why is this not working (js) - javascript

can someone tell why this does not work?
the code does print "generating fish" but than not printing enything...
function fish(x, y, degree, genes, Snumber) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.dgree = degree;
this.energy = 50;
this.genes = genes;
this.Snumber = Snumber;
fishs = new Array(10);
Snumber = 0;
document.writeln("generating fish");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
x = Math.round(Math.random * 600);
y = Math.round(Math.random * 600);
degree = Math.round(Math.random * 360);
genes + new Array(12);
for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
genes[j] = Math.random * 2 - 1;
fishs[i] = new fish(x, y, degree, genes, Snumber);
document.writeln("genarating fish num" + i);

You have couple of errors and warnings in your code:
1.) You don't user the var keyword, so you automatically put the variables on the global scope.
2.) You use a + operator instead of an = in the line:
genes + new Array(12);
3.) You use Math.random (wich returns the random function, not a random number) instead of the function in 3 places.
4.) You use document.write(ln), which is deprecated. Use console.log instead (which prints to the console, hit F12 to see it)


lagrange algorithm in Javascript

I wrote a javascript version of Lagrange algorithm, but it kept going wrong when I run it, I don't know what went wrong.
I use this to calculate time.
When I pass a cSeconds as a variable, sometimes it returns a minus value which is obviously wrong...
function LagrangeForCat(cSeconds){
var y = [2592000,7776000,15552000,31104000,93312000,155520000,279936000,404352000,528768000,622080000,715392000,870912000,995328000,1119744000,1244160000,1368576000,1492992000,1617408000,1741824000,1866240000,1990656000,2115072000,2239488000,2363904000,2488320000,2612736000,2737152000,2861568000,2985984000,3110400000,3234816000,3359232000,3483648000,3608064000];
var x = [604800,1209600,1814400,2592000,5184000,7776000,15552000,23328000,31104000,46656000,62208000,93312000,124416000,155520000,186624000,217728000,248832000,279936000,311040000,342144000,373248000,404352000,435456000,466560000,497664000,528768000,559872000,590976000,622080000,653184000,684288000,715392000,746496000,777600000];
var l = 0.0;
for (var j = 0; j < 34; j++) {
var s = 1.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 34; i++) {
if (i != j)
s = s * ((cSeconds - x[i]) / (x[j] - x[i]));
l = l + s * y[j];
var result = l / (24 * 60 * 60);
var Days = Math.floor(result);
//get float seconds data
var littleData = String(result).split(".")[1];
var floatData = parseFloat("0."+littleData);
var second = floatData *60*60*24;
var hours = Math.floor(second/(60*60));
var minutes = Math.floor(second % 3600/60);
var seconds = Math.floor(second % 3600) % 60;
var returnData = {days:Days,hours: hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds}
return returnData;
I don't believe the issue is with your code but with the data set.
I tried a few things, for instance if you have cSeconds = one of the x values, then you get the correct result (I could check that it was equal to the matching y value).
I put all the data in open office and drew the graph it was like the square root function but more extreme (the 'straight' part look very straight) then I remembered that when you interpolate you usually get a polynomial that crosses the points you want but can be very wild outside between the point.
To test my theory I modified the algorithm to control at which x/y index to start and tried for all the values:
for (let i = 0; i < 35; ++i) {
LagrangeForCat(63119321, i, 34)
Together with a console.log inside LagrangeForCat it gives me the interpolated y value if I use all the x/y arrays (i=0), if I ignore the first x/y point (i=1), the first two (i=2), ...
00-34 -6850462776.278063
01-34 549996977.0003194
02-34 718950902.7592317
03-34 723883771.1443908
04-34 723161627.795225
05-34 721857113.1756063
06-34 721134873.0889213
07-34 720845478.4754647
08-34 720897871.7910147
09-34 721241470.2886044
10-34 722280314.1033486
11-34 750141284.0070543
12-34 750141262.289736
13-34 750141431.2562406
14-34 750141089.6980047
15-34 750141668.8768387
16-34 750142353.3267975
17-34 750141039.138794
18-34 750141836.251831
19-34 750138039.6240234
20-34 750141696.7529297
21-34 750141120.300293
22-34 750141960.4248047
23-34 750140874.0966797
24-34 750141337.5
25-34 750141237.4694824
26-34 750141289.2150879
27-34 750141282.5408936
28-34 750141284.2094421
29-34 750141283.987999
30-34 750141284.0002298
31-34 750141284.0000689
32-34 750141283.9999985
33-34 3608064000
34-34 0
Exclude 33-34 and 34-34 (there's just not enough data to interpolate).
For the example x=63119321 you'd expect y to be between 715392000 and 870912000 you can see that if you ignore the first 2-3 values the interpolation is "believable", if you ignore more values you interpolate based off the very straight part of the curve (see how consistent the interpolation is from 11-34 onward).
I use to work on a project where interpolation was needed, to avoid those pathological cases we opted for linear interpolation trading accuracy for security (and we could generate all the x/y points we wanted). In your case I'd try to use a smaller set, for instance only two values smaller than cSeconds and two greater like this:
function LagrangeForCat(cSeconds) {
var x = [...];
var y = [...];
let begin = 0,
end = 34
for (let i = 0; i < 34; ++i) {
if (cSeconds < x[i]) {
begin = (i < 3) ? 0 : i - 2
end = (i > (x.length - 1)) ? x.length : i + 1
let result = 0.0;
for (let i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
let term = y[i] / (24 * 60 * 60)
for (let j = begin; j < end; ++j) {
if (i != j)
term *= (cSeconds - x[j]) / (x[i] - x[j]);
result += term
var Days = Math.floor(result);
// I didn't change the rest of the function didn't even looked at it
If you find this answer useful please consider marking it as answered it'd be much appreciated.

