Make Javascript wait for an HTML element to exist [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
How can I be notified when an element is added to the page?
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am trying to make a bot that sends virtual currency over to another user. I have the bot search through a database for users. Before searching, the inner html of a division has no elements at all. After searching, it is then filled with several user links.
Because it takes a short while for results to appear, I need Javascript to wait for at least one anchor tag to exist. How can I do this?

There are many, many better ways to do this, all of which stem from actually checking when the AJAX data populates the element itself, but the following will work:
var t = setInterval(function () {
if ($("element").children().length > 0) {
// do stuff
}, 50);

Using setTimeout() to delay the code a few seconds is risky, since on older browser/machines it may take longer than expected.
Use promise() instead, You can find documentation .

Using onload event, You can use onload with tag a.

I'm guessing this is an AJAX call.
You could use AJAX callback to check if you got any results from the server.
Something like this:
var tags_available = false;
... the ajax stuff;
}).done(function(data){ // The callback
if(data || $('#tags_element').lenght != 0){
tags_available = true;
tags_available = false;
console.log("Tags available")

If I've understood you correctly you need to check if dom element have been updated/populated with new elements. There are a few ways you can achieve that:
1.) Using window.setTimeout function
function checkForChanges() {
var observeThis = document.getElementById('observethis');
if (observeThis.hasChildNodes()) {
/*this is gonna execute only once */
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 25);
/* this part is only relevant for demonstration.
It shows what happens when dom element gets new child */
(function() {
var observeThis = document.getElementById('observethis');
var button = document.getElementById('button-append');
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
var anchorElement = document.createElement('a');
anchorElement.href = ""; = "_blank";
anchorElement.innerHTML = "Link";
}, false);
<div id="observethis"></div>
<button id="button-append">append anchor</button>
2.) MutationObserver class
this is modern approach (I would also say recommended one).
function checkForChanges() {
var observeThis = document.getElementById('observethis');
// create an observer instance
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
alert("insert your own code");
var config = {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
characterData: true
observer.observe(observeThis, config);
//use observer.disconnect to end observations
/* this part is only relevant for demonstration.
It shows what happens when dom element gets new child */
(function() {
var observeThis = document.getElementById('observethis');
var button = document.getElementById('button-append');
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
var anchorElement = document.createElement('a');
anchorElement.href = ""; = "_blank";
anchorElement.innerHTML = "Link";
}, false);
<div id="observethis"></div>
<button id="button-append">Append Child</button>
Read more about MutationObserver here
3.) If you are just waiting to get a response from ajax callback and don't actually need to observe changes in dom then just use XMLHttpRequest. Or even better. Use new javascript fetch API (you are gonna need polyfill to ensure it works in most browsers)


Waiting for multiple iFrames to load before executing function

Forgive my naivety, this probably is quite obvious, I just can't see it now.
Please tell me what is wrong with the following code:
The idea is to wait until both iframes have fully loaded, then alert "loaded" - of course this is a simplified example for the sake of stack.
The script sits in script tags at the end of the body of the html doc.
#Quertiy answer is perfectly fine, but not very jQuery-ish. It is hard-coded for 2 iframes only.
The beauty of jQuery is that you can make it work for the most number of people, with as little friction as possible.
I've advised a very simplistic plugin that does nearly what is present on that answer, but in a more open way. It not only works on iframes, but also on images, audio, video and whatever has a onload event!
Without further due, here's the code:
$.fn.extend({allLoaded: function(fn){
if(!(fn instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError('fn must be a function');
var $elems = this;
var waiting = this.length;
var handler = function(){
setTimeout(fn.bind(window), 4);
return $'load.allLoaded', handler);
It works by adding a load handler to every element in that selection. Since it is a plugin, you can use in whatever way you decide to use it.
Here's an example, that loads 30 random images:
//plugin code
$.fn.extend({allLoaded: function(fn){
if(!(fn instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError('fn must be a function');
var $elems = this;
var waiting = this.length;
var handler = function(){
setTimeout(fn.bind(window), 4);
return $'load.allLoaded', handler);
//generates the code for the 30 images
for(var i = 0, html = ''; i < 30; i++)
html += '<img data-src="' + Math.random() + '">';
//stuffs the code into the body
//we select all images now
//runs when done
alert('loaded all')
//the image URL is on a `data` attribute, to delay the loading
this.src = this.getAttribute('data-src')
<script src=""></script>
<div id="imgs"></div>
Your problem, as said before many times, is that you have a load event attached to your iframe. That event is fired everytime the content change.
After that, you set a new event on #iframe2. When it's content changes, it will fire events left and right, above and beyound what you wish!
The best aproach is to keep track of which ones you loaded or not. After all have been loaded, you simply run the function.
The problem is that you're waiting until #iframe1 loads before you attach a handler for #iframe2 loading. So if #iframe2 loads first, you'll never get your callback.
Instead, watch the load event on both of them and track which ones you've seen:
var seen1 = false,
seen2 = false;
$('#iframe1, #iframe2').load(function(){
if ( == "iframe1") {
seen1 = true;
} else {
seen2 = true;
if (seen1 && seen2) {
Why do you expect 2nd iframe to load after the first one?
~function () {
var loaded = 0;
$('#iframe1, #iframe2').load(function (){
if (++loaded === 2) {

'load' event not firing when iframe is loaded in Chrome

I am trying to display a 'mask' on my client while a file is dynamically generated server side. Seems like the recommend work around for this (since its not ajax) is to use an iframe and listen from the onload or done event to determine when the file has actually shipped to the client from the server.
here is my angular code:
var url = // url to my api
var e = angular.element("<iframe style='display:none' src=" + url + "></iframe>");
e.load(function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.exporting = false; // this will remove the mask/spinner
This works great in Firefox but no luck in Chrome. I have also tried to use the onload function:
e.onload = function() { //unmask here }
But I did not have any luck there either.
Unfortunately it is not possible to use an iframe's onload event in Chrome if the content is an attachment. This answer may provide you with an idea of how you can work around it.
I hate this, but I couldn't find any other way than checking whether it is still loading or not except by checking at intervals.
var timer = setInterval(function () {
iframe = document.getElementById('iframedownload');
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
// Check if loading is complete
if (iframeDoc.readyState == 'complete' || iframeDoc.readyState == 'interactive') {
}, 4000);
You can do it in another way:
In the main document:
function iframeLoaded() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.exporting = false; // this will remove the mask/spinner
var url = // url to my api
var e = angular.element("<iframe style='display:none' src=" + url + "></iframe>");
In the iframe document (this is, inside the html of the page referenced by url)
window.onload = function() {
This will work if the main page, and the page inside the iframe are in the same domain.
Actually, you can access the parent through:
//and, if the parent is the top-level document, and not inside another frame
It's safer to use window.parent since the variables parent and top could be overwritten (usually not intended).
you have to consider 2 points:
1- first of all, if your url has different domain name, it is not possible to do this except when you have access to the other domain to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header, to fix this go to this link.
2- but if it has the same domain or you have added Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to the headers of your domain, you can do what you want like this:
var url = // url to my api
var e = angular.element("<iframe style='display:none' src=" + url + "></iframe>");
e[0].contentWindow.onload = function() {
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.exporting = false; // this will remove the mask/spinner
I have done this in all kinds of browsers.
I had problems with the iframe taking too long to load. The iframe registered as loaded while the request wasn't handled. I came up with the following solution:
function iframeReloaded(iframe, callback) {
let state = iframe.contentDocument.readyState;
let checkLoad = setInterval(() => {
if (state !== iframe.contentDocument.readyState) {
if (iframe.contentDocument.readyState === 'complete') {
state = iframe.contentDocument.readyState;
}, 200)
iframeReloaded(iframe[0], function () {
$.fn.iframeReloaded = function (callback) {
if (!'iframe')) {
throw new Error('The element is not an iFrame, please provide the correct element');
let iframe = this[0];
let state = iframe.contentDocument.readyState;
let checkLoad = setInterval(() => {
if (state !== iframe.contentDocument.readyState) {
if (iframe.contentDocument.readyState === 'complete') {
state = iframe.contentDocument.readyState;
}, 200)
iframe.iframeReloaded(function () {
I've just noticed that Chrome is not always firing the load event for the main page so this could have an effect on iframes too as they are basically treated the same way.
Use Dev Tools or the Performance api to check if the load event is being fired at all.
I just checked and if you open the console and enter window.performance.timing you'll find the entries for domComplete, loadEventStart and loadEventEnd are 0 - at least at this current time:)
Looks like there is a problem with Chrome here - I've checked it on 2 PCs using the latest version 31.0.1650.63.
Update: checked ee again and load event fired but not on subsequent reloads so this is intermittent and may possibly be related to loading errors on their site. But the load event should fire whatever.
This problem has occurred on 5 or 6 sites for me now in the last day since I noticed my own site monitoring occasionally failed. Only just pinpointed the cause to this. I need some beauty sleep then I'll investigate further when I'm more awake.

Javascript window.print() issue on newly appended HTML

The problem is that the new content will not print (a few more elements).
When the user clicks my print link then I add more html to the document before window.print() is called.
I use ajax to fetch more chapters for a book before printing.
Print initialized:
var afterPrint = function () {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
afterContentPrint(); // Cleanup html (restore to initial state)
}, 900);
//window.onbeforeprint = beforePrint;
window.onafterprint = afterPrint;
Event print click:
$("#print-test").click(function (e) {
beforeContentPrint(); // ajax call for additional content, finishing by calling window.print()
In function beforeContentPrint():
var jqxhr = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: bookURL,
success: function(data) {
$(article).each(function () {
complete: function() {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
}, 900);
The new content is visibly added to the HTML document, so it should work. But only the initial content (before ajax call) is picked up for print.
This solution is for IE and Firefox (onbeforeprint and onafterprint).
Using window.matchMedia('print') seems to work fine in Chrome with this logic.
I don't know why this is happening but there is a working around in mozilla docs; printing a hidden iframe, then you open more chapters of the book with no need to shows up.
Here the link
Here the code:
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>MDN Example</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function closePrint () {
function setPrint () {
this.contentWindow.__container__ = this;
this.contentWindow.onbeforeunload = closePrint;
this.contentWindow.onafterprint = closePrint;
function printPage (sURL) {
var oHiddFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
oHiddFrame.onload = setPrint; = "hidden"; = "fixed"; = "0"; = "0";
oHiddFrame.src = sURL;
<p><span onclick="printPage('externalPage.html');" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline;color:#0000ff;">Print external page!</span></p>
1st Attempt : try putting asyn:false in the ajax request of beforeContentPrint, so that the elements will be added first then the print will be called.
var jqxhr = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: bookURL,
success: function(data) {
$(article).each(function () {
complete: function() {
var timer = setInterval(function () {
}, 900);
2ndAttempt: Take a look Here how to force execution of one function after another.
Hope this helps.
As the elements added aren't shown it can be a little hard to pinpoint the exact problem, but adding elements via appending/inserting into document doesn't always work that well for all browsers and in worst case you will need to add those elements manually by code (document.createElement(), appendChild() etc.).
In an attempt to create a work-around you can try to use MutationObservers to track changes for your article element which can hopefully help you trigger print when DOM is updated properly. The support is fairly good in new browsers (you may have to use prefix in some, f.ex. WebKitMutationObserver) and for older browsers you can provide a fallback - which of course then only get you so far.
This will monitor a target element for changes and fire a callback.
Generic example based on this article:
var article = document.querySelector('#articleID'),
doPrint = false, // must be available in global/parent scope
useFallback = (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined');
if (!useFallback) {
o = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
// you can do additional filtering here
// using the mutation object (.name, .type, ...)
if (doPrint) {
doPrint = false;
var cfg = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true };
o.observe(article, cfg);
Now that the observer is running you can do this modification in your success callback:
var timer; // keep track of setTimeout so we can cancel it
success: function(data) {
$(article).each(function () {
// after last element is added, add a "dummy" element
doPrint = true;
if (useFallback) {
// fallback to setTimeout or other solution
else {
parent.append('<br />');
I made an online demo here which sets up the observer and adds some elements. Open console to see actions. The demo is probably too limited data-wise to simulate your situation but can be useful to see the process.
The mechanism used here for triggering print dialog itself can be discussed if is the best - I just provide one for sake of example.
But you can see the observer is triggered when something is added to article. This way you know the DOM has been updated and it should be available for printing. Only the last element added need to trigger the print, hence the doPrint flag.
If you still have no success you will need to consider adding the elements manually the code way or perhaps predefine some elements that you inject when needed (as said, without knowing the full scenario here it has to be with the guess).
It looks like the setInterval, clearInterval is what is messing you up. Change to a setTimeout and get rid of the clearInterval in your afterprint function. I made a fiddle that works in FF and IE9. Fiddle
complete: function() {
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 900);

How to smooth a jQuery script that takes time to execute?

I have a jQuery script that searches in the DOM and shows the results in a list.
There is a simplified version of the script here:
There is usually a large number of results, so the script can take a while to execute. (In the example above, this is simulated with a function that delays the script). So if you type too fast in the searchbox, the script prevents you from typing, and it feels bad.
How could I change my script so that you can type freely, and the results show up when they are ready. I want something like the facebook search : if you type too fast, the results are just delayed, but you can still type.
<p>Type in foo, bar or baz for searching. It works, but it is quite slow.</p><br/>
<input type="text" id="search"/>
<div id="container" style="display:none">
<div class="element">foo</div>
<div class="element">bar</div>
<div class="element">baz</div>
<div id="results">
$(function() {
function refreshResults() {
var search = $('#search').val();
var $filtered = $('#container .element').clone().filter(function() {
var info = $(this).text();
return info.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) >= 0;
$filtered.each(function() {
// simulating script delay
function pausecomp(millis) {
var date = new Date();
var curDate = null;
do {
curDate = new Date();
while (curDate - date < millis);
$('#search').keyup(function() {
One solution could to refresh the results only when pressing enter. This way, the delay for searching the results feels ok. But I would prefer if I just delay the results and let the user freely type.
You should perform a search like this using asynchronous techniques. No doubt Facebook uses some sort of AJAX to request search results - which means getting the results from the server. This will help prevent the UI 'freeze' that you are currently experiencing.
Here is a very simple example of what you can try (it uses JQuery for the AJAX requests):
var searchInProgress = false;//used to work out if a search is in progress
var searchInQueue = false;//used to flag if the input data has changed
function getSearchResults(searchText){
if (searchInProgress ) {
searchInQueue = true;
searchInProgress = true;
searchInQueue = false;
$.getJSON("URL",//URL to handle AJAX query
{ searchText: searchText},//URL parameters can go here
function (data) {
//handle your returned data here
searchInProgress = false;
if (searchInQueue){//text has changed, so search again
$('#search').keyup(function() {
A few things to note: It is probably a good idea to handle failed AJAX requests to ensure you can reset the searchInProgress flag as needed. Also, you can add delays after the keyup as desired, but this all depends on how you want it too work.
From How to delay KeyPress function when user is typing, so it doesn't fire a request for each keystroke? :
var timeoutId = 0;
$('#search').keyup(function () {
clearTimeout(timeoutId); // doesn't matter if it's 0
timeoutId = setTimeout(refreshResults, 100);
It does what I want indeed.
Here's a solution that divides the search process into steps, returning flow to the browser during the process to allow the UI to respond.
$(function() {
function searchFunc($element,search) {
var info = $element.text();
return info.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) >= 0;
var searchProcessor = null;
function restartSearch() {
// Clear previous
if (searchProcessor != null) {
// Values for the processor
var search = $('#search').val();
var elements = $('#container .element').get();
// Start processing
searchProcessor = setInterval(function() {
if (elements.length == 0) {
// Finished searching all elements
searchProcessor = null;
} else {
console.log('Checking element...');
var $checkElement = $(elements.shift());
if (searchFunc($checkElement, search)) {
}, 10);
$('#search').keyup(function() {
It only processes one element each time. That should probably be increased so it handles perhaps 10 or 100 each time around, but the important point is that the work is divided into chunks.
This solution should also be faster than the original because it doesn't clone() everything, only the elements that were matched.

GetElementById of ASP.NET Control keeps returning 'null'

I'm desperate having spent well over an hour trying to troubleshoot this. I am trying to access a node in the DOM which is created from an ASP.NET control. I'm using exactly the same id and I can see that they match up when looking at the HTML source code after the page has rendered. Here's my [MODIFIED according to suggestions, but still not working] code:
ASP.NET Header
<asp:Content ID="HeaderContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent">
<script type="text/javascript">
var el = document.getElementById('<%= txtBox.ClientID %>');
el.onchange = alert('test!!');
<asp:TextBox ID="txtBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
Resulting Javascript & HTML from above
<script type="text/javascript">
var el = document.getElementById('MainContent_txtBox');
el.onchange = alert('test!!');
<textarea name="ctl00$MainContent$txtBox" id="MainContent_txtBox"></textarea>
I can only assume that the script is loading before the control id has been resolved, yet when I look at the timeline with Chrome's "Inspect Element" feature, it appears that is not the case. When I created a regular textarea box to test and implement the identical code (different id of course), the alert box fires.
What on earth am I missing here? This is driving me crazy >.<
EDIT: Wierd code that works, but only on the initial page load; firing onload rather than onchange. Even jQuery says that .ready doesn't work properly apparently. Ugh!!
$(document).ready(function() {
document.getElementById('<%= txtBox.ClientID %>').onchange = alert('WORKING!');
Assuming the rendered markup does appear in that order, the problem is that the element doesn't yet exist at the time your JavaScript is attempting to locate it.
Either move that JS below the element (preferably right at the end of the body) or wrap it in something like jQuery's document ready event handler.
In response to your edits, you're almost there but (as others have mentioned) you need to assign a function to the onchange event, not the return result of alert(). Something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Might as well use jQuery to attach the event since you're already using
// it for the document ready event.
$('#<%= txtBox.ClientID %>').change(function() {
By writing onchange = alert('Working');, you were asking JavaScript to assign the result of the alert() method to the onchange property. That's why it was executing it immediately on page load, but never actually in response to the onchange event (because you hadn't assigned that a function to run onchange).
Pick up jQuery.
Then you can
var el = document.getElementById('<%= txtBox.ClientID %>');
el.onclick() { alert('test!!'); }
Other answers have pointed out the error (attempting to access DOM nodes before they are in the document), I'll just point out alternative solutions.
Simple method
Add the script element in the HTML below the closing tag of the element you wish to access. In its easiest form, put it just before the closing body tag. This strategy can also make the page appear faster as the browser doesn't pause loading HTML for script. Overall load time is the same however, scripts still have to be loaded an executed, it's just that this order makes it seem faseter to the user.
Use window.onload or <body onload="..." ...>
This method is supported by every browser, but it fires after all content is loaded so the page may appear inactive for a short time (or perhaps a long time if loading is dealyed). It is very robust though.
Use a DOM ready function
Others have suggested jQuery, but you may not want 4,000 lines and 90kb of code just for a DOM ready function. jQuery's is quite convoluted so hard to remove from the library. David Mark's MyLibrary however is very modular and quite easy to extract just the bits you want. The code quality is also excellent, at least the equal of any other library.
Here is an example of a DOM ready function extracted from MyLibrary:
var API = API || {};
(function(global) {
var doc = (typeof global.document == 'object')? global.document : null;
var attachDocumentReadyListener, bReady, documentReady,
documentReadyListener, readyListeners = [];
var canAddDocumentReadyListener, canAddWindowLoadListener,
if (doc) {
canAddDocumentReadyListener = !!doc.addEventListener;
canAddWindowLoadListener = !!global.addEventListener;
canAttachWindowLoadListener = !!global.attachEvent;
bReady = false;
documentReady = function() { return bReady; };
documentReadyListener = function(e) {
if (!bReady) {
bReady = true;
var i = readyListeners.length;
var m = i - 1;
// NOTE: e may be undefined (not always called by event handler)
while (i--) { readyListeners[m - i](e); }
attachDocumentReadyListener = function(fn, docNode) {
docNode = docNode || global.document;
if (docNode == global.document) {
if (!readyListeners.length) {
if (canAddDocumentReadyListener) {
documentReadyListener, false);
if (canAddWindowLoadListener) {
global.addEventListener('load', documentReadyListener, false);
else if (canAttachWindowLoadListener) {
global.attachEvent('onload', documentReadyListener);
} else {
var oldOnLoad = global.onload;
global.onload = function(e) {
if (oldOnLoad) {
readyListeners[readyListeners.length] = fn;
return true;
// NOTE: no special handling for other documents
// It might be useful to add additional queues for frames/objects
else {
if (canAddDocumentReadyListener) {
docNode.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn, false);
return true;
return false;
API.documentReady = documentReady;
API.documentReadyListener = documentReadyListener;
API.attachDocumentReadyListener = attachDocumentReadyListener;
Using it for your case:
function someFn() {
var el = document.getElementById('MainContent_txtBox');
el.onclick = function() { alert('test!!');
or an anonymous function can be supplied:
var el = document.getElementById('MainContent_txtBox');
el.onclick = function() { alert('test!!');
Very simple DOM ready functions can be done in 10 lines of code if you just want one for a specific case, but of course they are less robust and not as reusable.

