Create instance of 'Athlete' who is a 'Person' [duplicate] - javascript

function Plant() { = "Mexico"
this.isOrganic = true;
function Fruit(fName, fColor) { = fName;
this.color = fColor;
Fruit.prototype = new Plant();
var abanana = new Fruit("Banana", "Yellow")
So in my code, I was trying to play around with prototype inheritance. Each time I created a new instance of Fruit (var aFruit = new Fruit ()), the new instance’s prototype is assigned the prototype from the Fruit constructor, which is Fruit.prototype.
So why is abanana.constructor
[function: Fruit]
[function: Plant]?
I thought this was what the constructor method does:
Moreover, all objects that inherit from another object also inherit a constructor property. And this constructor property is simply a property (like any variable) that holds or points to the constructor of the object.

Two problems with that code:
Using new Plant() to create the Fruit.prototype is a sadly-common anti-pattern; instead, use Object.create and call Plant from within Fruit. It doesn't matter a lot in your specific code, but it would matter if you wanted to derive something from Fruit, or if you wanted to make country an argument to Plant.
You need to set constructor on Fruit.prototype if you want it to point to Fruit.
function Plant() { = "Mexico"
this.isOrganic = true;
function Fruit(fName, fColor) {; // ** = fName;
this.color = fColor;
Fruit.prototype = Object.create(Plant.prototype); // **
Fruit.prototype.constructor = Fruit; // **
Of course, as of ES2015, we have class syntax, which you can use today with a transpiler (or if you only need to support current versions of Chrome and Firefox):
class Plant {
constructor() { = "Mexico";
this.isOrganic = true;
class Fruit extends Plant {
constructor(fName, fColor) {
super(); = fName;
this.color = fColor;
I thought this was what the constructor method does:
Moreover, all objects that inherit from another object also inherit a constructor property. And this constructor property is simply a property (like any variable) that holds or points to the constructor of the object.
constructor isn't a method, it's a property that refers to the function that the prototype object is related to. JavaScript itself doesn't use constructor for anything at all, but does define that for all functions that have a prototype property, when the function is first created, the object that prototype property points to will have a constructor property pointing back at the function. But since you replace the value of prototype with a reference to a different object, you have to update the constructor property so it points back to the correct function again (if you want to be thorough, which is for the best — even though JavaScript doesn't use it, it doesn't mean that libraries don't use it).
On really old browsers, you may have to shim Object.create. It can't be completely shimmed, but it can be sufficient for the above:
if (!Object.create) {
Object.create = function(p, props) {
if (typeof props !== "undefined") {
throw new Error("The second argument of Object.create cannot be shimmed.");
function ctor() { }
ctor.prototype = p;
return new ctor;


Should we declare methods inside or outside the constructor in a class definition in JavaScript?

I am confused should I declare methods inside or outside the constructor method in a class definition?
How does it help to declare to methods inside the constructor function in a class definition?
What is the disadvantage of declaring methods outside the constructor function?
class animal {
constructor(name, type, color){ = name;
this.type = type;
this.color = color;
this.sound = () => {console.log(,this.type,this.color)}
class animal {
constructor(name, type, color){ = name;
this.type = type;
this.color = color;
sound = () => {console.log(,this.type,this.color)}
Creating objects in either way, results in the similar objects. What am I missing?
The definition of functions inside the constructor was mostly used to store and access private variables in calls like this:
function MyClass() {
let privateVar = { something: "usefull" };
this.getPrivateVar = function getPrivateVar() { return privateVar; };
new MyClass().getPrivateVar(); // { something: "usefull" }
Just because calls produce a similar result, doesn't mean that they have an equal behavior. They can act completly differently depending on how they get called or how they where defined.
This counts especially for arrow functions as they don't have a this binding. They access the closest this providing environment, when defined.
class MyClass {}
MyClass.prototype.arrow = () => this;
console.log(new MyClass().arrow() == globalThis); // true
The answers from How does JavaScript .prototype work? explain pretty well how prototype is working and for classes every property and function defined inside it, will be stored on constructor.prototype, with some exceptions like the static and #private properties.