How can I get EaselJS's MouseEvent to work properly? It SEEMS to work, but it keeps returning back a single bitmap ID, not the correct

I'm writing a mini-game in EaselJS that requires mouse clicks on a grid of tiles.
However, it appears that it's only partially working - or perhaps not assigning a unique Event to each bitmap. During creation, I assign a simple ID - a number counting up per iteration, and expect to get that back.... but no matter where I click, out of 49 objects on stage (hexagon tiles), it only reports back 48....every time. I have enabled stage.enableMouseOver(20), which I initially forgot, but it did not help.
function BuildGround()
var i = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < 7; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < 7; y++)
var h = 102;
var s = h/Math.cos(30*Math.PI/180)/2;
var tempTile = new createjs.Sprite(Tiles, 0);
tempTile.regX = 64;
tempTile.regY = 64;
tempTile.id = i;
tempTile.x = x * s * 1.5;
tempTile.y = y * h + (x % 2) * h / 2;
tempTile.addEventListener("click", function(event) { alert(tempTile.id); })
WorldContainer.x = 155;
WorldContainer.y = 150;
My guess, you are experiencing context problem of JavaScript, try this:
tempTile.addEventListener("click", function(event) { alert(event.target.id); })
All events objects have a target element, usually the one which triggered it.

Mouseover on all tiles [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
(44 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to make a hover for every tile, but when I use tileArray[i].x it uses the last tiles position. And I'm trying to get the position of the tile I'm hovering.
Here is the code I've made.
for (x = 0; x < mapxtiles; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < mapytiles; y++) {
if(map[x][y].height != 'x') {
var topPos = (x * 16) + (y * 16) - 24;
var leftPos = (y * 32) - (x * 32) + (mapxtiles * 32) - 32;
var normalTileTexture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("./assets/map/normal.png");
var tileHoverTexture = PIXI.Texture.fromImage("./assets/map/hoverTexture.png");
tileArray[i] = new PIXI.Sprite(normalTileTexture);
var tileHover = new PIXI.Sprite(tileHoverTexture);
tileArray[i].mouseover = function(mouseData) {
tileHover.position = new PIXI.Point(tileArray[i].x - 2, tileArray[i].y + 22);
tileArray[i].position = new PIXI.Point(leftPos, topPos);
i is a counter which has reached a certain value at the end of your loop. if you hover your tile, it will always have the last value. a workaround for that, is to wrap your code in a closure:
(function (a) {
tileArray[a].mouseover = function(mouseData) {
tileHover.position = new PIXI.Point(tileArray[a].x - 2, tileArray[a].y + 22);
what i do here:
i wrap your event-handler in an iife with i as parameter and recieve it as a inside the closure. this is for illustration purposes, you could of course leave the inner var by the name of i
it is also a little bit more readable, to just move it into a function which is declared outside of your loop:
function helperfunction (tileArrayElement, tileHover, floorMap) {
tileArrayElement.mouseover = function(mouseData) {
tileHover.position = new PIXI.Point(tileArrayElement.x - 2, tileArrayElement.y + 22);
and call it in your loop:
for (x = 0; x < mapxtiles; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < mapytiles; y++) {
if(map[x][y].height != 'x') {
// your other code...
helperfunction(tileArray[i], tileHover, floorMap);
// your other code...

