Illustrator Script: Export Single Layer to SVG - javascript

I have been trying to get a script going that is able to export a specific illustrator file to a SVG format. I have been referencing this Adobe forum post about a method of doing this and implemented it somewhat succesfully, see below:
var singleLayer,
path = 'C:/Users/lukeb/Desktop/New folder',
type = ExportType.SVG,
options = new ExportOptionsSVG(),
doc = this.myApp;
singleLayer = this.myApp.layers["buttons"];
options.embedRasterImages = false;
options.cssProperties = SVGCSSPropertyLocation.PRESENTATIONATTRIBUTES;
options.fontSubsetting = SVGFontSubsetting.None;
options.documentEncoding = SVGDocumentEncoding.UTF8;
options.coordinatePrecision = 4;
layerAmount = doc.layers.length;
for (var i = layerAmount - 1, k = 0; i >= 0; i--, k++) {
if (this.myApp.layers[i] === singleLayer) {
var file;
singleLayer.visible = true;
file = new File(path + "/" + singleLayer);
this.myApp.exportFile(file, type, options);
singleLayer.visible = false;
function hideAllLayers() {
for(var i = 0; i < layerAmount; i++) {
doc.layers[i].visible = false;
function showAllLayers() {
for(var i = 0; i < layerAmount; i++) {
doc.layers[i].visible = true;
This code runs perfectly, to an extent. It singles out the layer in my layer library and turns all of them off except that one. But for some reason it does not export just that one layer as an SVG, it exports a whole lot, if not all of them. Is there something missing with this? There isnt a lot of documentation around all of this so wasnt too sure of a fool proof solution to just get a single layer.


Mapbox Markers in Wrong Place

I've made a simple mapbox map using the mapbox.js API and following several examples they have on their site. To display the marker location I'm calling a .geojson file, however the markers appear fairly off place even to the point that some load on top of the Ocean.
Someone said I'm calling the geojson file twice but I checked and it's being loaded once.
JS code is:
// Mapbox
L.mapbox.accessToken = 'token_here';
var mapCol ='map', 'mapbox.streets').setView([5.5, -73.249], 6);
var filters = document.getElementById('filters');
var markers = L.mapbox.featureLayer().loadURL('regions.geojson');
markers.on('ready', function(e) {
var typesObj = {},
types = [];
var features =;
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
typesObj[features[i].properties['description']] = true;
for (var key in typesObj) {
if ({}, key)) {
var checkboxes = [];
for (var j = 0; j < types.length; j++) {
var item = filters.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
var checkbox = item.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));
var label = item.appendChild(document.createElement('label'));
checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; = types[j];
checkbox.checked = true;
label.innerHTML = types[j];
label.setAttribute('for', types[j]);
checkbox.addEventListener('change', update);
function update() {
var enabled = {};
for (var k = 0; k < checkboxes.length; k++) {
if (checkboxes[k].checked) enabled[checkboxes[k].id] = true;
markers.setFilter(function(feature) {
return['description'] in enabled;
This is the issue: markers are images, and this page has a broad rule about images, saying that they should have a bottom margin. This moves the markers north, into the sea.
The issue can be fixed by making the CSS rule more precise.

