How to allow file upload in Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms? - javascript

Under Project service:
And under project template:
There is a possibility of customizing forms in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, through Customize entity:
Also, seems like we can add a new field as well:
to forms:
I see that there is no file field in the forms:
Is there a way to allow file upload in Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms?
Maybe programmatically?

If you have Notes enabled on the entity, you can upload files via the notes component on the form.
To enable it, go to the entity customization and check the Notes box, and then add notes to your entity form.
Now you can upload files on the entity form by adding a new note on the record, through the newly added Notes component.
Picture guide:
An alternative is using something like SharePoint instead to host your files, and using the standard CRM/SharePoint integration to access them in CRM. That way you won't use up all your expensive CRM storage with files.

The standard option for doing a file upload is creating a note (entity annotation) which can have a file attached to it.
Alternatively you can create a custom HTML web resource handling the upload for you. This requires common HTML/Javascript techniques, as discussed elsewhere on StackOverflow.

From my experience, doing what Henk van Boeijen mentioned (custom HTML/Js) will be more appealing in terms of UI.
You just need to enable notes, and after that, use REST endpoint. Example is here:


Passing pdf form field to node.js/ electron app

Im developing an node.js/ electron app, that would take a pdf file, read filled form fields, and then save values as variables. Is that possible? I know that in Acrobat java script there is
Is there a possibility to import a pdf document to my app, and then read it's fields?
Perhaps pdfform.js will be helpful here?
The documentation says:
list_fields function which allows you to list all available fields and their types.
Perhaps it will also list the already-filled-in values? I have not used the library.

How can I send email with PDF file on my Wix website

I want to send the email with PDF file. But the PDF file should automatically generate with the user input value.
I have tried to solve that problem. But I couldn't find customize email field section. For the more, there isn't a feature to send the email with PDF file.
I have tried to inject my own JavaScript and PHP code. But I can't handle my website code. I could see just HTML Dom. And I could add my own HTML and CSS code. In another way, I try to built my own Wix plugin. But I couldn't find a way to built my own plugin.
How can I solve this problem? I want to know is it possible or impossible.
Corvid ( allows you to add javascript to your Wix Site and add custom functionalities. If you want to generate dynamic PDF files based on your site user's input I suggest you use a PDF Generator API, an example of how to implement this can be found here:

Populating PDF with Cocoa - Use NSTextField contents to populate a PDF text field?

I have a simple macOS app programmed in cocoa with several NSTextFields that I would like to use as a means to gather some information such as name and telephone number from a customer. I would like to send that data to a blank PDF form, that I have created separately at a drive location, on execution of a button action.
The PDF form has known text field names, but how do I pass the data from the macOS app to the corresponding PDF text fields?
I haven't seen an easy way to do this with just the built in cocoa classes. PDFKit has PDFDocument, PDFPage and so on, but it's not clear you can modify the document via PDFKit. There's a commercial SDK PSPDFKit that can do what you want, but I think the reason they exist is because it's not easy to do with Cocoa itself.
One way without buying a third party SDK is to describe your form templates in XML (or something) and then create the view using native AppKit controls and then save it as a PDF. See the Quartz and PDFKit Programming Guide in particular.
Note that you don't have to display the full template - the user can edit in a simplified window and then you can build the full view from your template description (XML say) offscreen view and then use [NSView dataWithPDF(inside:)][3] to get the NSDat

File upload form in HTML site with saving on Google drive or Dropbox

I have built a contact form (using Google Forms to save results in Google Sheets) for my company website. But I also need to add a file upload function to this form. Google Forms only allows image attachments. I need images, pdf, rar, etc.
I have found a JS script for file upload, but the form works only directly on the link, and I can't use this form on my site. Also, creating many folders doesn't work entirely, but seems to depend on the inserted name.
How can I build some form to allow uploading files for anyone on my cloud account and integrate it in the contact form on Company site?
P.S. I can't use PHP scripts on Company site, only raw HTML files.
My suggestion would be to use Jotform and use the Dropbox or Google Drive plugin in Jotform.
With that you don't have to worry about securing your form and checking the integrity of the uploaded files.
Also: Jotform has no php.
Here is the link: Jotform Dropbox plugin

Save email to outlook folder using ActiveXObject or Office Javascript API?

In outlook, there is a feature “Home page address” of folder through which we can view web site within the outlook. If we set in the Home page address of a folder, then when we click this folder in the outlook, it will display that page.
I have a very specific requirement for enabling end user to browse a web site (in my case, it basically lists some archived emails) within from the Outlook. This can be easily done by setting the “Home page address” in the properties windows of any Folder of Outlook.
The user will see the page within outlook. He can search the old archived emails in the page. Then, the users should be able to download that email and save it to a folder in outlook. End users are basically searching the emails within outlook and downloading them from the server directly to their outlook folder. When user click the download\save link or button, then the outlook’s “Select Folder” dialog should appear where user can select the destination folder. When user click “OK” button, that email should be save to the selected folder in the outlook.
Currently, I have very few solutions but not sure if they can achieve the goal.
Solution 1: ActiveXObject
I tried to use Outlook ActiveXObject in javascript (used the following code in my test page) but I got the following Script error Popup message.
“Automation server cannot create the object”.
Javascript code:
var objO = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
Solution 2: Javascript API for Office
I have started to read the MSDN documentation but have not got any sample code.
Could someone please sheds some light on it? Or what would be the best solution for this? Or any alternative solution.
Only one instance of Outlook can be run at the same time. Try to use the GetObject function instead to get the running Outlook instance instead. See How to programmatically create an Outlook home folder page in the Outlook Today style for more information. However, home page scripting is limited and secured to prevent malicious software. I'd suggest developing an add-in which can add a custom form instead.
The second solution listed above is for Mail Apps. See How to: Create your first mail app for Outlook by using Visual Studio for more information.
When your script runs inside a folder home page, window.external.OutlookApplication will point to an instance off the Outlook.Application object - your should be able to use it without creating a new object.

