Toggle .dimBackground() method on click - javascript

I am trying to dim the background of my main content while accenting on a sidebar that needs to show up from the right, so I am using the dim-background jquery plugin. I want to toggle the .dimBackground() method for my element when I click its trigger. It adds a div with the class of dimbackground-curtain and it simply stacks this div when I click the trigger, making everything darker and darker.
I want to be able to toggle both the sidebar and the dimming above the main content. And if possible, to be able to toggle it if I click outside the sidebar as well.
Sample code from the fiddle:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
darkness: 0.35
There is no CDN that provides this library, however, here is the Fiddle describing my problem.

According to the Usage guide, there's a .undim method.
It seems that .dimBackground does not toggle, so you will have to store the state on your end and invoke either .dimBackground or .undim depending on the state and switch it.
var dimmed = false;
$('.trigger').click(function() {
var $sidebox = $('.sidebox'); //avoid searching the element twice
dimmed = false;
} else {
darkness: 0.35
dimmed = true;

You could try this and check if it gives you a similar functionality:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
if($('.sidebox').attr('class') == "sidebox sidebox-open"){
$('.sidebox').fadeTo( "slow" , 1);
$('.sidebox').fadeTo( "slow" , 0);
darkness: 0.35


Javascript Accordian

I have a simple accordion working, except for one thing. I would like to be able to re-click the same accordion item again, and be able to set height to '0'.
Currently, the open accordion item closes when I click a different accordion item, which is exactly what I want to do — but I also want the ability to re-click the open accordion item and have that one close, when clicked. See working example below:
// set heights to 0
gsap.set('.content', {
height: 0
// click function
$('.accordianItem').click(function() {
if ($('.accordianItem').hasClass('on')) {$('.content'), {
duration: .25,
height: 0
}$(this).children('.content'), {
duration: .25,
height: "auto"
What code can I add to add this extra functionality?
I have modified your code by adding another if that checks if the element clicked has 'on' class already. It should now work as you intended it to (hide when the user clicks on the already opened header).
// set heights to 0
gsap.set('.content', {height:0});
// click function
$('.accordianItem').click(function() {
if($(this).hasClass("on")){$('.content'), {duration:.25, height:0});
if ($('.accordianItem').hasClass('on')) {$('.content'), {duration:.25, height:0});
}$(this).children('.content'), {duration:.25, height:"auto"});
You can do this much more simply than how you're currently doing it:
// Create the animation that you need
const tl = gsap.timeline({paused: true});'.content', {duration: 0.25, height:0});
// Set the timeline to its end state
// Toggle the timeline's direction
$('.accordianItem').click(function() {
tl.reversed() ? : tl.reverse();
I highly recommend checking out the GreenSock forums. They're super useful and you can get quick help from people who are experts in GSAP and web animation :)

How can I animate a div to the right when it is pressed, and then, when it is pressed again, return it back to its first position with jQuery?

I have multiple clickable panels made with Bootstrap class panel, organized in this way:
Image of my website naoh
For example, when I click on the first panel, some other panels appear and cool stuff happens.
When you click a panel.
But I want that the panel that I clicked to be at the center. And then, when that same panel is clicked, I want to return everything to normal (which right now works with the specific panels per panel), including the main panel, so it should move to the left. The panels at the center doesn't require animation, and the right ones should animate to the left and back to the right.
Here is my jQuery code for the panels, lets say panel 2:
//Panel 2
if ($("#panel_2").data("clicked")) {
$(".navegadores").toggle(function () { });
} else {
$("#panel_2").click(function () {
$("#panel_2").data('clicked', true);
$(".navegadores").toggle(function () { });
I feel I would need to use the .toggle method somehow, or the .slideToggle, but I'm quite confused atm.
Something like this should get you started:
if ( $(this).data('clickstate') == 0 ){
marginLeft: '200px'
},1000, function(){
$(this).data('clickstate', '1');
marginLeft: '0'
},1000, function(){
$(this).data('clickstate', '0');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="panel2" data-clickstate="0"></div>

Preventing multiple functions if something is currently selected

I have a navigation menu that upon hovering (using the hoverIntent plugin and tweenmax to animate) replaces a div with the relevant background image. I have this all working fine, but what i'm stumped with is how to prevent the action being repeated on the element that is currently selected. So for example if you hover over the first and then hover off it I don't want the action to be repeated once you hover over that one again because it is already selected. Attached is the link my fiddle
var homeNav = function () {
var tgt = $(this);
$("#homeImageNav a ").hoverIntent({
over: homeNavOver,
out: homeNavOff,
interval: 0
function homeNavOver() {
var tgt = $(this);
var bgHold = $("#bgHolder");
var bg = tgt.attr('data-bg');
if (!tgt.hasClass('current')) {
TweenMax.set($("#bgHolder"), {
opacity: 0,
background: bg,
scale: 1.1
});, 1.5, {
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
function homeNavOff() {
//if (tgt.hasClass('current')) {
And here is the homeNav function.
You just need to make changes in your function - homeNavOff like this:
function homeNavOff() {
$('#homeImageNav a').removeClass('current');
See it in action on this fiddle
Updated your Fiddle
What I have added is:
One variable to store current selected link
Check it with the hovered link
If it is not the same then perform Background change
Else do nothing.
Update everytime any link(One or Two) is hovered
Look on this :
If any query feel free to ask

Simple onClick effect in jQuery

I have a very simple web page. Here is my Demo.
Desktop: When I hover over the circle, it expands.
iPad: When I click the circle, it expands.
However, is it possible (on iPad) that when the circle is in the "expanded" state, if I click it again, it contracts?
How would I do this using my existing code?
Many thanks for any help with this.
var events = "mouseover mouseout";
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
events = "touchstart";
if ($(this).hasClass("expanded")) {
// contract the circle
} else {
// expand the circle
Now add class contracted to all your circles.
I would try using jQuery toggle:
$('.circle').toggle(function() {
}, function() {

Simple but tricky Show/Hide Toggle On/Off Combinations driving me bonkers

Have a few divs that need to show/hide and the buttons within need to know when it's on and when it's off. Somehow they need to "communicate with another" to know when to be hidden or visible. Oh yeah, I'd like to keep the smooth fadein/fadeout effect on all elements.
My fiddle is here:
Here's the code I've got that mostly works, but it's a bit quirky:
//hide maximize link on page load
var opacity = 1, toOpacity = 0, duration = 350;
//set opacity ASAP and events
$('.toggle_all, .toggle_all2').css('opacity',opacity).toggle(function() {
$('#content, .maximize_menu, #menu, .minimize_menu').fadeTo(duration,toOpacity);
}, function() {
$('#content, .maximize_menu, #menu, .minimize_menu').fadeTo(duration,opacity);
// this minimizes the menu and should make the mazimize_menu link visible when toggled off
$('.minimize_menu').css('opacity',opacity).toggle(function() {
$('#menu, .minimize_menu,.maximize_menu').fadeTo(duration,toOpacity);
}, function() {
$('.maximize_menu, #menu, .minimize_menu, .maximize_menu').fadeTo(duration,opacity);
// this maximizes the menu and should disappear once the menu is visible
$('.maximize_menu').css('opacity',opacity).toggle(function() {
$('#menu, .minimize_menu,').fadeTo(duration,toOpacity);
}, function() {
$('#menu, .minimize_menu, .maximize_menu').fadeTo(duration,opacity);
I think that you should rethink all the logic, because you are not actually hiding the elements, you are just setting the opacity to 0. What you should really use is fadeOut() and fadeIn()

