Visual Editor Not Working 4.7 - javascript
My WordPress visual editor is not working. I tried all of the solutions on the Google but nothing changed.
Visual editor is not disabled for me (Checked it from profile page and enabled/disabled for times)
CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS to false not working.
WP_DEBUG to true not working.
Tried with different users not working.
Disabled all plugins not working.
Tried with different browser/computer not working.
No error output on JS Console
Tried with plain permalink, not working.
I’m really getting crazy with it. I’m using latest WP version and 2017 theme. Any other solutions?
Edit: I checked the Network Tab on the Developer Console, tinymce.min.js file doesn't exist there. It's not loading. Loaded JS Files:
Had the same problem with no solution so far, but:
when not only deactivating but also deinstalling TineMCE Advanced, everything is working as desired.
Already opened an issue on their wordpress-Plugin page.
Thank you for your answers, I found my problem. My wp-tinymce.php file has 777 permission btw server was blocking this file.
My solution was making its permission to 644..
Same problem here with a fresh install of version 1.4.7.
No problem with my updated websites !
Solution to fix the issue:
Copy /wp-admin/ and /wp-includes/ folders from an automatic uptdated WordPress website.
Replace all these file into your broken website.
If someone want these files, I created a link here.
Facebook Comment Box Disappears in Accordian
I have two examples of Facebook comment box failing to load when an accordian is collapsed and reloaded. One HTML/JavaScript basic and the other in a Wordpress site via Visual Composer - this problem also occurs in numerous other accordions HTML Example - Wordpress Via Visual Composer I have contacted Facebook Support and Visual Composer support and neither can help out. here are the replies From VC Hi Martin, The issue is not with the iframe, but the js that facebook comments use to render. It is not able to re-initialize itself when it is displayed as hidden and hence the issue occur. You can see that when you add nay iframe, it works fine without any issue. It is the js from the comments which is restricting it. As mentioned previously, it will require some custom js code to re-initialize this loading when the closed (hidden) accordion is opened. Kindly check. From Facebook Hi Martin,The issue here is the way the library is working. If you debug the code you'll see the plugin does not disappear, the issue is that the library is changing the width of the iframe that contains the plugin to 0 and you cannot see the comments plugin. In order to avoid this situation you will have to manually change the width value again and you'll see the comment plugin is still there. I'm going to close this bug as "By design" as this is not an issue in our side. I'm not a javascript programmer, so am really at a loss here. Can anyone chip in with some advice here? Thanks Martin
CSS and JS load as copies of HTML in website built with gulp and angular.js
I'm making a website using gulp and angular. When I load the page in the browser, my developer tools, sources tab shows my css resources to be copies of my html. This only started happening after I tried to make a custom directive using angular. I took the custom directive out and tried to change everything back but it is still loading both my css and js as just the html code from the page. Does anyone have any idea what might cause this? My google and stackoverflow searches have turned up nothing.
After restarting Chrome and restarting my computer twice everything magically started working again. So I never knew what exactly went wrong but the principles of always try "on/off" before anything else seems to apply.
Chrome User Agent not displaying script - CSS fix?
I installed a WP theme recently and am having trouble getting a Facebook conversion box to display when I visit my site through Chrome. This problem doesn't exist on Firefox. The response I get on Chrome is no visible pop-up box, but upon inspecting the element, I do see the code for the box in my header.php with a line from the Chrome User Agent saying: script { display: none; Is there a CSS solution to override the User Agent and get the script to display? Again, I have no problems with the theme on Firefox. Here's a link to my site. Thanks in advance!
I think I found the source of your problem. It's a browser extension. Your conversion box appears on my personal laptop. However, it doesn't on my work laptop. That lead me to believe that it was a conflict with the script & a browser extension. So I opened your site in an incognito window. Voila! it worked. The next step was figuring out which extension was blocking it. For me, it is LastPass (my work requires the use of LastPass). If you have LastPass enabled as an extension, disable it. Then test again. It'd also be a good idea to get these console errors figured out: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; (index):476 carouFredSel: No element found for "#foo1". jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1.js?ver=3.8.3:4232 Uncaught ReferenceError: paginateVal is not defined cgview.js?ver=3.8.3:28 Solutions Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about people's individual extensions. If this is an absolutely critical feature for you, I'd look at finding a different implementation of it. One that does not conflict with common extensions (that's the easy option). The other option (harder) is to look into the code of the plugin/script that you're using for the conversion box and identify the conflict. Last option (hardest) is to look at LastPass extension source code and identify the bug that is preventing other scripts from running. I've had issues with LastPass interfering with javascript in the past.
Wordpress 3.8 jQuery
I have a blog using Wordpress version 3.8 ( If I visit my site as a user it is working well. But if I visit my site after logging in as an admin than then hot post area JQuery effects such as rendering the post title and post avatar are not working. I opened the console and got what you see below. May be JQuery is not working? "undefined"!=typeof jQuery?("undefined"==typeof jQuery.fn.hoverIntent&&!function(a){a.fn.hoverIntent=function(b,c,d){var e={interval:100,sensitivity:7,timeout:0};e="object"==typeof b?a.extend(e,b):a.isFunction(c)?a.extend(e,{over:b,out:c,selector:d}):a.extend(e,{over:b,out:b,selector:c});var f,g,h,i,j=function(a){f=a.pageX,g=a.pageY},k=function(b,c){return c.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(c.hoverIntent_t),Math.abs(h-f)+Math.abs(i-g)<e.sensitivity?(a(c).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),c.hoverIntent_s=1,e.over.apply(c,[b])):(h=f,i=g,c.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(b,c)},e.interval),void 0)},l=function(a,b){return b.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(b.hoverIntent_t),b.hoverIntent_s=0,e.out.apply(b,[a])},m=function(b){var c=jQuery.extend({},b),d=this;d.hoverIntent_t&&(d.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(d.hoverIntent_t)),"mouseenter"==b.type?(h=c.pageX,i=c.pageY,a(d).on("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1!=d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(c,d)},e.interval))):(a(d).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1==d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){l(c,d)},e.timeout)))};return this.on({"mouseenter.hoverIntent":m,"mouseleave.hoverIntent":m},e.selector)}}(jQuery),jQuery(document).ready(function(a){var b,c,d,e=a("#wpadminbar"),f=!1;b=function(b,c){var d=a(c),e=d.attr("tabindex");e&&d.attr("tabindex","0").attr("tabindex",e)},c=function(b){e.find("li.menupop").on("click.wp-mobile-hover",function(c){var 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(1.0|1.1|1.5|1.6|2.0|2.1)|Nokia|Opera Mini|w(eb)?OSBrowser|webOS|UCWEB|Windows Phone OS 7|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|MSIE 7/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(document.body.className+=" no-font-face")})}(document,window); When I used it with wordpress 3.6 it worked well. But this the problem appeared after update to version 3.8. Please give proper solution.
just took a casual look at your blog, it has jquery 1.4.2 included in your theme this is probably getting overwritten by "admin bar" javascript/jquery when you are logged in as admin. I am not sure as I never check if adminbar include it's own jquery. But remove jquery from theme and use wordpress enqueue function to include wordpress' default jquery this always ensure that you have one and latest version of jquery always included.
Really we need some more information code, server etc to provide the best help but I would suggest that it is likely once you login a new extension is becoming active. It may be loading Jquery and thus causing some sort of conflict.
When previewing my site–its perfect, but when uploading online–my slider doesn't work.
I am a bit new with Java and HTML/CSS and I was wondering if anyone can help me out with this. I have built my entire portfolio site and when I preview it in Safari and Firefox it looks great. However, when I put it online it shows that the images are still loading and the slider isn't working due to the "loading" icon. I would appreciate it so much if someone can help me with this. I have been up all night looking at the FAQ for the slider I got and can't find out what my deal is... I also tried to use the original versions of the jquery files to see I edited something wrong, but still found no answer. Thanks so much! My site is and it's uploaded and not working if you wish to look at the HTML/CSS coding in-depth
The images is not found: "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -" "NetworkError: 404 Not Found -" etcetera You probably forgot to upload them?
Looks like you're getting some images not loading which could have something to do with it: 'blank.png' and '1.png' aren't loading. Also it looks like there is an issue with the Google Fonts you're trying to use. Open your site in Firefox with Firebug installed and look at the Net tab.