how to stop my javascript debugging from browser? - javascript

How to stop debugging my js code from browser
function ViewSeatInfo(busNo, scheduleId, seatFare, tripType, dDate, time, numberOfSeat, seatUpdate, seatId) {
totalPrice = 0;
schedule_Id = scheduleId;
bus_No = busNo;
trip_Type = tripType;
d_date = dDate;
_time = time;
mainSeatId = seatId;
window.numberOfSeat = numberOfSeat;
window.seatUpdate = seatUpdate;
currentSell = 0;
var seats = "";
var data;
type: 'post',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
url: "SellTicketOnline.aspx/ShowBusAndSeatInfo",
data: "{'busNo':'" + busNo + "'," + "'scheduleId':'" + scheduleId + "'}",
async: false,
success: function(response) {
data = response;
error: function() {
seatFare = data.d.BusMainFare;
seat_Fare = seatFare;
baseFare = seatFare;
ShowBusSeatAllocation(data, seatFare);

JavaScript for webpages runs in the browser (client-side), means the browser needs to download the file and executing so it must have access to the "original" JS file. So you cannot really stop another developer to look at your code.
What you can do is to make more difficult for peoples to understand and debug your application.
Some possibilities available are:
Various techniques for code obfuscation.
Code hiding using web-socket or similar.
Disable debugger tools like console.log() by overwrite them, example:
(function() {
// disables the use of `console.log`, ``, `console.error`, `console.warn` and others by replacing them with empty functions,
// this makes the use of the debugger harder.
var empty = function() {};
Object.keys(window.console).forEach(function(prop) {
window.console[prop] = empty;
Some interesting projects and articles:
How to prevent your JavaScript code from being stolen, copied, and viewed?


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse(<anonymous>)

I'm working on an ajax call to an API. and upon calling this call, I keep running into this error. Please help. Ive been trying at this for hours and not sure what the issue is. Ive taken out the
JSON.parse and added them back to see if that will help but still no progress.
type: "POST",
//url: 'http://aeM/api/getDataId',
url: '/bin/soupservice.getDataAccordToId.html',
//async: false,
data: IDschema,
//contentType: "application/json",
beforeSend: function () {
// Show image container
$("#wait").css("display", "block");
success:function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (JSON.parse(data)) {
let fileDeviceData = [];
let uploadDate = [];
fileDeviceData = data;
let deviceNameFromFileData = [];
$.each(JSON.parse(data), function (i, element) {
//push an object while interacting with API. used to get similar index locations for later use
"lastUploadDate":element.lastUploadDate.split(" ")[0] ,
"fileName": element.deviceName+ " "+element.lastUploadDate.split(" ")[0],
let utcTime = element.lastUploadDate;
let utcText = moment(utcTime).format("L LT");
let anotherway = moment.utc(utcTime).local().format("L LT");
let firstConvertedString = anotherway.split("/").join("-").replace(",", "");
uploadDate.push(firstConvertedString.split(":").join("-").replace(",", ""));
//call on the findDuplicateIndex function to organize all the files that will be consolidated together
valuesforBrowserTime = uploadDate
exportAsTxt(deviceNameFromFileData, valuesforBrowserTime);
I see you are requesting a .html file and passing data to JSON.parse that expect a JSON format.
You may need to parse using a different method.

Why is my Ajax callback being processed too soon?

