Looking for alternative to pass data between html pages - javascript

So I am creating an offline web app using appcache.
I need to pass a variable between client and server.
POST is not an option because the server could be offline and appcache will not pull from the cache with a POST request (Explicit or fallback)
GET is not an option because it cannot be cached by appcache because URL is different for each request (?id=n).
Added: I was looking for a way to adapt already created HTML forms (that use POST or GET) for offline use, so a way to store the actual request. Since I could not find a way around the appcache limitations, I ended up rewriting the code to use Indexeddb for storage and service worker fetch interception and background sync methods...much slicker...so long appcache.

According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Using_the_application_cache
This feature has been removed from the Web standards. Though some browsers may still support it, it is in the process of being dropped. Avoid using it and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.

Try using sessionStorage.
Whenever you want to save data on a page you use the syntax
This saves the data offline
and can then be retrieved on any webpage using
This of course only saves the data till the tab is closed / session is ended.. A more permanent method is
... They both use the same format but the latter stores the data even after the browser is closed.


large JSON data persist across pages

I have a 40-50MB JSON object that I need to persist across to a different page.
This only needs to happen once (one transition) but I'm still way over HTML5 LocalStorage limits, what other options do I have?
Unfortunately, that is too much data to store for most browsers. Even combining sessionStorage and localStorage both will not get us even close.
There are a few options you can try though:
You can store the data on your own server. This will depend on what web server/environment you are using.
You can use someone else's server to store the data. For example, you could use Google Drive's API. This does mean that your user needs a google account. You could also pay for a service like Amazon S3 to store it.
You could create a 'container' page, which loads and displays the pages, but keeps the session going. How exactly this works depends again on your environment.
40-50m is too huge for a browser, the worse part is if mobile is involved, what you can do is split the data into chunks, keep some in sessionStorage, localStorage and the remaining on your server, so that the part on the server will be fast enough to load, You will have to join them once all is loaded and done. I wouldn't recommend this method though.

Client side (persistent) storage

I've seen there are ways to store data on the client, e.g. using localStorage, sessionStorage, or indexedDB.
AFAIK the main disadvantage of these technologies is that the browser may decide to clear out the stored data say if the device is low on memory (not sure if this is true also about localStorage).
I seem to fail to find information on some alternative storage which is more persistent: e.g. won't get deleted by a browser based on some decision.
Is there such a technology available? I am looking to use it next to ServiceWorkers for an offline first app.
I found something like this, is this something included with ServiceWorkers? (The article doesn't show much API). How is the support from browsers?
clarification: I am fine if the data can be deleted by user, I don't want it to be deleted by browser automatically based on some decision.
Since your app runs on clients' devices, and you don't have any real control on it, and your desire is impossible (' browser may decide to clear out the stored data' - not true. browsers might not be able to store data, or to get a reference to storages in some browsers and scenarios - e.g safari iframe and localstorage are not friends...)
Service worker do support indexedDB, so why not using it?

can local storage store the whole page

so I have seen a lot of people using local storage to store certain parts of a web page but not an entire web page is it possible? , if so how? , if not is there a way to store an entire web pages data so the user can come back to it how they left it?
This can be done if you use javascript to save document.body.innerHTML into the webstorage and you use javascript to load it back from the storage when the page is loaded next time. If the web page is not in the webstorage, you could redirect the user to the web page.
But this depends on the design of your web page and if there is session index etc in the body of the web page.
You should also think of some way to handle versions. You dont want your users only use the cached version of your web page, but it should be updated once you update your web page.
The session storage is ~5mbit, so you cant save very much, especially not pictures.
Since LocalStorage allows you to store about 5MB~ you can store a full webpage there and then just call it into a document.write().
The following code does it:
Storing it:
var HTML = ""; //html of the page goes here
localStorage.setItem("content", HTML);
Retrieving it:
Although this is possible it is common practice you only save settings and load them up into the right elements rather than the entire web page.
This is not really answering your question, but, if you are only curious how this can be done and don't need to have wide browser support, I suggest you look into Service Workers, as making websites offline is something that they solve very well.
One of their many capabilities is that they can act as a proxy for any request your website makes, and respond with locally saved data, instead of going to the server.
This allows you to write your application code exactly the same way as you would normally, with the exception of initializing the ServiceWorker (this is done only once)
Local storage it's actually just an endpoint: has an IP address and can be accessed from the web.
First of all, you need to make sure that you're DNS service points on your Index page.
For example, if your Local-storage's ip is and the files on that local-storage is organized like:
So you can point your DNS like: -> /contants/pages/index.html
In most of the web frameworks (web framework it's a library that provide built in tools that enable you to build your web site with more functionality and more easily) their is a built in module called 'route' that provide more functionality like this.
In that way, from you index.html file you can import the entire web site, for example:
and in your routes you define for example:
For all the files with the .html extension, route to ->
For all the files with the .png/.jpg extension, route to ->
Local storage is usually for storing key and value pairs, storing a whole page will be a ridiculous idea. Try instead a Ajax call which Returns an partial view. Use that for the purpose of manipulation in DOM

