increase query limitations at overpass api - javascript

I have an application with leaflet and overpass.api. I use this overpass-layer plugin to query to OSM data.
My problem ist, when i query to0 often to overpass.api i get an Too Many request error after 2 queries.
overpass-api status shows me that there is a limitation. There is 1 available slot, and after a query it blocks my IP for a time period (30sec-3min).
Why is my IP banned already after 1 query?
I wanted to make an application to search with OSM tags and receive data from OSM database. My application works , but it is not possible to query often.


What are end points in an API

I have the following description of an API. How do I call this API in my react app or through postman? I don't understand the endpoints in it.
Deployed a CORS-enabled API for IP geolocation and weather lookup at
There are two endpoints:
Get the geographic location of the requestor’s IP
Get weather for a given latitude & longitude
I tried,77.102490 in postman but it doesn't work. Also, doesn't work. Any help is appreciated aI i am new to APIs
Through simple trial and error I managed to determine that this API expects you to call it like this for the /ip route:
Note that this is pretty unusual and would be considered incorrect by most API designers. I would expect it to be /ip/ instead, but the server is not set up correctly to handle that.
Also, as TKoL mentioned in the comments, an IP like 192... will never work, because it is a local IP address that is not visible to the outside world beyond your network. If the server attempts to lookup anything based on that IP address, it will likely not find anything, or even worse it might find something about a computer inside of its datacenter, in which case it could return data that is subtly incorrect from your point of view. You can find your external IP with services like
Your weather example works fine for me as-is (try clicking below in a browser):,77.102490
I did not try Postman, but it may not be working for you because it does not send the same HTTP headers as a browser does. Some servers expect certain headers to be sent. You can manually configure the headers in Postman to mimic a browser, which should work if that is the case.

Google maps javascript DirectionRenderers limit

I am looking to display many routes on one instance of map, each route with different color. For it I created an array of DirectionsRenderer objects and assigning separate DirectionsRenderer for each route.
The problem is GoogleMap component displays only first 10 DirectionsRenderer, I was not able to find any info on this limitation in google developers website. Is there any way to use more than 10 DirectionsRenderers at same time?
Thanks for help in advance.
Just to add to what #geocodezip said:
"I was not able to find any info on this limitation in google developers website."
Here you go:
Usage limits and
-Up to 8 waypoints per request, plus the origin and destination. // 10 overall
-50 requests per second, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries.
-2,500 free requests per day, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries; enable billing to access higher daily quotas,
billed at $0.50 USD / 1000 additional requests, up to 100,000 requests

Getting Google Contacts API System Groups

I am accessing the google contacts api successfully with:
And getting all my groups with:
However, the first query is pulling back every person I have ever emailed. I want it to only pull the mycontacts group. Apparantly this is a system group that can't be deleted by the user. How do I get just the contacts in this one group?
You need to specify v=3 in your query paramaters.
Google Contacts API v3 does not return system groups
Otherwise it interprets it as the v1 api which does not display system groups by default.

Find location of tower using google geolocation api

I am trying to find the location of cell towers using MNC, MCC, lac and CellID.
I have tried many api's such as opencell, combian etc. But none of them are free.
Is there any rest free API available, but for the moment I am using Google geolocation api.
I am sending request in javascript like this
and all the time it return "Not Found"
I checked many places on stackover, but could not find good solution or hint. In addition is there any Free Api Available for getting operator name by using data mnc, mcc, cellid and lac.
In addition, I have also tried to use this link to get location but I could not as I can not find what parameter I need to pass and what should be the url I need to create.
Please provide me some guidelines to get location and operator name for specific tower by using information such as mnc, mcc etc.
Thanks appreciated
Google describes the geolocate API endpoint in their docs. You tried to do a GET request, but they say that you should use POST, with JSON-Formatted data:
Communication is done over HTTPS using POST. Both request and response are formatted as JSON, and the content type of both is application/json.
If you want to use the undocumented API from your link, the URL is and the POST-data is what is written in the function WriteData. See the Java Docs for DataOutputStream if you are unfamiliar with the output produced by the various write..-methods.
As for getting the operator name, there are free databases available for that (alternative 1, alternative 2; search google for more, there are plenty).

How to batch create users in Parse via REST api

I have roughly 1.5 million users I need to import into my parse _User table (we are migrating from our old sql db to Parse).
I've tried using a Background Job, but it is slow and gets killed every 15 minutes. As a result, we have only import ~300K users in 4 days.
So I decided to go the REST api route...and tried the PythonPy lib. It works, except for being able to do batch creation of users. From digging more into this, it seems that the REST api forces you to do a User.signup() call.
This of course makes the whole thing be serialized.
Is there anyway to do batch user creation?
Batch creating / signing up User objects is not supported in Parse. It is mentioned in this question:

