Loosing value of a checkbox when jconfirm is called - javascript

I have a jconfirm window on which i display some informative text.
I would like to add a checkbox on that jconfirm window, that based on its checked/unchecked value will add value to the target URL( which eventually will be processed with django)
The problem is that after adding the checkbox in the html code displayed on the jconfirm page, i loose the value of the checkbox.
$(".popup-action").click(function(e) {
var target = this.href;
info = "<br/><br/><div> What will happen:<ul class='log payback' style='text-align:left;'><li><input id='credit_checkbox' type='checkbox' />Wanna do this?<br /><input id='hiddenInput' value=''>"; //Probably missed a quote here
jConfirm("{% trans 'Set status to ' %}" + $(this).html() + " ?"+ info, "Confirmation", function (r) {
if ($('#credit_checkbox').is(':checked')){
target = target + "/True";
if (r) {
$.getJSON(target,function(json) {codecode}

If it's not the syntax error as someone else here pointed out, it's because your checkbox is destroyed before you can read its value.
Try attaching an event to that checkbox:
Then you create a hidden input in HTML that will store that value:
<input id="hiddenInput" value="">
And then you can read that value from the #hiddenInput at any time.


Changing input box also need to find check box checked or not in JS

I have input box along with checkbox in table <td> like below,
<input class="Comment" type="text" data-db="comment" data-id="{{uid}}"/>
<input type="checkbox" id="summary" title="Check to set as Summary" />
Based on check box only the content of input box will be stored in DB.
In the JS file, I tried like
var updateComment = function( eventData )
var target = eventData.target;
var dbColumn = $(target).attr('data-db');
var api = $('#api').val();
var newValue = $(target).val();
var rowID = $(target).attr('data-id');
var summary = $('#summary').is(':checked');
params = { "function":"updatecomments", "id": rowID, "summary": summary };
params[dbColumn] = newValue;
jQuery.post( api, params);
But the var summary always returning false.
I tried so many ways prop('checked'),(#summary:checked).val() all are returning false only.
How to solve this problem?
Looks like you have multiple rows of checkboxes + input fields in your table. So doing $('#summary').is(':checked') will return the value of first matching element since id in a DOM should be unique.
So, modify your code like this:
<input class="Comment" type="text" data-db="comment" data-id="{{uid}}"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="summary" title="Check to set as Summary" />
And, instead of $('#summary').is(':checked'); you can write like this:
var summary = $(target).parent().find(".summary").is(':checked');
By doing this, we are making sure that we are checking the value of checkbox with the selected input field only.
Update: For listening on both the conditions i.e. when when checking checkbox first and then typing input box and when first typing input box and then checked:
Register the change event for checkbox:
// Whenever user changes any checkbox
$(".summary").change(function() {
// Trigger the "change" event in sibling input element
You have missed the jQuery function --> $
('#summary') is a string wrapped in Parentheses. $ is an alias for the jQuery function, so $('#summary') is calling jquery with the selector as a parameter.
My experience is that attr() always works.
var chk_summary = false;
var summary = $("#summary").attr('checked');
if ( summary === 'checked') {
chk_summary = true;
and then use value chk_summary
Change all the occurrences of
because event object has a property named target.
And you should have to know change event fires when you leave your target element. So, if checkbox is checked first then put some text in the input text and apply a blur on it, the it will produce true.
Use like this
var summary = $('#summary').prop('checked');
The prop() method gets the property value
For more details, please visit below link.

Always returns a undefined value

I am using jQuery to send Ajax request to the server to save the values being input in the form. Below the section where I am stuck. The HTML is as
<span class="no-margin multiple Date_Off" style="margin-left: 104px;">
<input type="text" value="" /><input type="text" />
<input type="text" value="-" /><input type="text" />
<input type="text" /><input type="text" value="-" />
<input type="text" /><input type="text" /><input type="text" />
<input type="text" />
I have tried using jQuery to send the request. What I want to do is something like this
I want to save the values from the form, to the same Column_Name that the input fields have. In the multiple input fields I am not using input names. Instead I am using a classname which is identical to the Column_Name in the database.
For that, I am using $(this).parent().attr('class');. If I use this in an alert, it gives me the result without error. But if I use it in the code, it gives me undefined.
I want to append each input's value to the string to save it as a single string.
Here is what I tried so far
var input = $('input');
input.change(function () {
// Input click function...
if ($(this).parent().attr('class')
.replace(' multiple ', '')
.replace('no-margins', '') == 'Date_Off') {
// Date Time for the office work!
var value = '';
value = $(this).parent().find('input').each(function (index, ele) {
value += ele.val();
send_request('Date_Off', value);
// Below is the else condition, to execute only when the input is single
// Like a single string input and not like the one in image
// That's why I am using attr('name') for that.
} else {
send_request($(this).attr('name'), $(this).val());
But what it returns is always a undefined in the Query structure. Here is the function for that
function send_request(input_name, value) {
url: '/ajax_requests/save_form',
data: 'input_name=' + input_name + '&form_id=' +
$('input[type=hidden]').val() + '&value=' + value,
error: function () {
'There was an error in request.
Please contact your website Developer to fix it.'
success: function () {
Image for the code execution
The input in focus was 1. Date. And the console shows the Internal Server Error. Because jQuery sent the request with input_name=undefined which is not a Column_Name.
I have created a (Mini) fiddle for that: http://jsfiddle.net/afzaal_ahmad_zeeshan/EHWqB/
Any help here?
For the fiddle that you posted, there were two errors. The first was you were calling ele.val(), but ele in this context is not a jQuery object - so you need to get the value property off of it. The second is that the jQuery each function operates on an array of objects and it's return value is that array of objects. You don't want your value, which should be a string, to be accepting that return value. Here is an updated, working fiddle
input.change(function () {
// Input click function...
var value = '';
$(this).parent().find('input').each(function (index, ele) {
value += ele.value;
send_request('Date_Off', value);
In this line you're trying to get the name of the input
send_request($(this).attr('name'), $(this).val());
I don't see a "name" attribute anywhere in your code, I think what you want is to get the class of the parent instead?
send_request($(this).parent().attr('class'), $(this).val());