Private properties are only available and accessible inside the class and not in an inherited or an extended class and can't be accessed by a classic prototype.
class MyClass {
#private = "example";
doSomethingWithMyPrivate() { return this.#private }
MyClass.prototype.getThePrivate = function() { return this.#private };
new MyClass().doSomethingWithMyPrivate(); // example
// Both produce the same SyntaxError:
// Private field '#private' must be declared in an enclosing class
new MyClass().#private;
new MyClass().getThePrivate();
Static properties will be placed on the constructor directly.
class MyClass {
static doSomething() { console.log("Okay!") }
MyClass.doSomething(); // Okay!
new MyClass().doSomething(); // TypeError: doSomething is not a function
Every instance of a class will access the prototype references or the inheriting objects prototype until any object has a match with the property-name, if not it returns undefined or throw a more specific error depending on the situation.
From this answer:
Javascript has a mechanism when looking up properties on Objects which is called 'prototypal inheritance', here is what is basically does:
First is checked if the property is located on the Object itself. If so this property is returned.
If the property is not located on the object itself it will 'climb up the protochain'. It basically looks at the object referred to by the proto property. There it checks if the property is available on the object referred to by proto
If the property isn't located on the proto object it will climb up the proto chain all the way up to Object object.
If it cannot find the property nowhere on the object and its prototype chain it will return undefined.
So if you define the functions inside the constructor, each instance gets a new function assigned (they won't have the same reference). Which means, depending on the class (new animal).sound == (new animal).sound, the statement will return true (your 2nd example) or false (your 1st example) and the prototypal inheritance will take place or not.
// the old way
function Foo() {
if (this instanceof Foo) {
this.fx = () => {};
} else throw new TypeError(`Constructor Foo cannot be invoked without 'new'`);
Foo.prototype.pfx = function() {};
console.log((new Foo).fx, (new Foo).fx == (new Foo).fx); // arrow ƒ, false
console.log((new Foo).pfx, (new Foo).pfx == (new Foo).pfx); // ƒ, true
// the class way
class Bar {
constructor() { // similar too "ƒ Foo() {}" with the addition of super ƒ
this.fx = () => {};
// this is almost like Bar.prototype.pfx = ...
pfx() {}
// works like before
Bar.prototype.moo = function moo() {};
console.log((new Bar).fx, (new Bar).fx == (new Bar).fx); // arrow ƒ, false
console.log((new Bar).pfx, (new Bar).pfx == (new Bar).pfx); // ƒ, true
console.log((new Bar).moo, (new Bar).moo == (new Bar).moo); // ƒ, true
If you define properties as mentioned in your example #1, you can "override" other methods and this may cause trouble with private properties as mentioned above.
class Foo {
constructor() {
// just for the example
this.fx = Foo.prototype.fx;
fx() { console.log("I am broken"); };
class Bar extends Foo {
fx() { console.log("I fix something"); }
class Moo extends Bar {
constructor() {
delete this.fx;
* If instance has no own property called fx the default
* behavior will take place:
* Test the construtor.prototype if it has one and execute this.
* If not, look at the inheriting classes in descending order
* (Moo > Bar > Foo > Object)
* But bar.fx() => has an own property called fx which takes place
let bar = new Bar();
bar.fx(); // I am broken
// none of the inheriting classes has a toJSON ƒ,
// so Object.prototype.toJSON will be called.
console.log(bar.toJSON == Object.prototype.toJSON) // true
// the Moo constructor deletes the own property after the Foo constructor was evaluated, so Bar.prototype.fx takes place
new Moo().fx() // I fix something

javaScript - multiple inheritance in ES6,

I'm trying to inherit class "EventEmitter" and a pre defined class "Person", here is the code
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
introduces() {
return `My name is ${}. I am ${this.age} years old.`;
\\here comes the mixin part
function mix(...mixins) {
class Mix {}
for (let mixin of mixins) {
copyProperties(Mix, mixin);
copyProperties(Mix.prototype, mixin.prototype);
return Mix;
function copyProperties(target, source) {
for (let key of Reflect.ownKeys(source)) {
if (key !== "constructor" && key !== "prototype" && key !== "name") {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key);
Object.defineProperty(target, key, desc);
I intend to create a new class 'PersonWithEmitter', and still call the constructor like below:
class PersonWithEmitter extends mix(Person,EventEmitter){
\\do something else
Here comes the issue, when I create a new instance of 'PersonWithEmitter' like this let someOne = new PersonWithEmitter("Tom",21), will not get what I what, In the new class, I want to use and this.age, which is still undefined.