I have a general ajax function which I'm calling from loads of places in my code. It's pretty standard except for some extra debugging stuff I've recently added (to try to solve this issue), with a global 'ajaxworking' variable:
rideData.myAjax = function (url, type, data, successfunc) {
var dataJson = JSON.stringify(data),
thisurl = quilkinUrlBase() + url;
if (ajaxworking.length > 0) {
console.log(thisurl + ": concurrent Ajax call with: " + ajaxworking);
ajaxworking = thisurl;
type: type,
data: dataJson,
url: thisurl,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
async: true,
success: function (response) {
ajaxworking = '';
error: webRequestFailed
Now, there's one section of my code where a second ajax call is made depending on the result of the first:
getWebRides = function (date) {
var rideIDs = [];
var intdays = bleTime.toIntDays(date);
rideData.myAjax("GetRidesForDate", "POST", intdays, function (response) {
rides = response;
if (rides.length === 0) {
$('#ridelist').empty(); // this will also remove any handlers
qPopup.Alert("No rides found for " + bleTime.DateString(date));
return null;
$.each(rides, function (index) {
'GetParticipants' (which also calls 'myAjax') works fine - most of the time. But in another part of my code, 'GetWebRides' is itself called directly after another ajax call - i.e. there are 3 calls, each successive one depending on the previous. The 'top-level' call is as follows:
rideData.myAjax("SaveRide", "POST", ride, function (response) {
// if successful, response should be just a new ID
if (response.length < 5) {
// document re-arrangement code snipped here for brevity
else {
so, only when there are three successive calls like this, I'm getting the 'concurrent' catch in the third one:
GetParticipants: concurrent call with GetRidesForDate
and (if allowed to proceed) this causes a nasty probem at the server with datareaders already being open. But why is this only occurring when GetParticipants is called as the third in the chain?
I see, after some research. that there are now other ways of arranging async calls, e.g. using 'Promises', but I'd like to understand what's going on here.
Solved this.
Part of the 'document re-arrangement code' that I had commented out for this post, was in fact calling another Ajax call indirectly (very indirectly, hence it took a long time to find).

Delay Ajax Function per request with Google Maps API

I want to get some data about places using the Google Places API.
Thing is, I want to get data from more than 1000 records, per city of the region I'm looking for.
I'm searching for pizzeria, and I want all the pizzerias in the region I've defined. So I have an array like this:
My objective is to make a single request, then wait 3sec(or more), and then process the second request. I'm using Lodash library to help me iterate.
Here is my code:
function formatDetails(artisan){
var latitude =;
var longitude = artisan.geometry.location.lng;
var icon = artisan.icon;
var id =;
var name =;
var place_id = artisan.place_id;
var reference = artisan.reference;
var types = artisan.types.toString();
var getData = function(query, value){
url: query,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
var artisan = response.results;
for (var i = 0; i < artisan.length; i++){
},error: function(xhr, status) {
async: false
var places =
_.forEach(places, function(value, key) {
var proxy = '';
var target_url = ''+value+'&key=AIzaSyAClTjhWq7aFGKHmUwxlNUVBzFpIKTkOrA';
var query = proxy + target_url;
getData(query, value);
I've tried a lot of solutions I found on stackoverflow, but no one were working, or I might have done them wrong.
Thanks for your help!
The fact that $.ajax returns a Promise makes this quite simple
Firstly, you want getData to return $.ajax - and also get rid of async:false
var getData = function(query, value) {
return $.ajax({
url: query,
type: "GET",
crossDomain: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(response) {
var artisan = response.results;
for (var i = 0; i < artisan.length; i++){
},error: function(xhr, status) {
Then, you can use Array.reduce iterate through the array, and to chain the requests together, with a 3 second "delay" after each request
Like so:
var places = ['Pizzeria+Paris','Pizzeria+Marseille','Pizzeria+Nice','Pizzeria+Toulouse'];
places.reduce((promise, value) => {
var proxy = '';
var target_url = ''+value+'&key=AIzaSyAClTjhWq7aFGKHmUwxlNUVBzFpIKTkOrA';
var query = proxy + target_url;
return promise.then(() => getData(query, value))
// return a promise that resolves after three seconds
.then(response => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)));
}, Promise.resolve()) /* start reduce with a resolved promise to start the chain*/
.then(results => {
// all results available here
The most effective answer is the one above from #jaromandaX.
Nevertheless, I also found a workaround with Google Chrome, which will help you to not get your hands dirty with promises.
On Chrome:
1. Open Console
2. Go to network tab
3. Near the options "preserve log" and "disable cache", you have an option with an arrow where you will see the label "No throttling".
4.Click on the arrow next to the label, then add.
5. You will be able to set a download and upload speed, and most important, delay between each request.
Kaboom, working with my initial code.
Nevertheless, I changed my code to fit the above answer, which is better to do, in terms of code, speed, etc..

Fetching Data From Multiple Facebook API's then Adding Together

JQuery Snippet
var Gal_All = "Link One";
var Gal_S_1 = "Link Two";
var Gal_S_2 = "Link Three";
var Gal_S_3 = "Link Four";
type: 'GET',
url: '' + Gal_All,
success: function(data) {
var fbshares;
var fbcomments;
function showCount(responseText) {
var json = responseText;
fbshares = json.shares;
fbcomments = json.comments;
if (fbcomments) {
$('#TotalComments').html(fbcomments + ' comments');
function showTotal() {
if (!tweets) {
tweets = 0
if (!fbshares) {
fbshares = 0
if (tweets !== undefined && fbshares !== undefined)
$('#total-share-count').html(tweets + fbshares);
For fetching data from one Facebook API I have achieved however my gallery is split up into four pages (Gal_All = all images and Gal_S_1, Gal_S_2, Gal_S_3 = categorized)
Alike I have achieved with my Twitter counter adding for all four pages, I would like to do for Facebook so it is not showing the shares for that page, but all four of the pages.
Please Note: Comments fetch only needs to be from Gal_All
First of all, you can request API data for multiple objects using
Now since you want comments as well for your 4th URL, that still needs an extra API request (unless you want to fetch comments for the other three as well, just to throw them away, but that would not make much sense) – but you could use a batch request to at least get those two different API calls done with one single HTTP request. After all, the HTTP request is what takes most of the time in making a request to the API, so if speed is the factor you put the most emphasis on (and why wouldn’t you, users don’t like to be kept waiting), I think this is the best way to go. (Using a promise might be fine from a pure “aesthetic” point of view, but it doesn’t change the fact that multiple HTTP requests are quite slow.)
Use a promise:
var count = 0;
type: 'GET',
url: '' + Gal_All,
success: function(data) {
count += data;
type: 'GET',
url: '' + Gal_S_1,
success: function(data) {
count += data;
type: 'GET',
url: '' + Gal_S_2,
success: function(data) {
count += data;
type: 'GET',
url: '' + Gal_S_3,
success: function(data) {
count += data;
).then(function() {

Help with jQuery string formatting

Why does the following:
$("a").sortable( {
update:function() {
var urls = "";
$.map($("a"), function(elt) {
urls += "url=" + elt.href + "&";
$.ajax( {
url: 'server_side_process_one.aspx',
type: 'POST',
data: { urls.substr(0,urls.length - 1) },
success: function() { alert(urls.substr(0,urls.length - 1)); }
return paths in the following format:
but the following:
$("input:checkbox").live('change', function() {
var that = this;
url: 'server_side_process_two.aspx',
type: 'POST',
data: { $(that).attr("id") },
success: function() { alert($(that).attr("id")); }
returns path in the following format:?
C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Any idea how to get both functions to return in the same format? Preferably both should return in the basic format without all the extra characters, i.e.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft
but not
When you asks for an element's href, you'll get a version of this attribute, processed and cleaned by the browser. So, it really depends on what your aspx script does, but be sure that the URL you're passing to you script through strURLs is something with the appropiate URI, like file:///C:/Program%20Office/OFFICE11/WINWORD.EXE, and not an incorrect and malformed URL like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE.
Don't forget that you can see what you're sending to your script using tools like FireBug in Firefox.
Good luck!
This may just "patch" your problem, but you might just let the upper C# function return "file:///C:/Program%20Office/OFFICE11/WINWORD.EXE"... and then correct the formatting.
string sRtn = "file:///C:/Program%20Office/OFFICE11/WINWORD.EXE";
sRtn = sRtn.Replace("file:///", "");
sRtn = sRtn.Replace("/", "\");
sRtn = sRtn.Replace("%20", " ");

