template inside html mustache js - javascript

I'm using mustache to render portion of html. To do this , I'm using this javascript :
var template = $("#div_name").html();
As the <div id="div_name"></div> still remain inside the html , I use it only to get a template i was wondering : is it convenient to keep templated div html be inside the html or is better to load it e.g. with partials through ajax ?
Thanks in advance.

You can also keep templates inside script elements like so:
<script type="application/mustache" id="div_name">
//Mustache template code here
And fetch the template code from there using $("#div_name").html(). It won't be shown on the page and the script tag is not executed because of the invalid type.


Is it possible to use JQuery includes with Angular Includes?

I am working on an application that utilizes both Jquery and AngularJS includes, however Angular does not seem to execute after Jquery has included a file that has AngularJS markup. Jquery is including the "top_nav.html" template and inside this template there lives a angluar ng-include calling cart.html". I need to figure out how to get the angular code to execute after being included by jQuery.
<div id="topNav"></div>
//outside the document ready statment
<div ng-controller="shoppingCart"
The jquery load does an ajax request. When the ajax is resolved, the angular have already been bootstrapped (assuming you use ng-app directive), so the html chunk that have been dynamically loaded was not bootstrapped by angular.
So, I guess that on the callback of the jquery load, you need to manually bootstrap angular passing <div id="topNav"></div> as the context. Something like this:
var topNav = $( "#topNav" );
topNav.load( "includes/top_nav.html", function() {
angular.bootstrap(topNav.find("> div")[0], ['topNavAngularModule']);
Note: I'm not sure, sorry, I haven't tested it, but I think it might only work if #topNav is located outside ng-app.

ng-include doesn't load template from script

I have an angular template script
script(type="text/ng-template" id="signalthread_template")
.message(style='padding-left: 50px;')
.n(style='margin-top: -3px;')
span.bold Name here
span , Title here
I have this ng-repeat
.message_wrapper.content_inner_content.p10(ng-repeat='message in [{type:"signalthread"}, {type:"jobthread"}, {type:"jobthread"}]' style='min-height:50px;')
p {{message.type}}
.include(ng-include src="'signalthread_template'")
The paragraph prints the correct thread template name. But the ng-include tries to make an http call for the template which does not exist.
Where am I going wrong?
According to the docs (https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngInclude), src expects angular expression evaluating to URL
You can save your template into a separate html file and then use file's name for the src

Open link contents in django template

I have a django application and in one of the templates I have something similar to:
This code is called multiple times - for each memb there is an associated .svg image that can be accessed with this url. Of course at the moment, there is just a link on the word 'image' to a separate page with the .svg.
What I want is to have the .svg's loaded into the template page instead of a link out. What is the easiest/best way to do this?
I am relatively new to Python/Django but I understand the basic concepts as well as HTML/CSS, however, I have zero experience with JavaScript.
EDIT: The .svg's are not stored in the filesystem. There is a separate view (separate to the main one for the template I'm working on here) that goes a bit like this:
def svg_image(request, entry_nr):
svg_string = utils.DrawSVG.get_svg(entry_nr)
return HttpResponse(svg_string)
I then have the url, which is accessed in the HTML template code above:
url(r'^images/(?P<entry_nr>[0-9]+)/$', views.svg_image, name='svg_image')
{% load static %}
<img src="/location/images/{{memb.EntryNr}}" width="200"/>
While rendering the django template you need to pass the content_type
def myview(request):
svg_data = generate_some_svg_data()
return HttpResponse(svg_data, content_type="image/svg+xml")

Are'nt we Allowed to write html codes if we use backbone.js?

I am learning backbone.js and I have seen some examples like this one.Here the user has not written much html codes inside the editor.html.Only 4 lines of code.But for colour change,size change etc he has done inside editor.js
Please help me understand what all codes we need to keep inside .html file
<div id="page" style="width:2000px;height:2000px;">
<button id="new-rectangle">New Rectangle</button>
<button id="new-circle">New Circle</button>
You should aim to put all your html in .html file(s). As an app grows, it will help you to keep them separate. The example you link to is a 'simplified' version - this is not how you would structure things in an actual app. You would load html from templates in the render function. A (though this is also simplified as I am relying on script tags) pattern would be:
HTML file:
[...SOME HTML...]
<script type="text/html" id="template-contact">
<div class='contact'>
<h1>Here's my template code</h1>
Then in your Backbone view render function:
render: function() {
template: _template($('#template-contract').html(),
return this;
Then somewhere else in your Backbone code you create a new instance of the view and render it.
var example = new view_name();
example.render(); //This loads the html template
If you need to dynamically load the html from a server, you can use underscore (or whichever template engine you are using) tags in your template '<%>' and use models. This is best explained in Addy Osmani's book Developing Backbone.js Applications which, incredibly, is free. Here's the link to the relevant section
Whatever you wants to display on the browser you can keep it in .html file and logic to update the dom on run time should be in .js file.

Javascript / Django Design Pattern

I just have a question about how to achieve DRY with javascript that generates html on the fly. I have a list of elements that are loaded dynamically and populated by the django template a la
{{ tag.title }}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
<a name="del-tag" data-id="{{ tag.id }}" class = "tag-x" title="Remove Tag" href="#">x</a>
{% endif %}
Now, I have some javascript that also loads new tags via ajax. Here's the relevant portion:
var newTag = "<span class = \"tag\">" + tagName + "<a name=\"del-tag\" data-id=\"" + tag_id + "\"" +
"class = \"tag-x\" title=\"Remove Tag\" href=\"#\">x</a></span>";
Can I avoid duplicating HTML in the javascript?
jQuery Template could be used for this.
jquery(I'm assuming that's jquery that you are using) has a clone feature that can clone DOM elements. Given that you should be able to clone one of the html elements that already exist and change the value of the attributes, and then append it back to the DOM. I have not done this myself but it should work in theory.
Yes, you can do this. Have all tags generation functionality in a separate template. Then have some url which generates tags. Like this:
this produces:
Then, when doing the AJAX call in your code do something like this:
On the Django/template side you'd want to find a way how to include the result returned by the URL into the page template body. I'm not exactly sure what tools Django template engine provides, but on the first view it looks like you could put this code into some view method and extend this view everywhere you need it, providing the template variable as following render(..., tags=self.generate_tags(args)), in template it would be just {{ tags }}.
Both /tags/?tags=... and regular page /page/calls could re-use the generate_tags() method then.
Hope it helps

