((callback) => {
opts[callback] =, callback);
this.get('uiOptions').forEach((option) => {
contentObserver:'content.[]', function () {'afterRender', this, this._refreshSortable);
move(oldIndex, newIndex) {
let content = this.get('content');
let mutate = this.getWithDefault('mutate', true);
let item = content.objectAt(oldIndex);
if (content && mutate) {
content.insertAt(newIndex, item);
this.attrs.moved(item, oldIndex, newIndex);
start(event, ui) {'oldIndex', ui.item.index());
stop(event, ui) {
const oldIndex ='oldIndex');
const newIndex = ui.item.index();
this.move(oldIndex, newIndex);
_bindSortableOption: function(key) {
this.addObserver(key, this, this._optionDidChange);
if (key in this) {
this._optionDidChange(this, key);
this.on('willDestroyElement', this, function() {
this.removeObserver(key, this, this._optionDidChange);
_optionDidChange(sender, key) {
this.$().sortable('option', key, this.get(key));
_refreshSortable() {
if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
As you'll see, there is quite a bit extra going on versus your original, so you can have a look at what you missed and hopefully this helps you.
It might be a good idea to install that component addon via ember-cli, but also have a look at competing solutions like ember-sortable and others first by using something like ember-observer.

