Issue with jQuery deferred - javascript

I'm facing an issue with deferred usage where 2 nested function that should wait for each other actually run in the wrong order silently.
I cant' figure out where I mix return promise.
So here is what I try to achieve. In a mobile Cordova app, when user enter the Game view, I got a function that download question in WebSql, and I want then to retrieve one question, and then my slider function load the content.
So I nested the getQuestion function in the .done() event.
router.addRoute('game', function () {
'use strict';
//Reload Question List when User enter the Game view.
//Now we got question, initialize the Game View
function (data) {
slider.slidePage(new GameView(data).render().$el);
Here is how I use the $.Deferred() in both function. First I declare my $.Deferred() and at the end of the function I return the promise.
But my getQuestion() in code below does not wait for the initialize() function to end before start.
Where did I mixed up my promise return?
var getQuestions = function(param) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
param = param;
type: 'POST',
url: 'myserver',
data: {
region: uRegion
success: function(value, status) {
//do something with value
this.db = window.openDatabase('database details');
this.db.transaction(function(tx) {
}, function(error) {
deferred.reject('Transaction error: ' + error);
}, function() {
//Transaction success
error: function(textStatus, exception) {}
return deferred.promise();

You are not passing the success callback handler. As per current implementation your are invoking getQuestion() immediately.
Use anonymous function, rest its fine
//Reload Question List when User enter the Game view.
//Now we got question, initialize the Game View
function (data) {
slider.slidePage(new GameView(data).render().$el);


How to use promises, or complete an ajax request before the function finishes?

I have the following function to check a users session to see if they're staff or not. Now, I know there are better ways to do this, but I'm trying to make a simple application that's tied with a forum software.
function isStaff(callback) {
url: url
}).done(function(data) {
var session = $.parseJSON(data);
if (session.is_staff === 1) {
} else {
Let's say I'm using this function in, like so, when compiling a "post" (Handlebars).
function compilePost(post) {
var source = $('#feed-item-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var context = {
content: post.text,
date: $.timeago(,
staff: function() {
isStaff(function(response) {
return response;
var html= template(context);
return html;
Problem here, is that the request to check if a user is staff doesn't complete the request until after the function is ran.
I know with Promises is an alternative to async: false, where request is made and the response comes back before the function finishes.
But I have no idea how I can convert this into a promise. I've tried to learn it but I'm stuck at the concept. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks.
First, let's simplify the compilePost function. This function should know how to compile a post in a synchronous manner. Let's change the isStaff fetching to a simple argument.
function compilePost(post, isStaff) {
var source = $('#feed-item-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var context = {
content: post.text,
date: $.timeago(,
staff: isStaff
var html= template(context);
return html;
Now, let's create a new method, with a single purpose - checking if a user is member of the staff:
function checkForStaffMemebership() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
url: url,
success: function (data) {
var session = $.parseJSON(data);
if (session.is_staff === 1) {
} else {
This function wraps your original ajax call to the server with a promise, whenever the $.ajax call gets a response from the server, the promise will resolve with the answer whether the user is a staff member or not.
Now, we can write another function to orchestrate the process:
function compilePostAsync(post) {
return checkForStaffMemebership()
.then(function (isStaff) {
return compilePost(post, isStaff);
compilePostAsync finds out whether the user is a staff member or not. Then, it's compiling the post.
Please notice that compilePostAsync returns a promise, and thus if you used to have something like:
element.innerHTML = compilePost(post);
Now, you should change it to something like:
compilePostAsync(post).then(function (compiledPost) {
element.innerHTML = compiledPost;
Some notes:
This is only an example, it surely misses some things (proper error handling for example)
The isStaff and checkForStaffMemebership (original and new) do not get any argument, I guess you'd figure out how to pass the userId or any other data you might need
Read about promises, it's a useful tool to have, there is a lot of data about it on the web, for example: MDN.
As per the documentation you dont need to wrap the ajax with a promise which already implements promise. Instead chain the response as explained below.
The jqXHR objects returned by $.ajax() as of jQuery 1.5 implement the Promise interface, giving them all the properties, methods, and behavior of a Promise (see Deferred object for more information)
You can do something like below by chaining the response:
function isStaff(url, post) {
return $.ajax({
url: url,
//resp = $.parseJSON(resp); /*You dont require this if you have respose as JSON object. Just Specify it in 'dataType'*/
var source = $('#feed-item-template').html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var context = {
content: post.text,
date: $.timeago(,
staff: resp.is_staff === 1 ? true : false
return template(context);
isStaff(url, post).done(function(template){
/*Your compiled template code is available here*/
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
Note: Be sure to implement error callbacks also. Because you may never know what
went wrong :)
Simple explanation about promise with $.defer:
For understanding i have created the Fiddle similar to your requirement.
Basically Promise is been introduced to attain synchronous execution of asynchronous JS code.
What do you mean by Async or Asynchronous code?
The code that is executed may return a value at any given point of time which is not immediate. Famous example to support this statement would be jquery ajax.
Why is it required?
Promise implementations helps a developer to implement a synchronous code block which depends on asynchronous code block for response,. like in ajax call when i make a request to server asking for a data string, i need to wait till the server responds back to me with a response data string which my synchronous code uses it to manipulate it , do some logic and update the UI.
Follow this link where the author has explained with detailed examples.
PS: Jquery $.defer implements or wraps promise in quite a different way. Both are used for the same purpose.
let basedataset = {}
let ajaxbase = {};
//setting api Urls
function apiinterface() {
ajaxbase.createuser = '/api/createuser'
//setting up payload for post method = profile.getEmail()
basedataset.username = profile.getGivenName()
//setting up url for api
ajaxbase.url = ajaxbase.createuser
ajaxbase.payload = basedataset;
//reusable promise based approach
basepostmethod(ajaxbase).then(function(data) {
console.log('common data', data);
}).catch(function(reason) {
console.log('reason for rejection', reason)
//modular ajax (Post/GET) snippets
function basepostmethod(ajaxbase) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
url: ajaxbase.url,
method: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
data: ajaxbase.payload,
success: function(data) {
error: function(xhr) {
A solution using async await in js would be like this:
async function getMyAjaxCall() {
const someVariableName = await ajaxCallFunction();
function getMyAjaxCall() {
return $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: `someURL`,
headers: {
success: function(response) {
// in case you need something else done.

jQuery Promises not working?

I have 2 csv's that I'm trying to read in, after which I use the data in those two to do stuff:
function getData() {
var deferredObject = $.Deferred(); //representation of some asynchronous work
d3.csv("./parse_shp.csv", function(data) {
shp_array = data;
d3.csv("./fao_coutnry_shp.csv", function(data) {
fao_array = data;
//once both of those are done, resolve the promise
return deferredObject.promise();
function LevenshteinDistance() {
console.log("do stuff with the data");
//call LevenDistance after the promise has been resolved
But that's not working... it'll print the line "do something with the data" before printing the data of the csv's.
What am I doing wrong? I used this link as an example.
I don't understand how connect deferredObject and getData()? Because even if I create the deferred object in the function, won't it just asynchronously do the csv reads anyway and then erroneously call defferedObject.resolve()?
Anyway, I'm new to promises so any help would be greatly appreciated!!
The argument to .then() must be a function. You're calling the function immediately, because you have () after the function name. It should be:

Function Keep Triggering Before JSON Done Processing

Function 1: Get JSON Data & Store
I am creating a script where an array of twitch channels will go through the JSON function loop to be processed and then stored using "localStorage.setItem" as temporary storage. I'm saving them in name,viewer and url.
Function 2: Sort Data
Stored data can later be used to display the information without having to use function 1 again.
The sortdata function keeps on firing before function 1 is complete. Resorting in error because the data is undefined. This error popped before the console displays all the information stored from function 1.
My code:
function getData(){
var streamArray=[];
jQuery.each (channels, function (i, channel) {
channelId =;
channelUrl = channel.url;
var promise = $.ajax({
dataType: "jsonp",
url: twitchApi + channelId,
success: 1,
}).done(function ( data ) {
if ( == null) {
} else {
var displayName =;
var viewerCount =;
streamArray.push({name: displayName, views: viewerCount, url: channelUrl});
localStorage.setItem("storedStreamArray", JSON.stringify(streamArray));
function getStoredObj () {
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('storedStreamArray');
var parsedObject = JSON.parse(retrievedObject);
<sorting codes here>
Some help here really appreciated. :)
You're calling $.when with the result of getData, but getData doesn't return anything, let alone a deferred that when can use. As a result, there's nothing to wait for and your done callback calls getStoredObj immediately.
In getData, you need to collect all the deferreds returned by your ajax calls and pass them back to the caller. That would look like:
function getData(){
return (channels, function (i, channel) {
return $.ajax(...).done(function ( data ) {
// Do work
Each iteration returns its ajax deferred, which are aggregated by map and returned to the caller. Then you can run when on the result and wait for loading to finish before you sort anything.

