Javascript - How to hide a drop down control if it's empty - javascript

I have a cascade dropdown on a form. User selects Document Type and most of the document type has Category. However, if a doc type does not have category then I would like to hide the category drop down. Is there a way to see if category dropdown (calculate array or something) and hide category control (by default it always show Select a value even if the drop down does not have any value to select from)
So far I have following and wondering how to evaluate category drop down control based on what user selected in the doc type drop down control.
var varDocType= NWF$('#' + jsDocTypes)// gets Doc Type control;
if(this.value !== null){
var varCategory = NWF$('#' + jsCategory)// gets Category control;
if(varCategory == ''){
NWF$('#' + jsCategory).style.visibility = "hidden";

Test this:
select:empty {
display: none;
Invisible: ||<select></select>--<br>
Visible (whitespace): ||<select> </select>--<br>
Visible (children): ||<select><option>Options!</option></select>--
I do not know what is NWF$ but if you want hide an element by javascript: = "none";


show hide field depend on select value sharepoint online

I have a list of 2 columns, the first one is "City" which is choice type.the second column is "Other" which is a single line of text.
when the user chooses "other " in City I want "OtherCity "column appears, if he chooses another choice, I want to hide.
I write the code using simple javascript, I do not want to use any library just simple code in javascript.
<script type="text/javascript">
function mySelectfunction(){
getValue = document.getElementById("City").value;
if(getValue == "other"){
document.getElementById("OtherCity").style.display ="none";
document.getElementById("OtherCity").style.display ="block";
but it does not work. can you help make it work?
*another question: if the second column which I want to hide type is "lookup " will the code be different?
My test code for your reference,and Choice and lookup column do not need to change the code.
Add a script editor in NewForm,and insert the code into it(replace the column name).
<script src=""></script>
<script src="">
$(document).ready(function () {
// Get a single select dropdown field
var relacionField = SPUtility.GetSPField('CityLookUp');
// create a function to show or hide Rates based on Rate value
var showOrHideField = function() {
var relacionFieldValue = relacionField.GetValue();
// Hide the Rates field if the selected value is Especial
if(relacionFieldValue === 'other') {
else {
// run at startup (for edit form)
// make sure if the user changes the value we handle it
$(relacionField.Dropdown).on('change', showOrHideField);
You can download sputility.js here:
Did the code above report any error?
JavaScript code:
function show () {
//Get the select element corresponding to column
var selectElement=document.getElementById('CityLookUp').parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[3].childNodes[3].childNodes[0];//chnage coulmn name
//get tr the hidden column located
var trElement=document.getElementById('Other').parentNode.parentNode;//change column name
//hide tr when we get into page,if the default value is 'other' ,do not need this'none';
//select change event
selectElement.onchange = function () {
var index = selectElement.selectedIndex;
//get option value
var value = selectElement.options[index].text;
//show tr element'';
//hide tr element'none';
The code idea is to find the corresponding select element and decide whether to hide the tr element where column other is located according to the value of option.
Tip: Our page dom structure may be different, so you may need to modify the code according to your page dom structure. You could view your page dom structure by Developer tool.
Test result:

restrict the user from typing a new name and allow only to select from existing list

I'm working on autocomplete textbox feature of angularjs. I want the user only to select name from the existing autocomplete list instead of typing a new name. Eg.,When user types 'Al' autocomplete list shows the matching list and user can select one name from the existing list instead of typing a new name.How to restrict user from submitting a new name which is not present in the existing list.
Demo :
Code Sample:
$scope.countryList = ["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria","Andorra","Angola","Anguilla","Antigua & Barbuda","Argentina","Armenia","Aruba","Australia","Austria","Azerbaijan","Bahamas","Bahrain","Bangladesh","Barbados","Belarus","Belgium","Belize","Benin","Bermuda","Bhutan","Bolivia","Bosnia & Herzegovina","Botswana","Brazil","British Virgin Islands","Brunei"];
$scope.validateField = function(){
alert("Clicked on submit , validte field");
var output=[];
Any inputs would be helpful.
You can disable submit button and also highlight the border of the input field red, telling user to select name from drop down list.
First you need to update your complete() function. Use an else if statement that will check if the value is from the list or not, if not then you can implement your desired logic in that else if statement.
This method is flexible and easy to customize your error generation messages. You can show and hide the div that has the error message or you can apply css style on input-field using ng-style or ng-class. Right now I'll show you how to disable or enable button. Here is the updated code snippet:
$scope.complete = function(string) {
var output = [];
angular.forEach($scope.countryList, function(country) {
if (country.toLowerCase().indexOf(string.toLowerCase()) >= 0) {
$scope.enableDisable = false;
} else if (country.toLowerCase().indexOf(string.toLowerCase()) < 0) {
$scope.enableDisable = true;
$scope.filterCountry = output;
And the In the html section you just need to add ng-disabled attribute and set its value.
<input type="submit" value="submit" ng-disabled="enableDisable" ng-click="validateField()">
So, you can do whatever you want in that else if statement to get the desire error message.
Take a look at this plunkr.
you can check for the validity of input using something like below and monitoring the value using ng-change
$scope.checkInput = function(){
$scope.validInput = $scope.countryList.indexOf($ > -1;

Using <f:selectitems> in html to make dependent drop down list using javascript

I am able to select a value from one drop down and depending on its value, able to disable another drop down list. but what i want is that when the 2nd drop down is disabled it should show '(select one)'.
This is my code:
<h:selectOneMenu id="tier" isRequired="true"
<f:selectItems id="tierList"
value="#{allocationTemplateDetailsBackingBean.fulfillmentTierList}" />
and the javascript function is as follows:
function controlFulfillmentTierDropDownList()
var strategy = document.getElementById('dataForm:strategy');
if(strategy != null)
if(strategy.value == 5)
var fulfillmentTierDropDownList = document.getElementById('dataForm:tier');
fulfillmentTierDropDownList.disabled = true;
var supplyTypePanel = document.getElementById('supplyTypeDiv'); = "none";
from the tierList, the first value in the list is '(Select one)', so whenever strategy.value==5, i want to disable tierlist dropdown (which i have done by disable attribute of tier), but want to set the value which is visible as '(select one)' instead of any older value which is already present.

Detect if all three drop down menu has been selected

I have three drop down menu's:
<div class = "form=group">
<select class = "selecter" id = "day"><option>1<option><option>2</option></select>
<select class = "selecter" id = "month"><option>1<option><option>2</option></select>
<select class = "selecter" id = "year"><option>1<option><option>2</option></select>
I want to detect if all three fields have been selected so I can validate the date. I tried the following:
$('.selecter').on('change', function() {
console.log("Something is changed!");
But it fires up on each drop down. How can I add each function to it so I can detect after all selecter class has been changed? Also I can click on next drop down after one is selected? thanks to all
Add a class or add something else to the selects that is easy to check on change, and compare the number of changed selects to the number of selects to know if all of them have been changed :
var selects = $('.selecter').length;
$('.selecter').on('change', function() {
if ( $('.changed').length == selects ) {
// someone changed all three selects ?

Jquery Chosen plugin. Select multiple of the same option

I'm using the chosen plugin to build multiple select input fields. See an example here:
The default behavior disables an option if it has already been selected. In the example above, if you were to select "Afghanistan", it would be greyed out in the drop-down menu, thus disallowing you from selecting it a second time.
I need to be able to select the same option more than once. Is there any setting in the plugin or manual override I can add that will allow for this?
I created a version of chosen that allows you to select the same item multiple times, and even sends those multiple entries to the server as POST variables. Here's how you can do it (fairly easily, I think):
(Tip: Use a search function in chosen.jquery.js to find these lines)
this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple;
this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple;
this.allows_duplicates = this.options.allow_duplicates;
if (this.allows_duplicates) {
} else {
this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected = true;
if (this.allows_duplicates && this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected == true) {
} else {
this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected = true;
Then, when calling chosen(), make sure to include the allows_duplicates option:
$("mySelect").chosen({allow_duplicates: true})
For a workaround, use the below code on each selection (in select event) or while popup opened:
$(".chosen-results .result-selected").addClass("active-result").removeClass("result-selected");
The above code removes the result-selected class and added the active-result class on the li items. So each selected item is considered as the active result, now you can select that item again.
#adam's Answer is working very well but doesn't cover the situation that someone wants to delete some options.
So to have this functionality, alongside with Adam's tweaks you need to add this code too at:
Chosen.prototype.result_deselect = function (pos) {
var result_data;
result_data = this.results_data[pos];
// If config duplicates is enabled
if (this.allows_duplicates) {
//find fields name
var $nameField = $(this.form_field).attr('name');
// search for hidden input with same name and value of the one we are trying to delete
var $duplicateVals = $('input[type="hidden"][name="' + $nameField + '"][value="' + this.form_field.options[result_data.options_index].value + '"]');
//if we find one. we delete it and stop the rest of the function
if ($duplicateVals.length > 0) {
return true;