How can I get the text to which a Nested Style is applied in InDesign

I am trying to write a script that will convert all characters to lowercase if a particular nested style is applied. I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax to get the text.
I originally tried the following, which worked to an extend, but lowercased the entire paragraph rather than only the text that has the character style applied:
function lowerCaseNest(myPStyle, myCStyle){
var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
//Clear the find/change preferences.
app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
//Set the find options.
app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = myPStyle;
var missingFind = app.activeDocument.findText();
var myDoc = app.documents[0];
for ( var listIndex = 0 ; listIndex < missingFind.length; listIndex++ ) {
for (i = missingFind[listIndex].nestedStyles.length-1;i>=0; i--) {
for (j = missingFind[listIndex].nestedStyles[i].parent.characters.length-1;j>=0; j--) {
if (missingFind[listIndex].nestedStyles[i].parent.characters[j].contents.appliedCharacterStyle(myCStyle)) {
var myString = missingFind[listIndex].nestedStyles[i].parent.characters[j].contents;
if (typeof(myString) == "string"){
var myNewString = myString.toLowerCase();
missingFind[listIndex].nestedStyles[i].parent.characters[j].contents = myNewString;
app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
I then tried playing around with appliedNestedStyles, but can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the text that the nested style is applied to.
Could anyone help with this?
Unless I am wrong the appliedNestedStyle can be looked after in the F/C dialog by targeting the applied characterStyle:
Find : .+
Format : character style => myCharStyle
var found = doc.findGrep();
I actually took a different tack, and figured out something that works:
function lowerCaseNest(myPStyle, myCStyle){
for (var i = 0; i < app.activeDocument.stories.length; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < app.activeDocument.stories[i].paragraphs.length; j++){
var myP = app.activeDocument.stories[i].paragraphs[j];
if ( {
for (k=0; k<myP.characters.length; k++) {
if(typeof(myP.characters[k].appliedNestedStyles[0]) != 'undefined'){
if(myP.characters[k].appliedNestedStyles[0].name == myCStyle) {
var myC = myP.characters[k].contents;
if (typeof(myC)=='string'){
var myNewString = myC.toLowerCase();
myP.characters[k].contents = myNewString;
Still would be interested in knowing if there's an easier way to handle this, as I'm afraid this may take longer to run on long documents, since it's dealing with every paragraph individually.

Change Firefox Bookmarks To TitleCase (Capitalize Each Word)

This My First Question Hear In Stack Overflow, And I Wish To Get The Help I Expect..
I Was Looking For A Way To Change All The Firefox Bookmarks Titles
To 'TitleCase' .
I've already found a perfect technique to change it to UPPERCase using a fierfox Dev. tool
called "scratchpad" in the browser environment .
here's the steps for it:-
open about:config
set to true
tools > web developer > scratchpad
environment > browser
edit > paste (i.e. copy and paste code below)
execute > run
function getChildIds(aRootNode, aChildIds) {
for (var i = 0; i < aRootNode.childCount; i++) {
var node = aRootNode.getChild(i);
if (node.type == node.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER) {
var oldContainerOpen = node.containerOpen;
node.containerOpen = true;
getChildIds(node, aChildIds);
node.containerOpen = oldContainerOpen;
var bs = Cc[";1"].
var hs = Cc[";1"].
var query = hs.getNewQuery();
var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
options.queryType = options.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
var folders = new Array();
folders.push(bs.bookmarksMenuFolder); // Bookmarks Menu
folders.push(bs.toolbarFolder); // Bookmarks Toolbar
folders.push(bs.unfiledBookmarksFolder); // Unsorted Bookmarks
var childIds = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
query.setFolders(folders.slice(i, i + 1), 1);
var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
var rootNode = result.root;
rootNode.containerOpen = true;
getChildIds(rootNode, childIds); // recursive function
rootNode.containerOpen = false;
runBatched: function () {
for (var i = 0; i < childIds.length; i++) {
var type = bs.getItemType(childIds[i]);
if (type == bs.TYPE_BOOKMARK || type == bs.TYPE_FOLDER) {
var title = bs.getItemTitle(childIds[i]);
if (title) {
bs.setItemTitle(childIds[i], title.toUpperCase());
}, null);
So, My Question Is, How To Modify That Code In Order To Change The Bookkmarks' Titles
To TitleCase (Capitalize Each Word) ?
Thanks In Advance...
See this website:
You can use the method ToTitleCase from the TextInfo class to change a string to title case. (Make sure that the title variable is a string.) Then, instead of using title.toUpperCase use title.ToTitleCase.
I hope this helps,

How do I empty global arrays used in a pop up slideshow?