Javascript esriRequest (dojo) in a function async issue

I am facing the following synchronization issue. I wouldn't be surprised if it has a simple solution/workaround. The BuildMenu() function is called from another block of code and it calls the CreateMenuData() which makes a request to a service which return some data. The problem is that since it is an async call to the service when the data variable is being used it is undefined. I have provided the js log that also shows my point.
BuildMenu: function () {
console.log("before call");
var data=this.CreateMenuData();
console.log("after call");
//Doing more stuff with data that fail.
CreateMenuData: function () {
console.log("func starts");
data = [];
dojo.forEach(config.layerlist, function (collection, colindex) {
var layersRequest = esriRequest({
url: collection.url,
handleAs: "json",
function (response) {
dojo.forEach(response.records, function (value, key) {
}, function (error) {
console.log("func ends");
return data;
Console log writes:
before call
func starts
func ends
after call
FYI: using anything "dojo." is deprecated. Make sure you are pulling all the modules you need in "require".
Ken has pointed you the right direction, go through the link and get familiarized with the asynchronous requests.
However, I'd like to point out that you are not handling only one async request, but potentionally there might be more of them of which you are trying to fill the "data" with. To make sure you handle the results only when all of the requests are finished, you should use "dojo/promise/all".
CreateMenuData: function (callback) {
console.log("func starts");
requests = [];
data = [];
var scope = this;
require(["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/base/array", "dojo/promise/all"], function(lang, array, all){
array.forEach(config.layerlist, function (collection, colindex) {
var promise = esriRequest({
url: collection.url,
handleAs: "json",
// Now use the dojo/promise/all object
// Check for all the responses and add whatever you need to the data object.
// once it's all done, apply the callback. watch the scope!
if (typeof callback == "function")
callback.apply(scope, data);
so now you have that method ready, call it
BuildMenu: function () {
console.log("before call");
var dataCallback = function(data){
// do whatever you need to do with the data or call other function that handles them.

Finding out when both JSON requests have completed

I currently have the following code:
function render(url1, url2, message) {
$.getJSON(url1, function (items) {
// Do something
$.getJSON(url2, function (items) {
// Do something
When the function is executed a modal window appears to inform the user something is loading. Initially I only had one $getJSON request so when the request was done the modal window closed as per the code above.
I am looking to add another $getJSON request but want to close the modal window only when both $getJSON requests have completed.
What is the best way of achieving this?
You're looking for $.when()
All jQuery ajax requests (including shortcuts like getJSON) return deferred objects which can be used to control other actions.
var dfd1 = $.getJSON(url1, function (items) {
// Do something
var dfd1 = $.getJSON(url2, function (items) {
// Do something
$.when(dfd1, dfd2).then(function(){
//both succeeded
//one or more of them failed
If you don't care whether the getJSONs come back successfully or not and instead only care that they are done you can instead:
$.when(dfd1, dfd2).done( utility.messageBoxClose );
A variable
function render(url1, url2, message) {
var isOneDone = false;
$.getJSON(url1, function (items) {
// Do something
isOneDone = true;
$.getJSON(url2, function (items) {
// Do something
isOneDone = true;
You can replace the getJSON() call to one using $.ajax which accomplishes the same thing but gives you more flexibility:
url: http://whatever,
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
data: {data},
success: function(data) {
// do the thing
Note the async:false part - this makes the code execution pause until the request is completed. So you could simply make your two calls this way, and close the dialog after the second call is completed.
function render(url1, url2, message) {
$.when($.getJSON(url1, function (items) {
// Do something
}), $.getJSON(url2, function (items) {
// Do something
})).then(function () {
//Both complete

