Create base class for controller to extend/inherit in Ember application - javascript

I'm trying to create a Base Class for my controllers, so I can avoid duplication of code.
The problem here is that it is throwing me errors whenever I try to use it.
"Assertion Failed: You attempted to define a {{link-to "inventory"}} but did not pass the parameters required for generating its dynamic segments. Could not find module controllers/base-inventory imported from frontend/controllers/inventory"
To create my base controller I am using ember cli and this is what I did:
ember g controller base-inventory
// base-inventory.js
const BaseInventory = Ember.Controller.extend({
//my code...
export default BaseInventory;
In the controller where I want to use this base class I did the following
import BaseInventory from 'controllers/base-inventory';
// also tried import { BaseInventory } from 'controllers/base-inventory';
// and export default new BaseInventory({});
export default BaseInventory.extend({
//more code here...
Any thoughts of what I am doing wrong?
I didn't plan to use mixins, because it doesn't seem the best option here at first. I am not really sure about the sharing content, which mixins provide. I don't think it would be a problem since I'm trying to inherit within controllers, but as I said I'm not sure about how it really works.
If it's not possible to do the way I'm trying to, I'll write a mixin.

Both files are in the same folder structure so import path should be like ./base-inventory
import BaseInventory from './base-inventory';


How to Import All method of Custom Js file

I just start learning Angular and Now I want to convert a template into Angular
and for this, I need to import template's custom js
After a little search, I do not find any solution related to importing "ALL" function of custom js file into my .component.ts file at once
I already tried to use
declare const with my specific js method name
declare const myTest: any;
I just want to import all method of custom.js file at once
"Answering" b/c my rep isn't high enough to add a comment to ask, but are you getting specific errors with an import statement?
import * as myTest from 'path/to/custom/file';
const myTest = require('path/to/custom/file');

Cleanest way to import/require a Vue.js directive?

I'm trying to organize my plugins into custom Vue Directives that could be a simple as:
Vue.directive('popout', {
bind() {
And save these in separate files, to be imported in either the main JS file or the Vue(ify) components with something like:
I've tried a number of export default setups, but I can't seem to get it to work. What would be the cleanest (i.e. best-practice) way to do this?
I got the solution,below is the code
import Vue from 'vue';
export const global= {
bind(el, binding, vnode) {
console.log('you code');
this code goes in lets say directive/global.js file.
Then in you app.js or entry point file use this
import { global } from './directive/global.js';
Vue.directive('global', global);
first line will import the directive as we are using same name to only used global, second line to make you directive global. Hope it help.

Javascript JSX, illegal import declaration

I have a jsx file using React components with Reflux. There is only one tiny action:
var ClickedAction = Reflux.createActions([
How can I move this action to another file? According to the JSX documentation, it should be easy to include other files:
// import all classes that do not start with "_" from "a.jsx"
import "a.jsx";
I tried to move it in actions/clickedAction.jsx (or .js) and import it using import "actions/clickedActions.jsx" but I keep getting Illegal import declaration. How can I achieve this?
I am not using RequireJS and would like to avoid it if possible. One alternative solution I have found is to include this in the HTML file,
<script type='text/javascript' src='xxxxx/actions/clickedAction.js")'></script>
, but this is not ideal and would like to find another way. Thanks for your attention and help.
If you use Babel:
export default ClickedAction; // in action file
Otherwise, use old modules:
module.exports = ClickedAction; // in action file
require('actions/clickedActions.jsx'); // in another file

Ember: Access ember data 'store' object from utility class

I have a utility class for validating usernames in my ember application and have it setup as specified in the ember-cli docs. I do client-side username validation in several places in my application (components and controllers) so I wanted to pull the validation logic out into a reusable method.
The file is at /app/utils/username-validator.js and I can successfully include the file in my app by importing it like so: import usernameValidator from 'my-app/utils/username-validator';
This works great so far and I've used the pattern for several utility classes. The problem I'm running into now is that I'd like the username-validator method to include a check to see if the username already exists.
As I am using Ember-Data I'd like to check the Ember-Data store. By default, the store appears to only be accessible in controllers and routes. How can I make it accessible in my utility class? All the injection examples I've seen deal with injecting the store into other first class Ember objects like components.
Is it possible to inject the store into a simple utility class as well?
Thank you!
I am using the following versions:
Ember-cli v0.2.6
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: -------------------------------
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember : 1.12.0
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.18
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: jQuery : 1.11.3
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: Ember Simple Auth : 0.8.0-beta.2
ember.debug.js:4888 DEBUG: -------------------------------
===== Updated with detailed solution based on answer from torazaburo ======
Creating a service works great. Here is how I did it using ember-cli (v0.2.6) and ember v1.12.0
Create your service inside of /app/services/<service-name>.js
The service blueprint will look like this (note the name of the service is based on the name of the file):
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.Service.extend({
myFunction: function(){
Create an initializer for your service in /app/initializers/<service-name>.js which is used to inject your service into the different top level Ember objects (such as routes, controllers, components etc). Note that the file name of the initializer should match the file name of your service.
The blueprint for the initializer will look like this:
export function initialize (container, app) {
// Your code here
export default {
name: '<service-name>',
initialize: initialize
To give a concrete example, lets say your service is called validator and contains a bunch of validation routines. You want to inject the validator into all controllers, and you also want to inject the Ember Data store into the validator itself. You can do it like this:
export function initialize (container, app) {
// Inject the Ember Data Store into our validator service
app.inject('service:validator', 'store', 'store:main');
// Inject the validator into all controllers and routes
app.inject('controller', 'validator', 'service:validator');
app.inject('route', 'validator', 'service:validator');
export default {
name: 'validator',
initialize: initialize
Make your utility into a "service", into which you can inject the store. Actually, it sounds like your utility should be a service anyway, even if it doesn't need the store. By making it a service, for instance, it becomes much easier to stub it out when writing tests. With a service, you need neither import anything nor do any global injections in initializers, you can simply say
export default Ember.Component.extend({
myService: Ember.inject.service(), // inject services/my-service.js
foo: function() {

Why does generated ember cli helper export function and helper?

By default a helper generated by ember-cli looks like this:
import Ember from 'ember';
export function boundLoc(input) {
return input;
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(boundLoc);
I have two questions to better my understanding of this code.
1) Why is there two exports? Does the first export allow the helper to be imported and used by other JavaScript files, whereas the second export is what actually registers it as a Handlebars helper?
2) Secondly, if the code looked like:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function boundLoc(input) {
return input;
would this export it as a Handlebars template helper but not make the boundLoc() method accessible to other JavaScript files that imported this helper?
1) Yes, there are two exports so that the helper can be used as a function from within other JavaScript after it is imported and as a handlebars helper.
In other JavaScript:
import {
} from 'app/helpers/boundLoc';
and in a template:
{{boundloc input}}
2) Yes, the behavior you described is accurate. That would only export a boundHelper and not the function for consumption elsewhere. You can always try a POC.
Note, however, that you may have trouble with generated tests if you try to only export the boundHelper. See this answer for more details.