Keep the changes of a web page after refresh

I recently developed a script to highlight text in a web page based on document.execCommand() but the changes are gone if I refresh my web page.
How can I keep the change for every user ?
As I am rather unsure what you actually want to persist I will give some generic information.
Some good reading at DiveIntoHtml5 on storage.
I would suggest taking a look at either sessionStorage or localStorage now while these are regarded generally as HTML5 the browser support is much greater.
You can see the support of keyValueStorage at CanIUse
You can store a key / value pair as follows:
localStorage.setItem("key", "value");
You can then retrieve the value as follows:
sessionStorage works the same as above but will only persist while the browser is open. It persists for the "session" of the browser. However localStorage will persist until it is removed by code or by clearing the browser.
There are two ways to save state.
One is to write client-side code that passes information back to the server for storage.
The other is to save what is called a cookie on the client computer. Normally JavaScript is not allowed to read or write files on the client-computer (an important security feature), but it can generate data strings that the Web browser can store in a special file commonly referred to as a cookie jar. The cookie jar is a configuration file, a file that provides information on how to set up the browser.
Remember that no cookie can be larger than 4KB.
Microsoft has a good guide on state management for web applications. Check it out and you'll see all the options that would come in question for you. Then pick whatever seems best fit.
Once you know what you want, you can search stack overflow for a concrete implementation of your problem. There's bound to already be an answer.
Edit: Table 5.5: "State Management Mechanisms for Web Applications" is the one you want to look at for an overview.

Storing persistent data in browser

For my web application, I need to store form inputs spanning across multiple pages, until I finally process/manipulate them to produce some results (its mostly formatting the data entered and presenting it in some layout). The options I think I have are -
Keep sending user's inputs to the server, store it there in some database, do the final manipulation there only, and show the result.
Store the inputs in browser's storage as the user fills the forms, and finally use this stored data to manipulate and show results.
I very much want to use the second method, and perhaps a possible way is using cookies, but I'm afraid I might just hit some upper limit of cookie data storage. I'm also open to understanding the merits of the first method, or any third method.
Use webstorage (you can client-side store around 5MB of text or binary data)
Firefox demo: http://codebase.es/test/webstorage.html
DOM Storage is supported in these web browsers:
Internet Explorer 8
Firefox 2 for sessionStorage, 3.5 for localStorage
Safari 4
Just google for sessionStorage and localStorage objects.
Also modern webkit browsers supports client-side sql.
I'm not sure about what you want to do but using AJAX you can store everything in javascript variables and serverside databases or sessions are a good choice.
Hitting the storage limit of the cookie could indicate you are trying to store too much on the client side. It might be prudent to store it serverside, in something like a session. The key to the session could then be stored in a cookie.
An alternative method is to not have the requests span multiple pages, and just store the data on the client side, not as a cookie, but as different form fields and/or text fields (they could be hidden). The merit of such a method is it doesnt hit the cookie limit as you have. It also makes your serverside code easier/cleaner, since it doesn't have to keep track of state (something you'd always have to do if spanning across pages, and thus the reason you are hitting the cookie limit in the first place).
You could use a small Flash Movie to store some data via Flash's Shared Memory Api or have a look at Google Gears.
Maybe also consider, that every byte you store in the cookie have to be transmitted everytime you website makes a request to the server.
Generally cookies have a max size of 4k so you could store quite a bit of data in there.
Be careful with validating all information that lives cookies - all the information resides on a client browser and can easily be manipulated by users of the site at any time.
You didn't say which platform you use. Spring Webflow does exactly the kind of form processing that you want:
Even if you don't use Java you could use some of the principles.
Edit: One more drawback of big/complex persistent cookies is that you have to make sure that any new code you deploy is backwards compatible with all the cookies that are out in the wild.
I would suggest storing the data in a session variable until you get to the final step rather than a cookie. I think this would be safer for your data as the user does not have direct access to the data, so you can validate as you go.