I've created a program where you can choose a set of images by checking checkboxes. The image URL's and the alt-texts are stored in two arrays. When clicking av button on the HTML-page you open a new window that calls on the arrays with window.opener.
When closing the new window I would like to empty the arrays. Otherwise the pictures chosen in the first round are displayed in the slideshow when opening it the second time. I understand you can empty arrays by this method: array.length= 0;
But where do I add the code? I'm quite lost. I'm pasting the code, perhaps someone can give me a hand.
var imgUrlList = [], imgTextList = [], //These arrays need to be emptied
windVar = null;
function init() {
var tags, i, openWindow;
tags = document.getElementsByClassName("unmarkedImg");
openWindow = document.getElementById("slideShowBtn");
openWindow.onclick = savePicsForSlideshow;
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseover = showLargePict;
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseout = hideLargePict;
window.onload = init;
function showLargePict() {
var largePictTagDiv = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0];
var largePictTagParentDiv = largePictTagDiv.parentNode;
var imgTag = largePictTagParentDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
var checkBoxlargePict = largePictTagDiv.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked)
imgTag.className = "markedImg";
else imgTag.className = "unmarkedImg"; = "visible";
} // End showLargePict
function hideLargePict() {
var largePictTag;
largePictTag = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0]; = "hidden";
function savePicsForSlideshow() {
var innerBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("innerBox");
for (i = 0; i < innerBoxes.length; i++) {
checkBoxlargePict = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked) {
var imgTagSrc = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src;
var spanTagText = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML;
if (imgTextList.length > 0) {
newWindow(500, 600, "slideshow.htm");
function newWindow(width, height, filename) {
var windowProperties;
windowProperties = "top=100,left=100,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" + width + ",height=" + height;
if (windVar != null) if (windVar.closed == false) windVar.close();
windVar =, "", windowProperties);
Please excuse my programming and English grammar shortcomings. I'm new to javascript.
//Henrik, Göteborg, Sweden.
At the beginning of the savePicsForSlideshow function, empty out each array.
imgUrlList.length = 0;
imgTextList.length = 0;
You can check if thw window is close with the property closed of the object window
array.length = 0;

sharepoint javascript on click shape

I need to add an onclick event to shapes from Visio in SharePoint, with JavaScript, like the vwaControl handler shapeselectionchanged but on click, is there any way I could do that?
I'm sorry about my English is not my native language.
I hope you can understand me.
I just did something similar.
You can use the shapeSelectionChangedHandler to handle clicks to. As far as I know there is no onClick functionality, but shapeSelectionChangedHandler works fine for me.
Programming with Visio in SharePoint, create new Outlook meeting in ?Javascript?
See: for guide to set it up with Content WebPart and so on.
Code I use, just add what you want in shapeSelectionChangedHandler = function(source, args) {}
<script language="javascript">
var app = Sys.Application;
// hold an instance of the Visio VWA control
var vwaControl;
var shapeSelectionChangedHandler = null;
function onApplicationLoad()
vwaControl= new Vwa.VwaControl("WebPartWPQ4");
vwaControl.addHandler("diagramcomplete", onDiagramComplete);
vwaControl.addHandler("shapeselectionchanged", shapeSelectionChangedHandler);
function onDiagramComplete()
var vwaPage = vwaControl.getActivePage();
vwaPage.setZoom(35); // force the initial zoom level
shapeSelectionChangedHandler = function(source, args)
// get the selected shape from the shapes on the page
var vwaPage = vwaControl.getActivePage();
var vwaShapes = vwaPage.getShapes();
var shape = vwaShapes.getItemById(args);
// get the data to display for the selected shape
var data = shape.getShapeData();
var strRoomName = "";
var strFloorNumber = "";
var strCapacity = "";
var strStatus = "";
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++)
if (data[j].label == "RoomName")
strRoomName = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "FloorNumber")
strFloorNumber = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "Capacity")
strCapacity = data[j].value;
if (data[j].label == "RoomStatus")
strStatus = data[j].value;
// get the selected state input and set its value
var inputRoomName = document.getElementById('strRoomName');
inputRoomName.value = strRoomName;
var inputFloorNumber = document.getElementById('strFloorNumber');
inputFloorNumber.value = strFloorNumber;
var inputCapacity = document.getElementById('strCapacity');
inputCapacity.value = strCapacity;
var inputStatus = document.getElementById('strStatus');
inputStatus.value = strStatus;

