ERROR: 508 (Loop detected) - javascript

Well, this isn't like a proper question or anything..
I am just a bit curious, tried searching but couldn't find accurate answer for my problem so I had decided to try out and ask another question out here.
I have this small fun-time project in which you are supposed to keep on clicking a button until you gain the highest clicks among the other players, I have a page ManageClick.php which has the following code in it -
$storage = fopen("TOTAL.txt", "r+");
if (flock($storage, LOCK_EX)) {
$a = fread($storage,filesize("TOTAL.txt"));
fseek($storage, 0);
fwrite($storage, $a);
flock($storage, LOCK_UN);
} else {
The above adds a random delay between 1-3 seconds and then opens a file TOTAL.txt reads it, and adds +1 to the value in the file.
I have a main page Testpage.html which has a simple button and a JQuery function which calls the page ManageClick.php when the button is clicked. However, now the problem arises. Whenever an user rapidly clicks the button in the main page it shows the following error in the Console window-
GET 508 (Loop Detected)
GET 508 (Loop Detected)
WHERE domain is my website's name.
Any idea what could be causing the following issue? Rapid clicking of the button is one of them which I guess sends multiple requests to the page and causes the 508 error. Also, any possible way in which I could try and fix this error from showing up in the Console?
Also, please note that I am not English... Sorry for it.
PLEASE SEE- Adding the code of my Testpage.html for better quality of help.
<script src=""></script>
$("img").click(function() {
var test = $("#Clicks").load("TOTAL.txt");
<body >
<img src='ABCD.png'>
<div id='Clicks' style=""></div>

If I understood, you have a webpage that has a game in which you call a php script to save how many times the user has clicked on a button.
You say the console (I guess chrome's developper tools or the similar) returns a 508 error as "Loop detected". This is the server telling the client that there might be a loop in the code because it gets called too many times. Well... it's not an automated redirect, it's just you calling it tons of times.
According to your explanation of the game, I would rather save the number of clicks in a javascript variable, and send them only after the game ended. This way, you only call the server one time.
On the other hand, your php code assumes that there's only one user of your website. I mean, you save the value in a file, but it doesn't take in account who's game is it.
Think that if you and I opened the website at the same time, you start adding clicks, and then I add another one, but the count gets saved in the same place.
Edit: Code example
var test = $("#Clicks").load("TOTAL.txt");
$("img").click(function() {
test = parseInt(test) + 1;
With this, you load the number previously stored and keep count of the clicks. Next you need to build a function that sends the click count after some idle time (or if you have a timeout per round )
I'll assume that if the user spent 3 seconds without clicking, he's gone, so I update the server. The new jquery would be:
var test = $("#Clicks").load("TOTAL.txt");
var wdt;
$("img").click(function() {
wdt = setTimeout(serversync, 3000);
test = parseInt(test) + 1;
function serversync(){
In this code I added the serversync function. It runs after 3000 ms have gone for the setTimeout(). This timeout gets fired when the user clicks, but if there's a click again, the timer resets.
Finally, you should pass the new count value to the ManageClick.php script. I passed it as the count GET attribute (which you can retrieve in your php by $_GET['count']
Of course, this is not perfect nor safe (I could easily fake a massive count to be sent to the server, but that's another story), but it's the idea

Your webserver is detecting a long running script based on some configuration. I'd bet if you take out the sleep function, it would no longer detect a loop.
Also, if you are expecting the value in TOTAL.txt to increase, be sure to cast as integer.
$a = fread($storage,filesize("TOTAL.txt"));
$a = (integer) $a; // cast as integer
$a++; // now you can increase it
To further mitigate this issue, if you must keep the lseep() function, use the following steps in your html/js:
click_button (call ajax)
disable_button (while ajax is running/php is sleeping)
accept_ajax_return_value (when ajax responds)
re-enable button (after ajax is complete and can go again)


Javascript client & event handler timing issues - how to solve?

Simple web site with master page and multiple child pages.
In page_load, master page looks for session variable containing a value and if it's there, uses
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SessionAlert", "SessionExpireAlert(" + sessionTimeout + ");", true);
This kicks off a timeout alert, which works fine.
There is a server-side button on one child page that effectively ends the user interaction on the page and leaves a message stating "go and log in again if you want to do more stuff". When this button is clicked, I want to clear out the session variable (easy) and end the running timeout warning alert script (not so easy).
As the Master "page_load" event fires BEFORE the button handler, at the time the page reloads, it restarts the timeout script. When it hits the button event handler and clears the session variable, it's too late as the script is already running.
I've tried using "registerclientscriptblock" to inject immediate javascript to call the "clearTimeout()" client side function I have, but it doesn't seem to be able to find the function which exists on the master page and errors.
This seems to be a classic "chicken and egg" scenario and I can't see the wood for the trees. Could someone please point me in the right direction here before I drive myself mad!?
edited to add bit of javascript code:
Currently the master page function "SessionExpireAlert" referenced by the page_load code contains among other things this:
window.updateInterval = setInterval(function () {
document.getElementById("idleTime").innerHTML = convertTime(seconds);
document.getElementById("expireTime").innerHTML = convertTime(seconds);
}, 1000);
RegisterStartupScript will add the script to the end of the body, so the DOM is ready when it runs. As long as you always use RegisterStartupScript after that then the scripts will be added and executed in the order you create them.
Basically, RegisterClientScriptBlock is most likely going to place the script before any scripts added with RegisterStartupScript.
Have you considered putting this in Page_PreRender instead:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "SessionAlert", "SessionExpireAlert(" + sessionTimeout + ");", true);
With an appropriate check first to see if it is necessary?

Multiple clicks slows down the application performance

Before I explain the problem, I want to describe short what I am trying to achieve
I have made 5 diagrams and one NavigationList. The NavigationList consists of pure HTML that displays a list of table1, table2, table3, table4 and table5 (JavaScript files). The user will click on a specific row inside the list, then the table the user wants to view will be displayed, and he can only view one diagram once a time.
For instance: I the user wants too view diagram1, then he must click on diagram1. Later he wants to view diagram2, then diagram1 will be closed because he have clicked on diagram2.
The problem:
If the user clicks multiple times on the same list name (for instance diagram1), then each click will slow down the diagram, very strange. So if the user clicks 10 times, the diagram will slow down 10 times more. Why is this happening and how can I solve this problem?**
This is table2.js, I believe that $(document).ready(function() has something to do with why the diagram slows down after each click.
(function table2(){
$(document).ready(function() {
// table2 code content is taken away to save space in this file on stackoverflow...
This is the part where I call the diagrams by using JQuery event with if statement.
$('[data-row]').on('click', function() {
var row = $(this).attr('data-row');
$('#table' + row).addClass('active');
if(row == 1){
$.getScript("table1.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 2) {
$.getScript("table2.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 3) {
$.getScript("table3.js", function(){});
} else if (row == 4) {
$.getScript("table4.js", function(){});
}else if (row == 5) {
$.getScript("table5.js", function(){});
} else {
This is a statistic result that shows why the performance is so slow, as you can see; each table is receiving data samples. After multiple clicks the performance is high drops down from 40 fps to 6.5 fps, strange??
Click here to view the slow performance statistics
because each click you doing ajax request so if you click 10 times you making 10 requests plus calling table12(); functions which can be heavy.. you need to change your code to check if diagram is visible if yes dont do another request
You probably have a memory leak. Make sure you clean up global variables properly and DOM nodes properly. Your browser should have developer tools which should allow you to see memory usage.
I'm also a bit worried by this code:
$.getScript("SensorTables/ExhaustTemperature.js", function(){});
.getScript() is an asynchronous function, so table1() will be executed before the browser has loaded the script.
The correct code is probably:
$.getScript("table1.js", function(){});
since the function table1 is defined in such a way that it's executed right away. That means your code logs an error in the JavaScript console when you click the first time. When you click a second time, the function is called twice (once when jQuery fetches the script from the server and again from your code).
$(document).ready(); isn't necessary inside of (function table1(){}()); - when this code is executed, the DOM is ready. Maybe the code is there because other pages use the script as well. My recommendation would be to move that into the places where you need it.
Lastly, if you give the function a name, then the browser keeps it around. That may eat a lot of memory, depending on how complex the code is. If you want to keep the code around, this should be much faster:
if(table1) {
} else {
since it loads the script only once.
If you want to load the script again every time the user clicks and save memory:
and change the script to
(function (){
// table2 code content is taken away to save space in this file on stackoverflow...
(i.e. remove the name of the function). The browser will then execute it once and forget as much as it can about it.

Javascript - Loop keeps running after page refresh

Today one of the weirdest things i have ever seens just happened.
I have a loop in a page that does a synchronous ajax request for each element of the loop. Since it was taking too long i decided to stop the loop by refreshing the page.
When the page loaded i couldn't click on any element of the page so i checked Firebug console and i saw that the ajax calls of the previous loop were still being done (the loop is set to start after i click on a link, so it can't start as soon as page loads).
To stop the loop i had to close the current tab and open my page in a new one.
It's worth mentioning that i have a datatables table on that page and i have enabled the option to save the table state, maybe this is interfering with my code (the loop itself is not part of the datatables initialization, though it uses data from the table).
I have also noticed that some things of the loop aren't being done. It should've changed the page of the datatable by time to time, and it should've written in the javascript console, both things don't happen after i refresh the page, the ajax calls are still going though.
Here's the code where the loop is contained:
//This variable will contain a reference to the datatable
var oTable;
var isWorking=false;
//Change the datatables page
function changeTablePage(oTable, page, clear){
//This part is inside a document.ready block
$(document).on("click", ".validation-all-click", function(event){
//saves the current page, will be needed for later
var page=oTable.fnPagingInfo().iPage;
var numberPage=0;
var done=false;
console.log("page: "+numberPage);
changeTablePage(oTable, numberPage, false);
var nNodes = oTable.fnGetNodes();
var len=nNodes.length;
$('.validation-click', nNodes).each(function( index, value ){
//id of the element to be validated
var id=$(value).data("rowid");
//Calls the validation url
url: "/validate?id="+id,
async: false
//if the datatables page has 0 items, then it's done
//goes back to the original page
changeTablePage(oTable, page, true);
I don't want this behavior to happen, but i have no idea on why it's happening and how to prevent it
Thanks for sharing your story. I don't see any specific question in the post, so I'll just comment on whatever I feel like.
As I understand it, browsers aren't required to redraw the UI while JavaScript is running. Since there's a script blocking on a synchronous ajax request, maybe it's to be expected that you don't see the changes to the table until the loop finishes.
Furthermore, it may also be that the browser isn't required to destroy a page while its scripts are running. That would explain why you saw requests in Firebug after refreshing the page--perhaps the previous copy of the page was still running in a hidden state.
edit: valepu reports in a comment, below, that the table does change while the script is running. That's fine. The browser can probably determine that it can redraw the UI during the ajax call (which doesn't affect the JavaScript environment). valepu also clarifies that the visual updates stop after refreshing the page, though the requests continue to go out. This is also consistent with the idea that the browser has just hidden the previous page (until it finishes) and loaded up a new copy of the page when refreshing.
As for how to prevent it: the most reliable way would be to use asynchronous requests, or otherwise yield between requests. Sorry, folks.
I have solved by adding a variable that will stop the loop when i exit the page:
var stopLoop=false
$( window ).unload(function() {
both loops will now check if this variable is false before executing the code inside the loop.
This works on Firefox but not on Chrome though.
-- EDIT --
In the end i have solved by editing the code in order to make the ajax calls asynchronous and using the callback functions to continue the cycle, though it was no simple task (some days later i found a new solution that allowed me to do all that i needed in a single call when i found out how to recover the parameters used by datatables to retrieve data, but this has nothing to do with the original question). So, for future references: expect this "weird" behaviour when making a loop with ajax synchronous calls

reload php page with javascript

I have drawn a chess board in a php page. Every piece is set as draggable, and every tile as droppable. Once a piece is dropped on a tile, I'd like to reload the php page so the board can be drawn anew along with new positions.
How can I do that: reloading the php page with javascript, without displaying a window asking for confirmation such as "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier. ->Cancel; Resend" ?
Or perhaps there are better solutions?
If you want to avoid having refresh reporting data (for any reason, including the user clicking the reload button) then use the POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern ( Read that, it will explain what to do.
Quick solution: you could try:
window.location.reload(true); //true sets request type to GET
Use GET, instead of POST and the dialog box you are getting will go away.
Good luck!
Make use of
will refresh automatically
var timer = null;
function auto_reload()
window.location = ''; //your page location
<!-- Reload page every 10 seconds. -->
<body onload="timer = setTimeout('auto_reload()',10000);">

Countdown timer-php+mysql+js

I am working on online examination. In which the examination duration will fetch by mysql(in minutes). I want to show the countdown time on the top of the page.
currently I am using
but the main problem is .. when every time a new question display ..the page get refresh and ..timer reset again from start.
Please help me where is the main problem?
or any other example if you want to suggest?
Before running the test you need to calculate exact test end time on the server side and save it into session:
if (empty($_SESSION['test_will_end_by'])) {
$_SESSION['test_will_end_by'] = time() + $test_duration_in_seconds;
Then, if you provide it to your client-side script from HTML:
Time left:
<span class="timer" data-end="<?php
echo date(DateTime::RFC1123, $_SESSION['test_will_end_by']);
Add this code into your jQuery DOM-ready handler to start all timers on a page:
$('.timer').each(function() {
var target = new Date($(this).data('end')), update, $this = $(this);
(update = function () {
var now = new Date();
$this.text((new Date(target - now)).toUTCString().split(' ')[4]);
if (Math.floor((target - now)/1000) == 0) return; // timer stops
setTimeout(update, 1000);
Every time you refresh the page, the JavaScript code will run again, so the timer will be reset. To solve this problem, get the content without refreshing the page, that is : Ajax.
You can store the current value in a cookie using the form submit or page beforeunload events. Then when a new page loads, get the remaining time and keep counting down. This also allows for some network latency.
Note that the user may be able to access and modify the value of the cookie.
Store the question start time in session, when ever page refreshes get the session start time difference from server and display them in web page. The increment part you can do from the client side javascript code without using AJAX.

