react, redux - Modifying parent components with redux - javascript

Okay so I had a problem when programming in react, and I've found that it's a common one. If I have multiple nested components, in my case I have:
<Navigation/> // this is a navbar
<ViewHandler currentTab={props.currentTab}/>
And then in <ViewHandler/> I have other dumb presentational components, which also have nested components as well. If I have a button in a deeply nested component within <ViewHandler>, and I want to respond to onClick from that button by changing something many parent components above the component that I am in, how would I do so? In my case I would be reacting to the button being clicked in that deeply nested component, and then I want to change the selected tab on <Navigation>. I don't want to pass a bunch of callback functions down as properties, because that feels very scotch-tape-ish.
I learned redux because I read that it solved this problem. But for me it hasn't. I am giving <AppView> access to my redux store using react-redux's <Provider>, and I can access the store through props (props.currentTab). But for all the components nested within <AppView>, they don't have access to the store or any of my action creators. How can modify my store from within a deeply nested component so that I may change a parent component without passing a ton of callback functions down? Or is this just incorrect architecture? I thought redux would solve this problem but it hasn't.
Yes I have connected my component. I just don't like the idea of passing down store.state information as props because it gets very redundant with many nested components.

I don't know why you think you have to send props all the way down your component tree. That's what connect and mapStateToProps help you avoid: they let you turn bits of app state into props only for the components which need it.
in your button's onClick handler, create and dispatch a Redux action:
// button.js
onClick={() => {
payload: 1 // or whatever value
next, have your reducer function watch for this action and modify a bit of Redux app state:
// reducer.js
if (action.type === 'SET_SELECTED_TAB') {
return {
selectedTab: action.payload
finally, in the render function of your <Navigation> component, you decide which tab to show based on the current values in that bit of app state:
// Navigation.js
render() {
return (
current tab: {this.props.selectedTab}
access to that state is via connect and mapStateToProps:
// Navigation.js still
const mapStateToProps = (appState) => {
return {
selectedTab: appState.selectedTab
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Navigation);

Hoc (higher order components) is a wrapper that is serving methods and data to the children components, usually it's a good idea to use it , but it enforces some 'discipline'.
Example: if your HOC is at level 0 and you have a deeply nested button component at level 4 that calls a method in this same HOC , What should you do ? pass it down the to all 4 levels? the answer is NO WAY !
Because doing so will bring the spaghetti to it , Everytime you click this button , and assuming the method binded to it will mess with the state (internal or the store itself) it will rerender all the 4 levels , and you could avoid that by using the shouldComponentUpdate() but this is way too much work for nothing useful.
So the solution would be to connect every component with mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps , right ?
well kind of , in fact after using extensively react and redux , you will notice that for every component , there is a sweet spot in terms of size , childrens , and what you should put in it and what you should not.
Example: you have a button inside a form that controls the send mechanism , there's no need to make a component for the button , it will add up complexity without any benefit. just put it on the form component and you will have both ready to use.
If you really need to call actions or to pass props between a deeply nested component and an HOC then use the connect module at the component level (for your case the button) , but not much because it will make your components heavier (to load and to display).Here are some tips to help :
you need to be as specfic as possible when you use mapStateToProps , don't return the whole store , just the piece of data needed , same for mapDispatchToprops , just bind the method that you will be using nothing else.
in your case the button doesn't have to know which tab is selected , so a mapDispatchToProps is enough.
avoid deep nesting components that handles some kind of logic ,refactor your structure or create A HOC for that component , logic less components in contrary can be nested deeply
If you are writing a huge app with a lot of reducers and states , consider using selectors , and some libraries like reselect.
I know that this is not the answer you were expecting but following this guideline will saves you countless hours of refactoring.
Hope it helps


