How to change image height with one provided by the user (prompt) - javascript

Second part of the code (starting with var newHeight) does not work - what is wrong?
/* var getDim = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
var a = getDim[0].height;
var target = document.getElementById("target");
target.innerHTML = "<p>This image has" + " " + a + " " + "pixels.</p>"; */
var newHeight = prompt("Provide new height"); // 2nd part
var image = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
var theOne = image[0];
if (isNaN(newHeight) === false) { === newHeight;
else {
alert("Provide a proper value!")

You have to change this line: = newHeight;
instead === newHeight;
The second one is an expression, not an assignment.


extract a number from a property value

I am trying to create an animation, when a button is pressed, the div have to move to left 300 px by changing the left-margin,and stop.
I get the left margin value, but when I try to extract 300 px from it, it says that the var moveto is not a number, and current_left_margin`s value is 0px, how can I get this value to be a number, without the px?
here is my full code:
function get_vars() {
elem = document.getElementById('front-slide');
window.onload = get_vars;
function vb_anim() {
var interval = setInterval(anim, 10);
var elemstyle = window.getComputedStyle(elem);
var elemvidth = elemstyle.width;
var current_left_margin = elemstyle.getPropertyValue('margin-left');
var moveto = current_left_margin - 300;
console.log('current_left_margin= ' + current_left_margin );
console.log('moveto= ' + moveto );
var pos = 0;
function anim() {
if (pos == moveto) {
} else {
pos--; = pos + 'px';
This should do:
var current_left_margin = parseInt(elemstyle.getPropertyValue('margin-left'));
If not, then:
var current_left_margin = parseInt(elemstyle.getPropertyValue('margin-left').replace('px', ''));

jQuery: change class after conditional is met

I created this site where you have multiple sliders moving vertically using this example on stackoverflow > here < along with this fiddle.
The site when loaded has an overflow: hidden on the body and position fixed on my main content div(div class="content-fs row"). The idea is that when you first arrive on the page, you scroll through each slide and once you hit the last one, the position changes on the main content div(div class="content-fs row") from fixed to static and the overflow: hidden is removed from the body. I'm having trouble writing the conditional statement that says "if its the last slider, change the position." The jquery below is the code i'm using for the site along with the conditional statement that doesn't work.
Any pointers/advice would be greatly appreciated!
function scrollLax(){
var scrollDown = false;
var scrollUp = false;
var scroll = 0;
var $view = $('#portfolio');
var t = 0;
var h = $view.height() - 250;
$view.find('.portfolio-sliders').each(function() {
var $moving = $(this);
// position the next moving correctly
if($moving.hasClass('from-bottom')) {
$moving.css('top', h); // subtract t so that a portion of the other slider is showing
// make sure moving is visible
$moving.css('z-index', 10);
var $moving = $view.find('.portfolio-sliders:first-child');
$moving.css('z-index', 10);
event handlers
var mousew = function(e) {
var d = 0;
if(!e) e = event;
if (e.wheelDelta) {
d = -e.wheelDelta/3;
} else if (e.detail) {
d = e.detail/120;
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', mousew, false);
window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = mousew;
parallax loop display loop
window.setInterval(function() {
else if(scrollUp)
}, 50);
function parallaxScroll(scroll) {
// current moving object
var ml = $moving.position().left;
var mt = $moving.position().top;
var mw = $moving.width();
var mh = $moving.height();
// calc velocity
var fromBottom = false;
var vLeft = 0;
var vTop = 0;
if($moving.hasClass('from-bottom')) {
vTop = -scroll;
fromBottom = true;
// calc new position
var newLeft = ml + vLeft;
var newTop = mt + vTop;
// check bounds
var finished = false;
if(fromBottom && (newTop < t || newTop > h)) {
finished = true;
newTop = (scroll > 0 ? t : t + h);
// set new position
$moving.css('left', newLeft);
$moving.css('top', newTop);
// if finished change moving object
if(finished) {
// get the next moving
if(scroll > 0) {
$moving = $'.portfolio-sliders');
if($moving.length == 0)
$moving = $view.find('.portfolio-sliders:last');
//this is where I am trying to add the if conditional statement.
if ('.portfolio-sliders:last')
$('.content-fs.row').css({'position': 'static'});
if('.portfolio-sliders:last' && (mt == 0))
$('html, body').removeClass('overflow');
} else {
$moving = $moving.prev('.portfolio-sliders');
if($moving.length == 0)
$moving = $view.find('.portfolio-sliders:first-child');
//reverse the logic and if last slide change position
$('.content-fs.row').css({'position': 'fixed'});
// for debug
//$('#direction').text(scroll + "/" + t + " " + ml + "/" + mt + " " + finished + " " + $moving.text());
Your code as it is simply asks whether .portfolio-sliders:last exists. Seems you should be doing:
if ($moving == $('.portfolio-sliders:last') )
or something along those lines, instead checking whether the active slide is the last.

how to delete a blank frame in javascript?

I have this function that creates a "frame" or something like a frame and i want to delete it.
Here is the code for the create:
function disableIframe()
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
d = document.createElement('iframe');
var width = iframe.offsetWidth; = width + 'px';
var height = iframe.offsetHeight ; = height + 'px';
var top = iframe.offsetTop; = top + 'px';
var left = iframe.offsetLeft - 140; = left + 'px'; = 'absolute';
// d.onclick="event.cancelBubble = true;" = '100'; = 'alpha(opacity=0)';"block"; = 'black'; = '100'; = 'd';
d.tagName = 'd';
I tried to delete the frame with this function:
but it didn't work.
how i can find it and delete it?
It's suppose to block a web-frame until the time is over so that no one can click on the frame. So it creates a frame over the web-frame and I have a function to delete this frame because after sometime I need to be able click again on the original frame.
try this( A.removeChild(B).A is parent node of B, B is the node to delete)
var node = document.getElementById("d");
if (node.parentNode) {
try this
var ele = document.getElementById("d");
ele.outerHTML = "";
delete ele;
var ele = document.getElementById('d');

Slideshow - make a jQuery Plugin from working code fails

I've created a little slideshow with images out of a folder with jQuery and with help from stackoverflow and other snippets.
Images are named 1.jpg, 2.jpg ... 1-b.jpg, 2-b.jpg...The special thing is, that every image-change 3 images are loaded. The first time the images in the HTML (3 images too) are replaced.
2 of the 3 new images are blurred, to have a fade from current to - blurred current - into blurred next - next. Works fine and looks really great.
Now I want to make a real jQuery plugin out of that, because I want to change the startup (image Nr.) and imageLast (here go back to startup) on every site. Well I don't know if there are problems with the logic of the original code to make a plugin. My trials failed. Please have a look.
Original working code:
// slideshow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(function() {
var pauseTime = 7000;
function slideShow(index) {
var imagePath = "slider-team";
var startup = 1;
var startindex = index+startup-1;
var index1 = startindex+1;
var lastImage = 6;
var fadeTime = 700;
var fadeTime2 = 500;
var fadeTime3 = 1000;
var theImage1 = new Image();
var theImage2 = new Image();
var theImage3 = new Image();
var url = imagePath + "/" + startindex + ".jpg";
var urlb = imagePath + "/" + startindex + "-b.jpg";
var url2b = imagePath + "/" + index1 + "-b.jpg";
$(theImage1, theImage2, theImage3).load(function () {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime, function() {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime2, function() {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime3, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
slideShow((index % (lastImage-startup)) + 1)
}, pauseTime);
theImage1.src = url;
theImage2.src = urlb;
if(startup+index === lastImage) {
theImage3.src = "slider/" + startup + "-b.jpg";
} else {
theImage3.src = url2b;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Img 1 is already showing, so we call 2
setTimeout(function() { slideShow(2); }, pauseTime);
Trial to make a plugin:
// slideshow ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(function($) {
$.blurSlider = function(index, settings){
var config = {
if(settings){$.extend(config, settings);}
var pauseTime = 7000;
//function slideShow(index) {
var imagePath = "slider-opt";
//var startup = 1;
var startindex = index+startup-1;
var index1 = startindex+1;
//var lastImage = 17;
var fadeTime = 700;
var fadeTime2 = 500;
var fadeTime3 = 1000;
var theImage1 = new Image();
var theImage2 = new Image();
var theImage3 = new Image();
var url = imagePath + "/" + startindex + ".jpg";
var urlb = imagePath + "/" + startindex + "-b.jpg";
var url2b = imagePath + "/" + index1 + "-b.jpg";
$(theImage1, theImage2, theImage3).load(function () {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime, function() {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime2, function() {
$("#slider img:last").fadeOut(fadeTime3, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
slideShow((index % (config.lastImage-config.startup)) + 1)
}, pauseTime);
theImage1.src = url;
theImage2.src = urlb;
if(config.startup+index === config.lastImage) {
theImage3.src = "slider/" + config.startup + "-b.jpg";
} else {
theImage3.src = url2b;
// }
return this;
$(document).ready(function() {
// Img 1 is already showing, so we call 2
setTimeout(function() { $.blurSlider(2); }, pauseTime);
I don't know if in plugins you need to set up the selector. Here I don't, because the selector didn't change. The call of document.ready inside the plugin is the other thing that might cause problems.

variable in nth-child() jquery / javascript

i have the following code:
var max_count = $(".slider").children().length;
function fn_get_natural_dim(slide_image,img){
var width = img.width;
var height = img.height;
var ratiow = width/600;
var ratioh = height/400;
height = height/ratiow;
var margin = (400-height)/2;
width = width/ratioh;
var margin = (600-width)/2;
for(var count=1;count<=max_count;count++)
var count_string = count.toString();
var img_name = "img" + count_string;
var slide_image = $('.slider > li:nth-child(" + count + ")');
var img = new Image();
img.onload = (function(slide_image,img){
return function() {fn_get_natural_dim(slide_image,img);};
img.src = $(slide_image).attr("src");
i want the variable slide_image to select the nth list, where n should be the same as the variable count.
i added the + signs (although i dont know why i have to) and made the quote symbols different, and yet it still doesnt work
You should do it like this:
$('.slider > li:nth-child(' + count + ')');
The problem is that you're not closing the strings/segments surrounding the variable, so:
'.slider > li:nth-child(" + count + ")'
Is just a long string, a selector which makes no sense; that's why it matches nothing, you have to actually separate the sections by ending the static parts with the same kind of quote...

