How to do multiple selection on list item? - javascript

Can I make multiple selection on the given image?
I have tried but I want tick mark on the multiple selection using Ionic.
I am using Ionic framework, Please provide me with the solution in Ionic.
<ion-radio ng-model="filter.yellow" ng-repeat="chat in chats">{{}}</ion-radio>

In Ionic projects you would instead use the ion-checkbox feature. You could then apply css to either make it look more like the ion-radio, switch classes around to make it look exactly like the ion-radio or even make it bespoke to you application.


Sortable Multi Column Drag and Drop without Library

I am looking to implement a sortable (ordering) drag and drop between columns as well as in column. I looked all over internet to find any example that does not use a library for it. I'd love to implement it in VueJS, however, any examples are welcome.
It should basically function like JIRA, where you have TODO and IN PROGRESS columns for example, you can order them by priority in the column itself, or move it to another column.
The reason, why I do not want to use any library is because I want to build my own complex functionalities. I also do not wanna fork existing github libraries to modify them. I'd love any suggestions!
Doing a simple search with the following keywords: creating drag and drop feature "without" library javascript pure I was able to find this links:
Building drag and drop feature in react for react applications
Building drag and drop feature with pure javascript
Useful tip
If you don't know surrounding some keyword in a google search with quotes forces google to only show results with that word in specific

RadListView: animate template selection change

I am new to NativeScript and Javascript development in general. My background is Android.
As a test I try to replicate one of my old apps with NativeScript and have encountered a problem:
I use a RadListView with multiple templates. The correct template is chosen at runtime. The templateSelector uses a boolean variable to determine the correct one. (Imagine tapping a ListView item. When you do it expands and shows 2 buttons. You tap it again -> the buttons disappear.)
Now that works just fine.
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to animate the template switch. The new content just appears/disappear instantanously.
What I managed so far
I managed to animate the buttons when their template has just been chosen. I set their opacity to 0 and animated it to 1. Problem is: The necessery height for the buttons is reserved as soon as the template is chosen.
Is this at all possible? If so how?
Expandable ListView items by manojdcoder:
There are few built-in animations you could find in the docs and working examples in Github.

How can I do the javascript animations for the navigation tabs like in the example below

How can I do the animations for the navigation buttons like in the site below?!/pageSplash
Some pseudo-code would be really helpful also.
Basically you need to first think of it as two separated parts...
two parts that are being animated from the same place (probably angular directive\jquery function)
if you want to learn more about css animation is would suggest :
this is assuming you would want to control this by classes
if you would want to do it via js i would recommend angular or simple jquery if you aren't familiar with angularjs....

How to make a range selector?

I want to us a range selector with two dependent input and a chart in my website , exactly like this one in Google page for Company Distribution.
but I don't want to write it from the scratch by myself.
Is there a good library for it? I want to make exactly similar to that.
You can use this plugin - JRange. It is in github and is easy to use.

Radiobutton Tree Control

I am developing a search form which displays a number of categories and sub-categories. The client has requested that I do not use cascading dropdowns but to display radiobuttons instead so that the user can see the top level categories at a glance.
I had a bit of a look around for any javascript plugins that might give me a head start and save me from having to write all of the code from scratch but didnt come up with too much.
Can anyone suggest a good plugin that will allow me to display a radio button list in a hierarchical collapsible tree structure?
I ended up using this plugin and adapting it to my own needs ->
There is a great jQuery plugin called jsTree.
I personalize it for my needs as well.

