How to clean string from word characters, Javascript - javascript

I'm trying to clean strings which has been transformed from word text but I'm stuck on removing special character '…'
By click on button "clean", script removes all dots and only one special character, however I need to remove all of them
Where is my mistake?
Here is my code and plunker with struggles
$scope.string = "My transformed string ………….........…...."
$scope.removeDots = function () {
var em = document.getElementsByTagName('em');
var reg = /\./g;
var hellip = /…/g
angular.forEach(em, function (item) {
item.innerText = process(item.innerText)
if (item.innerText.match(hellip)){
item.innerText = item.innerText.replace("…", "")
function process( str ) {
return str.replace( /^([^.]*\.)(.*)$/, function ( a, b, c ) {
return b + c.replace( /\./g, '' );

There's a few problems here, but they can all be resolved by simply reducing the code to a single regex replace within process that will handle both periods and … entities:
$scope.removeDots = function () {
var em = document.getElementsByTagName('em');
angular.forEach(em, function (item) {
item.innerText = process(item.innerText)
function process( str ) {
return str.replace( /\.|…/g, '');
Plunker demo

You replace every occurrence of . in process, but only replace … once.
I don't see why don't you just do something like .replace(/(\.|…)/g, ''); the g modifier makes sure every match is replaced.

You can do both replacements by first replacing the occurrences of … with one point (because it might be the only thing you find), and then replacing any sequence of points by one:
function process( str ) {
return str.replace(/…/g, '.').replace(/\.\.+/g, '.');
var test="My transformed string ………….........…....";
One of the reasons your code did not replace everything, is that you used a string as find argument, which will result in one replacement only. By using the regular expression as find argument you can get the effect of the g modifier.


How to replace all occurrences between two specific characters with the associated char Code using reqex?

I'd like to replace everything between two characters with another string. I came up with this function:
String.prototype.unformat = function() {
var s='';
for (var i=0; i<this.length;i++) s+=this[i]
return s.replace(/\$[^$]*\$/g, '')
Using a string like 'This is a test $33$' and unformat it with the function above, it will return 'This is a test '.
Ok-cool, but I'd like to replace all occurrences in ( $ ... $ ) with the associated char code.
In the example 'This is a test $33$', I like to replace $33$ with the result of the javascript String.fromCharCode() function to get the string 'This is a test !' as result.
How to edit the prototype function above to get the desired result?
Thanks in advance :)
You can use a callback function that returns fromCharCode() with the matched code
String.prototype.unformat = function() {
return this.replace(/\$([^$]*)\$/g, function (string, charcode) {
return String.fromCharCode(charcode);
console.log(("char: $33$").unformat());
In order to avoid any future problems, I would also adapt the regex to only match digits: /\$(\d+)\$/g
You can use a match group () and replace it with the String.fromCharCode result:
String.prototype.unformat = function() {
return this.replace(/\$(.*?)\$/g, function(match, group) { // the match is the whole match (including the $s), group is the matched group (the thing between the $s)
return String.fromCharCode(group);
No need to copy the string as replace doesn't mutate the original string (this).
The match group (.*?) is a non-greedy one (lazy one) that matches as few characters as possible.
It is better if you don't mess around natives' prototypes (such as String, Number, ...).
String.prototype.unformat = function() {
return this.replace(/\$(.*?)\$/g, function(match, group) {
return String.fromCharCode(group);
console.log('This is a test $33$'.unformat());

Recombine capture groups in single regexp?

I am trying to handle input groups similar to:
'...A.B.' and want to output '.....AB'.
Another example:
'.C..Z..B.' ==> '......CZB'
I have been working with the following:
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1")
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$2")
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1$2")
Is there a way to return
with a single regexp?
I have only been able to accomplish this with:
'...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$1") + '...A.B.'.replace(/(\.*)([A-Z]*)/g, "$2")
==> ".....AB"
If the goal is to move all of the . to the beginning and all of the A-Z to the end, then I believe the answer to
with a single regexp?
is "no."
Separately, I don't think there's a simpler, more efficient way than two replace calls — but not the two you've shown. Instead:
var str = "...A..B...C.";
var result = str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, "") + str.replace(/\./g, "");
(I don't know what you want to do with non-., non-A-Z characters, so I've ignored them.)
If you really want to do it with a single call to replace (e.g., a single pass through the string matters), you can, but I'm fairly sure you'd have to use the function callback and state variables:
var str = "...A..B...C.";
var dots = "";
var nondots = "";
var result = str.replace(/\.|[A-Z]|$/g, function(m) {
if (!m) {
// Matched the end of input; return the
// strings we've been building up
return dots + nondots;
// Matched a dot or letter, add to relevant
// string and return nothing
if (m === ".") {
dots += m;
} else {
nondots += m;
return "";
That is, of course, incredibly ugly. :-)

