Preventing multiple functions if something is currently selected - javascript

I have a navigation menu that upon hovering (using the hoverIntent plugin and tweenmax to animate) replaces a div with the relevant background image. I have this all working fine, but what i'm stumped with is how to prevent the action being repeated on the element that is currently selected. So for example if you hover over the first and then hover off it I don't want the action to be repeated once you hover over that one again because it is already selected. Attached is the link my fiddle
var homeNav = function () {
var tgt = $(this);
$("#homeImageNav a ").hoverIntent({
over: homeNavOver,
out: homeNavOff,
interval: 0
function homeNavOver() {
var tgt = $(this);
var bgHold = $("#bgHolder");
var bg = tgt.attr('data-bg');
if (!tgt.hasClass('current')) {
TweenMax.set($("#bgHolder"), {
opacity: 0,
background: bg,
scale: 1.1
});, 1.5, {
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
function homeNavOff() {
//if (tgt.hasClass('current')) {
And here is the homeNav function.

You just need to make changes in your function - homeNavOff like this:
function homeNavOff() {
$('#homeImageNav a').removeClass('current');
See it in action on this fiddle

Updated your Fiddle
What I have added is:
One variable to store current selected link
Check it with the hovered link
If it is not the same then perform Background change
Else do nothing.
Update everytime any link(One or Two) is hovered

Look on this :
If any query feel free to ask


Add and remove function onclick with js

So I want to add a function that when I click a div it moves, but when I click something else it moves back to its original position, I want to use gsap here too. I tried using an if else statement but I didn't know want to put in here(The part where there is two stars):
let btnSide1 = document.querySelector('.button-side-one'),
btnSide2 = document.querySelector('.button-side-two'),
btnTop = document.querySelector('.button-top'),
btnBig = document.querySelector('.button-big');
if (btnSide1 = **active**) {, .5, { x: 3 })
} else {, .5, { x: 0 })
here is the codepen link for this:
I figured this out I used toggle class list for this,
Here is how it works:
// Variables
btnSide1.onclick = function () {
.activex1 { left: 30vmin !important }
So when I click on the div it moves position
You have a typo.
if (btnSide1 === active)

Detecting the end of a overflow-x:scroll element and add a class before animation

As the title suggests I want to detect the start and end of a scrollable element built using overflow.
The following code works:
var scrollAmount = 150;
var scrollBox = $('.js-compare_scroll');
var arrowLeft = $('.js-compare_scroll_left');
var arrowRight = $('.js-compare_scroll_right');
var inactive = 'm-inactive';
$(arrowLeft).on('click', function () {
scrollLeft: '-='+scrollAmount
}, function() {
if(scrollBox.scrollLeft() === 0) {
$(arrowRight).on('click', function () {
scrollLeft: '+='+scrollAmount
}, function() {
if(scrollBox.scrollLeft() + scrollBox.innerWidth() >= scrollBox[0].scrollWidth) {
However the class to style the inactive colour of the arrows only appears once the animation completes. I need to add the class before the animation completes because it has a delay. I believe by default it is 400.
Is there anyway to detect this and apply the arrow classes where needed?
Came back from a break and realised I should take the checking if its at the end off the click event and onto a scroll event. This works a lot better now.

Toggle .dimBackground() method on click

I am trying to dim the background of my main content while accenting on a sidebar that needs to show up from the right, so I am using the dim-background jquery plugin. I want to toggle the .dimBackground() method for my element when I click its trigger. It adds a div with the class of dimbackground-curtain and it simply stacks this div when I click the trigger, making everything darker and darker.
I want to be able to toggle both the sidebar and the dimming above the main content. And if possible, to be able to toggle it if I click outside the sidebar as well.
Sample code from the fiddle:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
darkness: 0.35
There is no CDN that provides this library, however, here is the Fiddle describing my problem.
According to the Usage guide, there's a .undim method.
It seems that .dimBackground does not toggle, so you will have to store the state on your end and invoke either .dimBackground or .undim depending on the state and switch it.
var dimmed = false;
$('.trigger').click(function() {
var $sidebox = $('.sidebox'); //avoid searching the element twice
dimmed = false;
} else {
darkness: 0.35
dimmed = true;
You could try this and check if it gives you a similar functionality:
$('.trigger').click(function() {
if($('.sidebox').attr('class') == "sidebox sidebox-open"){
$('.sidebox').fadeTo( "slow" , 1);
$('.sidebox').fadeTo( "slow" , 0);
darkness: 0.35

Using a jquery slider for text instead of images?

