Backbone collection fetch render runs twice with router on first load - javascript

I am fairly new to Backbone and am trying to get my head around routers and calling a collection from a database.
I have the following
var Scorecards = Backbone.Collection.extend({
success: this.fetchSuccess,
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function (collection, response) {
if(collection.length>0) {
var view = new ScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container', model:scorecards});
var view = new NoScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container'});
fetchError: function(collection, response) {
throw new Error("Failed to get scorecards");
var ScorecardRouter = Backbone.Router.extend ({
routes: {
'' : 'home',
'create': 'createScorecard',
'edit': 'editScorecard'
home: function () {
console.log("Home view");
var view = new ScorecardsView({el:'#scorecards-container', model:scorecards});
createScorecard: function () {
console.log('Create view');
var view = new CreateScorecardView({el:'#scorecards-container'});
Scorecards view:
var ScorecardsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.model.on('destroy', this.render, this);
render: function() {
console.log("Scorecard render");
var self = this;
var scorecardView = new ScorecardView({model:scorecard});
self.$('.scorecards-items tbody').append(scorecardView.render().$el);
events: {
"click #scorecard-create-btn" : "createScorecardView",
createScorecardView: function(e) {
scorecardRouter.navigate('create', {trigger: true});
and I start things off with this
var scorecards = new Scorecards;
var scorecardRouter = new ScorecardRouter();
My problem is, when I first hit the home route, I'm getting the view render function running twice. Because firstly the fetch is calling it and also the route is calling it.
I need to remove the call from either the fetch success or the route, but when I do I get no results on initial load and I have to navigate to a different route and back to.
How are you supposed to achieve this? So I can fetch the results once and then display them via the route the fetch is successful but also show them in the route when a user navigates to it.
I hope that makes sense?
Any help would be great.

First of all, your data shouldn't know how it is rendered, so new View() anywhere within a Model or a Collection is a sure sign of a problem. Your views should watch their data and update themselves.
Your other possible source of confusion is passing {trigger: true} to your router navigate method. What kind of trouble that brings is elaborately explained in this classic Backbone article: Don’t Execute A Backbone.js Route Handler From Your Code.
For now, you definitely should remove the view rendering from the collection. Instead, your view should be aware of the collection and update itself when the data changes.
Here's an example of how I would setup my view to watch the collection:
/** Scorecard model */
var Scorecard = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: '',
email: ''
/** Scorecard View (I know it totally doesn't look like a scorecard, just an example view) */
var ScorecardView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<%=name%>, <em><%=email%></em>'),
render: function(){
this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );
return this;
/** Collection */
var Scorecards = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Scorecard,
/** using fake api for the sake of this example to work */
url: "",
success: this.fetchSuccess,
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function (collection, response) {
console.log("results:", collection);
fetchError: function(collection, response) {
throw new Error("Failed to get scorecards");
/** Scorecards view: */
var ScorecardsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
this.collection.on('destroy', this.render, this);
/** render one added item whenever it comes to collection */
this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);
render: function() {
console.log("Scorecard render");
/** clean the items container,
which will be useful when items get destroyed
and we'll want to re-render whole collection */
/** in case collection already has data, let's render it */
this.collection.each(this.addOne, this);
addOne: function(scorecard){
var scorecardView = new ScorecardView({ model: scorecard });
/** Router: */
var ScorecardRouter = Backbone.Router.extend ({
routes: {
'' : 'home'
home: function () {
console.log("Home view");
var view = new ScorecardsView({
collection: scorecards
/** starting things off */
var scorecards = new Scorecards();
var scorecardRouter = new ScorecardRouter();
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<div id="scorecards-container">
<div class="scorecards-items"></div>


