Mixed content jQuery ajax HTTPS request has been blocked on Laravel - javascript

I think this question will be easy for someone and will be a face-palm situation for me.
I have a Laravel 5.3 site, and various pages have ajax requests. Because I use the csrf_field() feature, they work fine.
But there is one page where the ajax produces this error:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com/fb/reports' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://example.com/fb/json?levelType=&id=&aggLevel=ad&start=&end='. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
My javascript looks like this:
var relUrl = '/fb/json/';
var payload = {
levelType: levelType,
id: id,
aggLevel: aggLevel,
start: start,
end: end
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: payload,
url: relUrl,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
I've read tons of articles about this error. I've tried tons of suggested solutions, including changing the relative URL to the full https URL, or starting it with 2 slashes.
I've even tried changing the way my Laravel routes work and am now using just querystring parameters.
I've studied all of the articles below (and more).
Also, since this one ajax query is in a password-protect part of the site (and the ajax queries that work are in a public/open part of the site), I figured maybe that was related to the problem. But then I used SSH to log into the production server and vim to temporarily remove the line that required any authentication, and the https error still happens.
What steps can I take to debug further from here? What logs can I 'tail' on my Cloudways server?
Is there anything that Cloudflare might be interfering with (which I doubt, since other ajax queries work, all on https)?
jQuery AJAX Request to HTTPS getting served to HTTP with Laravel and Select2
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS
Mixed content issue - insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint
XHR response blocked by Chrome, because of mixed content issue (http/https)
Forcing AJAX call to be HTTPS from HTTPS Page
MixedContent when I'm loading https page through ajax, but browser still thinks it's http
jQuery ajax won't make HTTPS requests
Laravel 5.1 ajax url parameter is url

I needed to replace var relUrl = '/fb/json/'; with var relUrl = '/fb/json'; (remove the trailing slash) because that's what my Laravel web.php routes file expected.
In Chrome console, I noticed that the https XHR request was being "canceled" and replaced with an http request.
So then I used ssh to log into the remote production server and vim to temporarily disable the requirement of authentication.
Then in the Chrome console, I defined and ran a new ajax command using an absolute https URL with querystring params on the end. That worked (no mixed content error). Then I tried a relative URL like that, and it worked too.
Even a relative URL with no payload or querystring params or trailing slash worked.
Then I added the trailing slash again, and it didn't work.
I still wish there had been an easier way to trace or debug the redirect paths or whatever was happening. I still feel like I stumbled onto the answer clumsily (after many hours) instead of knowing how to dissect this problem reliably.

When changing from HTTP to HTTPS, it's possible to get the problem Mixed content issue - Content must be served as HTTPS.
So, first, modify APP_URL in the .env file, if we use the assets helper, this shouldn't give any problem with the URL.
Finally, add the following to the beginning of **api.php** or **web.php**:
if (App::environment('production')) {


What makes a browser load content from an http URL even when frontend source has an https URL?

my vue component is loading external content in an iframe
<iframe src="https://external-site" />
works fine locally, but once I deploy to my https site
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://my-site' was
loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame
'http://external-site'. This request has been blocked; the
content must be served over HTTPS.
network tab shows 2 requests, both have status (cancelled), and both have request url is HTTPS..
For general cases like redirecting URLs with no trailing slash to corresponding URLs with trailing slash added, some servers have broken configurations with http: hardcoded in the redirect — even if the server has other configuration that subsequently redirects all http URLs to https.
For example, the case in the question had a URL https://tithe.ly/give?c=1401851 (notice the missing trailing slash) that was redirecting to http://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851 (notice the http, no-https). So that’s where the browser stopped and reported a mixed-content error.
That http://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851 redirected to https://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851 (https) in this case. So the fix for the problem in the question would be to change the request URL in the source to https://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851 (with trailing slash included).
If you were to open https://tithe.ly/give?c=1401851 (no trailing slash) directly in a browser, the chain of redirects described in this answer just happens transparently and so it looks superficially like the original URL is OK. That can leave you baffled about why it doesn’t work.
Also: when you check the Network pane in browser devtools, it’s not going to readily show you the redirect chain, because as noted above, browsers follow redirects transparently — except when the chain has a non-https URL, causing the browser to stop, breaking the chain.
So the general troubleshooting/debugging tip for this kind of problem is: Check the request URL using a command-line HTTP client like curl, and step through each of the redirects it reports, looking carefully at the Location response-header values; like this:
$ curl -i https://tithe.ly/give?c=1401851
location: http://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851
$ curl -i http://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851
Location: https://tithe.ly/give/?c=1401851