This may be a little too specific, but I have a jquery slider that I am using <p> classes instead of images to cycle through customer quotes. Basically the problem I am running into right now is when it is static and non moving (JS code is commeneted out) they are aligned how I want them to be. As soon as the JS is un commented, they stretch out of view and you just see a white box?
Any ideas?
How I want each panel to look like:
So I sort of made this my Friday project. I've changed a whole lot of your code, and added a vertical-align to the quotes and authors.
Here's the fiddle
I added a whole lot of variables to the top of the script so you could less typing throughout.
$(document).ready(function () {
//rotation speed and timer
var speed = 5000;
var run = setInterval(rotate, speed);
var slides = $('.slide');
var container = $('#slides ul');
var elm = container.find(':first-child').prop("tagName");
var item_width = container.width();
var previous = 'prev'; //id of previous button
var next = 'next'; //id of next button
Since you used a % based width I'm setting the pixel widths of the elements in case the screen is reszed
slides.width(item_width); //set the slides to the correct pixel width
container.width(slides.length * item_width); //set the slides container to the correct total width
As you had, I'm rearranging the slides in the event the back button is pressed
container.find(elm + ':first').before(container.find(elm + ':last'));
I combined the prev and next click events into a single function. It checks for the ID of the element targeted in the click event, then runs the proper previous or next functions. If you reset the setInterval after the click event your browser has trouble stopping it on hover.
//if user clicked on prev button
$('#buttons a').click(function (e) {
//slide the item
if (':animated')) {
return false;
if ( == previous) {
'left': 0
}, 1500, function () {
container.find(elm + ':first').before(container.find(elm + ':last'));
if ( == next) {
'left': item_width * -2
}, 1500, function () {
container.find(elm + ':last').after(container.find(elm + ':first'));
//cancel the link behavior
return false;
I've found mouseenter and mouseleave to be a little more reliable than hover.
//if mouse hover, pause the auto rotation, otherwise rotate it
container.parent().mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
run = setInterval(rotate, speed);
I broke this in to its own function because it gets called in a number of different places.
function resetSlides() {
//and adjust the container so current is in the frame
'left': -1 * item_width
//a simple function to click next link
//a timer will call this function, and the rotation will begin :)
And here's your rotation timer.
function rotate() {
It took me a little bit, but I think I figured out a few things.
First off, your console was throwing a few errors: first, that rotate wasn't defined and that an arrow gif didn't exist. Arrow gif was probably something you have stored locally, but I changed the 'rotate' error by changing the strings in the code here to your actual variables.
So, from:
run = setInterval('rotate()', speed);
We get:
run = setInterval(rotate, speed);
(No () based on the examples here:
But I think a more important question is why your text wasn't showing up at all. It's because of the logic found here:
$('#slides ul').css({'left' : left_value});
You even say that this is setting the default placement for the code. But it isn't..."left_vaule" is the amount that you've calculated to push left during a slide. So if you inspect the element, you can see how the whole UL is basically shifted one slide's worth too far left, unable to be seen. So we get rid of 'left_value', and replace it with 0.
$('#slides ul').css({'left' : 0});
Now, there's nothing really handling how the pictures slide in, so that part's still rough, but this should be enough to start on.
Let me know if I misunderstood anything, or if you have any questions.
So, a few things:
1) I believe you are trying to get all of the lis to be side-by-side, not arranged up and down. There are a few ways to do this. I'd just make the ul have a width of 300%, and then make the lis each take up a third of that:
#slides ul {
width: 300%;
#slides li {
width: calc(100% / 3);
2) You got this right, but JSFiddle automatically wraps all your JS inside a $(document).ready() handler, and your function, rotate needs to be outside, in the normal DOM. Just change that JSFiddle setting from 'onload' to 'no wrap - in head'
3) Grabbing the CSS value of an element doesn't always work, especially when you're dealing with animating elements. You already know the width of the li elements with your item_width variable. I'd just use that and change your code:
var left_indent = parseInt($('#slides ul').css('left')) - item_width;
$('#slides ul').animate({'left' : left_indent}, 1500, function () {
$('#slides ul').stop().animate({'left' : -item_width * 2}, 1500, function () {
4) Throw in the .stop() as seen in the above line. This prevents your animations from overlapping. An alternative, and perhaps cleaner way to do this, would be to simply return false at the beginning of your 'next' and 'prev' functions if #slides ul is being animated, like so:
if ($('#slides ul').is(':animated')) return false;
And I think that's everything. Here's the JSFiddle. Cheers!
Oh, and you may also want to clearInterval at the beginning of the next and prev functions and then reset it in the animation callback functions:
$('#prev').click(function() {
if ($('#slides ul').is(':animated')) return false;
$('#slides ul').stop().animate({'left' : 0}, 1500,function(){
run = setInterval('rotate()', speed);

Hover out from two divs simultaneously

Have a look at the following JQuery code:
function my_hover()
$( "#up,#down" ).hover(
function() {
"background-color": "#020306"
"background-color": "#171716"
function() {
$("#up").css("background-color","#C8CACF" );
$("#down").css("background-color","#FAFAF8" );
There are two divs: #up,#down which I cannot wrap into a parent div(due to design restrictions). What I want to do is to animate the change in background color whenever #up or #down are being hovered. However, in case the mouse leaves one div by going directly to the other(the two divs are stuck together vertically) I do not want the last two lines of the above code being applied. I want them to be applied only when mouse hovers out from both divs. How may I achieve that? At you may see what is happening with the above code in the first left rectangle with the target photo (transition between up and down provokes change of color and that's not desirable).
Thank you
Try this.
<div id="up">Up</div>
<div id="down">down</div>
div{ transition:all 0.25s ease-in-out;}
$('#up, #down').mouseenter(function(){
Fiddle Demo
Using the technique #nnnnn alluded to, e.g., using a timeout:
(function init() {
var $up = $('#up'),
$down = $('#down'),
hovered = false;
$up.hover(over, out);
$down.hover(over, out);
function over() {
hovered = true;
"background-color": "#020306"
"background-color": "#171716"
function out() {
setTimeout(function to() {
if (!hovered) {
$up.css("background-color", "#C8CACF");
$down.css("background-color", "#FAFAF8");
}, 1000);
hovered = false;
And with the elements inline next to each other, instead of vertically aligned:

