Ember component's template issue with jQuery sortable - javascript

I'm trying to create a simple Ember component that wraps jQuery UI Sortable plugin. Unfortunately I have an issue with component's template when sortable is cancelled and model is updated manually. It looks like the DOM does not reflect the state of the model. I'm not able to find why.
I've created JS Bin to present this issue. When you change item position, the first one in the group should be removed. Unfortunately it works randomly.
What's wrong with this code?

Here is your JS Bin sortable component:
App.MyListComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
didInsertElement() {
let opts = {};
opts.update = this.updateList.bind(this);
updateList() {
Ember.run.next(() => {
And then this is your JS Bin updated with code from the ember-ui-sortable repo to the following:
App.MyListComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
uiOptions: [
destroySortable: Ember.on('willDestroyElement', function() {
initSortable: Ember.on('didInsertElement', function () {
let opts = {};
['start', 'stop'].forEach((callback) => {
opts[callback] = Ember.run.bind(this, callback);
this.get('uiOptions').forEach((option) => {
contentObserver: Ember.observer('content.[]', function () {
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._refreshSortable);
move(oldIndex, newIndex) {
let content = this.get('content');
let mutate = this.getWithDefault('mutate', true);
let item = content.objectAt(oldIndex);
if (content && mutate) {
content.insertAt(newIndex, item);
this.attrs.moved(item, oldIndex, newIndex);
start(event, ui) {
ui.item.data('oldIndex', ui.item.index());
stop(event, ui) {
const oldIndex = ui.item.data('oldIndex');
const newIndex = ui.item.index();
this.move(oldIndex, newIndex);
_bindSortableOption: function(key) {
this.addObserver(key, this, this._optionDidChange);
if (key in this) {
this._optionDidChange(this, key);
this.on('willDestroyElement', this, function() {
this.removeObserver(key, this, this._optionDidChange);
_optionDidChange(sender, key) {
this.$().sortable('option', key, this.get(key));
_refreshSortable() {
if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
As you'll see, there is quite a bit extra going on versus your original, so you can have a look at what you missed and hopefully this helps you.
It might be a good idea to install that component addon via ember-cli, but also have a look at competing solutions like ember-sortable and others first by using something like ember-observer.


JS works with .include but fails with .extend

I made this JS to add a functionality on a form (backend) that computes a field when the event click is triggered. So far the code recomputes when I use ".include" but the whole JS in all views fail since I'm using ".include". When I try to use extend my code does nothing. Looks like Odoo doesn't add the extended code to the JS engine so my question is, what am I doing wrong here? Is there something else I need to add so my code works as extended?
odoo.define('med_care.TestRenderer', function (require) {
"use strict";
var viewRegistry = require('web.view_registry');
var FormRenderer = require('web.FormRenderer');
var FormView = require('web.FormView');
var TestFormRenderer = FormRenderer.extend({
events: _.extend({}, FormRenderer.prototype.events, {
'click .sign_selector': '_onSignSelectorClicked',
init: function (parent, state, params) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.fields = state.fields;
this._onSignSelectorClicked = _.debounce(this._onSignSelectorClicked, 300, true);
confirmChange: function (state, id, fields, e) {
var self = this;
if (state.model == 'med.test') {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments).then(function () {
_onSignSelectorClicked: function (event) {
this.state.data.telephone = '333';
if (this.state.model == 'med.test') {
var info_test = {
dataPointID: this.state.id,
changes: {telephone: '333'},
viewType: "form",
notifyChange: true
var odoo_event = this.trigger_up('field_changed', info_test);
this.confirmChange(this.state, this.state.id, "telephone",
var TestFormView = FormView.extend({
config: _.extend({}, FormView.prototype.config, {
Renderer: TestFormRenderer,
viewRegistry.add('test_form', TestFormView);
return TestFormView;

Rendering the view returns undefined

I've got a collection view with two filter methods, and a render method which takes a parameter. The problem I'm stuck with is that when rendering the view for the first time it returns me an error. Here's my collection:
var ResumeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'http://localhost:3000',
filterActive: function () {
var active = this.where({interviewed: false});
return new ResumeCollection(active);
filterInterviewed: function () {
var interviewed = this.where({interviewed: true});
return new ResumeCollection(interviewed);
And my view:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events { // hash array of filter events },
initialize: function () {
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
if (!filtered) {
data = this.collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
return this;
showActive: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
showInterviewed: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterInterviewed();
showAll: function (ev) {
This view gets rendered for the first time in my router by passing a collection:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'home'
initialize: function () {
this.layout = new LayoutView();
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
And this is the layout view within which all the other views are rendered:
var LayoutView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#outlet'),
render: function (view) {
if (this.child && this.child !== view) {
this.child = view;
return this;
When I just refresh my page, I get filtered.toArray is not a function error and nothing is rendered respectively. After inspecting everything in the debugger, I found out that when the view gets rendered for the first time, the filtered attribute receives an empty collection, assigns it to data variable, which becomes an empty array and goes to the body of render function, becoming undefined after that. The mysteries go here: whenever I click items, that are bound to my show* events, they act exactly as expected and render either models where interviewed === false, or true or the whole collection. This looks kinda magic to me and I haven't got the faintest idea what can I do with that.
ADDED: GitHub repo with this project
Your home function on the AppRouter has a typo. You have an extra semi-colon.
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection();
Should be
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
I needed to remove it to get the JSFiddle working: https://jsfiddle.net/4gyne5ev/1/
I'd recommend adding some kind of linting tool into your IDE or Build process (http://eslint.org/)
You need to add home url content to your db.json file like this
"" : [
'somthing': 'somthing'
After a piece of advice from my mentor I realized that the core of the problem was in asynchronous origin of fetch method -- as I passed this.collection.fetch in my initialize function, it executed after my render method, not before it, so my render method had just nothing to render when the view was called for the first time. So, this fix worked:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.collection = options.collection();
// removed .fetch() method from here
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
// and added it here:
success: function (collection) {
if (!filtered) {
data = collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
And this worked perfectly and exactly as I needed.

Stateful selection in Ext JS

I have a regular tree with elements. What i want to do is following:
When I reload the page, the selected item must be the same as before ( I select only 1 item in the tree).
For example, when I click on 'Sue Potato' - it is selected and when I refresh the page, it must look the same (be also selected).
I've tried reading some Stateful, Provider, Manager on the Sencha Docs, but I didn't get it.
Controller code:
Ext.define('FirstApp.controller.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
refs: [
ref: 'grid',
selector: 'lesson-grid'
ref: 'tree',
selector: 'school-tree'
init: function() {
Tree code:
Ext.define('FirstApp.view.SchoolTree', {
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
xtype: 'school-tree',
stateful: true,
stateId: 'stateGrid',
constructor: function() {
var that = this;
this.store = Ext.create('FirstApp.store.School');
this.store.on('load', function () {
that.getSelectionModel().select(1, true);
this.getState = function() {
return that.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
this.applyState = function() {
Help would be much appreciated.
This is a working code of the requirement above.I had to get an id of the selected element and then pass it to applyState.
Ext.define('FirstApp.view.SchoolTree', {
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
xtype: 'school-tree',
stateful: true,
stateId: 'stateTree',
constructor: function() {
var that = this;
this.store = Ext.create('FirstApp.store.School');
this.store.on('load', function () {
getState: function() {
return {
'stateTree': this.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0].getId()
applyState: function(state) {
var me = this;
this.store.on('load', function(record) {
record = this.getById(state.stateTree);
You stored tree state and set it into State Manager
So when you will refresh your page state will apply and an item will be also selected.
Is there any requirement to store state of tree? If yes and still you don't want to selected then you can forcefully clear selection on tree render.

Subscribing the collection (Meteor)

I have some specific problem.
I use MeteorJS and installed yogiben:admin. I tried to build some schema, but I have an error after updating something.
I want to add that I have subpages in page, maybe that's the problem?
That's what I get after adding items to my invoice:
As I can see in the picture, the problem is with some modifier and with "After.Update.sum". I use function that use "sum".
In my "server/collections/invoices_item.js"
I have:
InvoicesItem.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options) {
var sum = 0; InvoicesItem.find({ invoiceId: doc.invoiceId }).map(function(item) { sum += item.amount; }); Invoices.update({ _id: doc.invoiceId }, { $set: { totalAmount: sum }});
Than I saw that problem could be with "totalAmount:sum". I use Chrome, so I tried "console.log()" to see if the page takes my collection.
And it doesn't.
I use Chrome, so I tried to see what the console will give me. I have something like this: http://s4.postimg.org/rusm4wx9p/fakturka.png
I did sth like that in my code on server side:
Meteor.publish("fakturka", function(invoiceId) {
return Invoices.find({_id:invoiceId,ownerId:this.userId}, {});
And did that on client side:
this.InvoicesNewInsertController = RouteController.extend({
template: "InvoicesNew",
yieldTemplates: {
'InvoicesNewInsert': { to: 'InvoicesNewSubcontent'}
onBeforeAction: function() {
action: function() {
if(this.isReady()) { this.render(); } else { this.render("InvoicesNew"); this.render("loading", { to: "InvoicesNewSubcontent" });}
isReady: function() {
var subs = [
Meteor.subscribe("fakturka", this.params.invoiceId),
Meteor.subscribe("invoices_itemss_faktura", this.params.invoiceId)
var ready = true;
_.each(subs, function(sub) {
ready = false;
return ready;
data: function() {
return {
params: this.params || {},
invoices_item: InvoicesItem.find({}, {}),
invoiceeeee: Invoices.find({}, {}),
customers: Customers.find({}, {}),
fakturka: Invoices.findOne({_id:this.params.invoiceId}, {}),
invoices_item_empty_faktura: InvoicesItem.findOne({_id:null}, {}),
invoices_itemss_faktura: InvoicesItem.find({invoiceId:this.params.invoiceId}, {})
onAfterAction: function() {
I'm sorry for so much code, but I really want to solve that problem and I want to give so much info as I could. Please, help me to solve my problem.
After removing that code from: both/collections/invoices.js
Schemas.Invoicess = new SimpleSchema({
"fakturka" is visible. After adding that code - "fakturka" in undefined.

Add an "All" item to kendo ui listview populated by a remote datasource

I am building a website using MVC 4, Web API, and Kendo UI controls.
On my page I am using a Kendo UI Listview to filter my grid. I'm trying to add an "ALL" option as the first item in my listview.
Here is the listview:
var jobsfilter = $("#jobfilter").kendoListView({
selectable: "single",
loadOnDemand: false,
template: "<div class='pointercursor' id=${FilterId}>${FilterName}</div>",
dataSource: filterDataSource,
change: function (e) {
var itm = this.select().index(), dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[itm];
if (dataItem.FilterId !== 0) {
var $filter = new Array();
$filter.push({ field: "JobStatusId", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.FilterId });
} else {
Here is my datasource:
var filterDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
url: "api/Filter"
schema: {
model: { id: "FilterId" }
I have tried a few different methods to make this happen:
I can make it work if I attach it to a button - but I need it there
when the data loads.
If I add it to the dataBound event of the listview, it causes the
databound event to go into a loop and adds the item a bunch (IE) or kills the browser (firefox). Adding preventDefault did nothing.
I've read up on adding a function to the Read paramter of the
datasource, but I think that is simply not the correct place to do
Based on what I've read, I think that I should be able to do it in the dataBound event of the listview and that my implementation is incorrect. Here is the listview with dataBound event added that crashes my browser (Firefox) - or adds about 50 "All" items to the listview (IE).
var jobsfilter = $("#jobfilter").kendoListView({
selectable: "single",
loadOnDemand: false,
template: "<div class='pointercursor' id=${FilterId}>${FilterName}</div>",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
url: "api/Filter"
dataBound: function (e) {
var dsource = $("#jobfilter").data("kendoListView").dataSource;
dsource.insert(0, { FilterId: 0, FilterName: "All" });
change: function (e) {
var itm = this.select().index(), dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[itm];
if (dataItem.FilterId !== 0) {
var $filter = new Array();
$filter.push({ field: "JobStatusId", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.FilterId });
} else {
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why don't you add it server-side?
Anyway, if you want to do it in dataBound, just check whether it exists and only add if it doesn't:
dataBound: function (e) {
var dsource = this.dataSource;
if (dsource.at(0).FilterName !== "All") {
dsource.insert(0, {
FilterId: 0,
FilterName: "All"
As an explanation to the problem you're seeing: you're creating an infinite loop since inserting an element in the data source will trigger the change event and the list view will refresh and bind again (and thus trigger dataBound).
You could also encapsulate this in a custom widget:
(function ($, kendo) {
var ui = kendo.ui,
ListView = ui.ListView;
var CustomListView = ListView.extend({
init: function (element, options) {
// base call to widget initialization
ListView.fn.init.call(this, element, options);
this.dataSource.insert(0, {
FilterId: 0,
FilterName: "All"
options: {
name: "CustomListView"
})(window.jQuery, window.kendo);