How to use jQuery GET on HTTP (non-secure) server?

I'm getting this error when I try to use $.get on a non-secure site (ie. http, not https):
jquery.min.js:4 Mixed Content: The page at '...' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=50&lon=2?callback=jQuery...'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I've been trying to think of work-around solutions to this. The problem is a fixed one, since the server is hosted by OpenWeather.org and it's a non-secure site (ie. http, not https).
This is my request code:
$.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&APPID=123456", function(data) {
tempC = data.weather.main.temp / 10; // OpenWeather API returns Celsius * 10
rain = data.rain["3h"];
clouds = data.clouds.all;
Simply changing the request URL to https://api.openweathermap.org... doesn't work, of course. Tried it and didn't work.
The only solution I can think of right now is to find another weather API that is free to use for my project, but I'd like to know if there's a way to still use OpenWeathermap's API, given that it's http. Curious to know this because it seems quite wasteful to have to dismiss certain APIs just because it's http and not https.
Found another post on SO about the same "mixed content" issue. It's helpful and points to many other resources to solve the problem.
The asker ended up dropping openweathermap API (because it's served over HTTP) and using forecast.io's API instead (served over HTTPS while still free).
Using Open Weather Map which is HTTP only through an HTTPS website and NOT get mixed content warning
so, the Problem is, that you run your code on a HTTPS site(JSFiddle and Coodepen). Your browser will not allow HTTP-Connections on a HTTPS site for security-reasons. You can solve that issue by either forcing HTTP on the page where you run your code(try to run a code from a local file or localhost) or you could create a HTTPS -> HTTP forwarding on your server, that would receive a HTTPS request from your code and send a HTTP-request to API.
I would suggest first try to run from a localhost or local file(not sure if every browser will allow AJAX from a local file, but you can try before setting up localhost), that should work for you. If you just want to test the API you can simple copy the URL of the GET-request into you browser tab and execute it.

webservice get body(response) issue [duplicate]

I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support.
The Flickr side is working fine, but when I try to $.get(url, callback) from Panoramio, I see an error in Chrome's console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on, and can I get around this? Am I composing my query incorrectly, or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do?
Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the error message.
Here's some sample code that shows the problem:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150';
$.get(url, function (jsonp) {
var processImages = function (data) {
You can run the example online.
Thanks to Darin for his help with this. THE ABOVE CODE IS WRONG. Use this instead:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150&callback=?';
$.get(url, function (data) {
// can use 'data' in here...
For the record, as far as I can tell, you had two problems:
You weren't passing a "jsonp" type specifier to your $.get, so it was using an ordinary XMLHttpRequest. However, your browser supported CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-domain XMLHttpRequest if the server OKed it. That's where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header came in.
I believe you mentioned you were running it from a file:// URL. There are two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross-domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (which, if you were reaching Flickr via $.get, they must have been doing) while the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However, file:// URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized via echo-back.
The first was solved in a roundabout way by Darin's suggestion to use $.getJSON. It does a little magic to change the request type from its default of "json" to "jsonp" if it sees the substring callback=? in the URL.
That solved the second by no longer trying to perform a CORS request from a file:// URL.
To clarify for other people, here are the simple troubleshooting instructions:
If you're trying to use JSONP, make sure one of the following is the case:
You're using $.get and set dataType to jsonp.
You're using $.getJSON and included callback=? in the URL.
If you're trying to do a cross-domain XMLHttpRequest via CORS...
Make sure you're testing via http://. Scripts running via file:// have limited support for CORS.
Make sure the browser actually supports CORS. (Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the party)
You need to maybe add a HEADER in your called script, here is what I had to do in PHP:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
More details in Cross domain AJAX ou services WEB (in French).
For a simple HTML project:
Python 2
cd project
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Python 3
cd project
python -m http.server 8000
Then browse your file.
Works for me on Google Chrome v5.0.375.127 (I get the alert):
function(json) {
Also I would recommend you using the $.getJSON() method instead as the previous doesn't work on IE8 (at least on my machine):
function(json) {
You may try it online from here.
Now that you have shown your code I can see the problem with it. You are having both an anonymous function and inline function but both will be called processImages. That's how jQuery's JSONP support works. Notice how I am defining the callback=? so that you can use an anonymous function. You may read more about it in the documentation.
Another remark is that you shouldn't call eval. The parameter passed to your anonymous function will already be parsed into JSON by jQuery.
As long as the requested server supports the JSON data format, use the JSONP (JSON Padding) interface. It allows you to make external domain requests without proxy servers or fancy header stuff.
If you are doing local testing or calling the file from something like file:// then you need to disable browser security.
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
It's the same origin policy, you have to use a JSON-P interface or a proxy running on the same host.
We managed it via the http.conf file (edited and then restarted the HTTP service):
<Directory "/home/the directory_where_your_serverside_pages_is">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In the Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*", you can put a precise URL.
In my case, same code worked fine on Firefox, but not on Google Chrome. Google Chrome's JavaScript console said:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.xyz.com/getZipInfo.php?zip=11234.
Origin http://xyz.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
I had to drop the www part of the Ajax URL for it to match correctly with the origin URL and it worked fine then.
As final note the Mozilla documentation explicitly says that
The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Since the Access-Control-Allow-Origin explicitly mentions http://foo.example,
the credential-cognizant content is returned to the invoking web
As consequence is a not simply a bad practice to use '*'. Simply does not work :)
Not all servers support jsonp. It requires the server to set the callback function in it's results. I use this to get json responses from sites that return pure json but don't support jsonp:
function AjaxFeed(){
return $.ajax({
url: 'http://somesite.com/somejsonfile.php',
data: {something: true},
dataType: 'jsonp',
/* Very important */
contentType: 'application/json',
function GetData() {
/* Everything worked okay. Hooray */
return data;
/* Okay jQuery is stupid manually fix things */
.fail(function(jqXHR) {
/* Build HTML and update */
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
return data;
I use Apache server, so I've used mod_proxy module. Enable modules:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
Then add:
ProxyPass /your-proxy-url/ http://service-url:serviceport/
Finally, pass proxy-url to your script.
For PHP - this Work for me on Chrome, safari and firefox
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null');
using axios call php live services with file://
I also got the same error in Chrome (I didn't test other browers). It was due to the fact that I was navigating on domain.com instead of www.domain.com. A bit strange, but I could solve the problem by adding the following lines to .htaccess. It redirects domain.com to www.domain.com and the problem was solved. I am a lazy web visitor so I almost never type the www but apparently in some cases it is required.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
Make sure you are using the latest version of JQuery. We were facing this error for JQuery 1.10.2 and the error got resolved after using JQuery 1.11.1
I ran into a similar issue. But using Fiddler, I was able to get at the issue. The problem is that the client URL that is configured in the CORS implementation on the Web API side must not have a trailing forward-slash. After submitting your request via Google Chrome and inspect the TextView tab of the Headers section of Fiddler, the error message states something like this:
*"The specified policy origin your_client_url:/' is invalid. It cannot end with a forward slash."
This is real quirky because it worked without any issues on Internet Explorer, but gave me a headache when testing using Google Chrome.
I removed the forward-slash in the CORS code and recompiled the Web API, and now the API is accessible via Chrome and Internet Explorer without any issues. Please give this a shot.
There is a small problem in the solution posted by CodeGroover above , where if you change a file, you'll have to restart the server to actually use the updated file (at least, in my case).
So searching a bit, I found this one To use:
sudo npm -g install simple-http-server # to install
nserver # to use
And then it will serve at http://localhost:8000.

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin while trying to access a REMOTE XML file [duplicate]

I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support.
The Flickr side is working fine, but when I try to $.get(url, callback) from Panoramio, I see an error in Chrome's console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on, and can I get around this? Am I composing my query incorrectly, or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do?
Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the error message.
Here's some sample code that shows the problem:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150';
$.get(url, function (jsonp) {
var processImages = function (data) {
You can run the example online.
Thanks to Darin for his help with this. THE ABOVE CODE IS WRONG. Use this instead:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150&callback=?';
$.get(url, function (data) {
// can use 'data' in here...
For the record, as far as I can tell, you had two problems:
You weren't passing a "jsonp" type specifier to your $.get, so it was using an ordinary XMLHttpRequest. However, your browser supported CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-domain XMLHttpRequest if the server OKed it. That's where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header came in.
I believe you mentioned you were running it from a file:// URL. There are two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross-domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (which, if you were reaching Flickr via $.get, they must have been doing) while the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However, file:// URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized via echo-back.
The first was solved in a roundabout way by Darin's suggestion to use $.getJSON. It does a little magic to change the request type from its default of "json" to "jsonp" if it sees the substring callback=? in the URL.
That solved the second by no longer trying to perform a CORS request from a file:// URL.
To clarify for other people, here are the simple troubleshooting instructions:
If you're trying to use JSONP, make sure one of the following is the case:
You're using $.get and set dataType to jsonp.
You're using $.getJSON and included callback=? in the URL.
If you're trying to do a cross-domain XMLHttpRequest via CORS...
Make sure you're testing via http://. Scripts running via file:// have limited support for CORS.
Make sure the browser actually supports CORS. (Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the party)
You need to maybe add a HEADER in your called script, here is what I had to do in PHP:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
More details in Cross domain AJAX ou services WEB (in French).
For a simple HTML project:
Python 2
cd project
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Python 3
cd project
python -m http.server 8000
Then browse your file.
Works for me on Google Chrome v5.0.375.127 (I get the alert):
function(json) {
Also I would recommend you using the $.getJSON() method instead as the previous doesn't work on IE8 (at least on my machine):
function(json) {
You may try it online from here.
Now that you have shown your code I can see the problem with it. You are having both an anonymous function and inline function but both will be called processImages. That's how jQuery's JSONP support works. Notice how I am defining the callback=? so that you can use an anonymous function. You may read more about it in the documentation.
Another remark is that you shouldn't call eval. The parameter passed to your anonymous function will already be parsed into JSON by jQuery.
As long as the requested server supports the JSON data format, use the JSONP (JSON Padding) interface. It allows you to make external domain requests without proxy servers or fancy header stuff.
If you are doing local testing or calling the file from something like file:// then you need to disable browser security.
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
It's the same origin policy, you have to use a JSON-P interface or a proxy running on the same host.
We managed it via the http.conf file (edited and then restarted the HTTP service):
<Directory "/home/the directory_where_your_serverside_pages_is">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In the Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*", you can put a precise URL.
In my case, same code worked fine on Firefox, but not on Google Chrome. Google Chrome's JavaScript console said:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.xyz.com/getZipInfo.php?zip=11234.
Origin http://xyz.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
I had to drop the www part of the Ajax URL for it to match correctly with the origin URL and it worked fine then.
As final note the Mozilla documentation explicitly says that
The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Since the Access-Control-Allow-Origin explicitly mentions http://foo.example,
the credential-cognizant content is returned to the invoking web
As consequence is a not simply a bad practice to use '*'. Simply does not work :)
Not all servers support jsonp. It requires the server to set the callback function in it's results. I use this to get json responses from sites that return pure json but don't support jsonp:
function AjaxFeed(){
return $.ajax({
url: 'http://somesite.com/somejsonfile.php',
data: {something: true},
dataType: 'jsonp',
/* Very important */
contentType: 'application/json',
function GetData() {
/* Everything worked okay. Hooray */
return data;
/* Okay jQuery is stupid manually fix things */
.fail(function(jqXHR) {
/* Build HTML and update */
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
return data;
I use Apache server, so I've used mod_proxy module. Enable modules:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
Then add:
ProxyPass /your-proxy-url/ http://service-url:serviceport/
Finally, pass proxy-url to your script.
For PHP - this Work for me on Chrome, safari and firefox
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null');
using axios call php live services with file://
I also got the same error in Chrome (I didn't test other browers). It was due to the fact that I was navigating on domain.com instead of www.domain.com. A bit strange, but I could solve the problem by adding the following lines to .htaccess. It redirects domain.com to www.domain.com and the problem was solved. I am a lazy web visitor so I almost never type the www but apparently in some cases it is required.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
Make sure you are using the latest version of JQuery. We were facing this error for JQuery 1.10.2 and the error got resolved after using JQuery 1.11.1
I ran into a similar issue. But using Fiddler, I was able to get at the issue. The problem is that the client URL that is configured in the CORS implementation on the Web API side must not have a trailing forward-slash. After submitting your request via Google Chrome and inspect the TextView tab of the Headers section of Fiddler, the error message states something like this:
*"The specified policy origin your_client_url:/' is invalid. It cannot end with a forward slash."
This is real quirky because it worked without any issues on Internet Explorer, but gave me a headache when testing using Google Chrome.
I removed the forward-slash in the CORS code and recompiled the Web API, and now the API is accessible via Chrome and Internet Explorer without any issues. Please give this a shot.
There is a small problem in the solution posted by CodeGroover above , where if you change a file, you'll have to restart the server to actually use the updated file (at least, in my case).
So searching a bit, I found this one To use:
sudo npm -g install simple-http-server # to install
nserver # to use
And then it will serve at http://localhost:8000.

