Editable textbox in jQuery - javascript

I am working on Asp.net MVC4 application.
I have user's information and edit button in case any user wants to edit his/her information.
A user can edit his/her information by double clicking on it also.
Suppose if a username is there then user can edit it by clicking double on it. As soon as he clicks on UserName it is editable with its value in a textbox.
How can i make value editable with textbox?
I tried-
var val=$(this).html();
$(this).append('<input type="text" value=val/>');
But no success.

Try to use contentEditable attribute
$(".double").get(0).contentEditable = "true";
the contenteditable attribute is an enumerated attribute whose keywords are the empty string, true, and false. The empty string and the true keyword map to the true state. The false keyword maps to the false state. In addition, there is a third state, the inherit state, which is the missing value default (and the invalid value default).

Try like this:
Use .replaceWith():
$(document).on('dblclick', '.double' function() {
var val = $(this).text();
$(this).replaceWith('<input type="text" value="' + val + '" class="username" />');
And to revert back to div:
$(document).on('blur', '.username', function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$(this).replaceWith('<div class="double">' + val + '</div>');

var val=$(this).text();
$(this).append('<input type="text" value=\"' + val + '\" />');

You just need to concatenate val properly:
$(this).append('<input type="text" value="'+val+'">');


Loosing value of a checkbox when jconfirm is called

I have a jconfirm window on which i display some informative text.
I would like to add a checkbox on that jconfirm window, that based on its checked/unchecked value will add value to the target URL( which eventually will be processed with django)
The problem is that after adding the checkbox in the html code displayed on the jconfirm page, i loose the value of the checkbox.
$(".popup-action").click(function(e) {
var target = this.href;
info = "<br/><br/><div> What will happen:<ul class='log payback' style='text-align:left;'><li><input id='credit_checkbox' type='checkbox' />Wanna do this?<br /><input id='hiddenInput' value=''>"; //Probably missed a quote here
jConfirm("{% trans 'Set status to ' %}" + $(this).html() + " ?"+ info, "Confirmation", function (r) {
if ($('#credit_checkbox').is(':checked')){
target = target + "/True";
if (r) {
$.getJSON(target,function(json) {codecode}
If it's not the syntax error as someone else here pointed out, it's because your checkbox is destroyed before you can read its value.
Try attaching an event to that checkbox:
Then you create a hidden input in HTML that will store that value:
<input id="hiddenInput" value="">
And then you can read that value from the #hiddenInput at any time.

How can I retrieve input values from elements added after page load?

I'm working with Zend Framework 1.12 and I've need to be able to dynamically add and delete fields from a sub-form, in this case we're associating hyperlinks to a parent "promotion".
I haven't found a way to accomplish dynamically adding and removing elements via Zend, and the rare tutorial I've found that claimed to do this are half a decade old and aren't working when I attempt them.
So what I am doing is storing the links I need to work with in a Zend Hidden input field and then dealing with the JSON data after I submit. Not very efficient, but it's the only thing I've gotten to work so far.
Below is the section of the code I'm working with:
Assume a form like:
<form action="/promos/edit/promo_id/15" method="POST" id="form_edit">
<!-- input is Zend_Form_Element_Hidden -->
<input type="hidden" id="link_array" value="{ contains the JSON string }"/>
<button id="add_link">Add Link</button>
The purpose is that every time the Add Link button is pressed, the form adds fields to allow the user to input new hyperlinks that will be associated with the specific items.
Here's the function:
// add links
function(e) {
link = '<div class="p_link new_link">' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_name" class="form_label optional">Text: </label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_name" name="link_name"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<label for="link_http" class="form_label optional">http://</label>' +
'<input type="text" id="new_link_http" name="link_http"/>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="element_wrap">' +
'<button class="submit delete_link">Delete</button>' +
'</div>' +
Now, what I need to do is on submit, for every new_link class element, to take the links name and http reference and place it in a json object. Here's the code as I have it so far (I know I don't have both input fields represented at this point):
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).children('#new_link_name').text();
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
My problem is that: var new_links = document.getElementsByClassName('new_link'); will collect all the newly added new_link elements, but it does not pull in any value that has been input into the text fields.
I need to know how I can apparently bind any input I make to the input field's value attribute, because right now anything I type into these new elements are tossed out and the field appears empty when it's anything but.
function(e) {
var link_array = [];
var new_links = $('.new_link');
$.each(new_links, function() {
var n = $(this).find('input').val(); // you need input values! This line //is changed...
link_array.push({'link_name':n}); //'link_http':h
JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/DZuLJ/
EDit: You can't have multiple IDS (make class for each input, and target class, if you want link names and http's)

HTML5 local storage, validating required text box issue

I have a survey. On button click need it to validate certain fields required/store locally/ go to confirmation page(to prevent user from resubmitting). Only 'FirstName''Hostipal' required atm.
Problem is when all required fields are filled, it fails to go to confirmation.html. If i leave 1 required field open, It doesnt validate and goes to confirmation. If all 'required' syntax is taken out, It doesnt go to confirmation
<label>First Name*:</label> <input required title="Name is required" id="FirstName" name="MainName" type="text"/>
In all cases, It still stores to local storage however. Any input on validating required fields would be appreciated. Hopefully can put it in my clicked() function.
<button type="submit" value="Save" id="Save" >Submit Form</button>
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('#Save').click(function (e) {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to submit? You will not be able to go back.')) {
var person = $("#FirstName").val() + "." + $('#LastName').val();
$('input, select, textarea').each(function () {
var value = $(this).val(),
name = $(this).attr('name');
localStorage[person + "." + name] = value;
window.location.href = "Confirmation.html";
console.log('stored key: ' + name + ' stored value: ' + value);
If the above doesn't show my problem, here is the whole: http://jsfiddle.net/smZHe/1/
each helper method in jquery executes the function we pass to it once for each item in the initial array. You are trying to execute below statement multiple times (once for each input, select, textarea).
window.location.href = "Confirmation.html";
You can use a variable instead as flag to mark validation failure. In the end, you can check variable and navigate conditionally.

How can I create dynamic controls and put their data into an object?

I created a div and a button. when the button clicked, there will be a group of element(included 1 select box and 2 text inputs) inserted into the div. User can add as many group as they can, when they finished type in data of all the group they added, he can hit save button, which will take the value from each group one by one into the JSON object array. But I am stuck in the part how to get the value from each group, so please help, thank you.
The code for the div and the add group button function -- AddExtra() are listed below:
<div id="roomextra">
function AddExtra() {
$('#roomextra').append('<div class=extra>' +
'<select id="isInset">' +
'<option value="Inset">Inset</option>' +
'<option value="Offset">OffSet</option>' +
'</select>' +
'Length(m): <input type="text" id="insetLength">' +
'Width(m): <input type="text" id="insetWidth">' +
'Height(m): <input type="text" id="insetHeight">' +
function GetInsetOffSetArray (callBack) {
var roomIFSDetail = [{
"IsInset": '' ,
"Length": '' ,
"Width": '' ,
"Height": ''
//should get all the value from each group element and write into the array.
This should just about do it. However, if you're dynamically creating these groups, you'll need to use something other than id. You may want to add a class to them or a data-* attribute. I used a class, in this case. Add those classes to your controls so we know which is which.
var roomIFSDetail = [];
var obj;
// grab all of the divs (groups) and look for my controls in them
// create object out of select and inputs values
// the 'this' in the selector is the context. It basically says to use the object
// from the .each loop to search in.
obj = {
IsInset: $('.isInset', this).find(':selected').val() ,
Length: $('.insetLength', this).val() ,
Width: $('.insetWidth', this).val() ,
Height: $('.insetHeight', this).val()
// add object to array of objects
you'd better not to use id attribute to identity the select and input, name attribute instead. for example
$('#roomextra').append('<div class=extra>' +
'<select name="isInset">' +
'<option value="Inset">Inset</option>' +
'<option value="Offset">OffSet</option>' +
'</select>' +
'Length(m): <input type="text" name="insetLength">' +
'Width(m): <input type="text" name="insetWidth">' +
'Height(m): <input type="text" name="insetHeight">' +
and then, usr foreach to iterate
$(".extra").each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var isInset = $this.find("select[name='isInset']").val();
var insetLength = $this.find("input[name='insetLength']").val();
// ... and go on
A common problem. A couple things:
You can't use IDs in the section you're going to be repeating, because IDs in the DOM are supposed to be unique.
I prefer to use markup where I'm writing a lot of it, and modify it in code rather than generate it there.
<div id=form>
... non-repeating elements go here...
<div id=roomextra>
<div class=extra>
<select name=isInset>
Length(m): <input id=insetLength>
Width(m): <input id=insetWidth>
Height(m): <input id=insetHeight>
(function() {
// Get the template
var container = $('#roomextra');
var T = $('div.extra', container);
$('#addGroup').click(function() {
$('#submit').click(function() {
var d = {};
// Fill d with data from the rest of the form
d.groups = $.map($('div.extra', container), function(tag) {
var g = {};
$.each(['isInset', 'insetLength', 'insetWidth', 'insetHeight'], function(i, name) {
g[name] = $('[name=' + name + ']', tag).val();
return g;
// Inspect the data to ensure it's what you wanted
So the template that keeps repeating is written in plain old HTML rather than a bunch of JS strings appended to each other. Using name attributes instead of ids keeps with the way these elements typically work without violating any DOM constraints.
You might notice I didn't quote my attributes, took the value attributes out of the options, and took the type attributes out of the inputs, to keep the code a bit DRYer. HTML5 specs don't require quoting your attributes, the option tag's value is whatever the text is if you don't specify a value attribute explicitly, and input tags default to type=text if none is specified, all of which adds up to a quicker read and slimmer HTML.
Use $(".extra").each(function() {
//Pull info out of ctrls here
That will iterate through all of your extra divs and allow you to add all values to an array.

Append text field value to URL using jQuery

I have a list of URLs:
In front of these values there is a text box, and when a value is typed into the box I want to append it to the end of the URL.
localhost/action/add/234/test text1
localhost/action/add/244/test text2
localhost/action/add/334/test text3
localhost/action/add/254/test text4
Can someone explain me how can I do it? I found out that its possible to do it using .val() but I'm unsure how to use it.
If you want it to update immediately:
var a = $('#url').text();
var b = $('#textbox').val();
$('#url').text(a + '/test ' + b);
$('#url').attr('href', a + '/test ' + b);
<input id='textbox' type='text'></input>
<a href="localhost/action/add/234" id='url'>localhost/action/add/234</a>
The key things here are
use the .keyup() event to run the function whenever a keyboard key is released
modify the .text() of the url element on keyup
modify the 'href' attribute of the url element so that the link matches the text
Normally .val() is used to set/get the value of input elements, like the text box ^, or a dropdown
Assuming, you want to append the text that you typed in the textfield to the href (URL).
I think we can make it more simple.
Here is the working solution.
$('#search').on('click', function(e) {
var search_url = e.originalEvent.currentTarget.href; //or else you can grab the URL anywhere from your DOM;
e.originalEvent.currentTarget.href = search_url + $('#search_term').val();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="search_term" placeholder="Search..StackOverflow" />
var currVal = $('.url').text();
$('input[type="text"]').keydown(function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span class="url">
<input type="text" id="search_term" placeholder="blabla" />