HTML5 local storage, validating required text box issue

I have a survey. On button click need it to validate certain fields required/store locally/ go to confirmation page(to prevent user from resubmitting). Only 'FirstName''Hostipal' required atm.
Problem is when all required fields are filled, it fails to go to confirmation.html. If i leave 1 required field open, It doesnt validate and goes to confirmation. If all 'required' syntax is taken out, It doesnt go to confirmation
<label>First Name*:</label> <input required title="Name is required" id="FirstName" name="MainName" type="text"/>
In all cases, It still stores to local storage however. Any input on validating required fields would be appreciated. Hopefully can put it in my clicked() function.
<button type="submit" value="Save" id="Save" >Submit Form</button>
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('#Save').click(function (e) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to submit? You will not be able to go back.')) {
var person = $("#FirstName").val() + "." + $('#LastName').val();
$('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
var value = $(this).val(),
name = $(this).attr('name');
localStorage[person + "." + name] = value;
window.location.href = "Confirmation.html";
console.log('stored key: ' + name + ' stored value: ' + value);
If the above doesn't show my problem, here is the whole: http://jsfiddle.net/smZHe/1/
each helper method in jquery executes the function we pass to it once for each item in the initial array. You are trying to execute below statement multiple times (once for each input, select, textarea).
window.location.href = "Confirmation.html";
You can use a variable instead as flag to mark validation failure. In the end, you can check variable and navigate conditionally.

How to loop over all the selected elements of an HTML page using jquery

I am working on a Quiz Application where I need to get all the selected elements or the user answers . These elements can be radio input, check-box input or the text field. every element is assigned a question_id attribute, answer_id and a mark attribute with it. What I want to do is I have to get these all question_id , answer_id and mark attribute so that I can calculate marks, and send the both question_id and answer_id to DB so that i can store the related user answer under a particular question. i have rendered the quiz on template using this code.
$(".quiz").append("<form name='question' class= question_"+question.id+"><input type='text' disabled value="+question.question_text+"/><br></form>");
$(".question_"+question.id).append("<input type='radio' question_id='+question.id+'answer_id='+answer.id +'name='answer' class=answer_"+answer.id+" mark="+answer.marks+"value="+answer.answer_text+">"+answer.answer_text+"</input>")
else if(question.question_type=='MCQ'){
$(".question_"+question.id).append("<input type='checkbox' question_id='+question.id+'answer_id='+answer.id +' name='answer' class=answer_"+answer.id+">"+answer.answer_text+"</input>")
else if(question.question_type=='FIB'){
$(".question_"+question.id).append("<input type='text' question_id='+question.id+'answer_id='+answer.id +' name='answer' class=answer_"+answer.id+">"+answer.answer_text+"</input>")
tell me how can i get the attributes of the selected elements for submitting the quiz.
I think this will do:
var questions = {};
$(".quiz :selected, .quiz :checked, .quiz input[type=text]").each({
var $this = $(this);
var question = $this.attr('question_id');
questions[question] = {
answer: $this.attr('class'),
its very simple, you just have to use element.attr( attributeName ) function
JQuery documentation
A little JSFIddle to get you going
alert("Radio Mark " + $("#one").attr('mark') + ", Radio Value " + $("#one").attr('value'));
alert("check Mark " + $("#two").attr('mark') + ", check Value " + $("#two").attr('value'));
I have solved this problem by getting all the elements available in the DOM by their name, using getElementsByName('answer') method. It returns me a list then looping over this list i checked if the element is check or not if it is checked i get their attributes.
attributes_list=new Array()
var answers=document.getElementsByName('answer');

Editable textbox in jQuery

I am working on Asp.net MVC4 application.
I have user's information and edit button in case any user wants to edit his/her information.
A user can edit his/her information by double clicking on it also.
Suppose if a username is there then user can edit it by clicking double on it. As soon as he clicks on UserName it is editable with its value in a textbox.
How can i make value editable with textbox?
I tried-
var val=$(this).html();
$(this).append('<input type="text" value=val/>');
But no success.
Try to use contentEditable attribute
$(".double").get(0).contentEditable = "true";
the contenteditable attribute is an enumerated attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true, and false. The empty string and the true keyword map to the true state. The false keyword maps to the false state. In addition, there is a third state, the inherit state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).
Try like this:
Use .replaceWith():
$(document).on('dblclick', '.double' function() {
var val = $(this).text();
$(this).replaceWith('<input type="text" value="' + val + '" class="username" />');
And to revert back to div:
$(document).on('blur', '.username', function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$(this).replaceWith('<div class="double">' + val + '</div>');
var val=$(this).text();
$(this).append('<input type="text" value=\"' + val + '\" />');
You just need to concatenate val properly:
$(this).append('<input type="text" value="'+val+'">');