Why does this jQuery.ajax not raise an error?

We had an interesting issue this morning - the details of the issue itself aren't relevant here, and I already fixed it, but I did run into something strange, to me, about jQuery.
The site I am building internally runs on https, only, so Apache is set to redirect any inbound http request to its https equivalent. This redirect is working fine. But, I had a bug in my software where I was trying to send the following ajax request:
jQuery.ajax({ type: "PUT",
url: "http://somewhere.com/cmdt/todo_lists/8457/toggle",
data: { deployment_id: 827},
dataType: "script"});
I understand that this would fail - I'm alright with jQuery not wanting to follow a redirect. But the actual behaviour is even weirder: I never see an xhr request go out at all! And there's no javascript error! It just fails, silently. If I change the url to https, or to a relative path, it works fine, no problem. My question is, why wasn't it TRYING to send out the request before? And why didn't it raise an error?
The reason you're not getting a failure is because it's a cross-site request, and so instead of using XMLHttpRequest, it's actually generating an HTML <script> tag and dropping it into the DOM, and using that mechanism to load the file.
This works reasonably well (considering it's a complete hack around wrong-headed browser "security" notions) but there's no way for jQuery to trap errors at that point, sadly. You will likely get a browser error if you have developer mode turned on, but that's it.
If you run that from an url that's https and try to open the equivalent http page you run into cross domain problems due to the different protocols they use. Have a look at same origin policy.