Callstack overflow, works only on small array pairs, how would I make it take 10k array pairs?

I am attempting to do some data processing on the client side but it has proven to be more difficult than I originally thought.
I use a double for loop so it will call the following function 31^2 times and store a table of promises.
var getPearsonsCorrelation = function(x, y){
// var deferred = $q.defer();
//I commented the promise statements out
//so you can copy paste into your own browser to try a small array
var shortestArrayLength = 0;
if(x.length === y.length){shortestArrayLength = x.length;}
else if(x.length > y.length || y.length < x.length){
deferred.reject('array lenghts are not the same size');
var xy = [];
var x2 = [];
var y2 = [];
var sumX = 0;
var sumY = 0;
var sumXy = 0;
var sumX2 = 0;
var sumY2 = 0;
var partOneCounter = 0;
var partTwoCounter = 0;
function partThree(sumX, sumY, sumXy, sumX2, sumY2){
var step1 = (shortestArrayLength * sumXy) - (sumX * sumY);
var step2 = (shortestArrayLength * sumX2) - (sumX * sumX);
var step3 = (shortestArrayLength * sumY2) - (sumY * sumY);
var step4 = Math.sqrt(step2 * step3);
var answer = step1 / step4;
function partTwo(xy, x2, y2){
if(partTwoCounter>= shortestArrayLength){
partThree(sumX, sumY, sumXy, sumX2, sumY2);
sumX += x[partTwoCounter];
sumY += y[partTwoCounter];
sumXy += xy[partTwoCounter];
sumX2 += x2[partTwoCounter];
sumY2 += y2[partTwoCounter];
setTimeout(partTwo(xy, x2, y2), 0);
function partOne(partTwo){
partTwo(xy, x2, y2);
xy.push(x[partOneCounter] * y[partOneCounter]);
x2.push(x[partOneCounter] * x[partOneCounter]);
y2.push(y[partOneCounter] * y[partOneCounter]);
setTimeout(partOne(partTwo), 0);
//return deferred.promise;
I got this script from stevegardner, however as it currently is it is blocking javascript.
In my attempt to make it async javascript, I now get callstack overflow errors instead. Is there some work around for this?
Appreciate it!
When you want to use setTimeout do not invoke the function. You should pass a noninvoked function.
calculate function(){
/* --- */
setTimeout(calculate(),0) //wrong
setTimeout(calculate,0) //right
//And if you want to pass in params into the setTimeout
#Benjamin Gruenbaum thanks!

ACE Text Editor displays text characters in place of spaces

I've written the following Javascript:
(function () {
var computationModule = (function foo1(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
"use asm";
var sqrt = stdlib.Math.sqrt,
heapArray = new stdlib.Int32Array(heap),
outR = 0.0,
outI = 0.0;
function computeRow(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, limit, max, rowNumber, minR, maxR, minI, maxI) {
canvasWidth = +canvasWidth;
canvasHeight = +canvasHeight;
limit = +limit;
max = max | 0;
rowNumber = +rowNumber;
minR = +minR;
maxR = +maxR;
minI = +minI;
maxI = +maxI;
var columnNumber = 0.0,
zReal = 0.0,
zImaginary = 0.0,
numberToEscape = 0;
var columnNumberInt = 0;
// Compute the imaginary part of the numbers that correspond to pixels in this row.
zImaginary = +(((maxI - minI) * +rowNumber) / +canvasHeight + minI);
// Iterate over the pixels in this row.
// Compute the number of iterations to escape for each pixel that will determine its color.
for (columnNumber = +0; + columnNumber < +canvasWidth; columnNumber = +(+columnNumber + 1.0)) {
// Compute the real part of the number for this pixel.
zReal = +(((maxR - minR) * +columnNumber) / +canvasWidth + minR);
numberToEscape = howManyToEscape(zReal, zImaginary, max, limit) | 0;
columnNumberInt = columnNumberInt + 1 | 0;
heapArray[(columnNumberInt * 4) >> 2] = numberToEscape | 0;
// Function to determine how many iterations for a point to escape.
function howManyToEscape(r, i, max, limit) {
r = +r;
i = +i;
max = max | 0;
limit = +limit;
var j = 0,
ar = 0.0,
ai = 0.0;
ar = +r;
ai = +i;
for (j = 0;
(j | 0) < (max | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {
iteratingFunction(ar, ai, r, i)
ar = outR;
ai = outI;
if (+(ar * ar + ai * ai) >= +(limit * limit))
return j | 0;
return j | 0;
// The iterating function defining the fractal to draw
// r and i are the real and imaginary parts of the value from the previous iteration
// r0 and i0 are the starting points
function iteratingFunction(r, i, r0, i0) {
r = +r;
i = +i;
r0 = +r0;
i0 = +i0;
computePower(r, i, 2);
// Set the output from this function to t
outR = +(r0 + outR);
outI = +(i0 + outI);
// Compute the result of [r,i] raised to the power n.
// Place the resulting real part in outR and the imaginary part in outI.
function computePower(r, i, n) {
// Tell asm.js that r, i are floating point and n is an integer.
r = +r;
i = +i;
n = n | 0;
// Declare and initialize variables to be numbers.
var rResult = 0.0;
var iResult = 0.0;
var j = 0;
var tr = 0.0;
var ti = 0.0;
// Declare and initialize variables that will be used only in the
// event we need to compute the reciprocal.
var abs = 0.0;
var recr = 0.0;
var reci = 0.0;
if ((n | 0) < (0 | 0)) {
// For n less than 0, compute the reciprocal and then raise it to the opposite power.
abs = +sqrt(r * r + i * i);
recr = r / abs;
reci = -i / abs;
r = recr;
i = reci;
n = -n | 0;
rResult = r;
iResult = i;
for (j = 1;
(j | 0) < (n | 0); j = (j + 1) | 0) {
tr = rResult * r - iResult * i;
ti = rResult * i + iResult * r;
rResult = tr;
iResult = ti;
outR = rResult;
outI = iResult;
} // end computePower
return {
computeRow: computeRow
})(self, foreign, heap);
// Return computationModule that we just defined.
return computationModule;
There's nothing particularly unusual about this Javascript, except that I want to make my web application display the Javascript in an ACE text editor (http://ace.c9.io/) so that the user can modify the code at runtime.
I load the Javascript using jQuery AJAX and then set the contents of the ACE Editor to the Javascript code. After the user modifies the code, he can click a button to run the code. (This uses eval)
The problem I'm having is that ACE is displaying strange characters instead of spaces.
Oddly enough, if I try to copy text from the ACE editor, the strange characters disappear and the spaces are normal. Furthermore, the code runs fine even with these strange characters being displayed.
I also noticed that the problem does not appear when using Firefox, but it appears for Chrome and IE 11.
Finally, the problem only occurs when I put the code on a real web server. It doesn't reproduce in my development environment.
Looking at this some more, I can see that it's not just the text I'm loading via AJAX. Even when I type new spaces, more text characters appear!
What could be going wrong so that the text doesn't display properly?
Here's a link to the application: http://danielsadventure.info/html5fractal/
Use charset="utf-8" in the script tag where you include ace.
<script src="path/to/ace.js" charset="utf-8">
This may have something to do with this:
When no explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender, media
subtypes of the "text" type are defined to have a default charset
value of "ISO-8859-1" when received via HTTP. Data in character sets
other than "ISO-8859-1" or its subsets MUST be labeled with an
appropriate charset value. See section 3.4.1 for compatibility
So the string passed to the script are in an encoding different than what ACE (or JS in general) expects, which is UTF-8.