React - Change state from external component

I know that I will ask a question that brake some rules about the core/basic way to use React... but maybe with this example, someone helps me to solve the problem that I facing.
This is not the full code of my project, but show exactly the idea of my problem:
The thing is I need to change a state from a child component from the parent component, but I don't want to run a render method in my parent or handle the state in the parent component.
Exists a way to achieve this? In my project, I have a parent that creates multiple generic children and it will be more difficult to handle this request.
And specifically, I need to change the state of one child (MyFirstChild), after another child (SecondChild) read the keystroke and run an API to get some values from my backend; after that, I need to send the change to "MyFirstChild" to change his state.
The parent component has ~50 child components and I blocked the re-render method (With the method shouldComponentUpdate)
The expected answer is: "It's not possible, or, you broke the good use of React"...
But, maybe using forwardRef or ref, or something else that I not see can help me to work around this...
To change the state of a child component from the parent without having to run a render method (in the parent): one possible solution would be to use Redux. With Redux from the parent you can dispatch an Action (execute an Action that changes the state of Redux).
And in the child component, you receive that part of the state that you change (it could be a string, object, etc) as a prop. So when it is changed from the parent, your child component will render again without having to run a render method in the parent.
You could also use Context for the same purpose.
However, I saw your code example, I am not sure the exact reason of why you don't want to make a render in the parent, but the easiest solution for what you need would be to send the function that you want to execute in the parent as a prop and also the title.
If you want to change things from the parent, without re-rendering again with Redux, it would be something like this:
In the parent
const changeTitle = (newTitle) => {
return (
<div className="App">
<ChildComponent />
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
setTitle: newTitle => dispatch(setTitleACTION(newTitle)),
In the child
return (
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
const mapStateToProps = ({ title }) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null)(ChildComponent);
Again if you make this with Redux, you can get the "title" prop from the Redux store, and in the parent, you will change that variable (calling to a Redux action) without rendering the parent again.
If you want to fire the event from the child component, you can dispatch the action from the child component or you could call a function (that you receive from props from the parent) and call that function whenever you need.
Can't we use props here for passing data instead of trying to manipulate state from outside of component?
Based on #david paley explanation...
If the only way to achieve this is using Redux, I post my solution (It's the same example, but, implementing Redux)... hope that works for anyone else.

React classes in main component constructor

Let's say I have a lot of app state to manage in my React application.
Therefore, I would like to split the state into smaller, manageable chunks.
For example I have the following main component with state and methods that alter this state.
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
foo: ['some', 'items'],
bar: [{ arr: 'of objects'}]
changeFoo() {some code in here...}
changeBar() {some code in here...}
The state and methods written in the App component are getting out of hand. Yet it must be written in the App component since the state is passed to other components as props.
How would you usually manage this?
When you see that the state of your React application is getting out of hand, it's usually time to bring in a state management library like Redux (there're a few and Redux is the most popular one).
It'll help you have a global state that is managed in a reasonable way.
When we see how React works. It is based on one-directional data flow.
So, usually the Application state is kept at the top most Component (Say, App Component) in your case. So that data/state can be passed down as props to the component that needs it.
There, however may be the cases where children components of the parent, needs to work with the same data(Say in case of an event - a button click that happens in the child component.) In that case we write a function in the parent component and pass the function as props to the children, so that the state gets updated in the parent itself and any child gets updated data.
In pure React (without using any state management library), we have to pass the state as props to work with our app. But in case you choose to use a state management library such as Redux, then the components (known as Containers) can directly communicate with the Application State.
And If your application state contains objects within objects(like you have shown) or Array of Objects containing more Objects, then you cannot use setState() to update the state directly. In most of the cases, you take copy of the state and then use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)) to do deep cloning and work with the state in a best possible manner.
There are other things in the example, the functions that you have used within the class , you need to bind the scope of this variable to point to the current class. This we do inside the constructor method, or simple make use of arrow function in order to avoid errors.
If you need more explanation, I will share with you :)
One solution is to make a generic change() function with a parameter for the key that should be changed:
change(key, value) {
setState({key: value, ...this.state});
Now when you want to add a listener to a child component:
<Foo onChange={ value => change('foo', value) }/>
<Bar onChange={ value => change('bar', value) }/>

