Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin while trying to access a REMOTE XML file [duplicate] - javascript

I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support.
The Flickr side is working fine, but when I try to $.get(url, callback) from Panoramio, I see an error in Chrome's console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on, and can I get around this? Am I composing my query incorrectly, or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do?
Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the error message.
Here's some sample code that shows the problem:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150';
$.get(url, function (jsonp) {
var processImages = function (data) {
You can run the example online.
Thanks to Darin for his help with this. THE ABOVE CODE IS WRONG. Use this instead:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150&callback=?';
$.get(url, function (data) {
// can use 'data' in here...

For the record, as far as I can tell, you had two problems:
You weren't passing a "jsonp" type specifier to your $.get, so it was using an ordinary XMLHttpRequest. However, your browser supported CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-domain XMLHttpRequest if the server OKed it. That's where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header came in.
I believe you mentioned you were running it from a file:// URL. There are two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross-domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (which, if you were reaching Flickr via $.get, they must have been doing) while the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However, file:// URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized via echo-back.
The first was solved in a roundabout way by Darin's suggestion to use $.getJSON. It does a little magic to change the request type from its default of "json" to "jsonp" if it sees the substring callback=? in the URL.
That solved the second by no longer trying to perform a CORS request from a file:// URL.
To clarify for other people, here are the simple troubleshooting instructions:
If you're trying to use JSONP, make sure one of the following is the case:
You're using $.get and set dataType to jsonp.
You're using $.getJSON and included callback=? in the URL.
If you're trying to do a cross-domain XMLHttpRequest via CORS...
Make sure you're testing via http://. Scripts running via file:// have limited support for CORS.
Make sure the browser actually supports CORS. (Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the party)

You need to maybe add a HEADER in your called script, here is what I had to do in PHP:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
More details in Cross domain AJAX ou services WEB (in French).

For a simple HTML project:
Python 2
cd project
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Python 3
cd project
python -m http.server 8000
Then browse your file.

Works for me on Google Chrome v5.0.375.127 (I get the alert):
function(json) {
Also I would recommend you using the $.getJSON() method instead as the previous doesn't work on IE8 (at least on my machine):
function(json) {
You may try it online from here.
Now that you have shown your code I can see the problem with it. You are having both an anonymous function and inline function but both will be called processImages. That's how jQuery's JSONP support works. Notice how I am defining the callback=? so that you can use an anonymous function. You may read more about it in the documentation.
Another remark is that you shouldn't call eval. The parameter passed to your anonymous function will already be parsed into JSON by jQuery.

As long as the requested server supports the JSON data format, use the JSONP (JSON Padding) interface. It allows you to make external domain requests without proxy servers or fancy header stuff.

If you are doing local testing or calling the file from something like file:// then you need to disable browser security.
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security

It's the same origin policy, you have to use a JSON-P interface or a proxy running on the same host.

We managed it via the http.conf file (edited and then restarted the HTTP service):
<Directory "/home/the directory_where_your_serverside_pages_is">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In the Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*", you can put a precise URL.

In my case, same code worked fine on Firefox, but not on Google Chrome. Google Chrome's JavaScript console said:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.xyz.com/getZipInfo.php?zip=11234.
Origin http://xyz.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
I had to drop the www part of the Ajax URL for it to match correctly with the origin URL and it worked fine then.

As final note the Mozilla documentation explicitly says that
The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Since the Access-Control-Allow-Origin explicitly mentions http://foo.example,
the credential-cognizant content is returned to the invoking web
As consequence is a not simply a bad practice to use '*'. Simply does not work :)

Not all servers support jsonp. It requires the server to set the callback function in it's results. I use this to get json responses from sites that return pure json but don't support jsonp:
function AjaxFeed(){
return $.ajax({
url: 'http://somesite.com/somejsonfile.php',
data: {something: true},
dataType: 'jsonp',
/* Very important */
contentType: 'application/json',
function GetData() {
/* Everything worked okay. Hooray */
return data;
/* Okay jQuery is stupid manually fix things */
.fail(function(jqXHR) {
/* Build HTML and update */
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
return data;

I use Apache server, so I've used mod_proxy module. Enable modules:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
Then add:
ProxyPass /your-proxy-url/ http://service-url:serviceport/
Finally, pass proxy-url to your script.

