Is it possible to use JQuery includes with Angular Includes? - javascript

I am working on an application that utilizes both Jquery and AngularJS includes, however Angular does not seem to execute after Jquery has included a file that has AngularJS markup. Jquery is including the "top_nav.html" template and inside this template there lives a angluar ng-include calling cart.html". I need to figure out how to get the angular code to execute after being included by jQuery.
<div id="topNav"></div>
//outside the document ready statment
<div ng-controller="shoppingCart"

The jquery load does an ajax request. When the ajax is resolved, the angular have already been bootstrapped (assuming you use ng-app directive), so the html chunk that have been dynamically loaded was not bootstrapped by angular.
So, I guess that on the callback of the jquery load, you need to manually bootstrap angular passing <div id="topNav"></div> as the context. Something like this:
var topNav = $( "#topNav" );
topNav.load( "includes/top_nav.html", function() {
angular.bootstrap(topNav.find("> div")[0], ['topNavAngularModule']);
Note: I'm not sure, sorry, I haven't tested it, but I think it might only work if #topNav is located outside ng-app.


jQuery selectors not working inside AngularJS ng-view directive

If I put this:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Tooltip on top">
Tooltip on top
Inside the index.html file, just between the <body> tags, it works -
I got the tooltip shown as it should be.
But If i put the same thing in a directive of ng-view - like this:
<div ng-view></div>
The button is shown but the tooltip is not get fired.
The ng-view contains another html template file, using the ngRoute module which contains the <button> tag as specified above.
It seems like jQuery cannot select elements that are located inside the AngularJS ng-view directive.
How could this be solved?
jQuery can and does select the button. However, AngularJS's digest loop is likely removing the tooltip content from the DOM. Outside of the element that hosts the AngularJS application, this does not apply (no pun intended). Furthermore tooltips popovers are added asynchronously.
To make AngularJS recognize the change
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'bootstrap';
import angular from 'angular';
run.$inject = ["$scope"];
function run($scope) {
const tooltippedElements = $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]');
tooltippedElements.on('', onShownOrHidden);
tooltippedElements.on('', onShownOrHidden);
function onShownOrHidden() {
if (!$scope.$phase()) {
.module('app', [])
But instead of going through all of thirs trouble, use
angular-ui-bootstrap or something similar.
I have found the answer:
jQuery selectors, like $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); are getting actioned before ng-view is getting actioned.
Therefore tooltip selector is trying to select an element which is not already been loaded to the DOM.
The solution for this problem, is simple:
Include jQuery before AngularJS scripts in the index.html file (at the end of the body tag).
Add ng-if directive to each jQuery script that has selectors (but not to the main jQuery file), like this:
<script src="assets/js/scripts.rtl.js" ng-if="initSrc"></script>
Set $rootScope.initSrc=true after any directive/component is loaded.
All of the jQuery functions will be working properly.

converting Jquery to angular or making Jquery work in angular

I am new to angular and we are converting a set of screens based on jsp to angular. Initially we have written lot of code in Jquery. Converting them to angular is tedious task and thought of trying to see if we can make jquery work with angular. Here is teh code snippet that i am trying to make it work while it in Jquery.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#ClickTask2").click(function() {
Above is the piece of code I have in JQuery and i tried to make it work.
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
$("#ClickTask2").click(function() {
Can anyone tell me how i could make it work with minimal changes to the above one and rest of the jqueries?
You can convert many jquery features over to Angular by simply changing the $() method to angular.element() e.g.
You could convert this to:
However not all function work, and some are renamed e.g.
$("#output").click(function() { console.log('Hi'); });
Would need to be changed to:
angular.element('#output').on('click', function() { console.log('Hi'); });
You can find a full list of the supported functions here:
like said Luis Masuelli on the comments read the basis of Angular. a quick lesson
function TaskCtrl($scope) {
$scope.selectedTask = null;
$scope.tasks = [/* ... */];
$scope.onClickTask = function(task) {
$scope.selectedTask = task;
$scope.isSelected = function (task) {
return task === $scope.seletectedTask;
$scope it is a special variable, it is injected by Angular to controllers and serves to communicate the controller with the view among other things. A controller can be any function and the name does not matter.
main HTML
<ul data-ng-controller="TaskCtrl">
<li data-ng-repeat="task in tasks" data-ng-click="onClickTask(task)">
<div data-ng-show="isSelected(task)">{{task.description}}</div>
data-ng-controller tells to Angular "this is the controller" for this tag and her children. The other directives are pretty explanatory, but the documentation you left it more clearly.
Of course I am assuming that your tasks has the following structure:
title: "...",
description: "..."
in your html you need include the angular.js, the previous js and a directive to tell angular that this is a application
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body data-ng-app>
<!-- main HTML -->
<script src="angular.js"><script/>
<script src="app.js"><script/>
the data- prefix on each directive is not necessary but as angular "extend" HTML and these are not native attributes, I use them to place custom attributes as "ng-repeat", "ng-controller", "ng-app" etc. They are called directives
Remember, with Angular you need not manipulate the DOM directly as is done with jQuery, except for some special exceptions

Can I use a JQuery plugin from within an angularjs directive?

I'm quite new to javascript in general. I've spent the past couple of weeks building a front end with Angular.js.
I have a number of directives I've defined that sit on my page, Angular has been great for this.
Here's what my main page looks like:
<body class="body" ng-controller="OverviewController as overview" font-size:1em>
<sidebar-menu ng-controller="PanelController as panel"></sidebar-menu>
<div id="content" >
<div class="list-group">
<div class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="site in overview.sites" ng-click="">
<div class="item-heading">
<p>Address: {{site.address}}</p>
Click Here
<installationsite-panels ng-controller="PanelController as panel"></installationsite-panels>
Note the javascript function to call a modal box at the bottom, using this tutorial.
I've spent the past few days trying different tutorials to get modals to work in my webapp, but with no success. I think it's down to my lack of understanding of Angular and Javascript in general.
In any case, I've managed to get this tutorial to work using JQuery, and when I click on the link, the modal opens as expected.
However, I don't want to call this modal from here. I want to call it from a directive that's embedded within the <installationsite-panels> directive in the above code, which looks like this (just a single section shown here):
Device Statuses
<div class="device-icon-group">
<div class="device-type1-icons" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showtype1Red"><img src="img/type1red.png" style="width:50%; height:50%;"/></div>
<div class="device-type2-icons" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showType2Red"><img src="img/type2red.png" style="width:50%; height:50%;" /></div>
<div class="service" ng-click="panel.showDevices(3)" ng-show="showService">
<b>{{panel.getServiceDeviceCount()}} device needs servicing</b>
<div ng-show="showServiceList">
The directive <device-list-service> shows a list of items like so:
<div ng-controller="DevicesController as deviceList" font-size:1em >
<div id="device-list-group">
<div id="device-list-group-item" ng-click="" ng-repeat="device in deviceList.devicesService">
<div ng-class="device.status"><img src="{{(device.type == 'type1') ? 'img/type1white.png' : 'img/type2white.png'}}"> </div>
<div class="device-params">
<b>ID: </b> {{}}<br />
<b>Type: </b> {{device.type}}
<div class="device-params">
<b>Location: </b> {{device.location}}<br />
<b>Action: </b> {{device.action}} <br />
I want to show the modal when the user clicks on one of the list-group-item 's, and display some data relating to that item.
The modal works fine from the top level in the main app, but I cannot call it from within any of the directives. How can I do this?
Is it possible, or do I need to scrap my JQuery modal and do it the Angular way, which hasn't worked for me for the past few attempts.
Don't use jquery modals. You can, but you shouldn't.
Instead, I recommend using Angular UI, which has a pretty usable modal implementation:
Second alternative: if you don't like Angular UI, then use AngularJS + Bootstrap, and create your own custom directives
Third alternative: Use jQuery.
If you still want to go with the 3rd alternative, despite my advice against it, then here is how you do it:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.directive('modal', function($http, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
$timeout(function() {
}, 0, false);
<div modal></div>
Some explanation is needed here.
Why is the $timeout service necessary? jQuery plugins often require the DOM to be fully loaded in order to work properly. That is why most jQuery plugins are wrapped inside of a $(document).ready block. In AngularJS there is no concept of DOM ready, and there is no easy way in AngularJS to hook into the event. However, there is a well-known hack, which is to use the $timeout service. In Angular there are three phases:
1. compile - Angular walks the DOM tree looking for directives
2. Link - Angular calls the link function for each directive to setup watch handlers.
3. Render - Angular updates the views
Using $timeout within the Link function queues the $timeout function to be executed until after the current closure is done executing. It just so happens that the Render phase is within the current closure's scope of execution. Hence, the $timeout function will execute after the render phase, when the DOM has been loaded.
Mixing JQuery and Angular in that way is maybe a little messy, but sometimes you do want to use a well-built component. You could try to find a similar modal in Angular - angular-modal - or you could try and build the component into your Angular directive itself - jQuery Plugins in AngularJS

Are'nt we Allowed to write html codes if we use backbone.js?

I am learning backbone.js and I have seen some examples like this one.Here the user has not written much html codes inside the editor.html.Only 4 lines of code.But for colour change,size change etc he has done inside editor.js
Please help me understand what all codes we need to keep inside .html file
<div id="page" style="width:2000px;height:2000px;">
<button id="new-rectangle">New Rectangle</button>
<button id="new-circle">New Circle</button>
You should aim to put all your html in .html file(s). As an app grows, it will help you to keep them separate. The example you link to is a 'simplified' version - this is not how you would structure things in an actual app. You would load html from templates in the render function. A (though this is also simplified as I am relying on script tags) pattern would be:
HTML file:
[...SOME HTML...]
<script type="text/html" id="template-contact">
<div class='contact'>
<h1>Here's my template code</h1>
Then in your Backbone view render function:
render: function() {
template: _template($('#template-contract').html(),
return this;
Then somewhere else in your Backbone code you create a new instance of the view and render it.
var example = new view_name();
example.render(); //This loads the html template
If you need to dynamically load the html from a server, you can use underscore (or whichever template engine you are using) tags in your template '<%>' and use models. This is best explained in Addy Osmani's book Developing Backbone.js Applications which, incredibly, is free. Here's the link to the relevant section
Whatever you wants to display on the browser you can keep it in .html file and logic to update the dom on run time should be in .js file.

template inside html mustache js

I'm using mustache to render portion of html. To do this , I'm using this javascript :
var template = $("#div_name").html();
As the <div id="div_name"></div> still remain inside the html , I use it only to get a template i was wondering : is it convenient to keep templated div html be inside the html or is better to load it e.g. with partials through ajax ?
Thanks in advance.
You can also keep templates inside script elements like so:
<script type="application/mustache" id="div_name">
//Mustache template code here
And fetch the template code from there using $("#div_name").html(). It won't be shown on the page and the script tag is not executed because of the invalid type.