Rendering the view returns undefined

I've got a collection view with two filter methods, and a render method which takes a parameter. The problem I'm stuck with is that when rendering the view for the first time it returns me an error. Here's my collection:
var ResumeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'http://localhost:3000',
filterActive: function () {
var active = this.where({interviewed: false});
return new ResumeCollection(active);
filterInterviewed: function () {
var interviewed = this.where({interviewed: true});
return new ResumeCollection(interviewed);
And my view:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
events { // hash array of filter events },
initialize: function () {
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
if (!filtered) {
data = this.collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
return this;
showActive: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterActive();
showInterviewed: function (ev) {
var filtered = this.collection.filterInterviewed();
showAll: function (ev) {
This view gets rendered for the first time in my router by passing a collection:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'home'
initialize: function () {
this.layout = new LayoutView();
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
And this is the layout view within which all the other views are rendered:
var LayoutView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('#outlet'),
render: function (view) {
if (this.child && this.child !== view) {
this.child = view;
return this;
When I just refresh my page, I get filtered.toArray is not a function error and nothing is rendered respectively. After inspecting everything in the debugger, I found out that when the view gets rendered for the first time, the filtered attribute receives an empty collection, assigns it to data variable, which becomes an empty array and goes to the body of render function, becoming undefined after that. The mysteries go here: whenever I click items, that are bound to my show* events, they act exactly as expected and render either models where interviewed === false, or true or the whole collection. This looks kinda magic to me and I haven't got the faintest idea what can I do with that.
ADDED: GitHub repo with this project
Your home function on the AppRouter has a typo. You have an extra semi-colon.
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection();
Should be
home: function () {
this.layout.render(new ResumeList({
collection: new ResumeCollection()
I needed to remove it to get the JSFiddle working:
I'd recommend adding some kind of linting tool into your IDE or Build process (
You need to add home url content to your db.json file like this
"" : [
'somthing': 'somthing'
After a piece of advice from my mentor I realized that the core of the problem was in asynchronous origin of fetch method -- as I passed this.collection.fetch in my initialize function, it executed after my render method, not before it, so my render method had just nothing to render when the view was called for the first time. So, this fix worked:
var ResumeList = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function (options) {
this.collection = options.collection();
// removed .fetch() method from here
render: function (filtered) {
var self = this;
var data;
// and added it here:
success: function (collection) {
if (!filtered) {
data = collection.toArray();
} else {
data = filtered.toArray();
_.each(data, function (cv) {
self.$el.append((new ResumeView({model: cv})).render().$el);
And this worked perfectly and exactly as I needed.

Wrong backbone collection length. Can't each this collection

Sorry for my bad English. Tell me why the following happens:
I have some backbone collection:
var Background = window.Models.Background = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Backgrounds = window.Models.Backgrounds = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: window.Models.Background,
url: '/backgrounds/',
initialize: function() {
success: this.fetchSuccess(this),
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function( collect_model ) {
new BackgroundsView ({ collection : collect_model });
fetchError: function() {
throw new Error("Error fetching backgrounds");
And some view:
var BackgroundsView = window.Views.BackgroundsView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'hor_slider',
initialize: function() {
render: function() {
this.collection.each( function (background) {
//var backgroundView = new BackgroundView ({ model: background });
now i creating collection
var backgrounds = new Models.Backgrounds();
but when I must render this view, in the process of sorting the collection its length is 0, but should be two. This log I see at console. How is this possible? What am I doing wrong??
You are creating the view before the collection fetch is successfull. Your code should be:
initialize: function() {
success: this.fetchSuccess,
//------------------------^ do not invoke manually
error: this.fetchError
fetchSuccess: function(collection, response) {
new BackgroundsView ({ collection : collection});
You should let backbone call fetchSuccess when the fetch succeeds. Right now you're invoking the funcion immediately and passing the return value undefined as success callback.
This looks like a wrong pattern. Your data models shouldn't be aware of/controlling the presentation logic.
You have a view floating around without any reference to it. You should be creating a view instance with reference(for example from a router, or whatever is kick starting your application) and passing the collection to it. Then fetch the collection from it's initialize method and render after the fetch succeeds. Collection can be referenced via this.collection inside view.
Alternatively you can fetch the collection from router itself and then create view instance. Either way collection/model shouldn't be controlling views.
If the code is structured in the following way, the problem is solved. It was necessary to add a parameter reset to fetch.
var Background = window.Models.Background = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Backgrounds = window.Models.Backgrounds = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: window.Models.Background,
url: '/backgrounds/',
initialize: function() {
reset : true,
var BackgroundsView = window.Views.BackgroundsView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
className: 'hor_slider',
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);
render: function() {
this.collection.each( function (background) {
var backgroundView = new BackgroundView ({ model: background });
}, this);
return this;

