Facebook Comment Box Disappears in Accordian - javascript
I have two examples of Facebook comment box failing to load when an accordian is collapsed and reloaded. One HTML/JavaScript basic and the other in a Wordpress site via Visual Composer - this problem also occurs in numerous other accordions
HTML Example - http://iknowdigital.co.uk/htmlexample/
Wordpress Via Visual Composer http://thesingingmajor.co.uk/test-comment-box-martin/
I have contacted Facebook Support and Visual Composer support and neither can help out.
here are the replies
From VC
Hi Martin, The issue is not with the iframe, but the js that facebook comments use to render. It is not able to re-initialize itself when it is displayed as hidden and hence the issue occur. You can see that when you add nay iframe, it works fine without any issue. It is the js from the comments which is restricting it. As mentioned previously, it will require some custom js code to re-initialize this loading when the closed (hidden) accordion is opened. Kindly check.
From Facebook
Hi Martin,The issue here is the way the library is working. If you debug the code you'll see the plugin does not disappear, the issue is that the library is changing the width of the iframe that contains the plugin to 0 and you cannot see the comments plugin. In order to avoid this situation you will have to manually change the width value again and you'll see the comment plugin is still there. I'm going to close this bug as "By design" as this is not an issue in our side.
I'm not a javascript programmer, so am really at a loss here. Can anyone chip in with some advice here?
Thanks Martin
Adding an attribute to html <video> tag using Javascript or Jquery. - WordPress Case
I have a WordPress installation and I share some links like the following to students watching courses - presentations online. https://emgncv.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/108_I_Interpretation_Case_Study.mp4 The big issue that I am facing here is that I want to find a piece of code (probably Javascript or Jquery) to add "On document ready" so when students load the presentations on their browsers not being able to download the video from the 3-dots menu on the right bottom corner of the media player. Please, view the screenshot attached. For the records, I have noticed this only on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Mozilla does not offer such a download option. What I have already tried is the following: $('video').attr('controlsList', 'nodownload'); FYI, I have placed this code in a section where my WordPress theme provider lets me add some custom JS code. The section works pretty fine. I have already implemented others functions and everything works properly. Do you have any ideas on what I will need to look at to achieve the following by default when my students load their courses on browsers? Thank you so much in advance, George.
When I activate wp/jQuery scrollbar plugin in my website, twitter widget don't show any tweet
I am working on a website. For my design it's necessary to use custom content scrollbar. That's why i used Jquery Custom Content Scroller and also WP Awesome Scrollbar. I also used a twitter widget to show tweets. But the problem is when i use one of the two plugins(Jquery Custom Content Scroller/WP Awesome Scrollbar) twitter widget don't show any content. I didn't find out any solution for this problem. Here is the website link. On the home page right side after about content there is a area for recent tweets. Is there any solution?
It seems that the JavaScript in the Custom Code Slider is conflicting with the twitter widget as it loads and and then disappears. There is no error in the console unforuntaly. I seen there was a 302 and 304 HTTP Reponse from Twitter though which I can't explain why without logging into the twitter account + having all the keys. A work around I suggest is installing JetPack by Automatic if you haven't already done so, and use their WordPress Widget as it is a lot more reliable that the 3rd party ones. This should work. I have looked at your site and you source code and the jetpack version works... further I tested it on a couple of browsers. See the image:
Wordpress 3.8 jQuery
I have a blog using Wordpress version 3.8 (http://tech-article.com). If I visit my site as a user it is working well. But if I visit my site after logging in as an admin than then hot post area JQuery effects such as rendering the post title and post avatar are not working. I opened the console and got what you see below. May be JQuery is not working? 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c=jQuery.extend({},b),d=this;d.hoverIntent_t&&(d.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(d.hoverIntent_t)),"mouseenter"==b.type?(h=c.pageX,i=c.pageY,a(d).on("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1!=d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(c,d)},e.interval))):(a(d).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1==d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){l(c,d)},e.timeout)))};return this.on({"mouseenter.hoverIntent":m,"mouseleave.hoverIntent":m},e.selector)}}(jQuery),jQuery(document).ready(function(a){var b,c,d,e=a("#wpadminbar"),f=!1;b=function(b,c){var d=a(c),e=d.attr("tabindex");e&&d.attr("tabindex","0").attr("tabindex",e)},c=function(b){e.find("li.menupop").on("click.wp-mobile-hover",function(c){var 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sessionStorage)-1!=a.indexOf("wp-autosave-")&&sessionStorage.removeItem(a)}catch(b){}})),b.location.hash&&b.scrollBy(0,-32),navigator.userAgent&&-1===document.body.className.indexOf("no-font-face")&&/Android (1.0|1.1|1.5|1.6|2.0|2.1)|Nokia|Opera Mini|w(eb)?OSBrowser|webOS|UCWEB|Windows Phone OS 7|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|MSIE 7/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(document.body.className+=" no-font-face")})}(document,window); When I used it with wordpress 3.6 it worked well. But this the problem appeared after update to version 3.8. Please give proper solution.
just took a casual look at your blog, it has jquery 1.4.2 included in your theme this is probably getting overwritten by "admin bar" javascript/jquery when you are logged in as admin. I am not sure as I never check if adminbar include it's own jquery. But remove jquery from theme and use wordpress enqueue function to include wordpress' default jquery this always ensure that you have one and latest version of jquery always included.
Really we need some more information code, server etc to provide the best help but I would suggest that it is likely once you login a new extension is becoming active. It may be loading Jquery and thus causing some sort of conflict.
Need help debugging - IE not displaying jquery background slider on website
I've had this problem for over a month and client isn't paying me until it's fixed. The website is: http://www.cardwells.co.nz I'm using WordPress as the CMS with a template and some custom work. The template comes with a slider background inbuilt which works in all browsers except IE. I'm also using http://www.smoothdivscroll.com/clickableLogoParade.html for the scroller at the bottom. Basically I have no clue WHY it's not working in IE - everything seems like it should be working. I've run the site through w3 checker and used that IE specific CSS files - but no dice. Please help.
There was no real solution - really =\ I disabled, removed, reuploaded and reenabled the template. Either a file was a miss or a DB connection error somewhere along the line. So stupid.
CSS and JS fail when upgrade made to Drupal site
I've run into an issue that crops up when I make a change to a Drupal site - www.productworld.com This is how the problem crops up: Make a change to site, e.g. add javascript tracking code or adding a new static webpage. When NOT logged in as admin (viewing the site as a regular visitor), the homepage is now screwed up. It appears that the CSS and JavaScript for the homepage aren't loaded. When logged in as an admin, I see a cached version of the site, looking as it should. I use two separate browsers to confirm the problem - one where I'm logged in as Drupal admin in Chrome, and two where I view the site in Firefox as a non-logged in site visitor. Here's some screenshots of what the site looks like when the problem crops up: http://imgur.com/xs3hF http://imgur.com/wMBVq http://imgur.com/Gksb9 http://imgur.com/eZPTE Note: the company images that you see (iWatt, Roal, Assa Abloy etc) should be in a nodequeue (a jQuery image slideshow), but instead they appear one after the other. The blue box with the gold call to action appears way down the page. This is what leads me to believe that the CSS and JS isn't loading. 3.Clearing the Drupal cache fixes the issue. It's obviously highly undesirable to have a site that gets screwed up everytime a simple change is made to it. If anyone has run into a similar issue, please let me know. Thanks.
When you make changes to the site with caching enabled it will cause problems. This is because it will be using some cached copies of earlier files. I tend to make changes to a development version of the site, then roll them out to the live site and clear the cache.