For PHP - this Work for me on Chrome, safari and firefox
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null');
using axios call php live services with file://

I also got the same error in Chrome (I didn't test other browers). It was due to the fact that I was navigating on domain.com instead of www.domain.com. A bit strange, but I could solve the problem by adding the following lines to .htaccess. It redirects domain.com to www.domain.com and the problem was solved. I am a lazy web visitor so I almost never type the www but apparently in some cases it is required.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Make sure you are using the latest version of JQuery. We were facing this error for JQuery 1.10.2 and the error got resolved after using JQuery 1.11.1

I ran into a similar issue. But using Fiddler, I was able to get at the issue. The problem is that the client URL that is configured in the CORS implementation on the Web API side must not have a trailing forward-slash. After submitting your request via Google Chrome and inspect the TextView tab of the Headers section of Fiddler, the error message states something like this:
*"The specified policy origin your_client_url:/' is invalid. It cannot end with a forward slash."
This is real quirky because it worked without any issues on Internet Explorer, but gave me a headache when testing using Google Chrome.
I removed the forward-slash in the CORS code and recompiled the Web API, and now the API is accessible via Chrome and Internet Explorer without any issues. Please give this a shot.

There is a small problem in the solution posted by CodeGroover above , where if you change a file, you'll have to restart the server to actually use the updated file (at least, in my case).
So searching a bit, I found this one To use:
sudo npm -g install simple-http-server # to install
nserver # to use
And then it will serve at http://localhost:8000.


How to solve 'Redirect has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header'?

I am working on an app using Vue js.
According to my setting I need to pass to a variable to my URL when setting change.
<!-- language: lang-js -->
$.get('' + c1v + '/' + c1b, function (data) {
// some code...
But when my app hit on URL, it shows the following message.
Failed to load Redirect from '' to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
In addition to what awd mentioned about getting the person responsible for the server to reconfigure (an impractical solution for local development) I use a change-origin chrome plugin like this:
Moesif Orign & CORS Changer (use to be free but now wants a work email address >_>)
Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
You can make your local dev server (ex: localhost:8080) to appear to be coming from or any other domain.
In case the 2nd plugin link breaks in the future or the plugin writer decides to capitalize off the fame of this thread, open your browser's
plugin marketplace and search "allow cors", there's going to be a
bunch of them.
Thanks all, I solved by this extension on chrome.
Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin
If you have control over your server, you can use PHP:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
Ask the person maintaining the server at to add your hostname to Access-Control-Allow-Origin hosts, the server should return a header similar to the following with the response-
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: yourhostname:port
Using npm:
To allow cross-origin requests install 'cors':
npm i cors
Add this in the server-side:
let cors = require("cors");
When you have this problem with Chrome, you don't need an Extension.
Start Chrome from the Console:
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security
Maybe you have to close all Tabs in Chrome and restart it.
I will assume that you're a front-end developer only and that you don't have access to the backend of the application (regarding the tags of the question).
Short answer on how to properly solve this in your case? You can't, you'll need somebody else.
What is this about?
You need to understand that CORS is a security thing, it's not just here to annoy you just for fun.
It's purpose is to mainly prevent the usage of a (malicious) HTTP call from a non-whitelisted frontend to your backend with some critical mutation.
You could give a look to this YouTube video or any other one really, but I recommend a visual video because text-based explanation can be quite hard to understand.
You also need to understand that if you use Postman or any other tool to try your API call, you will not get the CORS issue. The reason being that those tools are not Web frontends but rather some server-based tools.
Hence, don't be surprised if something is working there but not in your Vue app, the context is different.
Now, how to solve this?
Depending of the framework used by your backend team, the syntax may be quite different but overall, you'll need to tell them to provide something like Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:3000 (or any other port you'll be using).
PS: Using Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * would be quite risky because it would allow anybody to access it, hence why a stricter rule is recommended.
If you're using a service, like an API to send SMS, payment, some Google console or something else really, you'll need to allow your localhost in the dashboard of the service. Ask for credentials to your manager or Tech Lead.
If you have access to the backend, you could it yourself as shown here (ExpressJS in this example): https://flaviocopes.com/cors/
How to hack it in a dirty way?
If you're in a damn hurry and want to get something really dirty, you could use a lot of various hacks a listed in the other answers, here's a quick list:
use any extension who is able to create a middleware and forward the request to the backend (it will work because it's not directly coming from your frontend)
force your browser to disable CORS, not sure how this would actually solve the issue
use a proxy, if you're using Nuxt2, #nuxtjs/proxy is a popular one but any kind of proxy (even a real backend will do the job)
any other hack related somehow to the 3 listed above...
At the end, solving the CORS issue can be done quite fast and easily. You only need to communicate with your team or find something on your side (if you have access to the backend/admin dashboard of some service).
I heavily do recommend trying get it right from the beginning because it's related to security and that it may be forgotten down the road...
The approved answer to this question is not valid.
You need to set headers on your server-side code
You can also try a chrome extension to add these headers automatically.
Hello If I understood it right you are doing an XMLHttpRequest to a different domain than your page is on. So the browser is blocking it as it usually allows a request in the same origin for security reasons. You need to do something different when you want to do a cross-domain request. A tutorial about how to achieve that is Using CORS.
When you are using postman they are not restricted by this policy. Quoted from Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest:
Regular web pages can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send and receive data from remote servers, but they're limited by the same origin policy. Extensions aren't so limited. An extension can talk to remote servers outside of its origin, as long as it first requests cross-origin permissions.
To add the CORS authorization to the header using Apache, simply add the following line inside either the <Directory>, <Location>, <Files> or <VirtualHost> sections of your server config (usually located in a *.conf file, such as httpd.conf or apache.conf), or within a .htaccess file:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
And then restart apache.
Altering headers requires the use of mod_headers. Mod_headers is enabled by default in Apache, however, you may want to ensure it's enabled.
I had the same problem in my Vue.js and SpringBoot projects. If somebody work with spring you can add this code:
public FilterRegistrationBean simpleCorsFilter() {
UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration();
// *** URL below needs to match the Vue client URL and port ***
source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config);
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean<>(new CorsFilter(source));
return bean;
I found solution in this article Build a Simple CRUD App with Spring Boot and Vue.js
You are making a request to external domain from your local development server that is why it is giving cross origin exception.
Either you have to allow headers Access-Control-Allow-Origin:* in both frontend and backend or alternatively use this extension cors header toggle - chrome extension unless you host backend and frontend on the same domain.
Try running this command in your terminal and then test it again.
curl -H "origin: originHost" -v "RequestedResource"
If my originHost equals https://localhost:8081/ and my RequestedResource equals https://example.com/
My command would be as below:
curl -H "origin: https://localhost:8081/" -v "https://example.com/"
If you can notice the following line then it should work for you.
< access-control-allow-origin: *
Hope this helps.
Do specify #CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:8081")
in Controller class.
You can solve this temporarily by using the Firefox add-on, CORS Everywhere. Just open Firefox, press Ctrl+Shift+A , search the add-on and add it!
You won't believe this,
Make sure to add "." at the end of the "url"
I got a similar error with this code:
.then( response => {
return response.json();
.then(data => {
}).catch(error => console.log('Request failed:', error))
The error I got:
Access to fetch at 'https://itunes.apple.com/search?term=jack+johnson'
from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
But I realized after a lot of research that the problem was that I did not copy the
right URL address from the iTunes API documentation.
It should have been
Notice the dot at the end
There is a huge explanation about why the dot is important quoting issues about DNS and character encoding but the truth is you probably do not care. Try adding the dot it might work for you too.
When I added the "." everything worked like a charm.
I hope it works for you too.
npm i cors
Then include cors():
app.get("/list",cors(),(req,res) =>{
In addition to the Berke Kaan Cetinkaya's answer.
If you have control over your server, you can do the following in ExpressJs:
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
// update to match the domain you will make the request from
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "YOUR-DOMAIN.TLD");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,PUT");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
I tried this code,and that works for me.You can see the documentation in this link
var io = require("socket.io")(http, {
cors: {
origin: "*",
methods: ["GET", "POST"]
The reason that I came across this error was that I hadn't updated the path for different environments.
you have to customize security for your browser or allow permission through customizing security. (it is impractical for your local testing)
to know more about please go through the link.
These errors may be caused due to follow reasons, ensure the following steps are followed. To connect the local host with the local virtual machine(host). Here, I'am connecting http://localhost:3001/ to the http://abc.test Steps to be followed:
1.We have to allow CORS, placing Access-Control-Allow-Origin: in header of request
may not work. Install a google extension which enables a CORS request.*
2.Make sure the credentials you provide in the request are valid.
3.Make sure the vagrant has been provisioned. Try vagrant up --provision this make the localhost connect to db of the homestead.
Try changing the content type of the header. header:{ 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8;application/json' }
this point is very important.
Another solution to this problem in a specific scenario :
AWS APIGW is your backend with authentication enabled and
authentication fails,
your browser may end up complaining about CORS even if CORS is enabled in APIGW. You also need to enable CORS for 4XX as follows
API:YourAPI > Resources > /YourResource > Actions > Enable CORS > Gateway Responses for yourAPI check Default 4XX
Authentication will still fail but it won't look like CORS is the root cause
$.get('' + c1v + '/' + c1b, function (data) {
// some code...
Just put "https" .

Mixed content jQuery ajax HTTPS request has been blocked on Laravel

I think this question will be easy for someone and will be a face-palm situation for me.
I have a Laravel 5.3 site, and various pages have ajax requests. Because I use the csrf_field() feature, they work fine.
But there is one page where the ajax produces this error:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com/fb/reports' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://example.com/fb/json?levelType=&id=&aggLevel=ad&start=&end='. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
My javascript looks like this:
var relUrl = '/fb/json/';
var payload = {
levelType: levelType,
id: id,
aggLevel: aggLevel,
start: start,
end: end
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: payload,
url: relUrl,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
I've read tons of articles about this error. I've tried tons of suggested solutions, including changing the relative URL to the full https URL, or starting it with 2 slashes.
I've even tried changing the way my Laravel routes work and am now using just querystring parameters.
I've studied all of the articles below (and more).
Also, since this one ajax query is in a password-protect part of the site (and the ajax queries that work are in a public/open part of the site), I figured maybe that was related to the problem. But then I used SSH to log into the production server and vim to temporarily remove the line that required any authentication, and the https error still happens.
What steps can I take to debug further from here? What logs can I 'tail' on my Cloudways server?
Is there anything that Cloudflare might be interfering with (which I doubt, since other ajax queries work, all on https)?
jQuery AJAX Request to HTTPS getting served to HTTP with Laravel and Select2
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS
Mixed content issue - insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint
XHR response blocked by Chrome, because of mixed content issue (http/https)
Forcing AJAX call to be HTTPS from HTTPS Page
MixedContent when I'm loading https page through ajax, but browser still thinks it's http
jQuery ajax won't make HTTPS requests
Laravel 5.1 ajax url parameter is url
I needed to replace var relUrl = '/fb/json/'; with var relUrl = '/fb/json'; (remove the trailing slash) because that's what my Laravel web.php routes file expected.
In Chrome console, I noticed that the https XHR request was being "canceled" and replaced with an http request.
So then I used ssh to log into the remote production server and vim to temporarily disable the requirement of authentication.
Then in the Chrome console, I defined and ran a new ajax command using an absolute https URL with querystring params on the end. That worked (no mixed content error). Then I tried a relative URL like that, and it worked too.
Even a relative URL with no payload or querystring params or trailing slash worked.
Then I added the trailing slash again, and it didn't work.
I still wish there had been an easier way to trace or debug the redirect paths or whatever was happening. I still feel like I stumbled onto the answer clumsily (after many hours) instead of knowing how to dissect this problem reliably.
When changing from HTTP to HTTPS, it's possible to get the problem Mixed content issue - Content must be served as HTTPS.
So, first, modify APP_URL in the .env file, if we use the assets helper, this shouldn't give any problem with the URL.
Finally, add the following to the beginning of **api.php** or **web.php**:
if (App::environment('production')) {

Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP not fixed even after Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files

I am parsing a json file in my Javascript code like below.
$.getJSON('file:///dashboard.json', function (json) {
However, it throws
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///dashboard.json. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
I've been looking for solutions for almost 7 hours collectively, but most suggestions were to use this:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
open -b com.google.chrome --args --allow-file-access-from-files
and even when I opened Chrome with the second command, the same Cross origin request error is thrown.
The first command does not even run, as you can see below.
$ /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome
[708:1287:0401/174956:ERROR:process_singleton_mac.cc(103)] Unable to obtain profile lock.
$ [0401/174957:ERROR:mach_broker_mac.mm(152)] Failed to look up named parent port: 0x44e unknown error code
I tried launching a server with this file, on port 8000, and accessing it by providing url http://localhost:8000/dashboard.json, but it does not fix Cross origin request error. (My web app runs on port 8080).
What is the problem? How can I fix this?
Please help me. Thank you.
Different port number cause the cross origin issue as well:http: //localhost:8000 access a json file which is from http: //localhost:8080. There are various ways to resolve cross-origin resource accessing issue, such as CORS, Server-proxy and JSONP.
I think you could try to use JSONP to solve this issue in your case.
Step 1: Update the dashboard.json and change the file type to javascript. (Refer to this doc if you want to know how JSONP works)
//assume that the json data looks like this {tabs:[{id:"1",name:"tab1",status:"on"},{id:"2",name:"tab2",status:"off"}]}
var data = {tabs:[{id:"1",name:"tab1",status:"on"},{id:"2",name:"tab2",status:"off"}]};
Step 2: Use $.ajax to fetch cross origin json data in JSONP way
url: "http://localhost:8080/dashboard.js",
success: function(response){
error: function(response){
function onGetDashboardJSON(result){
//do anything you want with the JSON
Hope this helpful.