So how can I change my code, So the new class can both have its parent's methods and only class "Person"'s constructor?
Pardon me for my broken English.
In many cases multiple inheritance in JavaScript indicates wrong design decision. It may result in hacky objects that don't behave as they should. The way it is done should always be determined by particular objects. In some cases a shallow copy of own properties is needed, in another the entire prototype chain should be traversed. Composition over inheritance is often a better choice.
The problem in the code above is that class constructors are not called. Mix has empty constructor. This is the reason why PersonWithEmitter doesn't work as expected.
Multiple constructor function calls can generally be stacked like:
function Foo(...args) {
let _this = this;
_this = Bar.apply(_this, args);
_this = Baz.apply(_this, args);
return _this;
This won't work if Bar or Baz is ES6 class because it contains a mechanism that prevents it from being called without new. In this case they should be instantiated:
function Foo(...args) {
copyProperties(this, new Bar(...args));
copyProperties(this, new Baz(...args));
Static and prototype properties may also be copied to Foo like is shown in code above.
If the case is narrowed down to Node.js EventEmitter, it can be handled like a special case. Its implementation is certain and stable. It is already known that EventEmitter does initialization in constructor, it has a shallow prototype chain and property descriptors. So it likely should be:
class Foo extends Bar {
constructor(...args) {
// or
copyProperties(Foo.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype);

reusable javascript objects, prototypes and scope

function TheFunctionICanUseRightAwaySingleForAllInstansesAndWithoutInstanse() {
function() {
The Long-named function must be callable from MyGlobalObject, which in turn must be available as a global (to window) variable in all times after script was loaded. It should support extensibility in accordance with latest standards.
I'm at architectural dilemma of how to built JS base for an application (almost 100% JS).
We need an object i.e. window.MyObject (like a module, like jQuery) so
It can be created with
var MyGlobalObjConstructor = function(){
this.GlobalFunctionInObject = function(){
alert('called with MyGlobalObj.GlobalFunctionInObject()');
window.MyGlobalObj = new MyGlobalObjConstructor();
Is MyGlobalObj extensible? Can I create child objects, which will inherit current state of MyGlobalObj (extended functions/properties MyGlobalObj.NewFunc e.g.)? What is the main difference between using prototype (VAR3)?
By GlobaldFunction I mean single instance for all initialized/instantiated (possibly instantializable) instances..
Or with
var MyGlobalObj = {
GlobalFunctionInObject: function...
GlobalFunctionInObject2: function...
// here I lose all hierarchy elements, no prototype,
// can I use GlobalFunctionInObject2 in GlobalFunctionInObject?
Or with
var MyGlobalConstuctor = function(){} // already 'well-formed' object
MyGlobalConstuctor.prototype.GlobalFunctionInObject = function...
var MyGlobalObj = new MyGlobalConstuctor();
// so I'm sceptical to NEW, because I have ALREADY wrote my functions
// which I expect to be in memory, single instance of each of them,
// so creating MyObject2,3,4 with NEW MyGC() makes no sense to me.
// DO I REALLY HAVE TO USE "MyGlobalConstuctor.prototype." FOR EACH FUNCTION?!!!!
What's the difference defining MyGlobalObj as a function and as an object (result of func or VAR2)?
I see in Chrome Debugger both prototype and __proto__ special fields. I've read that that's OK, but why are they not saved in a single prototype?
So, what is the correct/optimal way to implement window.MyObject, so one could MyObject.MyFunction(); What are the differences (pro/contra) of variants 1 2 and 3?
Variation 1 - Mixin
function SomeType() {
var priv = "I'm private";
this.publ = "I'm public";
this.action = function() {
return priv + this.publ;
var obj = new SomeType();
With this method you are creating a new object every time you call new SomeType(), creating all its methods and adding all this method to the new object. Every time you create an object.
It looks like classical inheritance so it's easy to understand to Java-C#-C++-etc people.
It can have private variables per instance since you have one function closure per each object you create
It allows multiple inheritance, also known as Twitter-mixins or functional mixins
obj instanceof SomeType will return true
It consumes more memory as more objects you create because with each object you are creating a new closure and creating each of it's methods again.
Private properties are private, not protected, subtypes can't access them
No easy way to know if a object has some Type as superclass.
function SubType() {;
this.newMethod = function() {
// can't access priv
return this.publ;
var child = new SubType();
child instanceof SomeType will return false there is no other way to know if child has SomeType methods than look if it has them one by one.
Variation 2 - Object literal with prototyping
var obj = {
publ: "I'm public",
_convention: "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!",
someMethod: function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
In this case you are creating a single object. If you are going to need only one instance of this type it can be the best solution.
It's quick and easy to understand.
No privacy, every property is public.
You can inherit a object prototyping it.
var child = Object.create(obj);
child.otherMethod = function() {
return this._convention + this.publ;
If you are on a old browser you will need to garantee Object.create works:
if (!Object.create) {
Object.create = function(obj) {
function tmp() { }
tmp.prototype = obj;
return new tmp;
To know if a object is a prototype of another you can use
obj.isPrototypeOf(child); // true
Variation 3 - Constructor pattern
UPDATE: This is the pattern ES6 classes are sugar syntax of. If you use ES6 classes you are following this pattern under the hood.
class SomeType {
constructor() {
// REALLY important to declare every non-function property here
this.publ = "I'm public";
this._convention = "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!";
someMethod() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
class SubType extends SomeType {
constructor() {
super(/* parent constructor parameters here */);
this.otherValue = 'Hi';
otherMethod() {
return this._convention + this.publ + this.otherValue;
function SomeType() {
// REALLY important to declare every non-function property here
this.publ = "I'm public";
this._convention = "I'm public too, but please don't touch me!";
SomeType.prototype.someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
var obj = new SomeType();
You can re-assign the prototype insteadd of adding each method if you are not inheriting and remember to re-assign the constructor property:
SomeType.prototype = {
constructor: SomeType,
someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
Or use _.extend or $.extend if you have underscore or jquery in your page
_.extend(SomeType.prototype, {
someMethod = function() {
return this.publ + this._convention;
The new keyword under the hood simply does this:
function doNew(Constructor) {
var instance = Object.create(Constructor.prototype);
return instance;
var obj = doNew(SomeType);
What you have is a function than has no methods; it just has a prototype property with a list of functions, the new operator means to create a new object and use this function's prototype (Object.create) and constructor property as initializer.
Prototype chain will allow you to know if a object inherits from some type
Two-step inheritance
function SubType() {
// Step 1, exactly as Variation 1
// This inherits the non-function properties;
this.otherValue = 'Hi';
// Step 2, this inherits the methods
SubType.prototype = Object.create(SomeType.prototype);
SubType.prototype.otherMethod = function() {
return this._convention + this.publ + this.otherValue;
var child = new SubType();
You may think it looks like a super-set of Variation 2... and you'll be right. It's like variation 2 but with a initializer function (the constructor);
child instanceof SubType and child instanceof SomeType will return both true
Curiosity: Under the hood instanceof operator does is
function isInstanceOf(obj, Type) {
return Type.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj);
Variation 4 - Overwrite __proto__
When you do Object.create(obj) under the hood it does
function fakeCreate(obj) {
var child = {};
child.__proto__ = obj;
return child;
var child = fakeCreate(obj);
The __proto__ property modifies directly the object's hidden [Prototype] property. As this can break JavaScript behaviour, it's not standard. And the standard way is preferred (Object.create).
Quick and performant
Dangerous; you can't have a hashmap since the __proto__ key can change the object's prototype
var child = { __proto__: obj };
obj.isPrototypeOf(child); // true
Comment questions
1. var1: what happens in Is 'call' special function?
Oh, yes, functions are objects so they have methods, I will mention three: .call(), .apply() and .bind()
When you use .call() on a function, you can pass one extra argument, the context, the value of this inside the function, for example:
var obj = {
test: function(arg1, arg2) {
// These two ways to invoke the function are equivalent
obj.test('hi', 'lol');
// If we call fn('hi', 'lol') it will receive "window" as "this" so we have to use call.
var fn = obj.test;, 'hi', 'lol');
So when we do we are passing the object this to function SomeCall, as you remember this function will add methods to object this.
2. var3: With your "REALLY define properties" do you mean if I use them in functions? Is it a convention? Because getting this.newProperty without it being defined at the same level with other member functions is not a problem.
I mean any property your object will have that is not a function must be defined on the constructor, not on the prototype, otherwise you will face one of the more confusing JS problems. You can see it here, but it's outside of the focus of this question.
3. Var3: what happens if I don't re-assign constructor?
Actually you might not see the difference and this is what makes it a dangerous bug. Every function's prototype object has a constructor property so you can access the constructor from an instance.
function A() { }
// When you create a function automatically, JS does this:
// A.prototype = { constructor: A };
A.prototype.someMethod = function() {
console.log(this.constructor === A); // true
return new this.constructor();
A.staticMethod = function() { };
It's not a best practice because not everybody knows about it, but sometimes it helps. But if you reassign the prototype...
A.prototype = {
someMethod = function() {
console.log(this.constructor === A); // false
console.log(this.constructor === Object); // true
return new this.constructor();
A.prototype is a new object, a instance of Object than prototypes Object.prototype and Object.prototype.constructor is Object. Confusing, right? :P
So if you overwrite the prototype and don't reset the "constructor" property, it will refer to Object instead of A, and if you try to use the "constructor" property to access some static method you may get crazy.
I usually settle with returning an object with functions as properties:
var newCat = function (name) {
return {name: name, purr: function () {alert(name + ' purrs')}};
var myCat = newCat('Felix');; // 'Felix'
myCat.purr(); // alert fires
You can have inheritance by calling the newCat function and extend the object you get:
var newLion = function (name) {
var lion = newCat(name);
lion.roar = function () {
alert(name + ' roar loudly');
return lion;
If you want a global cats object:
var cats = (function () {
var newCat = function (name) {
return {
name: name,
purr: function () {
alert(name + ' is purring')
return {
newCat: newCat
Now you can call:
var mySecondCat = cats.newCat('Alice');

is it possible to assign a prototype on an existing object in javascript?

if i have:
function Base (){
this.sayHi = function(){
function Thing (val){
this.value = val;
var bob = new Thing("bob");
Is there some way I can now say that bob inherits from Base so that I could call:
Basically have all the methods and properties of the Base class available on that instance?
A more relevant example with solution based on CMS's post:
Here Items could represent data returned by the server..
var Items = [
{ sku: 123, type:'buggy', title:'This is a title', description: 'this is a description' },
{ sku: 234, type: 'baby-monitor', title: 'This is a title 2', description: 'this is a description 2' }
function ItemMethods() {
this.BannerHTML = function () {
return '<div class="banner _item_' + this.type + '_' + this.sku + '"><h2>' +
this.title + '</h2><p>' +
this.description + '</p></div>';
Items.GetBySKU = function (code) {
for (var i = 0; i < Items.length; i++) {
if (Items[i].sku == code) {
return Items[i];
$.each(Items, function (i, item) {
Any further comments or solutions gladly accepted.. always interested in potential solutions to a problem ;-)
No. There is no way to assign a different [[prototype]] of an existing object, at least according the the specification. The [[prototype]] is the object resulting from the evaluation (aka "contained in") of the constructors prototype property at time of new object creation and cannot be reassigned later. (I wish it could be officially changed, but alas it is an unsupported operation and can generally be emulated via different methods.)
Some browsers/environments may choose to expose post-creation [[prototype]] assignment with non-standard approaches. The [[prototype]] object(s) can be modified (e.g. adding to String.prototype), or singleton functions can be added to the target object (see CMS's answer), or existing objects can be wrapped (essentially a dynamic "subclass") -- depending upon requirements and restrictions.
Also, there are no "classes" in Javascript: while "classical single-inheritance objected oriented classes" can be implemented in Javascript, I find it limiting to restrict oneself to the model or use such terminology in general. A language wants to be what it is.
Happy coding.
In javascript you can create a subclass of an other by setting the subclass' prototype to an instance of the base class:
function BaseClass() {
this.baseFunction = function() {
function SubClass() {
SubClass.prototype = new BaseClass;
SubClass.prototype.someFunction = function() {
// create an instance of SubClass
var obj = new SubClass;
// SubClass truly extends BaseClass
obj instanceof BaseClass // true
obj instanceof SubClass // true
// the instance has both methods of BaseClass and SubClass
typeof obj.someFunction // Function
typeof obj.baseFunction // Function
This is the equivalent of class SubClass extends BaseClass in java.
If you also modify the prototypes after that.
If you add functions and properties to the prototype of the object's constructor, the functions and properties will be available on all the instances.
Here is an example:
function Thing (val){
this.value = val;
var bob = new Thing("bob");
console.log(; // undefined = function() {
console.log(; // function(); // foo!
Now if you want to extend all Thing instances with Base, you can do it like this:
var base = new Base;
for (var k in base) {
Thing.prototype[k] = base[k];
Or if you want to make Thing instances extend Base: (i.e. don't override methods that are already in Thing)
var base = new Base;
for (var k in base) {
if (Thing.prototype[k]) continue;
Thing.prototype[k] = base[k];
If you only want to extend a unique object instance, just assign to it:
var bob = new Thing("bob");
var base = new Base();
bob.sayHi = base.sayHi;
You can also call a function in the context of an object, without even assign the function to the object:
var base = new Base();;
Note that the properties that you create within the constructor, have nothing to do with the constructor's prototype, they are own properties of the object you create using new Base();, they are not inherited. However, I think what you want to do it to apply the Base constructor function on the newly created object of Thing:
function Base (){
this.sayHi = function(){
function Thing (val){
Base.apply(this, arguments);
this.value = val;
var bob = new Thing("bob");
Note that bob will not inherit from Base (it won't have access to properties added to Base.prototype)
bob instanceof Base; // false
bob instanceof Thing; // true
1) You can add Base's constructor definition directly to the bob instance;
bob.sayHi(); //hi
2) Or you can augment Thing.prototype with Base's constructor definition. The bob instance can access its prototype's new properties even if it was created before they were added
var bob = new Thing("bob");;
bob.sayHi(); //hi

Javascript inheritance: call super-constructor or use prototype chain?

Quite recently I read about JavaScript call usage in MDC
one linke of the example shown below, I still don't understand.
Why are they using inheritance here like this
Prod_dept.prototype = new Product();
is this necessary? Because there is a call to the super-constructor in
anyway, like this
is this just out of common behaviour? When is it better to use call for the super-constructor or use the prototype chain?
function Product(name, value){ = name;
if(value >= 1000)
this.value = 999;
this.value = value;
function Prod_dept(name, value, dept){
this.dept = dept;, name, value);
Prod_dept.prototype = new Product();
// since 5 is less than 1000, value is set
cheese = new Prod_dept("feta", 5, "food");
// since 5000 is above 1000, value will be 999
car = new Prod_dept("honda", 5000, "auto");
Thanks for making things clearer
The answer to the real question is that you need to do both:
Setting the prototype to an instance of the parent initializes the prototype chain (inheritance), this is done only once (since the prototype object is shared).
Calling the parent's constructor initializes the object itself, this is done with every instantiation (you can pass different parameters each time you construct it).
Therefore, you should not call the parent's constructor when setting up inheritance. Only when instantiating an object that inherits from another.
Chris Morgan's answer is almost complete, missing a small detail (constructor property). Let me suggest a method to setup inheritance.
function extend(base, sub) {
// Avoid instantiating the base class just to setup inheritance
// Also, do a recursive merge of two prototypes, so we don't overwrite
// the existing prototype, but still maintain the inheritance chain
// Thanks to #ccnokes
var origProto = sub.prototype;
sub.prototype = Object.create(base.prototype);
for (var key in origProto) {
sub.prototype[key] = origProto[key];
// The constructor property was set wrong, let's fix it
Object.defineProperty(sub.prototype, 'constructor', {
enumerable: false,
value: sub
// Let's try this
function Animal(name) { = name;
Animal.prototype = {
sayMyName: function() {
console.log(this.getWordsToSay() + " " +;
getWordsToSay: function() {
// Abstract
function Dog(name) {
// Call the parent's constructor, name);
Dog.prototype = {
getWordsToSay: function(){
return "Ruff Ruff";
// Setup the prototype chain the right way
extend(Animal, Dog);
// Here is where the Dog (and Animal) constructors are called
var dog = new Dog("Lassie");
dog.sayMyName(); // Outputs Ruff Ruff Lassie
console.log(dog instanceof Animal); // true
console.log(dog.constructor); // Dog
See my blog post for even further syntactic sugar when creating classes.
Technique copied from Ext-JS and and a comment from
The ideal way to do it is to not do Prod_dept.prototype = new Product();, because this calls the Product constructor. So the ideal way is to clone it except for the constructor, something like this:
function Product(...) {
var tmp = function(){};
tmp.prototype = Product.prototype;
function Prod_dept(...) {, ...);
Prod_dept.prototype = new tmp();
Prod_dept.prototype.constructor = Prod_dept;
Then the super constructor is called at construction time, which is what you want, because then you can pass the parameters, too.
If you look at things like the Google Closure Library you'll see that's how they do it.
If you have done Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript, you will know that you can create a class as follows:
Person = function(id, name, age){ = id; = name;
this.age = age;
alert('A new person has been accepted');
So far our class person only has two properties and we are going to give it some methods. A clean way of doing this is
to use its 'prototype' object.
Starting from JavaScript 1.1, the prototype object was introduced in JavaScript. This is a built in object that
simplifies the process of adding custom properties and methods to all instances of an object.
Let's add 2 methods to our class using its 'prototype' object as follows:
Person.prototype = {
/** wake person up */
wake_up: function() {
alert('I am awake');
/** retrieve person's age */
get_age: function() {
return this.age;
Now we have defined our class Person. What if we wanted to define another class called Manager which inherits some properties from Person. There is no point redefining all this properties again when we define our Manager class, we can just set it to inherit from the class Person.
JavaScript doesn't have built in inheritance but we can use a technique to implement inheritance as follows:
Inheritance_Manager = {};//We create an inheritance manager class (the name is arbitrary)
Now let's give our inheritance class a method called extend which takes the baseClass and subClassas arguments.
Within the extend method, we will create an inner class called inheritance function inheritance() { }. The reason why we are using this inner
class is to avoid confusion between the baseClass and subClass prototypes.
Next we make the prototype of our inheritance class point to the baseClass prototype as with the following code:
inheritance.prototype = baseClass. prototype;
Then we copy the inheritance prototype into the subClass prototype as follows: subClass.prototype = new inheritance();
The next thing is to specify the constructor for our subClass as follows: subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
Once finished with our subClass prototyping, we can specify the next two lines of code to set some base class pointers.
subClass.baseConstructor = baseClass;
subClass.superClass = baseClass.prototype;
Here is the full code for our extend function:
Inheritance_Manager.extend = function(subClass, baseClass) {
function inheritance() { }
inheritance.prototype = baseClass.prototype;
subClass.prototype = new inheritance();
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.baseConstructor = baseClass;
subClass.superClass = baseClass.prototype;
Now that we have implemented our inheritance, we can start using it to extend our classes. In this case we are going to
extend our Person class into a Manager class as follows:
We define the Manager class
Manager = function(id, name, age, salary) {, id, name, age);
this.salary = salary;
alert('A manager has been registered.');
we make it inherit form Person
Inheritance_Manager.extend(Manager, Person);
If you noticed, we have just called the extend method of our Inheritance_Manager class and passed the subClass Manager in our case and then the baseClass Person. Note that the order is very important here. If you swap them, the inheritance
will not work as you intended if at all.
Also note that you will need to specify this inheritance before you can actually define our subClass.
Now let us define our subClass:
We can add more methods as the one below. Our Manager class will always have the methods and properties defined in the Person class because it inherits from it.
Manager.prototype.lead = function(){
alert('I am a good leader');
Now to test it let us create two objects, one from the class Person and one from the inherited class Manager:
var p = new Person(1, 'Joe Tester', 26);
var pm = new Manager(1, 'Joe Tester', 26, '20.000');
Feel free to get full code and more comments at:

