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Closed 6 years ago.
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i would like to make a really simple cli based ui in node.js.
process1: on hold
process2: 1m 23sec
process3: 5m 13sec
process4: on hold
I want these lines are fixed, console log is ugly.
Is there any solution to do this without heavy 3rd party libraries? My current script is 30 lines long, with logs. I don`t want to make it much more heavier.
something like:
console.write('text', [line number]);
There are lots of modules if you search on for things like ansi.
Here is one way to do it.
import clc from 'cli-color';
process.stdout.write('status: ok');
// .. other stuff happens for awhile
process.stdout.write('status: issue');
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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have a large JSON file, about 100 MB in a folder. I'd like to manually inspect some attributes, and then add more attributes to some of the objects and finally save changes and get output a modified json file.
Can someone suggest me how to do that?
I wanted to try with vue.js framework but I'm not very expert. If you know a video tutorial about this, please let me know.
Is using vanilla JavaScript the right choice or not?
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Simply I want to see console.log() values in under of that line as a comment line .
like this:
var five=5
console.log(`The number is ${five}`)
//The number is 5
I saw this method in a video tutorial .But I did not care so much about that thing or extension .Now looking console.log() values in browser is so annoying and taking my time.
is anyone know how can I do this?
I dont get your question but to debug I use an extension in VS code and I can see the values of variables: VS Code - Debugger for Chrome
Here you are guys .This extension does exactly what I wanted Quokka.js
And found one more great extension called Wallaby
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I got a code from web, but this code do not run, I need some HTML code to make it RUN in my browser, someone can help ?
The original code I take from this website (github repository)
Github code repository
To use WebGL you should run a web server. It will take you about 30 seconds.
Here's 4-5 options
Never disable security in your browser
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I look for the best way to hide the code of a solution built with Electron.
Any ideas?
To build the solution with Electron having asar files is not enough. I really need to hide the code so it should not be easy to retrieve.
There are some possibilities. Take a look at It produces a Java' compiled output content (.jar). Then, you can use a jar module for Node.JS in order to access the internal content (like
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been working on a project (you should probably see the link to better understand what I am talking about). To make things better, I decided to make a like system.
Each posts contain a like button and a number next to it that indicates how many people liked the post.
Like (4)
The current one in my project is just plain text with an empty link, and the number is a dummy.
Like (4)
Is it possible to actually make the like button actually work? What would I need to use?
I think you need php/SQL to keep track of the votes made. So you need to learn php and SQL or rely on an extension someone else made. If you happen to use one of the more popular CMS's (Joomla/Wordpress) you can probably get it without ever having to worry about the coding.