webservice get body(response) issue [duplicate]

I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's AJAX support.
The Flickr side is working fine, but when I try to $.get(url, callback) from Panoramio, I see an error in Chrome's console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on, and can I get around this? Am I composing my query incorrectly, or is this something that Panoramio does to hinder what I'm trying to do?
Google didn't turn up any useful matches on the error message.
Here's some sample code that shows the problem:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&callback=processImages&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150';
$.get(url, function (jsonp) {
var processImages = function (data) {
You can run the example online.
Thanks to Darin for his help with this. THE ABOVE CODE IS WRONG. Use this instead:
$().ready(function () {
var url = 'http://www.panoramio.com/wapi/data/get_photos?v=1&key=dummykey&tag=test&offset=0&length=20&minx=-30&miny=0&maxx=0&maxy=150&callback=?';
$.get(url, function (data) {
// can use 'data' in here...
For the record, as far as I can tell, you had two problems:
You weren't passing a "jsonp" type specifier to your $.get, so it was using an ordinary XMLHttpRequest. However, your browser supported CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to allow cross-domain XMLHttpRequest if the server OKed it. That's where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header came in.
I believe you mentioned you were running it from a file:// URL. There are two ways for CORS headers to signal that a cross-domain XHR is OK. One is to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (which, if you were reaching Flickr via $.get, they must have been doing) while the other was to echo back the contents of the Origin header. However, file:// URLs produce a null Origin which can't be authorized via echo-back.
The first was solved in a roundabout way by Darin's suggestion to use $.getJSON. It does a little magic to change the request type from its default of "json" to "jsonp" if it sees the substring callback=? in the URL.
That solved the second by no longer trying to perform a CORS request from a file:// URL.
To clarify for other people, here are the simple troubleshooting instructions:
If you're trying to use JSONP, make sure one of the following is the case:
You're using $.get and set dataType to jsonp.
You're using $.getJSON and included callback=? in the URL.
If you're trying to do a cross-domain XMLHttpRequest via CORS...
Make sure you're testing via http://. Scripts running via file:// have limited support for CORS.
Make sure the browser actually supports CORS. (Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the party)
You need to maybe add a HEADER in your called script, here is what I had to do in PHP:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
More details in Cross domain AJAX ou services WEB (in French).
For a simple HTML project:
Python 2
cd project
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Python 3
cd project
python -m http.server 8000
Then browse your file.
Works for me on Google Chrome v5.0.375.127 (I get the alert):
function(json) {
Also I would recommend you using the $.getJSON() method instead as the previous doesn't work on IE8 (at least on my machine):
function(json) {
You may try it online from here.
Now that you have shown your code I can see the problem with it. You are having both an anonymous function and inline function but both will be called processImages. That's how jQuery's JSONP support works. Notice how I am defining the callback=? so that you can use an anonymous function. You may read more about it in the documentation.
Another remark is that you shouldn't call eval. The parameter passed to your anonymous function will already be parsed into JSON by jQuery.
As long as the requested server supports the JSON data format, use the JSONP (JSON Padding) interface. It allows you to make external domain requests without proxy servers or fancy header stuff.
If you are doing local testing or calling the file from something like file:// then you need to disable browser security.
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
It's the same origin policy, you have to use a JSON-P interface or a proxy running on the same host.
We managed it via the http.conf file (edited and then restarted the HTTP service):
<Directory "/home/the directory_where_your_serverside_pages_is">
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In the Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*", you can put a precise URL.
In my case, same code worked fine on Firefox, but not on Google Chrome. Google Chrome's JavaScript console said:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.xyz.com/getZipInfo.php?zip=11234.
Origin http://xyz.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"
I had to drop the www part of the Ajax URL for it to match correctly with the origin URL and it worked fine then.
As final note the Mozilla documentation explicitly says that
The above example would fail if the header was wildcarded as:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. Since the Access-Control-Allow-Origin explicitly mentions http://foo.example,
the credential-cognizant content is returned to the invoking web
As consequence is a not simply a bad practice to use '*'. Simply does not work :)
Not all servers support jsonp. It requires the server to set the callback function in it's results. I use this to get json responses from sites that return pure json but don't support jsonp:
function AjaxFeed(){
return $.ajax({
url: 'http://somesite.com/somejsonfile.php',
data: {something: true},
dataType: 'jsonp',
/* Very important */
contentType: 'application/json',
function GetData() {
/* Everything worked okay. Hooray */
return data;
/* Okay jQuery is stupid manually fix things */
.fail(function(jqXHR) {
/* Build HTML and update */
var data = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText);
return data;
I use Apache server, so I've used mod_proxy module. Enable modules:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
Then add:
ProxyPass /your-proxy-url/ http://service-url:serviceport/
Finally, pass proxy-url to your script.
For PHP - this Work for me on Chrome, safari and firefox
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null');
using axios call php live services with file://
I also got the same error in Chrome (I didn't test other browers). It was due to the fact that I was navigating on domain.com instead of www.domain.com. A bit strange, but I could solve the problem by adding the following lines to .htaccess. It redirects domain.com to www.domain.com and the problem was solved. I am a lazy web visitor so I almost never type the www but apparently in some cases it is required.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
Make sure you are using the latest version of JQuery. We were facing this error for JQuery 1.10.2 and the error got resolved after using JQuery 1.11.1
I ran into a similar issue. But using Fiddler, I was able to get at the issue. The problem is that the client URL that is configured in the CORS implementation on the Web API side must not have a trailing forward-slash. After submitting your request via Google Chrome and inspect the TextView tab of the Headers section of Fiddler, the error message states something like this:
*"The specified policy origin your_client_url:/' is invalid. It cannot end with a forward slash."
This is real quirky because it worked without any issues on Internet Explorer, but gave me a headache when testing using Google Chrome.
I removed the forward-slash in the CORS code and recompiled the Web API, and now the API is accessible via Chrome and Internet Explorer without any issues. Please give this a shot.
There is a small problem in the solution posted by CodeGroover above , where if you change a file, you'll have to restart the server to actually use the updated file (at least, in my case).
So searching a bit, I found this one To use:
sudo npm -g install simple-http-server # to install
nserver # to use
And then it will serve at http://localhost:8000.

how Postman send requests? ajax, same origin policy

I have found this very useful Chrome extension called Postman. This is a very useful extension especially when you are into programming RESTful applications.
One thing I am confused on is that how this plugin/extension able to send POST request successfully on different domains?
I tried voting in a poll using Postman like this.
After submitting that, the vote was actually counted in, but when I tried doing that using AJAX and JavaScript, it fails, because of different origin policy of browsers.
How is that even possible?
Here is my code using jQuery. I used that in my computer though, localhost.
init: function() {
url: 'http://example.com/vote.php',
dataType: 'html',
data: {
id: '1'
success: function(data) {
if ( data == 'voted' ) {
$('.set-result').html( 'you already voted. try again after 24 hours' );
} else {
$('.set-result').html( 'successfully voted' );
Chrome packaged apps can have cross domain permissions. When you install Postman it promts you that this app will access any domain.
By placing */* in permissions section of your manifest file, you can do this.
Read more here:
You can add the following header to sent Ajax request in postman.
Content-Type application/json
X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest
Sounds like the site that hosts the poll (the "vote.php" script) needs to have an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header set to allow posting from a list of sites (or all sites).
A value of * for the header will allow posting from any website:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
i.e. You could put the following at the top of vote.php
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
Chrome extensions and apps are not subject to the same security limitations placed on normal webpages.
Additional debugging tips:
If you're trying to access remote services from web pages you have open on your local file system in your browser, you might find your browser applies different security rules to them than it does to files served from a web service.
e.g. If you open local files from a locational like C:\MyDocuments\weboot\index.htm (Windows) or \Users\joe\Sites\index.html (Mac) in your browser your AJAX request might not work, even with the header specified in most browsers.
Apple's Safari applies almost no cross domain restrictions to files opened locally but Firefox is much more strict about what it permits, with Chrome somewhere in the middle. Running a web server locally (e.g. on http://localhost/) is a good idea to avoid unexpected behaviour.
Additionally, other libraries that provide functions to handle Ajax requests (such as AngularJS) may require other headers to be set on the server by default. You can usually see the reason for failure in a browser debug console.
2021 Oct
In my investigation, I found out that you need an extra field in the header of your request. So simply add the following key-value into the header:
key: X-Requested-With | value: XMLHttpRequest

