Rendering the view returns undefined - javascript

I've got a collection view with two filter methods, and a render method which takes a parameter. The problem I'm stuck with is that when rendering the view for the first time it returns me an error. Here's my collection:
var ResumeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'http://localhost:3000',
filterActive: function () {
var active = this.where({interviewed: false});
return new ResumeCollection(active);
filterInterviewed: function () {
var interviewed = this.where({interviewed: true});
return new ResumeCollection(interviewed);
And my view:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events { // hash array of filter events },
initialize: function () {
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
if (!filtered) {
data = this.collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
return this;
showActive: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
showInterviewed: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterInterviewed();
showAll: function (ev) {
This view gets rendered for the first time in my router by passing a collection:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'home'
initialize: function () {
this.layout = new LayoutView();
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
And this is the layout view within which all the other views are rendered:
var LayoutView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#outlet'),
render: function (view) {
if (this.child && this.child !== view) {
this.child = view;
return this;
When I just refresh my page, I get filtered.toArray is not a function error and nothing is rendered respectively. After inspecting everything in the debugger, I found out that when the view gets rendered for the first time, the filtered attribute receives an empty collection, assigns it to data variable, which becomes an empty array and goes to the body of render function, becoming undefined after that. The mysteries go here: whenever I click items, that are bound to my show* events, they act exactly as expected and render either models where interviewed === false, or true or the whole collection. This looks kinda magic to me and I haven't got the faintest idea what can I do with that.
ADDED: GitHub repo with this project

Your home function on the AppRouter has a typo. You have an extra semi-colon.
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection();
Should be
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
I needed to remove it to get the JSFiddle working:
I'd recommend adding some kind of linting tool into your IDE or Build process (

You need to add home url content to your db.json file like this
"" : [
'somthing': 'somthing'

After a piece of advice from my mentor I realized that the core of the problem was in asynchronous origin of fetch method -- as I passed this.collection.fetch in my initialize function, it executed after my render method, not before it, so my render method had just nothing to render when the view was called for the first time. So, this fix worked:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.collection = options.collection();
// removed .fetch() method from here
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
// and added it here:
success: function (collection) {
if (!filtered) {
data = collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
And this worked perfectly and exactly as I needed.


Uncaught Type Error: View is not a constructor

I have Uncaught Type Error : UserRegisterView is not a constructor.I dont understand this error.I looked all code but i dont find it.
Sorry of my bad english.Please help me
Thanks for answer
UserRegisterView is here
var UserRegisterView = Backbone.View.extend({
model: User,
el: '#form',
events: {
'click input[id="infoWeek"]': 'infoWeek',
'click input[id="infoMonth"]': 'infoMonth'
infoWeek: function() {
infoMonth: function() {
var AddUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $(".page"),
events: {
'click #saveUser': 'saveUser'
saveUser: function() {
var user = new User();
username: $("#username").val(),
lastName: $("#lastName").val(),
regNumber: $("#regNumber").val(),
password: $("#password").val(),
departmentName: $("#departmentName").val(),
email: $("#email").val(),
role: $("#role").val()
if (document.getElementById('isOpen').checked) {
user.set("isOpen", $("#isOpen").val("1"));;
} else {
user.set("isOpen", $("#isOpen").val("0"));;
if (document.getElementById('dayOfWeek').checked) {
user.set("dayOfWeek", $("#dayOfWeek").val());;
} else if (document.getElementById('dayOfMonth').checked) {
user.set("dayOfMonth", $("#dayOfMonth").val());;
render: function() {
var that = this;
var template = Handlebars.compile(UserRegister);
var myHtml = template(that.model.toJSON());
return this;
return {
AddUserView: AddUserView,
UserRegisterView: UserRegisterView
router user func.
], function($,
) {
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'search': 'search',
'login': 'login',
'travels': 'travels',
'user': 'user',
'menu': 'menu',
'': 'home'
user: function() {
disposeView(new UserRegisterView().render());
dispose.view on util.js
function disposeView(view) {
Backbone.View.prototype.close = function() {
/* Şu anki viewi yok et */
if (this.currentView !== undefined) {
/* Yeni view oluştur. */
this.currentView = view;
return this.currentView;
What's happening
Your UserRegisterView module returns an object which contains two constructors.
return {
AddUserView: AddUserView,
UserRegisterView: UserRegisterView
When using this module, what you're getting is the object above.
// ...
], function(
// ...
UserRegisterView // value of the return in the module
) {
So you're kind of misleading yourself by calling it UserRegisterView as it's not the constructor, but the object containing the constructor.
To get a new UserRegisterView view instance with the current way your module is setup, you'd need to call it like so:
var userView = new UserRegisterView.UserRegisterView();
Or to create a AddUserView instance:
var addView = new UserRegisterView.AddUserView();
Split up the module, one for each view constructor.
Change the name so at least it's not misleading (like UserViewsModule)
Other improvements
That being said, there are other improvements that could be made to your Backbone code.
var UserRegisterView = Backbone.View.extend({
// that's useless (if not used) and not a view property.
// model: User,
// don't use `el` like that, especially when using the view as a shared Constructor
el: '#form',
events: {
'click input[id="infoWeek"]': 'onInfoWeekClick',
'click input[id="infoMonth"]': 'onInfoMonthClick'
initialize: function() {
// Cache jQuery object of the view's element
this.$dayOfMonth = this.$("#dayOfMonth");
this.$dayOfMonth = this.$("#dayOfMonth");
// also use the shortcut function instead of `this.$el.find()`
onInfoWeekClick: function(e) {
// calling render here is useless unless your using it as a parent
// view, where the child view overrides the render function.
onInfoMonthClick: function(e) {
The disposeView function could be simplified:
function disposeView(view) {
var current = this.currentView;
if (current) current.close();
current = this.currentView = view;
return current;
Don't change the default Backbone view prototype each time the function is called. Instead, add the function once.
_.extend(Backbone.View.prototype, {
close: function() {
// any other function you want to add can go here.
In another answer, I go into details on how to extend Backbone's core classes with requirejs transparently.
You're already using jQuery, so don't use JavaScript DOM API document.getElementById('isOpen') interspersed with jQuery selectors $('#isOpen').
I made some improvements to the following view. Take the time to create yourself some utility functions (like reset and getValues) to simplify the flow of the code and encapsulate the complexity.
var AddUserView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $(".page"),
events: {
'click #saveUser': 'saveUser'
// compile the template once while creating the view class
template: Handlebars.compile(UserRegister),
// get the selector string out of the code and place them in one place
// easy to change and maintain.
fields: {
username: "#username",
firstName: "#firstName",
lastName: "#lastName",
regNumber: "#regNumber",
password: "#password",
deparmentName: "#deparmentName",
email: "#email",
isOpen: "#isOpen",
dayOfWeek: "#dayOfWeek",
dayOfMonth: "#dayOfMonth",
render: function() {
// cache jQuery object of every field once after a render
this.field = _.reduce(this.fields, function(fields, selector, key) {
fields['$' + key] = this.$(selector);
return fields;
}, {}, this);
return this;
reset: function() {
// reset all the fields once without repeating code.
_.each(this.field, function($field) {
return this;
getValues: function(keys) {
// get the value of multiple fields returned in a nice object
// ready to be sent to a Backbone model.
return _.reduce(keys, function(data, key) {
data[key] = this.field[key].val();
return data;
}, {}, this);
saveUser: function() {
var field = this.field,
user = new User(this.getValues([
user.set({ isOpen: field.$':checked') });
if (field.$':checked')) {
user.set("dayOfWeek", field.$dayOfWeek.val());
} else if (field.$':checked')) {
user.set("dayOfMonth", field.$dayOfMonth.val());
In the following snippet, you're putting the context (this) into a local variable. I see that a lot and I could say that 90% of the times I see it on Stack Overflow questions, it makes no sense. It clearly screams copy-pasted.
render: function() {
var that = this;
// ...
return this;
Please tell me you see that you're putting this into that, then using that throughout the function, then you still return this?!
Putting the context into a local variable is useful when the object is needed in a dynamically created callback.
render: function() {
var that = this; // this is available here
setTimeout(function() {
// here this is not available.
}, 10);
// here we are in the same context as the first line.
return this;

Toggle class on mouse click event

I've got a Backbone.View that renders a collection and filters it on mouse click. I need to add class active to the button that I click, but the problem is that buttons are the part of this view and whenever I try to addClass or toggleClass it just renders again with default class. Here's my view:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #active': 'showActive',
'click #passed': 'showPassed'
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new ResumeCollection();
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
if (!filtered) {
data = this.collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
this.$el.html(this.template({ collection: this.collection.toJSON() });
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
return this;
showActive: function () {
// a function that returns a new filtered collection
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
But as I've already told, the class I need is toggled or added just for a moment, then the view is rendered again and it is set to default class. Is there any way to handle this?
I simplified the rendering and added some optimizations.
Since we don't have your template, I changed it to enable optimization:
<button id="active" type="button">Active</button>
<button id="passed" type="button">Passed</button>
<div class="list"></div>
Then your list view could be like this:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #active': 'showActive',
'click #passed': 'showPassed'
initialize: function() {
this.childViews = [];
this.collection = new ResumeCollection();
render: function() {
// cache the jQuery element once
this.elem = {
$list: this.$('.list'),
$active: this.$('#active'),
$passed: this.$('#passed')
this.renderList(); // default list rendering
return this;
renderList: function(collection) {
collection = collection || this.collection.models;
// Underscore's 'each' has a argument for the context.
_.each(collection, this.renderItem, this);
renderItem: function(model) {
var view = new ResumeView({ model: model });
showActive: function() {
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
* Gracefully call remove for each child view.
* This is to avoid memory leaks with listeners.
removeChildren: function() {
var view;
while ((view = this.childViews.pop())) {
Additional information:
Managing Views and Memory Leaks
Underscore's each (notice the third argument)
Try to avoid callback hell, make the callbacks reusable (like renderItem)
I have edited the snippet can you try this.
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #active': 'filterActive',
'click #passed': 'showPassed'
toggleElement: undefined,
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new ResumeCollection();
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
if (!filtered) {
data = this.collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
this.$el.html(this.template({ collection: this.collection.toJSON() });
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
return this;
filterActive: function (evt) {
this.toggleElement = this.$el.find(evt.currentTarget);
// a function that returns a new filtered collection
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
toggleActive: function() {
if(':checked')) {
} else {
Please note: I have taken checkbox element instead of button.

Backbone collection fetch render runs twice with router on first load

I am fairly new to Backbone and am trying to get my head around routers and calling a collection from a database.
I have the following
var Scorecards = Backbone.Collection.extend({
success: this.fetchSuccess,
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function (collection, response) {
if(collection.length>0) {
var view = new ScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container', model:scorecards});
var view = new NoScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container'});
fetchError: function(collection, response) {
throw new Error("Failed to get scorecards");
var ScorecardRouter = Backbone.Router.extend ({
routes: {
'' : 'home',
'create': 'createScorecard',
'edit': 'editScorecard'
home: function () {
console.log("Home view");
var view = new ScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container', model:scorecards});
createScorecard: function () {
console.log('Create view');
var view = new CreateScorecardView({el:'#scorecards-container'});
Scorecards view:
var ScorecardsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.model.on('destroy', this.render, this);
render: function() {
console.log("Scorecard render");
var self = this;
var scorecardView = new ScorecardView({model:scorecard});
self.$('.scorecards-items tbody').append(scorecardView.render().$el);
events: {
"click #scorecard-create-btn" : "createScorecardView",
createScorecardView: function(e) {
scorecardRouter.navigate('create', {trigger: true});
and I start things off with this
var scorecards = new Scorecards;
var scorecardRouter = new ScorecardRouter();
My problem is, when I first hit the home route, I'm getting the view render function running twice. Because firstly the fetch is calling it and also the route is calling it.
I need to remove the call from either the fetch success or the route, but when I do I get no results on initial load and I have to navigate to a different route and back to.
How are you supposed to achieve this? So I can fetch the results once and then display them via the route the fetch is successful but also show them in the route when a user navigates to it.
I hope that makes sense?
Any help would be great.
First of all, your data shouldn't know how it is rendered, so new View() anywhere within a Model or a Collection is a sure sign of a problem. Your views should watch their data and update themselves.
Your other possible source of confusion is passing {trigger: true} to your router navigate method. What kind of trouble that brings is elaborately explained in this classic Backbone article: Don’t Execute A Backbone.js Route Handler From Your Code.
For now, you definitely should remove the view rendering from the collection. Instead, your view should be aware of the collection and update itself when the data changes.
Here's an example of how I would setup my view to watch the collection:
/** Scorecard model */
var Scorecard = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: '',
email: ''
/** Scorecard View (I know it totally doesn't look like a scorecard, just an example view) */
var ScorecardView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<%=name%>, <em><%=email%></em>'),
render: function(){
this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );
return this;
/** Collection */
var Scorecards = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Scorecard,
/** using fake api for the sake of this example to work */
url: "",
success: this.fetchSuccess,
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function (collection, response) {
console.log("results:", collection);
fetchError: function(collection, response) {
throw new Error("Failed to get scorecards");
/** Scorecards view: */
var ScorecardsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.collection.on('destroy', this.render, this);
/** render one added item whenever it comes to collection */
this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);
render: function() {
console.log("Scorecard render");
/** clean the items container,
which will be useful when items get destroyed
and we'll want to re-render whole collection */
/** in case collection already has data, let's render it */
this.collection.each(this.addOne, this);
addOne: function(scorecard){
var scorecardView = new ScorecardView({ model: scorecard });
/** Router: */
var ScorecardRouter = Backbone.Router.extend ({
routes: {
'' : 'home'
home: function () {
console.log("Home view");
var view = new ScorecardsView({
collection: scorecards
/** starting things off */
var scorecards = new Scorecards();
var scorecardRouter = new ScorecardRouter();
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<div id="scorecards-container">
<div class="scorecards-items"></div>

Rendering and delete multiple views…

I hope i am clear enough, otherwise ask me for clarifications.
I would like to delete end create view in agreement to a main template…
I did try the following implementation, unsuccessfully.
// main-template.html
<div id=""project>
<div class="main-template">
<div id="view1"></div>
<div class="foldable-block">
<div id="view2"></div>
<div id="view3"></div>
], function (View1, View2, View3, mainTemaplte) {
var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function ()
el: $("#project"),
render: function ()
var options = this.options;
this.view1 = new View1(options);
this.view2 = new View2(options);
this.view3 = new View3(options);
return MainView;
define([… ], function (..) {
var View1 = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#view1"),
initialize: function () {
console.log(this.$el) // []
setTimeout( function () {
console.log(this.$el) // []
}, 2000);
return View1;
The issues as you can see from the comments is in view1.js
(this.$el) // []
from my js console it works:
$("#view1") // <div>….</div>
My goals is:
1) when I load the mainView.js module I would like to create a template to which attach my views (view1, view2, view3)
2) when I trigger delete view, every DOM, to which are attached the view, should be deleted.
3) when I call again the mainView.js module the template should be recreated.
if you have other ideas to suggest, please post.
Thanks to #nikoshr advise this.$el, in view1.j, is defined and when I call render in view1.js the this.$el is fill properly
but it is not attached to the body of document.
How can I make it without using append or similar jquery methods to my main-template.html ?
Here my render function:
render: function ()
this.$el.html(Mustache.render(myTemplate, this.view);
You are attaching your subviews to elements that do not exist at the time you require them. Something like this may be a step in the right direction:
], function (View1, View2, View3, mainTemaplte) {
var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function ()
render: function ()
// render from template and assign this.el to the root of the element
// e.g #project
var html=Mustache.render(mainTemaplte);
this.setElement( $(html) );
// create each view with its el set to the correct descendant
this.view1 = new View1( _.extend( {el:this.$("#view1")} , this.options) );
this.view2 = new View2( _.extend( {el:this.$("#view2")} , this.options) );
this.view3 = new View3( _.extend( {el:this.$("#view3")} , this.options) );
return MainView;
define([… ], function (..) {
var View1 = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
return View1;
And you can recreate your view with something like
require(["js/views/mainView"], function(MainView) {
var view=new MainView();
//attach the view to the DOM

Backbone - Validation not working on create, only update/edit?

So, I am able to validate just fine when I am editing an existing item. However, if I want to create, validation for some reason is not getting kicked off. Instead, I am seeing the errors below:
//this is if the field I want to validate is empty
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'get'
//this is if everything in the form is filled out
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'trigger' of undefined
Here is(what I think is) the relative portion of my js. Sorry if its an overload, I wanted to add as much as I can to be as specific as possible:
Comic = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.bind("error", this.notifyCollectionError);
this.bind("change", this.notifyCollectionChange);
idAttribute: "ComicID",
url: function () {
return this.isNew() ? "/comics/create" : "/comics/edit/" + this.get("ComicID");
validate: function (atts) {
if ("Name" in atts & !atts.Name) {
return "Name is required";
if ("Publisher" in atts & !atts.Publisher) {
return "Publisher is required";
notifyCollectionError: function (model, error) {
this.collection.trigger("itemError", error);
notifyCollectionChange: function () {
this.collection.trigger("itemChanged", this);
Comics = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Comic,
url: "/comics/comics"
comics = new Comics();
FormView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, "render");
this.template = $("#comicsFormTemplate");
events: {
"change input": "updateModel",
"submit #comicsForm": "save"
save: function () {
success: function (model, response) {
model.collection.trigger("itemSaved", model);
error: function (model, response) {
model.trigger("itemError", "There was a problem saving " + model.get("Name"));
return false;
updateModel: function (evt) {
var field = $(evt.currentTarget);
var data = {};
var key = field.attr('ID');
var val = field.val();
data[key] = val;
if (!this.model.set(data)) {
//reset the form field
render: function () {
var html = this.template.tmpl(this.model.toJSON());
return this;
NotifierView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.template = $("#notifierTemplate");
this.className = "success";
this.message = "Success";
_.bindAll(this, "render", "notifySave", "notifyError");
comics.bind("itemSaved", this.notifySave);
comics.bind("itemError", this.notifyError);
events: {
"click": "goAway"
goAway: function () {
notifySave: function (model) {
this.message = model.get("Name") + " saved";
notifyError: function (message) {
this.message = message;
this.className = "error";
render: function () {
var html = this.template.tmpl({ message: this.message, className: this.className });
return this;
var ComicsAdmin = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function () {
listView = new ListView({ collection: comics, el: "#comic-list" });
formView = new FormView({ el: "#comic-form" });
notifierView = new NotifierView({el: "#notifications" });
routes: {
"": "index",
"edit/:id": "edit",
"create": "create"
index: function () {
edit: function (id) {
var model = comics.get(id);
formView.model = model;
create: function () {
var model = new Comic();
formView.model = model;
jQuery(function () {
success: function () { = new ComicsAdmin();
error: function () {
So, shouldnt my create be getting validated too? Why isnt it?
When creating a new instance of a model, the validate method isn't called. According to the backbone documentation the validation is only called before set or save.
I am also struggling with this problem and found solutions in related questions:
You could make a new model and then set its attributes (see question 9709968)
A more elegant way is calling the validate method when initializing the model (see question 7923074)
I'm not completely satisfied with these solutions because creating a new instance of the model like described in the backbone documentation shouldn't happen when an error is triggered. Unfortunately, in both solutions you're still stuck with a new instance of the model.
edit: Being stuck with a new instance of the model is actually quite nice. This way you can give the user feedback about why it didn't pass the validator and give the opportunity to correct his/her input.
OK. So, I'm having some mild success here.
First, I wrote my own validation framework, Backbone.Validator since I didn't like any of the ones out there that I found.
Second, I am able to get the validation framework to set off the validation routine by setting silent: false with in the object provided during the new Model creation.
Along with using the use_defaults parameter from my validation framework I am able to override bad data during setup in initial testing. I'm still working on doing some more tests on this, but it seems to be going OK from from the Chrome browser console.