How to share a Mobx-State-Tree store between components using React Context

I'm currently using Mobx-State-Tree to manage all of the state for a form in my React application. The issue I'm facing is that I want to create the store at the page level, following atomic design, of the form and pass the store down to the necessary components via React Context, but I want to avoid wrapping my child component in <Observer> tags from Mobx-react, or having some kind of custom wrapper on my child that consumes the store and passes it in as a prop to the child.
There must be a best practice around this? The Mobx-react documentation states:
"It is possible to read the stores provided by Provider using React.useContext, by using the MobXProviderContext context that can be imported from mobx-react."
But then I'm unable to find any examples or explanation of how best to implement MobXProviderContext ? My current setup is as follows (hugely simplified to demonstrate the situation):
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree";
const ExampleContext = React.createContext("default");
const exampleStore = types.model({ prop: types.optional(types.string, "") }).create();
const ChildComponent = () => (
{example => <Observer>{() => <div>{example.prop}</div>}</Observer>}
const ParentComponent = () => (
<ExampleContext.Provider value={exampleStore}>
<ChildComponent />
Ultimately I'm interested in how to avoid the nesting on the child component? How should I be constructing the child component? The situation I'm applying this to is the state management of a form so the store data is constantly being updated, so it is crucial that the child is observing any updates to the values in the store.
Hope that makes sense and really appreciate any guidance on how best to approach this!
Please use inject to inject store to your component. You can build your own provider as well in order to pass store to all child.

Update react context outside of a consumer?

I am trying to understand how the new react context API works.
In redux, it is possible for a component to have knowledge of dispatch actions without knowing state. This allows updates to redux state without causing a rerender of components that don't care about that state.
For example I could have
<Updater onClick={updateCount}/>
<Consumer value={count}/>
Updater is connected to dispatch(updateCount()) and Consumer is connected to count's current value via state.count. When state.count is updated, only the Consumer rerenders. To me, that's a crucial behavior.
In react context, it seems very difficult to duplicate this behavior. I'd like to be able to update state without causing unnecessary rerenders of components that want to alter the context but don't actually care about the state.
How would it be possible for components to trigger updates to context if they are not inside a consumer? And I definitely don't want to trigger an update to the entire tree by setting state at the provider level.
interesting question. Not sure you can without at least an extra layer (but happy to be shown wrong).
Maybe using Memo or PureComponent to minimise the re-rendering?
import React, { memo } from 'react';
function Widget({ setContext }) {
return <button onClick={setContext}/>Click Me</button>;
export default memo(Widget);
function Wrap() {
const { setSession } = useContext(SessionContext);
return <Widget setSession={setSession} />;
One possible solution is to transform your consumer components into pure components and check against the values each component really cares about.
This can be easily done using the onlyUpdateForKeys HOC from recompose.
you can try this library react-hooks-in-callback to isolate the context from your component and pick only desired state values from it,
check this example

React redux favorites action

I am new to react-redux world and having some trouble visualising a piece of complex data flow (I think).
Assume the state contains a collection of tracks and an array of favorite track ids. User could favorite a track from a number of various components e.g. musicplayer, tracklist, charts and all the others would have to rerender.
At the moment, I'm triggering an action to add/remove the track id to/from the favorites array. But I can't quite see how to proceed from there.
My plan is to trigger another action for e.g. the trackItem reducer to listen and carry on. Or could each related component directly subscribe to changes of the favorites collection? Or can I have two reducers listening to the same action? I have now idea how to implement something like that and also I have a gut feeling that I'm on the wrong path.
Feels like I'm struggling to get rid of my backbone-marionette habits. How would you do it?
My other plan is to have an isFavorited boolean within the track item json and use an action/reduces to update/toggle that property. I understand that normalizr will merge instances with the same id, so any component subscribed to its changes will react.
Or could each related component directly subscribe to changes of the
favorites collection
They could. But do these components all share some parent component? If so I would have that parent component subscribe to the state change of the favorites array, and pass that down as props to the components that need it.
I would recommend really reading through the redux docs:
Especially usage with React:
Typically you would have a 'smart' component that renders for a route, and that would subscribe to the redux store and pass down the data its nested 'dumb' components need.
So have your smart component(s) subscribe to the state change of the favorites array and pass it down as a prop to the components that need it.
It's all right to listen to one action in more than one reducer, so maybe go down that route?
Do your components share common parent component? If they do, connect it to your redux app state and pass favorite ids array down to each one; then dispatch action addFav or removeFav from any component, react in favorites reducer and see redux passing new props to react components.
I think you should first understand about smart and dumb components in reactjs, here is the link, so you will be having a single smart which connects to you reducer and updates your child(dumb) component.
If you still wants to have two reducers, you can have a action which executes its operation as a result it calls another action. to achieve this you need to have a redux-async-transitions, the example code is given below
function action1() {
return {
type: types.SOMEFUNCTION,
payload: {
data: somedata
meta: {
transition: () => ({
func: () => {
return action2;
path : '/somePath',
query: {
someKey: 'someQuery'
state: {
stateObject: stateData