Live replacement for regular expressions with Javascript

I'm writing a code for live replacement of specific words in a text field as the user types.
I'm using regex and javascript:
The first array has the regular expressions to be found, and the second array has the words that should replace any them.
source = new Array(/\srsrs\s/,/\sñ\s/,/\snaum\s/,/\svc\s/,/\scd\s/,/\sOq\s/,/\soke\s/,/\so\sq\s/,
/\sqto\s/,/\sqm\s/,/\sjah\s/, /\sc\/\s/,/\scmg\s/,/\s\+\sou\s\-\s/,/\sflw\s/,
after = new Array("risos","não","não","você","cadê","o que","o que","o que","o que","o que","porque",
"quanto","quem","Já","com","comego","mais ou menos","falow","tchau","estou","está");
This is the function that does the replacement:
function replacement(){
for(i=0; i<source.length; i++){
newtext = " "+document.getElementById("translation").value+" ";
if(myregex = newtext.match(source[i])){
newafter = after[i];
rafael = myregex+" ";
document.getElementById("translation").value = document.getElementById("translation").value.replace(rafael, newafter);
My problem is every time the function is called to replace an expression with only one letter, the replacement is being made on the first occurrence of that letter, even within a word. I thought looking for that letter with \s before and after would solve it, but it didn't.
If you're looking only to match a word, you should put \b before and after (word boundary). This will ensure that you don't match parts of words. Also note that you are corrupting your regex by concatenating a string. Try this instead:
var in = document.getElementById("translation").value;
if( in.charAt(in.length-1) == " ") { // user has just finished typing a word
// this avoids interrupting the word being typed
var l = source.length, i;
for( i=0; i<l; i++) in = in.replace(source[i],after[i]);
document.getElementById("translation").value = in;
You need to add a g (global) modified to regexes so that it will replace all occurrences and use \b instead of \s to mark word boundaries.
source = new Array(/\brsrs\b/g,/\bñ\b/g, etc
On a side note, since all your regexes follow the same pattern it might be easier to just do:
source = new Array( 'rsr', 'ñ', 'naum', etc );
if( myregex = newtext.match( new Regexp( "\b"+source[i]+"\b", 'g' ) ) ) {
If by "live replacement" you mean calling function replacement at each keystroke then \b at the end will not help you, you should indeed use \s. However in your replacement function your are adding a space to the text field value so your single character words are triggering the replacement.
Here is my refactoring of your code :
(function () { // wrap in immediate function to hide local variables
source = [ [/\brsrs\s$/, "risos"], // place reg exp and replacement next to each other
[/\b(ñ|naum)\s$/, "não"], // note combined regexps
[/\bvc\s$/, "você"]
// ...
]; // not also use of array literals in place of new Array
document.getElementById ("translation"​​​​​​​).addEventListener ('keyup', function (ev) {
var t = this.value // fetch text area value
, m
, i = source.length;
while (i--) // for each possible match
if ((m = t.match(source[i][0]))) { // does this one match ?
// replace match : first remove the match string (m[0]) from the end of
// the text string, then add the replacement word followed by a space
this.value = t.slice (0, -m[0].length) + source[i][1] + ' ';
return; // done
}, false);
}) ();​
And the fiddle is :
In a somewhat different style, you could create a function that encapsulated the list of substitutions:
var substitutions = {
"rsrs": "risos",
"ñ": "não",
"naum": "não",
"vc": "você",
// ...
var createSubstitutionFunction = function(subs) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in subs) {
if (subs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
keys[keys.length] = key;
var regex = new RegExp("\\b" + keys.join("\\b|\\b") + "\\b", "g");
return function(text) {
return text.replace(regex, function(match) {
return subs[match];
var replacer = createSubstitutionFunction(substitutions);
You would use it like this:
replacer("Some text with rsrs and naum and more rsrs and vc")
// ==> "Some text with risos and não and more risos and você"

Javascript to capitalize the next char after " Mc"

Given a string like Marty Mcfly is there a regex or other one line solution to capitalize the 'f' so I get Marty McFly?
I can always count on the space between first and last and the first letter of the last name (i.e. the M) will always be caps.
I'm pretty open to just about any javascript, jquery, regex solution, I just need it to be short and sweet.
I've got a method that takes the string apart using indexOf and substring but I'm hoping theres a regex or something similar.
You can take advantage of the form of String.replace which takes a function as its second argument:
function fixMarty(s) {
return (""+s).replace(/Mc(.)/g, function(m, m1) {
return 'Mc' + m1.toUpperCase();
fixMarty('Marty Mcfly'); // => "Marty McFly"
fixMarty("Mcdonald's"); // => "McDonald's"
This is a perfect case for using a callback with .replace().
function fixMc(str) {
return(str.replace(/\bMc(\w)/, function(match, p1) {
return(match.slice(0, -1) + p1.toUpperCase());
Here's a jsFiddle where you can see it in action on a several different test cases.
By way of explanation for the how the callback works, the parameter match is the whole regex match, the parameter p1 is what the first parenthesized group matched and the callback returns what you want to replace the whole regex match with.
var text = 'Marty Mcfly';
text = text.replace(/Mc[a-z]/, function (k)
return 'Mc' + k[2].toUpperCase();
Use a combination of RegEx's exec method and String's replace method:
var name = 'Marty Mcfly',
pattern = /\bmc([a-z])/gi,
match = pattern.exec(name);
if (match) {
alert(name.replace(pattern, 'Mc' + match[1].toUpperCase()));
Here's a version that works with "Mac":
var name = 'Connor Macleod',
pattern = /\b(mc|mac)([a-z])/gi,
match = pattern.exec(name);
if (match) {
alert(name.replace(pattern, match[1] + match[2].toUpperCase()));
Here's the best I can do:
'Marty Mcfly'.replace(/ mc([a-z])/i, function (str, $1) {return " Mc" + $1.toUpperCase()})

Convert hyphens to camel case (camelCase)

With regex (i assume) or some other method, how can i convert things like:
marker-image or my-example-setting to markerImage or myExampleSetting.
I was thinking about just splitting by - then convert the index of that hypen +1 to uppercase. But it seems pretty dirty and was hoping for some help with regex that could make the code cleaner.
No jQuery...
Try this:
var camelCased = myString.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); });
The regular expression will match the -i in marker-image and capture only the i. This is then uppercased in the callback function and replaced.
This is one of the great utilities that Lodash offers if you are enlightened and have it included in your project.
var str = 'my-hyphen-string';
str = _.camelCase(str);
// results in 'myHyphenString'
You can get the hypen and the next character and replace it with the uppercased version of the character:
var str="marker-image-test";
str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (m, w) {
return w.toUpperCase();
Here's my version of camelCase function:
var camelCase = (function () {
var DEFAULT_REGEX = /[-_]+(.)?/g;
function toUpper(match, group1) {
return group1 ? group1.toUpperCase() : '';
return function (str, delimiters) {
return str.replace(delimiters ? new RegExp('[' + delimiters + ']+(.)?', 'g') : DEFAULT_REGEX, toUpper);
It handles all of the following edge cases:
takes care of both underscores and hyphens by default (configurable with second parameter)
string with unicode characters
string that ends with hyphens or underscore
string that has consecutive hyphens or underscores
Here's a link to live tests:
Here are results from tests:
input: "ab-cd-ef", result: "abCdEf"
input: "ab-cd-ef-", result: "abCdEf"
input: "ab-cd-ef--", result: "abCdEf"
input: "ab-cd--ef--", result: "abCdEf"
input: "--ab-cd--ef--", result: "AbCdEf"
input: "--ab-cd-__-ef--", result: "AbCdEf"
Notice that strings that start with delimiters will result in a uppercase letter at the beginning.
If that is not what you would expect, you can always use lcfirst.
Here's my lcfirst if you need it:
function lcfirst(str) {
return str && str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substring(1);
Use String's replace() method with a regular expression literal and a replacement function.
For example:
'uno-due-tre'.replace(/-./g, (m) => m[1].toUpperCase()) // --> 'unoDueTre'
'uno-due-tre' is the (input) string that you want to convert to camel case.
/-./g (the first argument passed to replace()) is a regular expression literal.
The '-.' (between the slashes) is a pattern. It matches a single '-' character followed by any single character. So for the string 'uno-due-tre', the pattern '-.' matches '-d' and '-t' .
The 'g' (after the closing slash) is a flag. It stands for "global" and tells replace() to perform a global search and replace, ie, to replace all matches, not just the first one.
(m) => m[1].toUpperCase() (the second argument passed to replace()) is the replacement function. It's called once for each match. Each matched substring is replaced by the string this function returns. m (the first argument of this function) represents the matched substring. This function returns the second character of m uppercased. So when m is '-d', this function returns 'D'.
'unoDueTre' is the new (output) string returned by replace(). The input string is left unchanged.
This doesn't scream out for a RegExp to me. Personally I try to avoid regular expressions when simple string and array methods will suffice:
let upFirst = word =>
word[0].toUpperCase() + word.toLowerCase().slice(1)
let camelize = text => {
let words = text.split(/[-_]/g) // ok one simple regexp.
return words[0].toLowerCase() + words.slice(1).map(upFirst)
camelize('marker-image') // markerImage
Here is my implementation (just to make hands dirty)
* kebab-case to UpperCamelCase
* #param {String} string
* #return {String}
function toUpperCamelCase(string) {
return string
.map(it => it.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + it.substring(1))
// Turn the dash separated variable name into camelCase.
str = str.replace(/\b-([a-z])/g, (_, char) => char.toUpperCase());
Here is another option that combines a couple answers here and makes it method on a string:
if (typeof String.prototype.toCamel !== 'function') {
String.prototype.toCamel = function(){
return this.replace(/[-_]([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); })
Used like this:
'quick_brown'.toCamel(); // quickBrown
'quick-brown'.toCamel(); // quickBrown
You can use camelcase from NPM.
npm install --save camelcase
const camelCase = require('camelcase');
camelCase('marker-image'); // => 'markerImage';
camelCase('my-example-setting'); // => 'myExampleSetting';
Another take.
Used when...
var string = "hyphen-delimited-to-camel-case"
var string = "snake_case_to_camel_case"
function toCamelCase( string ){
return string.toLowerCase().replace(/(_|-)([a-z])/g, toUpperCase );
function toUpperCase( string ){
return string[1].toUpperCase();
Output: hyphenDelimitedToCamelCase
is also possible use indexOf with recursion for that task.
input some-foo_sd_dsd-weqe
output someFooSdDsdWeqe
comparison ::: measure execution time for two different scripts:
$ node camelCased.js
test1: 2.986ms
test2: 0.231ms
function camelCased (str) {
function check(symb){
let idxOf = str.indexOf(symb);
if (idxOf === -1) {
return str;
let letter = str[idxOf+1].toUpperCase();
str = str.replace(str.substring(idxOf+1,idxOf+2), '');
str = str.split(symb).join(idxOf !== -1 ? letter : '');
return camelCased(str);
return check('_') && check('-');
console.log(camelCased ('some-foo_sd_dsd-weqe'));
function camelCased (myString){
return myString.replace(/(-|\_)([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); });
console.log(camelCased ('some-foo_sd_dsd-weqe'));
Just a version with flag, for loop and without Regex:
function camelCase(dash) {
var camel = false;
var str = dash;
var camelString = '';
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
if(str.charAt(i) === '-'){
camel = true;
} else if(camel) {
camelString += str.charAt(i).toUpperCase();
camel = false;
} else {
camelString += str.charAt(i);
return camelString;
Use this if you allow numbers in your string.
Obviously the parts that begin with a number will not be capitalized, but this might be useful in some situations.
function fromHyphenToCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-([a-z0-9])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase())
function fromHyphenToCamelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/-([a-z0-9])/g, (g) => g[1].toUpperCase())
const str1 = "category-123";
const str2 = "111-222";
const str3 = "a1a-b2b";
const str4 = "aaa-2bb";
console.log(`${str1} => ${fromHyphenToCamelCase(str1)}`);
console.log(`${str2} => ${fromHyphenToCamelCase(str2)}`);
console.log(`${str3} => ${fromHyphenToCamelCase(str3)}`);
console.log(`${str4} => ${fromHyphenToCamelCase(str4)}`);
You can also use string and array methods; I used trim to avoid any spaces.
const properCamel = (str) =>{
const lowerTrim = str.trim().toLowerCase();
const array = lowerTrim.split('-');
const firstWord = array.shift();
const caps =>{
return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
return caps.join('');
This simple solution takes into account these edge cases.
Single word
Single letter
No hyphen
More than 1 hyphen
const toCamelCase = (text) => text.replace(/(.)([^-|$]*)[-]*/g, (_,letter,word) => `${letter.toUpperCase()}${word.toLowerCase()}`)