Backbone refresh collection with event handler

I'm using backbone and I'm very new at it, I have a list of products sizes and a list of quantities / prices. When someone selects a different product size, I use backbone to do an ajax call to the server to get me an updated price list.
I'm struggling to get the save function to work so that I can return the updated collection. I will have to pass back a couple params, but for the time being, I'm just trying to get it to save to the backend. I've read save can be used to automatically setup the ajax request.
I'd also only like this to load the template when the li element is clicked, not on page load.
My code
var models = {};
models.PriceModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
models.PriceList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
this.productId = options.productId;
model: models.PriceModel,
url: function() {
return '../product/pricing/' + this.productId + '.json'
var PriceView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#product-module',
template: Handlebars.compile($("#priceTemplate").html()),
events: {
"click #product-dimensions li": "dimensionClicked",
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);
render: function() {
this.$el.find('#product-quantities').html( this.template(this.collection.toJSON()));
dimensionClicked: function(event, callback){{},{
success: function(model, data){
error: function(model, response) {
console.log('error! ' + response);
var prices = new models.PriceList({productId:${}});
var priceView = new PriceView({collection: prices});
<%-- prices.fetch({reset: true});--%>
The error I'm getting.
TypeError: is not a function{},{
How do I pass back a couple of params and then refresh the template?
The solution was to use
this.collection.fetch({data: {customParm : searchData}, reset: true});

Backbone: how to get and display just one model data in a view via router

I have created a very basic backbone app, to understand how it works.
In the router, I just wanna display just 1 model, i.e. a user, not the whole collection, by passing an id in the url, how to do that?
For example, I'd like to do, and this would display just user no2 details.
Please see my work in jsfiddle
// router
var ViewsRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'viewOne',
'one': 'viewOne',
'two': 'viewTwo',
'user/:id': 'user'
viewOne: function() {
var view = new TheViewOne({ model: new TheModel });
viewTwo: function() {
var view = new UserView({ model: new TheModel });
user: function(id) {
// how to get just 1 user with the corresponding id passed as argument
// and display it???
Many thanks.
I've written a complete Backbone CRUD with no backend stuff for beginners. Below is the part where we get the user from the collection and show/render it.
var UserEditView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function(options) {
if (options && {
var template = _.template($("#user-edit-template").html(), {
user: userCollection.get(
} else {
var template = _.template($("#user-edit-template").html(), {
user: null
// console.log(template);
return this;
router.on('route:editUser', function(id) {
console.log("Show edit user view : " + id);
var userEditView = new UserEditView({
el: '.content'
id: id
Particularly, sticking to your code, the router will look something like this :
user: function(id) {
var view = new UserView({ model: userCollection.get(id) });

Backbone - loading JSON into collection won't render in the view

I can't seem to get JSON that is loading into my FriendsCollection to render into FriendListView. I can see that it is loading through the network panel, and I can log the data to the console, but for some reason the fetch command isn't passing the data to the view to be rendered.
I'm using Backbone 1.0.
The code i'm using is available on jsbin here:,js,output
var ArtifactModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.on('reset', function(){ artifactView.render() })
defaults: {
"text": "Unknown Text",
"timestamp": "Unknown timestamp"
var artifactModel = new ArtifactModel();
var ArtifactCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ArtifactModel,
url: '/getDigest.json',
// url: 'http://we365.local/Artifact/GetShareableArtifact?token=b88d2640826bb8593f6edb308ce604f28225f240&artifact_id=2&social_site=tw&log_inside=&go',
parse: function(data) {
console.log('running parse');
return, _.identity);
initialize: function(){
this.on('reset', function(){ artifactListView.render(); }),
console.log('running init function for ArtifactCollection');
//this.reset(artifactjson, { parse: true });
var artifactCollection = new ArtifactCollection();
var ArtifactView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'single-model',
render: function(){
var template = Handlebars.compile($('#stream_getDigest').html());
return this;
var ArtifactListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initalize: function(){
this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this);
render: function(){
this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this);
addOne: function(artifactModel){
var artifactView = new ArtifactView({model: artifactModel});
// rendering
var artifactView = new ArtifactView({model: artifactModel});
var artifactListView = new ArtifactListView({collection: artifactCollection});
By default jQuery ajax call is asynchronous, the code will keep running without waiting for the .fetch() to be finished. In your code the view is rendered before the collection is ready so the data for the view is empty.
You can pass jQuery ajax option to fetch function so you can do the following (
initialize: function(){
this.on('reset', function(){ artifactListView.render(); }),
console.log('running init function for ArtifactCollection');
console.log(this.toJSON()); //This will log the loaded collection
Or you can change fetching strategy to take the advantage of asynchronous load:
//Things to do after collection is loaded
//this's not good to use in init function
You need to set handlers on the models. Something like this:
friendModel.on('change', function() { friendView.render(); });
friendCollection.on('change', function() { friendListView.render(); });
Or better yet, put these lines in the constructors for friendModel and friendCollection (see ).

